The best thing about God is you can claim to speak for him and he will never tell people you don't

I'm just reaching a point of exhaustion because
Then you are doing it wrong. Jesus explained, "My yoke is easy, the burden light." What are you doing that has the yoke strangling you and makes the burden heavy?
I'm bipolar, that's what I'
Yeah, that's like me saying, I was born ugly, that's what's wrong. Those of us who were dealt a bad hand have to play it well. God is with us and God is love. There is no need and no reason to angst about hell. Our focus should be on this minute because that is how the future takes care of itself. At this minute, choose well so as not to make things tougher than need be for future self.

I used to work with someone bipolar, and I am sympathetic to that condition. It took a lot of strength for her to manage it. All I can suggest is when you find yourself dismayed with God is to redirect your thoughts. I am not in your league, but what helps me manage emotions is a wooden carving of the lion lying with the lamb. When the lion within me begins to roar, I know he is trying to get my attention, something needs fixing. The lamb reminds me to work towards the solution in a peaceful way (emphasis on work) and this calms the lion. The two images work well together and work for me. Perhaps a passage in a book, art, or a carving might help you.

Take good care.
I'm not bashing on religion in general just the fact that so many prophets say they speak for God but none of them agree on what he has said.

It's all there in black and white, and sometimes red. Which Prophets disagree with each other, and on what do they disagree? They seem to be pretty consistent, and over a long period of time.
I think he means so-called "modern prophets."
The common concepts of "God" more closely resemble Santa Claus; very childish and simplistic. No self respecting "God" would reply.

Yes. Many seem to think a God is supposed to bribe them with ponies or something, and perform magic trucks for them on demand, as if their egoes are the only thing that should matter to a universe. Most people remain atavistic pagan materialists at heart.
Perhaps that's true.

I'm just reaching a point of exhaustion because I don't see the fucking point to anything that happens.
This existential ennui is natural for anyone who examines life long enough. Just remember that the 'mind' and 'self' we have built up are very limited by comparison of all that could be. Ego can be a good guide, but it can be easily distorted by our incapacity to see the 'grand scheme'.
I could take up drinking or drug abuse as a way to solve the problem of too much thinking.
That isn't a solution, as you well realize (though, truly, your brain would be in a solution of alcohol).
One thing that is common to our species is that when we commence questioning 'everything', we fail to question questioning.
I don't understand what you're saying.

Perhaps I'm too stupid to understand.
I'm not sure you don't understand, but if you don't, I don't think it is because you are "stupid".
I'm not bashing on religion in general just the fact that so many prophets say they speak for God but none of them agree on what he has said.
Best thing about God is his love to give us free will and a soul outside of our limited physical vessel on the earth that he created.
Mohammed said don't beat your wife with a rod thicker than your thumb. That makes him quite a humanitarian because sometimes men beat their wives with baseball bats.
Christians believed the same.
Pick the statement from New Testemant to support that?
Pick the statement from New Testemant to support that?
are you joking ...
gen 316 - To the woman he said, “I will surely multiply your pain in childbearing; in pain you shall bring forth children. Your desire shall be for your husband, and he shall rule over you.
instead why not try and correct your book to what is the true intent and not written by crucifiers.

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