The Beginning of the End For the Contemporary Left

Since two or three conservative American political parties have already died it would be nice for conservatives to see the liberal party die too, but the Democrats just keep rolling along.
Democrats aren’t liberal.

That is why they will die.

After the baby boomers die there will be no one who actually understands the “liberal” agenda. The David Pakman’s of the world will be irrelevant because he is an idiot who can’t even tell you what the first 10 amendments are, much less what the Soros of the world were thinking.

All of the usual tactics by the Democrats will just be seen as more racism and sexism as the most racist and uneducated members of La Raza and BLM assume full control of the party.

There is hoards and hoards of people who understand the agenda... in the 3rd world.

Their plan is to import them here.
They really don’t.

Their agenda clashes with the original one.

All of those hoards will fight for power while we are getting stronger and stronger group cohesion across the country and across the west.

The only thing standing in our way are the Antifa inbreds who can easily be eliminated without the functioning system of oppression that we have today.

Without the ability to threaten to kill and maim white people and men on the biggest social media site in the world, what is left of the contemporary left?

What will the contemporary anti-white left do when white people are no longer acceptable targets in the real world?

How many political parties will dissolve over night once this becomes mainstream thinking?

What will happen to Europe’s and Canada’s anti-indigenous/anti-white zeitgeist of “positive discrimination” that has consumed both the left and the mainstream right?

As I said many times before, progressivism and the reaffirming of white people’s humanity will destroy the Democrats, not the Republicans.

Republicans are by far the most progressive party in America and the west as a whole.

Cut the Drinking I saY...America are now slipping from the hen shed,and the Boasting Cockerel is on the wane,no one really believes America has the ticker to regain their past....Just hand the baton on to China,you are past your use by date.FULL STOP

Republicans Progressive !!!!!!!!! They couldn't organize a PISS UP IN A BREWERY....You are completely DELUDED

I am not talking about saving America or the Republican Party, I am talking about the destruction of the culture that killed the west.

Once that culture is dead, we can simply build a new western world over the rubble of the old one.

China(and all of East Asia) will be absolutely destroyed if it officially becomes the target of multiculturalism and colonial guilt.

Asians don’t even possess the ability to defend themselves once the cancer slips through.

I don't think Western Culture will die,because it is so ingrained and made up of so many parts of other cultures,Americans and Australians are a prime example of this,made up of people from many lands and cultures actually define us,as what we are......moreover the cultures we have taken are in part only an essence of the original culture,for over the past two hundred years or so,Now an Americanized version of the original...the countries people have come from have moved in a different direction,be the Russian,Irish,English,Jewish,Arabic.Persian and various Asian cultures etc,.

OUR Cultures will take thousands of years to change,people talk of being over run by ISIS types or Islamists or Chinese...but this will not change a FIG,just sayin but economically things will change......Muliculturalism sic has in fact Saved and Improved countries like the US and Australia,think about it Ptbw,it is not a question of going to happen...It is already a part of us...steve

You have no idea what you are talking about.

America has absolutely no culture at all, just like Canada.
Australia still has some culture because it is still primarily British people there.

Multiculturalism is nothing but a blender that destroys everything put into it.

The Melting Pot Has Had a Meltdown

Diversity is perversity. Integration leads to disintegration.
I am not talking about saving America or the Republican Party, I am talking about the destruction of the culture that killed the west.

Neither Regressives nor their influence are going away anytime soon.
The cohesive regressive agenda is entirely tied to the 60s and the baby boomers.

Without the baby boomers there is no real structure to the regressive agenda.

By the time the baby boomers are out of commission our influence will be more than enough to stamp out the losers that remain.

Without the ability to threaten to kill and maim white people and men on the biggest social media site in the world, what is left of the contemporary left?

What will the contemporary anti-white left do when white people are no longer acceptable targets in the real world?

How many political parties will dissolve over night once this becomes mainstream thinking?

What will happen to Europe’s and Canada’s anti-indigenous/anti-white zeitgeist of “positive discrimination” that has consumed both the left and the mainstream right?

As I said many times before, progressivism and the reaffirming of white people’s humanity will destroy the Democrats, not the Republicans.

Republicans are by far the most progressive party in America and the west as a whole.

Cut the Drinking I saY...America are now slipping from the hen shed,and the Boasting Cockerel is on the wane,no one really believes America has the ticker to regain their past....Just hand the baton on to China,you are past your use by date.FULL STOP

Republicans Progressive !!!!!!!!! They couldn't organize a PISS UP IN A BREWERY....You are completely DELUDED

I am not talking about saving America or the Republican Party, I am talking about the destruction of the culture that killed the west.

Once that culture is dead, we can simply build a new western world over the rubble of the old one.

China(and all of East Asia) will be absolutely destroyed if it officially becomes the target of multiculturalism and colonial guilt.

Asians don’t even possess the ability to defend themselves once the cancer slips through.

I don't think Western Culture will die,because it is so ingrained and made up of so many parts of other cultures,Americans and Australians are a prime example of this,made up of people from many lands and cultures actually define us,as what we are......moreover the cultures we have taken are in part only an essence of the original culture,for over the past two hundred years or so,Now an Americanized version of the original...the countries people have come from have moved in a different direction,be the Russian,Irish,English,Jewish,Arabic.Persian and various Asian cultures etc,.

OUR Cultures will take thousands of years to change,people talk of being over run by ISIS types or Islamists or Chinese...but this will not change a FIG,just sayin but economically things will change......Muliculturalism sic has in fact Saved and Improved countries like the US and Australia,think about it Ptbw,it is not a question of going to happen...It is already a part of us...steve

You have no idea what you are talking about.

America has absolutely no culture at all, just like Canada.
Australia still has some culture because it is still primarily British people there.

Multiculturalism is nothing but a blender that destroys everything put into it.

The Melting Pot Has Had a Meltdown

Diversity is perversity. Integration leads to disintegration.

What a load of Poppycock....What you are touting is that America is PERVERSE and DISINTEGRATING,if I read you right...being you are the most Diverse and Integrated Nation on Earth.

So what Culture do you and the fool Ptbw espouse????White European Conservatism????You have a Culture and a Massive one,for Ptbw to say you have NO CULTURE is one of the most BANAL STATEMENTS to come out of an Americans mouth and you ain't far behind.

So go on...deny your past immigrants from wherever...You are really denying your past and future...anyhow child of Migrants where are you and Ptbw decended from,for you to say such complete and utter nonsense.It is you's that is having a Meltdown

You are living in the past or what Planet have you recently arrived from????

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I am not talking about saving America or the Republican Party, I am talking about the destruction of the culture that killed the west.

Neither Regressives nor their influence are going away anytime soon.
The cohesive regressive agenda is entirely tied to the 60s and the baby boomers.

Without the baby boomers there is no real structure to the regressive agenda.

By the time the baby boomers are out of commission our influence will be more than enough to stamp out the losers that remain.
Well that post made a lot of sense...NOT

LOL are you on Medication of some sort

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