The Best Reasons to vote Democratic in 2020:


Platinum Member
Nov 23, 2011
The Best Reasons to vote Democratic in 2020:

1) The Green New Deal, so illiterate liberals will get to live through a depression and finally learn that the New Deal was the Great Depression

2) To end fracking, so we can again be dependent on Saudi Arabia, Iran , and Venezuela for oil.

3) To open our borders, so 50 million new illegals can come here to take our jobs, bid down our wages, and strain our already super-strained healthcare and education systems

4) To get free health care and education, so our friends, family and neighbors can be made to pay for our health care and education

5) To get a guaranteed income, so the labor force participation rate among males will reach a 100 year low after being stuck at a 50 years low for so long.

6) To promote atheism so each person in America is truly free to invent his own God even if that God encourages school shootings, suicides, and violent video games.

7) To finally destroy the American family, so that all families can finally look like black broken families.

8) To solidify union control of our public schools so that American kids can remain among the least educated kids in the civilized world

These are the reason we should all vote Democratic in 2020! Oh, and because Trump opposes all of the above and because he impeachably colluded with the Russians and allows foreign govt officials to stay at his hotels!!
Don't forget that since 2016 the Democrats have spent ALL of their time and energy on what matters to THEM and NONE of their time on what matters to the American people.
The Best Reasons to vote Democratic in 2020:

1) The Green New Deal, so illiterate liberals will get to live through a depression and finally learn that the New Deal was the Great Depression

2) To end fracking, so we can again be dependent on Saudi Arabia, Iran , and Venezuela for oil.

3) To open our borders, so 50 million new illegals can come here to take our jobs, bid down our wages, and strain our already super-strained healthcare and education systems

4) To get free health care and education, so our friends, family and neighbors can be made to pay for our health care and education

5) To get a guaranteed income, so the labor force participation rate among males will reach a 100 year low after being stuck at a 50 years low for so long.

6) To promote atheism so each person in America is truly free to invent his own God even if that God encourages school shootings, suicides, and violent video games.

7) To finally destroy the American family, so that all families can finally look like black broken families.

8) To solidify union control of our public schools so that American kids can remain among the least educated kids in the civilized world

These are the reason we should all vote Democratic in 2020! Oh, and because Trump opposes all of the above and because he impeachably colluded with the Russians and allows foreign govt officials to stay at his hotels!!
And how sad is it going to be when Trump loses to one of these dems? Ouch
The Best Reasons to vote Democratic in 2020:

1) The Green New Deal, so illiterate liberals will get to live through a depression and finally learn that the New Deal was the Great Depression

2) To end fracking, so we can again be dependent on Saudi Arabia, Iran , and Venezuela for oil.

3) To open our borders, so 50 million new illegals can come here to take our jobs, bid down our wages, and strain our already super-strained healthcare and education systems

4) To get free health care and education, so our friends, family and neighbors can be made to pay for our health care and education

5) To get a guaranteed income, so the labor force participation rate among males will reach a 100 year low after being stuck at a 50 years low for so long.

6) To promote atheism so each person in America is truly free to invent his own God even if that God encourages school shootings, suicides, and violent video games.

7) To finally destroy the American family, so that all families can finally look like black broken families.

8) To solidify union control of our public schools so that American kids can remain among the least educated kids in the civilized world

These are the reason we should all vote Democratic in 2020! Oh, and because Trump opposes all of the above and because he impeachably colluded with the Russians and allows foreign govt officials to stay at his hotels!!
And how sad is it going to be when Trump loses to one of these dems? Ouch

Which one do you think he'll lose to?
The Best Reasons to vote Democratic in 2020:

1) The Green New Deal, so illiterate liberals will get to live through a depression and finally learn that the New Deal was the Great Depression

2) To end fracking, so we can again be dependent on Saudi Arabia, Iran , and Venezuela for oil.

3) To open our borders, so 50 million new illegals can come here to take our jobs, bid down our wages, and strain our already super-strained healthcare and education systems

4) To get free health care and education, so our friends, family and neighbors can be made to pay for our health care and education

5) To get a guaranteed income, so the labor force participation rate among males will reach a 100 year low after being stuck at a 50 years low for so long.

