The Best Solution to a Border Wall


Senior Member
Oct 13, 2019
DUMP PILES of cow manure before the fences/walls, if there isn't enough for the miles long sections then use the piles of BS from the Dems.
Oh by the way - is it true that Trump likes to build a wall now not only between the USA and Mexico but between Colorado and New Mexico too? How much money did he get for New Mexico and who sold it? Live Kurds in New Mexico too? Did he suggest to the New Mexicans to leave their homelands?

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:1peleas:A border wall in Colorado has got to be the dumbest idea I have heard in a long while. We are dealing with a president so hell bent to get his own way he is not even considering that Colorado is not a boarder state. Its like either he has no speech writers or just choosing not to listen to them at all and just makes it up no matter how uneducated it makes him sound. Its as though he just does not care how ignorant he sounds. We have members of our foreign allies, reading these articles and just laughing at us. What was once the most powerful country in the free world has become a close to 3rd world nation or at least is well on its way there. For what? All because we made a mistake and were so desperate to get a real politician we were fooled into believing the person we were voting for could turn around some if not all the mistakes of the last 8 years. Obama was not a politician by any since of the word more like someone who was trying to fake it till he made it but he did have some ideas that were good just ahead of their time. This country was not ready for standardized health but that is not to say that will always be the case.
Trump on the other hand is trying to rewrite the history of the country; which is something you just cant do. He does not seem to care much for the American people or at least not the ones that are like him and have millions of dollars and can afford to work for the government paycheck to paycheck and be without pay for a month just so he can make a point :102:. Then goes and pulls a stunt like he did over seas and has the audacity to call his impeachment a witch hunt. The man literately was close to if not over the line of what most people would consider treason. That's like saying Richard Nixon was just exploring another office. Its about time that Trump relizes he is not the teflon president and he is not above the law nor is he a king. Which is how he seems to acts.
tires should be good enough for the Colorado wall -


It is true. What a funny president - although he is a little halloweeny too, with his finger over a red button which is able to start nukes. Perhaps better to laugh now, because later there will be perhaps nothing any longer to laugh about.

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It is true. What a funny president - although he is a little halloweeny too, with his finger over a red button which is able to start nukes. Perhaps better to laugh now, because later there will be perhaps nothing any longer to laugh about.

Given that there is a Highway to Hell and only a Stairway to Heaven, I suspect that they were both inspired by anticipated traffic volume.
Oh by the way - is it true that Trump likes to build a wall now not only between the USA and Mexico but between Colorado and New Mexico too? How much money did he get for New Mexico and who sold it? Live Kurds in New Mexico too? Did he suggest to the New Mexicans to leave their homelands?

And New Mexico is going to pay for it.

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