The Bell Is About to Toll


Diamond Member
Jun 27, 2019
WASHINGTON -- It has taken a long time, but finally the Justice Department is training its guns on what heretofore was unthinkable, unless you're a career civil libertarian.

For years, the civil libertarians have been warning us that the Intelligence Community posed a threat to democracy as we know it in the United States. Every so often, they would point to some excess of the FBI or the CIA and tell us that the lights were going out in democratic America. Does not The Washington Post run atop its front page the maudlin line, "Democracy Dies in Darkness"?

Well, the darkness descended upon Donald Trump the moment he decided to run for president. The FBI and CIA, in cahoots with Hillary Clinton and those popularizing the infamous "dossier" she financed, threw a blanket of darkness over his campaign.

Late last week, we learned that what had been a Justice Department administrative review has suddenly become much more serious. It has become a criminal inquiry. That means the Justice Department believes there is sufficient evidence that a crime has been committed.

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The Bell Is About to Toll
If Trump and his Justice department can clean up the FBI and CIA, even a little, that will probably be his greatest accomplishment as President and I'm not forgetting all his other accomplishments. The rule of thumb is, the more they fight Trump the crookeder they are
"My colleague George Neumayr and I have been studying the Obama administration's spying on Trump for over three years. While most of the mainstream media searched desperately for a smoking gun carried by one of President Trump's people or even by the president himself, we looked elsewhere. We looked at the politicized atmosphere within the FBI and the CIA. We even looked at British intelligence. No one else seemed interested, but we found evidence of criminal misbehavior by former CIA Director John Brennan, former National Intelligence Director James Clapper and former FBI Director James Comey."

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