6) To promote atheism so each person in America is truly free to invent his own God even if that God encourages school shootings, suicides, and violent video games.

7) To finally destroy the American family, so that all families can finally look like black broken families.

8) To solidify union control of our public schools so that American kids can remain among the least educated kids in the civilized world

These are the reason we should all vote Democratic in 2020! Oh, and because Trump opposes all of the above and because he impeachably colluded with the Russians and allows foreign govt officials to stay at his hotels!!
And how sad is it going to be when Trump loses to one of these dems? Ouch

Which one do you think he'll lose to?
The Best Reasons to vote Democratic in 2020:

1) The Green New Deal, so illiterate liberals will get to live through a depression and finally learn that the New Deal was the Great Depression

2) To end fracking, so we can again be dependent on Saudi Arabia, Iran , and Venezuela for oil.

3) To open our borders, so 50 million new illegals can come here to take our jobs, bid down our wages, and strain our already super-strained healthcare and education systems

4) To get free health care and education, so our friends, family and neighbors can be made to pay for our health care and education

5) To get a guaranteed income, so the labor force participation rate among males will reach a 100 year low after being stuck at a 50 years low for so long.

6) To promote atheism so each person in America is truly free to invent his own God even if that God encourages school shootings, suicides, and violent video games.

7) To finally destroy the American family, so that all families can finally look like black broken families.

8) To solidify union control of our public schools so that American kids can remain among the least educated kids in the civilized world

These are the reason we should all vote Democratic in 2020! Oh, and because Trump opposes all of the above and because he impeachably colluded with the Russians and allows foreign govt officials to stay at his hotels!!
And how sad is it going to be when Trump loses to one of these dems? Ouch

Which one do you think he'll lose to?

Thanks for the chuckle.
The Environment
Save Healthcare
Low cost higher education
Preserve international alliances
End Trade Wars
Roe v Wade
Sensible gun controls
The Environment
Save Healthcare
Low cost higher education
Preserve international alliances
End Trade Wars
Roe v Wade
Sensible gun controls


The Environment = lunatic lefty's hysterical fantasies and economic destruction
Save Healthcare = government takeover of healthcare: staggering costs, waste, inefficiency, scarcity, death panels
Lower cost higher education = impose student debt on everybody, exponentially increase costs, continue to lower standards
Preserve international alliances = globalism, collectivism, surrender of national sovereignty
End trade wars = surrender America's future to China
Roe v. Wade = infanticide
Sensible gun control = do absolutely nothing about stopping the left's evil social and education policies that are driving crime, insanity and dysfunction; strip law-abiding citizens of their inalienable right to keep and bear arms; leave Americans defenseless to criminals and the murderous, tyrannical monsters of the political left; start a civil war
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The Best Reasons to vote Democratic in 2020:

1) The Green New Deal, so illiterate liberals will get to live through a depression and finally learn that the New Deal was the Great Depression

2) To end fracking, so we can again be dependent on Saudi Arabia, Iran , and Venezuela for oil.

3) To open our borders, so 50 million new illegals can come here to take our jobs, bid down our wages, and strain our already super-strained healthcare and education systems

4) To get free health care and education, so our friends, family and neighbors can be made to pay for our health care and education

5) To get a guaranteed income, so the labor force participation rate among males will reach a 100 year low after being stuck at a 50 years low for so long.

6) To promote atheism so each person in America is truly free to invent his own God even if that God encourages school shootings, suicides, and violent video games.

7) To finally destroy the American family, so that all families can finally look like black broken families.

8) To solidify union control of our public schools so that American kids can remain among the least educated kids in the civilized world

These are the reason we should all vote Democratic in 2020! Oh, and because Trump opposes all of the above and because he impeachably colluded with the Russians and allows foreign govt officials to stay at his hotels!!
And how sad is it going to be when Trump loses to one of these dems? Ouch

Which one do you think he'll lose to?
The Best Reasons to vote Democratic in 2020:

1) The Green New Deal, so illiterate liberals will get to live through a depression and finally learn that the New Deal was the Great Depression

2) To end fracking, so we can again be dependent on Saudi Arabia, Iran , and Venezuela for oil.

