The Belief That Life Was the Result of an Accident Is Unscientific

Where in science does it say chaos naturally evolves into order?
A crystal or crystalline solid is a solid material whose constituents (such as atoms, molecules, or ions) are arranged in a highly ordered microscopic structure, forming a crystal lattice that extends in all directions.[1][2] In addition, macroscopic single crystals are usually identifiable by their geometrical shape, consisting of flat faces with specific, characteristic orientations. The scientific study of crystals and crystal formation is known as crystallography. The process of crystal formation via mechanisms of crystal growth is called crystallization or solidification.

Let me know if you want others.
Already posted the periodic table. We all know atoms bond and we know how they bond and what they form.

Carbon being compressed into an aligned matrix is not order.
Where in science does it say chaos naturally evolves into order?
Evolutionary Biology.
Nope. It does not.
Yes, it absolutely does. Evolutionary biology states that the fittest gene characteristics survive - so naturally, organisms become more adaptable to their environments which is what Id describe as "order," unless you mean something else.
No, your talking about life. And we are discussing why there is life. You have to start with your cosmic explosion and dirt.
My cosmic explosion and dirt?

I dont have a cosmic explosion.

Dirt has nutrients.

Youre going to have to be more specific.
You’re not a Big Bang guy?
Where in science does it say chaos naturally evolves into order?
A crystal or crystalline solid is a solid material whose constituents (such as atoms, molecules, or ions) are arranged in a highly ordered microscopic structure, forming a crystal lattice that extends in all directions.[1][2] In addition, macroscopic single crystals are usually identifiable by their geometrical shape, consisting of flat faces with specific, characteristic orientations. The scientific study of crystals and crystal formation is known as crystallography. The process of crystal formation via mechanisms of crystal growth is called crystallization or solidification.

Let me know if you want others.
Already posted the periodic table. We all know atoms bond and we know how they bond and what they form.

Carbon being compressed into an aligned matrix is not order.
What is order, and what is chaos....
Evolutionary Biology.
Nope. It does not.
Yes, it absolutely does. Evolutionary biology states that the fittest gene characteristics survive - so naturally, organisms become more adaptable to their environments which is what Id describe as "order," unless you mean something else.
No, your talking about life. And we are discussing why there is life. You have to start with your cosmic explosion and dirt.
My cosmic explosion and dirt?

I dont have a cosmic explosion.

Dirt has nutrients.

Youre going to have to be more specific.
You’re not a Big Bang guy?
Big bang might be the origin of this iteration of this universe...

its doesnt speak to existence overall, and doesnt even claim to....
Atoms that bond with each other to form the elements in the periodic table.
Proof that you know nothing about atoms, molecules, elements or the periodic table.
It is also proof that you are too stupid to know just how stupid that statement is!

March 01, 2012

RUSH: To put it bluntly, dumb people are too dumb to know it." It's a blessing! You know, the worst thing would be to be dumb and to know it -- and there's evidence all over that the dumb do not know they're dumb.
Already posted the periodic table. We all know atoms bond and we know how they bond and what they form.

Carbon being compressed into an aligned matrix is not order.
That is where you are wrong. Atoms arranged in an matrix is the definition of order.

More to the point, the carbon aligned themselves into a matrix. They didn't want to, choose to, or knew how to, they just did because the conditions were right.
Atoms that bond with each other to form the elements in the periodic table.
Proof that you know nothing about atoms, molecules, elements or the periodic table.
It is also proof that you are too stupid to know just how stupid that statement is!

March 01, 2012

RUSH: To put it bluntly, dumb people are too dumb to know it." It's a blessing! You know, the worst thing would be to be dumb and to know it -- and there's evidence all over that the dumb do not know they're dumb.
Calling everyone you disagree with stupid while ignoring the OP.
Can’t get anymore unscientific than that.
Survival of the fittest? How do you kill an atom?
Split the nucleus.
Lol, it is like saying that you can kill a rock by splitting it.
Leftards are some of the stupidest people on the entire fucking planet.
Again we have someone too stupid to know just how stupid they are!!!
Once U235 is split, it is no longer an atom of U235.

Already posted the periodic table. We all know atoms bond and we know how they bond and what they form.

Carbon being compressed into an aligned matrix is not order.
That is where you are wrong. Atoms arranged in an matrix is the definition of order.

More to the point, the carbon aligned themselves into a matrix. They didn't want to, choose to, or knew how to, they just did because the conditions were right.
If you want to call an oxygen atom bonding to 2 hydrogen atoms order, we are talking at two kinds of things.

Do you worry that all the oxygen will move to a corner of the room you are in?

I want to know why a water molecule is interested in who wins Monday night football tonight.
Atoms that bond with each other to form the elements in the periodic table.
Proof that you know nothing about atoms, molecules, elements or the periodic table.
It is also proof that you are too stupid to know just how stupid that statement is!
March 01, 2012
RUSH: To put it bluntly, dumb people are too dumb to know it." It's a blessing! You know, the worst thing would be to be dumb and to know it -- and there's evidence all over that the dumb do not know they're dumb.
Calling everyone you disagree with stupid while ignoring the OP.
Can’t get anymore unscientific than that.
Again, thank you for proving you are too stupid to know just how stupid your post was!
If you want to call an oxygen atom bonding to 2 hydrogen atoms order, we are talking at two kinds of things.
Maybe you need to define 'order' for us?

Mine is below and seems to define crystals quite well:

noun: order; plural noun: orders; noun: Order
the arrangement or disposition of people or things in relation to each other according to a particular sequence, pattern, or method.
No, not at all, no one believes that life was the result of an accident, it was the result of the laws of chemistry and physics in this universe.
Again we have someone too stupid to know just how stupid they are!!!
Once U235 is split, it is no longer an atom of U235.
roflmao, the irony is thicker than a London fog

1) the atom still exists, it was not killed

2) your attempt to move the goal posts was juvenile and too predictable, idiot.
Why do atoms write music and watch funny cat videos?
Because they can! :)
Interesting belief system thinking that atoms in your chair are interested in listening to Johnny Cash.

God cuts us all down eventually

Wrong again, Darwin done it.

Darwin is the tool God uses to cull the heard early of its retards and leftists.
Because they can! :)
Interesting belief system thinking that atoms in your chair are interested in listening to Johnny Cash.

God cuts us all down eventually

Wrong again, Darwin done it.

Darwin is the tool God uses to cull the heard early of its retards and leftists.

Stop reading that silly book called the Bible.

Darwin was a man of science, are you a science denier?

“At some future period, not very distant as measured by centuries, the civilised races of man will almost certainly exterminate and replace throughout the world the savage races. At the same time the anthropomorphous apes, as Professor Schaaffhausen has remarked, will no doubt be exterminated. The break will then be rendered wider, for it will intervene between man in a more civilised state as we may hope, than the Caucasian and some ape as low as a baboon, instead of as at present between the negro or Australian and the gorilla.”
Charles Darwin, The Descent of Man

Which reminds me, when is the Klan rally again?

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