THE BELLS TOLL for HILLARY - The FBI is closing in....

Man, Austerity freaks sure are stupid. Nothing what so ever is going to happen to Hillary clinton! ;) Count on it.

That is a prediction you can hound my ass on if I am wrong.
Only because the unethical Obama Regime will be letting her go Scott free. This is why we must find ethical candidates to elect and not settle for scum that will violate laws to push an agenda. True democrats need to get control of their party back from the criminals running it.
And this bitch is the Democrat's numero uno choice for leading this Country. Inconceivable! Democrats should be backing Bernie Sanders. He's a communist, but an honest one at least.
Keep it up, AvgGuy1A.
You wish for a lot of silly things
you're not an idiot so I don't know why you back corruption. Have you no moral compass? Is winning more important than having ethical leaders running the government?

Never have backed corruption. If 1/100 of the claims made by the right were true, I would be right with you. It's pretty corrupt for the right to make continuous false claims, as they have about the Clintons for nearly three decades. Especially when they are always shown to be false.

Hildebeast lied about Benghazi video to the public, Hildebeast lied about not having classified documents on her private server, Hildebeats lied about the Trump video 2 weeks BEFORE there even was a Trump video...Need MORE or are you now going to become a Republican?

Not worthwhile to again explain about the similarity of many other attacks in the area leading to a temporary misunderstanding of that attack, or the facts about when those emails were marked classified, because you have chosen to ignore the facts., You prefer to believe anything bad about any democrat. You are just another idiot right winger spouting disproved gossip.
You don't have an open mind, do you? I'm more likely to win the Powerball this weekend than to witness you acknowledging a single corrupt democrat. In short, you are unworthy to discuss issues in honest debate. I'd suggest USMB posters limit our discussions with you to the weather but you'd bring up Global warming lies. Sad.

When it comes to all the false right wing claims, they closed my mind after their first couple of hundred claims were proven false.
More Hillary Emails – Thanks to Drudge

Smoking Gun: Email Suggests Hillary Broke Law

Clinton instructed an aide to remove the classification marking from information, a federal offense.

Full story @ Smoking Gun: Email Suggests Hillary Broke Law

At least 1,340 Clinton emails now known to contain classified material

Read more here: At least 1,340 Clinton emails now known to contain classified material

Most Hillary supporters simply shrug their shoulders and say, “So what? No big deal.”

Breaking the law is no big deal just because she's another Clinton. Is there some kind of mantle that falls over this pair that the rest of the world simply cannot see?
I can't understand how the left in this country, who continually decry the govt/business shenanigans that go on, can continue to support this woman. The Clintons are the sleaziest human beings to ever hold office. Their abuses and back room deals are legion.

"Did you know Hillary Clinton was a member of the impeachment inquiry staff in Washington, D.C.? Clinton was advising the House Committee on the Judiciary during the Watergate scandal back in 1974. I didn’t either until I read her Wikipedia entry. I also discovered another rather interesting story. Back in 2008 when Clinton was running against Obama in the Democrat primary the Digital Journal ran a revealing story. The story says Hillary Clinton was fired from the committee staff. Jerry Zeifman, supervised Hillary Clinton during the Watergate impeachment inquiry. He refused to give her a letter of recommendation because of her lies and unethical behavior. Clinton obtained a position on the committee staff through her political patronage of her former Yale law school professor Burke Marshall and Chappaquiddick Senator Ted Kennedy. Jerry Zeifman says Hillary Clinton was unethical and a liar (as if we didn’t already know that.) He also described Hillary Clinton as a dishonest lawyer. Finally, Zeifman says Hillary Clinton conspired to violate the Constitution, the rules of the House, the rules of the committee and the rules of confidentiality. Sound familiar? Like Benghazi maybe? Zeifman had this reaction after Hillary Clinton’s phony tears at a campaign rally in 2008: My own reaction was of regret that, when I terminated her employment on the Nixon impeachment staff, I had not reported her unethical practices to the appropriate bar associations."

(Clinton) "engaged in a seemingly implausible scheme to deny Richard Nixon the right to counsel during the investigation by stealing Judiciary Committee files on the only precedent case that could have stonewalled their plot and drafting a legal brief that, according to Mr. Ziefman, “was so fraudulent and ridiculous Hillary would have been disbarred if she had submitted it to a judge.”

Here's some short lists.

Essay;Blizzard of Lies

The Hillary Clinton Scandals

Hillary Clinton's fifteen biggest scandals

A recurring term appeared as I looked into Hillary scandals "congenital liar".
ALL LIES, as usual for a right winger who is uninformed.

Zeifman did not fire her, she was not fired from Watergate committee....period.

Inform yourself, instead of taking a right wing rags lies as facts....only low information pasties do that.... regurgitating what proven liars say as truth, makes you a liar, by definition.

Be careful, seek the truth.
I can't understand how the left in this country, who continually decry the govt/business shenanigans that go on, can continue to support this woman. The Clintons are the sleaziest human beings to ever hold office. Their abuses and back room deals are legion.