3) To open our borders, so 50 million new illegals can come here to take our jobs, bid down our wages, and strain our already super-strained healthcare and education systems

4) To get free health care and education, so our friends, family and neighbors can be made to pay for our health care and education

5) To get a guaranteed income, so the labor force participation rate among males will reach a 100 year low after being stuck at a 50 years low for so long.

6) To promote atheism so each person in America is truly free to invent his own God even if that God encourages school shootings, suicides, and violent video games.

7) To finally destroy the American family, so that all families can finally look like black broken families.

8) To solidify union control of our public schools so that American kids can remain among the least educated kids in the civilized world

These are the reason we should all vote Democratic in 2020! Oh, and because Trump opposes all of the above and because he impeachably colluded with the Russians and allows foreign govt officials to stay at his hotels!!
And how sad is it going to be when Trump loses to one of these dems? Ouch

Which one do you think he'll lose to?
Wow, great point. I’ll have to think about that for a bit
The Environment
Banning straws...
Save Healthcare

By giving it away to any foreign national that makes it here

Low cost higher education

By filling them up with children of foreign nationals who come and go unchecked and unregulated at will

Preserve international alliances
More pallets of cash for our enemies

End Trade Wars
Bow to the Chinese Democrats

Roe v Wade
Baby murder

Sensible gun controls
Coming for your guns
So let's review.

I won't call you hem Conservatives. The Conservatives I remember had political principles and policies. After the hostile takeover of the GOP in 2016, I'll just refer to those other than Democrats as Trumpians. And what are the Trumpian positions on the issues?

Well, there are so many guns on the streets we can't do anything about them, so we'll do nothing. Any gun regulations won't completely 100% solve any perceived problem, so we'll do nothing. Beside which, mass shootings don't kill that many people. It's the cost of doing business. Our guns are too much fun to give up.

Climate change is a Chinese hoax. There is nothing we can do about it so we'll do nothing. Besides which, we might lose money on the deal.

We hated Obama, therefore we hate Obamacare. If we scrap it, who's really gonna get hurt? If they can't get health insurance then let them die and reduce the surplus population. Are we supposed to come up with an alternative to Obamacare? Let's talk about that later.

If you aren't making enough money to get through the month, it's your own fault. You should never pursue that B.A. in Fine Art. You wasted your time. And yes, I want to supersize my order.

If only homosexuals would repent or go back into the closet, we wouldn't have to hide behind some obscure Scripture just to hate them properly.

If we can overturn Roe v. Wade, all our problems would be over. Let those sluts take responsibility even if they were raped. After all, women can shut down a pregnancy if they were legitimately raped. I think they were asking for it.

We need to purge our culture and our nation of non Caucasians. Why is aLawrence Welk only available on YouTube? We need more mayonnaise and less salsa.

Make America Great Again and, by the way, we don't trust the press, college, Democrats, the intelligence community and anyone who criticizes is.
Trump is trying to make states stop holding primaries because he faces challengers in his own party.

60 percent of Americans have not approved of his job performance consistently during his presideny.

He's losing in polls to the 4th place democrat.

But you guys think he is such a strong candidate that he just is going to walk to an easy victory.

Biden would destroy him. And don't talk that bullshit about age. Trump is 73, and he just doesn't gaffe, he lies. Now he tells us he never said that he would meet with Iran with no pre conditions. Yet he said it several times.

But I bet you cult members will swear that's fake news because it is what Trump says.
The Best Reasons to vote Democratic in 2020:

1) The Green New Deal, so illiterate liberals will get to live through a depression and finally learn that the New Deal was the Great Depression
You begin your thread with nonsense misinformation. The Great Depression began in 1929. FDR was inaugurated on March 16, 1933. Unemployment was at 25% and 7,000 banks had been closed, depositors had no insurance at that time. The first public works programs were started in June 1933. By 1940 unemployment was reduced to 10%. Saving and reopening banks were accomplished in 1933.

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