The Best Reasons to vote Democratic in 2020:


The Environment = lunatic lefty's hysterical fantasies and economic destruction
Save Healthcare = government takeover of healthcare: staggering costs, waste, inefficiency, scarcity, death panels
Lower cost higher education = impose student debt on everybody, exponentially increase costs, continue to lower standards
Preserve international alliances = globalism, collectivism, surrender of national sovereignty
End trade wars = surrender America's future to China
Roe v. Wade = infanticide
Sensible gun control = do absolutely nothing about stopping the left's evil social and education policies that are driving crime, insanity and dysfunction; strip law-abiding citizens of their inalienable right to keep and bear arms; leave Americans defenseless to criminals and the murderous, tyrannical monsters of the political left; start a civil war

The Best Reasons to vote Democratic in 2020:

1) The Green New Deal, so illiterate liberals will get to live through a depression and finally learn that the New Deal was the Great Depression

2) To end fracking, so we can again be dependent on Saudi Arabia, Iran , and Venezuela for oil.

3) To open our borders, so 50 million new illegals can come here to take our jobs, bid down our wages, and strain our already super-strained healthcare and education systems

4) To get free health care and education, so our friends, family and neighbors can be made to pay for our health care and education

5) To get a guaranteed income, so the labor force participation rate among males will reach a 100 year low after being stuck at a 50 years low for so long.

6) To promote atheism so each person in America is truly free to invent his own God even if that God encourages school shootings, suicides, and violent video games.

7) To finally destroy the American family, so that all families can finally look like black broken families.

8) To solidify union control of our public schools so that American kids can remain among the least educated kids in the civilized world

These are the reason we should all vote Democratic in 2020! Oh, and because Trump opposes all of the above and because he impeachably colluded with the Russians and allows foreign govt officials to stay at his hotels!!
And how sad is it going to be when Trump loses to one of these dems? Ouch

Which one do you think he'll lose to?

Biden is incoherent with some major health issues. He needs to step down and be with his family.
Didn’t y’all say the same crap about Hillary?

Grow up

She still has problems. Biden is much worse. He is having a difficult time articulating and remembering. He's had brain aneurysms. He needs to walk away and spend time with family. Grow up? No, just speaking reality.
Which one do you think he'll lose to?

Biden is incoherent with some major health issues. He needs to step down and be with his family.
Didn’t y’all say the same crap about Hillary?


She lost.
I’m speaking to the health concerns. I thought y’all were claiming she had some deadly disease because she fainted or something... I see some are starting to reuse that old tactic on Biden. Way to go

Whatever she had, she was stumbling all over and had to be dragged up stairs. Collapsed at the 2016 911 Memorial.

Biden clearly has age and credibility issues.

"Corn Pop"! :auiqs.jpg:
Conservatives have no scientific support for their opposition to environmental protection

Ah, yes, the chicken little science of leftist, statist bootlicks, the pseudoscience of global socialism, depredation and serfdom.


Socialist economies were very inefficient. (That’s still the case in the surviving ones in Cuba, Venezuela and North Korea.) To compensate for the inefficiency of central planning, which emanated from the lack of a market-based price mechanism, socialist economies generally ignored environmental damage and other negative externalities. To maximise production (in order to try to keep pace with the much more efficient capitalist economies), socialist countries had low, or non-existent, emission standards. Health and safety regulations were either ignored or lacking altogether. Socialist economies also banned independent trade unions and, often, resorted to slave labour.

The socialists’ disregard for the environment was further exacerbated by their contempt for property rights. In capitalist economies, farms and factories are owned by individual people or corporations. If they cause damage to the environment or the workforce, they can be held accountable in the court of law. In socialist economies, land and air (and, in the most extreme cases, people) were owned by the state and suffered from the “tragedy of the commons”.

A state-owned factory tasked by the central planners with producing a certain quantity of iron bars, for example, was not only allowed, but actively urged, to meet its production quota irrespective of the damage caused to the environment and to the populace. In capitalist economies, the state is entrusted with enforcing environmental standards and protection of workers. In socialist economies, the state is both the enforcer of production quotas, and the supposed protector of the environment and the workers. When it came to choosing between the two, the socialists almost invariably chose the former: they cut corners in order to compensate for the inefficiency of central planning.​

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The Best Reasons to vote Democratic in 2020:

1) The Green New Deal, so illiterate liberals will get to live through a depression and finally learn that the New Deal was the Great Depression

2) To end fracking, so we can again be dependent on Saudi Arabia, Iran , and Venezuela for oil.

3) To open our borders, so 50 million new illegals can come here to take our jobs, bid down our wages, and strain our already super-strained healthcare and education systems

4) To get free health care and education, so our friends, family and neighbors can be made to pay for our health care and education

5) To get a guaranteed income, so the labor force participation rate among males will reach a 100 year low after being stuck at a 50 years low for so long.

6) To promote atheism so each person in America is truly free to invent his own God even if that God encourages school shootings, suicides, and violent video games.

7) To finally destroy the American family, so that all families can finally look like black broken families.

8) To solidify union control of our public schools so that American kids can remain among the least educated kids in the civilized world

These are the reason we should all vote Democratic in 2020! Oh, and because Trump opposes all of the above and because he impeachably colluded with the Russians and allows foreign govt officials to stay at his hotels!!
And how sad is it going to be when Trump loses to one of these dems? Ouch

Which one do you think he'll lose to?

Biden is incoherent with some major health issues. He needs to step down and be with his family.
Biden's you man! If he can't do it, no one can!



There’s something rotten in American politics if both the president of the United States and the front-runner for the Democratic nomination have been accused of cozying up to foreign officials to make quid pro quo demands.
There’s something rotten in American politics if both the president of the United States and the front-runner for the Democratic nomination have been accused of cozying up to foreign officials to make quid pro quo demands.

It was rampant in the O admin as biden worked out some illegal deals with burisma for his son as O covertly overthrew ukraine. This didn't happen last night.
There’s something rotten in American politics if both the president of the United States and the front-runner for the Democratic nomination have been accused of cozying up to foreign officials to make quid pro quo demands.
Well one has been accused, the other was just a petty attempt to point the finger back at a political opponent. Trumps digging his hole deeper and deeper
The Environment - Utility Bills 5-10 times what they are now
Save Healthcare - Doctors who studied at Bob's Online Doctering School
Low cost higher education - Middle Class tax increase to 50% or more
Preserve international alliances - Continue to foot their bills
End Trade Wars - Income redistribution
Roe v Wade - Abortion up to age of awareness or two years old
Sensible gun controls - Only criminals will have guns

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