The best way to disarm America / eliminate the 2nd Amendelment

After seeing the Antifa militant tour ad calling for members to come to El Paso before the attack there, after learning the shooter drove 600 miles to attack a Wal Mart THERE, and after this other shooting where the shooter is linked to Antifa...

...the best way to disarm America came to me. Now I'm not saying this is what's going on or Antifa is doing it, but...

The best way to disarm America would get a bunch of America-hating members / volunteers to start committing mass shooting all over the US...close in time together....

The Left and media would be more than glad to help whoever is doing it by fanning the emotional flames into a blaze, escalating the call to eventually ban gun ownership altogether....


What's the 2nd Amendelment?
It's too late to "disarm America." That would be like disarming Afghanistan, but less practicable.
Presidential candidate and Slave owning whore Harris said she send law enforcement to confiscate everyone's guns :20:
Your argument confuses me. In the title you say the best way to disarm America is to eliminate the 2nd Amendelment.

Then in the body of your argument you state that the best way to disarm America would get a bunch of America-hating members / volunteers to start committing mass shooting all over the US...close in time together....

So which is it? Or is there a third choice you haven't mentioned?
2 + 2 =4 Easy65,s example of mass shootings would give the gun-grabbers an excuse to call for eliminating the 2d Amendment. Boy, wouldn't ISIS, Russia and China be licking their chops! Then I could go into the prayer rug business and everyone in America would be praying toward Mecca 5 times a day.
----------------------------------------- these anti gun millenial kids meaning the anti gun supporters just hanging around smoking legal weed just don't understand what they are doing or trying to do to the USA the best country ever seen on the face of GOD's Good Green Earth HOSS .
Make people have a license to buy bullets
------------------------------ as i said , bullets meaning fully functional Cartridges that are ready for shooting are easily made at the kitchen table RWinger .
Presidential candidate and Slave owning whore Harris said she send law enforcement to confiscate everyone's guns :20:

One has to wonder what percentage of law enforcement officers are willing to get shot and killed in order to commit acts of violence and robbery against the very citizens that they are supposed to be protecting.

Let Kamala Harris put her own life on the line. Let her go to gun owners' doors, and try to rob them.
What languages was that supposed to be?

The words appear to be English, but they do not seem to be arranged in any manner that means anything in this language.
Yet you understood....

No, I did not. I could truly not discern any meaning from that sentence, especially the last few words.

“Arizona proved a'll you have to do is declare you will enforce the law & they will leave in their on.”
just because politicians cant do everything doesnt mean they cant do SOMETHING

nothing is a silver bullet (no pun intended)
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What languages was that supposed to be?

The words appear to be English, but they do not seem to be arranged in any manner that means anything in this language.
Yet you understood....

No, I did not. I could truly not discern any meaning from that sentence, especially the last few words.

“Arizona proved a'll you have to do is declare you will enforce the law & they will leave in their on.”
So an 'i' mistakenly used instead of an 'o' and and a spell-check error rendered you ignorant?!

Wow - doesn't take much.


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