The best call out of the race pimps I've heard in awhile. From a GRANDMOTHER

Brave people aren't afraid of the truth.
This man is brave and realistic.

He used some VERY descriptive words lol. If I had used those words in the thread title we'd have 20 pages of responses from righteous leftwingers by now.
Great video. That woman is a perfect example of what blacks should be listening to. Wake up, blacks!
Great video. That woman is a perfect example of what blacks should be listening to. Wake up, blacks!

Uh, she's black. I figured you'd notice.

You see, even when someone supports your ideas and their black you still lump them in with the ones you disagree with. She's angry, I get that. A child died and that's fucked up but the guy who did it will be locked up for it. 100% no doubt about it. But the cops who are doing the brutalizing wont.

It's as if the fact that a child died means you can't talk about anything other than that. Or police brutality doesn't exis...oh sorry, she said it does exist. So, what is it? We have to show anger at other blacks to a white approved limit before we can say "don't shoot"

But she's doing the typical feminine thing where she talks around the issue and gets mad instead of the issue she acknowledged exists. Lol...
Oh, thanks for tagging me btw. Just goes to show that all blacks aren't the same.

Hey, aren't you going to say she's a failure for having a kid locked up? Or did she earn a pass now?
I commend her courage, but for this message to really gain traction Black celebrities, sportsmen and women and personalities need to organise and put their careers on the line by hijacking talk show appearances and interviews in the media to promote and project their collective concern and anger at this false and fraudulent movement and highlight who it really benefits in the end. If they work together they'll gain strength in numbers against the inevitable media backlash and expose those who seek to undermine and discredit them and their message. Then Blacks really will shatter the chains that bind them.
No, I didn't misspell anything, but nice try at running interference.

Well its the same thing. You want them to sacrifice themselves to make you feel better. There Is no amount of action that will make you see that people care.

LeBron has spent a ton of money to send kids to school. But since you don't know about it you think it doesn't count unless you do. It doesn't work like that
Just throwing money at a problem won't make go away in this case, which racists like yourself already know.
Investment or throwing money at something...its all in your perspective right? And nothing is good enough for you, everythings bad except the thing you want. Cool, you should write celebs and tell them how they should do what you say in order to be successful. lol

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