"Did you know Hillary Clinton was a member of the impeachment inquiry staff in Washington, D.C.? Clinton was advising the House Committee on the Judiciary during the Watergate scandal back in 1974. I didn’t either until I read her Wikipedia entry. I also discovered another rather interesting story. Back in 2008 when Clinton was running against Obama in the Democrat primary the Digital Journal ran a revealing story. The story says Hillary Clinton was fired from the committee staff. Jerry Zeifman, supervised Hillary Clinton during the Watergate impeachment inquiry. He refused to give her a letter of recommendation because of her lies and unethical behavior. Clinton obtained a position on the committee staff through her political patronage of her former Yale law school professor Burke Marshall and Chappaquiddick Senator Ted Kennedy. Jerry Zeifman says Hillary Clinton was unethical and a liar (as if we didn’t already know that.) He also described Hillary Clinton as a dishonest lawyer. Finally, Zeifman says Hillary Clinton conspired to violate the Constitution, the rules of the House, the rules of the committee and the rules of confidentiality. Sound familiar? Like Benghazi maybe? Zeifman had this reaction after Hillary Clinton’s phony tears at a campaign rally in 2008: My own reaction was of regret that, when I terminated her employment on the Nixon impeachment staff, I had not reported her unethical practices to the appropriate bar associations."

(Clinton) "engaged in a seemingly implausible scheme to deny Richard Nixon the right to counsel during the investigation by stealing Judiciary Committee files on the only precedent case that could have stonewalled their plot and drafting a legal brief that, according to Mr. Ziefman, “was so fraudulent and ridiculous Hillary would have been disbarred if she had submitted it to a judge.”

Here's some short lists.

Essay;Blizzard of Lies

The Hillary Clinton Scandals

Hillary Clinton's fifteen biggest scandals

A recurring term appeared as I looked into Hillary scandals "congenital liar".
And this bitch is the Democrat's numero uno choice for leading this Country. Inconceivable! Democrats should be backing Bernie Sanders. He's a communist, but an honest one at least.

IDK how "honest" Sanders is, reports are coming out he diverted campaign funds to family and friends
Has anybody died?
I can't understand how the left in this country, who continually decry the govt/business shenanigans that go on, can continue to support this woman. The Clintons are the sleaziest human beings to ever hold office. Their abuses and back room deals are legion.

"Did you know Hillary Clinton was a member of the impeachment inquiry staff in Washington, D.C.? Clinton was advising the House Committee on the Judiciary during the Watergate scandal back in 1974. I didn’t either until I read her Wikipedia entry. I also discovered another rather interesting story. Back in 2008 when Clinton was running against Obama in the Democrat primary the Digital Journal ran a revealing story. The story says Hillary Clinton was fired from the committee staff. Jerry Zeifman, supervised Hillary Clinton during the Watergate impeachment inquiry. He refused to give her a letter of recommendation because of her lies and unethical behavior. Clinton obtained a position on the committee staff through her political patronage of her former Yale law school professor Burke Marshall and Chappaquiddick Senator Ted Kennedy. Jerry Zeifman says Hillary Clinton was unethical and a liar (as if we didn’t already know that.) He also described Hillary Clinton as a dishonest lawyer. Finally, Zeifman says Hillary Clinton conspired to violate the Constitution, the rules of the House, the rules of the committee and the rules of confidentiality. Sound familiar? Like Benghazi maybe? Zeifman had this reaction after Hillary Clinton’s phony tears at a campaign rally in 2008: My own reaction was of regret that, when I terminated her employment on the Nixon impeachment staff, I had not reported her unethical practices to the appropriate bar associations."

(Clinton) "engaged in a seemingly implausible scheme to deny Richard Nixon the right to counsel during the investigation by stealing Judiciary Committee files on the only precedent case that could have stonewalled their plot and drafting a legal brief that, according to Mr. Ziefman, “was so fraudulent and ridiculous Hillary would have been disbarred if she had submitted it to a judge.”

Here's some short lists.

Essay;Blizzard of Lies

The Hillary Clinton Scandals

Hillary Clinton's fifteen biggest scandals

A recurring term appeared as I looked into Hillary scandals "congenital liar".
And this bitch is the Democrat's numero uno choice for leading this Country. Inconceivable! Democrats should be backing Bernie Sanders. He's a communist, but an honest one at least.

IDK how "honest" Sanders is, reports are coming out he diverted campaign funds to family and friends
Has anybody died?

IDK, Sanders is a most democrats. He could croak tomorrow and it wouldn't bother me in the least
When it comes to all the false right wing claims, they closed my mind after their first couple of hundred claims were proven false.
Hillary admitted she lied about the video being the catalyst! What in the hell is the matter with you and your supporter Jake? Are you two being paid to push disinformation? Nobody is that willfully blind to reality unless being paid for it.
More Hillary Emails – Thanks to Drudge

Smoking Gun: Email Suggests Hillary Broke Law

Clinton instructed an aide to remove the classification marking from information, a federal offense.

Full story @ Smoking Gun: Email Suggests Hillary Broke Law

At least 1,340 Clinton emails now known to contain classified material

Read more here: At least 1,340 Clinton emails now known to contain classified material

Most Hillary supporters simply shrug their shoulders and say, “So what? No big deal.”

Breaking the law is no big deal just because she's another Clinton. Is there some kind of mantle that falls over this pair that the rest of the world simply cannot see?

Will Bill's wife receive the same treatment anyone else would for same infractions?

Shortly we will know how far America has strayed from this:
"in America, the law is King. For as in absolute governments the king is law, so in free countriesthe law ought to be king; and there ought to be no other." Common Sense, Thomas Paine.
When it comes to all the false right wing claims, they closed my mind after their first couple of hundred claims were proven false.
Like anybody believes you.
Nobody YOU know believes me, but that's just because you live in a right wing bubble. I'm sure president Romney explained all that.
Backing up idiotic statements with even stupider comments is priceless. You have the mentality of a toddler on a sugar high.

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