The best way to disarm America / eliminate the 2nd Amendelment

The 2nd won't be repealed any time soon, if ever. The first 10 are called "the Bill of Rights" which is what this country is based on. Toss out one and we'll all be sitting here wondering which one is next.

A better idea is to ban certain guns like the AR-15. I own a gun and I support gun ownership but I don't understand the need for an AR 15.

It won't end gun violence but it would put a dent in mass shootings, especially ones like El Paso or Las Vegas

What about holding parents responsible when their anti depressant taking 13 yr old son has access to guns or is able to break into the gun cabinet and shoots up his school? Watch how quickly parents become more attentive to their child and much more careful about gun access when one of these parents is successfully sued.

Anyway, if we did ban guns, does anyone really believe that would be the end of mass killings? Does anyone remember Timothy McVeigh? Any kid can chain up all the doors and set the building on fire.
Did someone come around and rewrite the Constitution into the Bill of Needs?

Although I sympathize with Osiris-ODS and his desire to hunt hogs, I don't believe the intention of the 2nd was to give him the right to hunt hogs with an AR15.

I don't believe you have the right to dictate what weapons other people have.
---------------------------------- i've run into people like Moonpie . Some are police and the common retort from them when new gun restricting rules are being talked about is . Oh well , that new rule won't affect me because i am a Cop . I don't like that and this little story is why i don't like SPECIAL people that Gov mandates are SPECIAL . Maybe Moonpie is Special eh .

A better idea is to ban certain guns like the AR-15. I own a gun and I support gun ownership but I don't understand the need for an AR 15.


That is a terrible idea.

I have 29 AR-15s now and use them for legal purposes.

Why should my right to own those guns be taken away because somebody else does something illegal with them?

Especially when they contribute a very minor amount to the total gun violence every year in this country?
This discussion that we are seeing now is a great reason not to ever elect Democrats.

Ever since the shootings these filthy ass butt pirate Democrats have been calling for laws to take the right to keep and bear arms away from the American people. Every last one of the assholes.

We should never elect any of them to office to give them the power to take away our Liberty. It is the wrong thing to do. Once our Liberty is taken away it will never be restored.

The only agenda the Democrats have is to make America a socialist shithole. Americans having the right to defend themselves against tyranny is one of the obstacles to that agenda.

We must stand vigilant against the Liberals trying to take away our freedoms.
It has worked in the past OP...

Go Pro LR.jpg
The 2nd won't be repealed any time soon, if ever. The first 10 are called "the Bill of Rights" which is what this country is based on. Toss out one and we'll all be sitting here wondering which one is next.

A better idea is to ban certain guns like the AR-15. I own a gun and I support gun ownership but I don't understand the need for an AR 15.

It won't end gun violence but it would put a dent in mass shootings, especially ones like El Paso or Las Vegas

What about holding parents responsible when their anti depressant taking 13 yr old son has access to guns or is able to break into the gun cabinet and shoots up his school? Watch how quickly parents become more attentive to their child and much more careful about gun access when one of these parents is successfully sued.

Anyway, if we did ban guns, does anyone really believe that would be the end of mass killings? Does anyone remember Timothy McVeigh? Any kid can chain up all the doors and set the building on fire.
Did someone come around and rewrite the Constitution into the Bill of Needs?

Although I sympathize with Osiris-ODS and his desire to hunt hogs, I don't believe the intention of the 2nd was to give him the right to hunt hogs with an AR15.
I don't believe that unless he has committed a crime and was convicted, that what he hunts with is no one's business but his.
I find that very hard to argue with but if they end up banning AR15's, I won't be worried about my right to bear arms being infringed. If they decide to take my handgun - and your rifles - then I'd worry.

An AR-15 is just a semi automatic rifle like all your others, except it resembles a military rifle COSMETICALLY. They want to ban ALL semi-autos first, then they will ban the rest. Bolt action, lever action, pump, revolvers, etc.
Mass shooters are soldiers carrying out the objective of the commies to disarm America and take over.

I've been saying this for 15 years.

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After seeing the Antifa militant tour ad calling for members to come to El Paso before the attack there, after learning the shooter drove 600 miles to attack a Wal Mart THERE, and after this other shooting where the shooter is linked to Antifa...

...the best way to disarm America came to me. Now I'm not saying this is what's going on or Antifa is doing it, but...

The best way to disarm America would get a bunch of America-hating members / volunteers to start committing mass shooting all over the US...close in time together....

The Left and media would be more than glad to help whoever is doing it by fanning the emotional flames into a blaze, escalating the call to eventually ban gun ownership altogether....



Even more believable, at least in my own opinion, is the radical left extorting impressionable young (and older) democrats into going on shooting sprees. Something to the tune of, "Go shoot up a mall, or we'll take out your extended family" sort of thing. That, or it is possible radical left universities are breeding the equivalent of domestic suicide bombers who will readily kill for their religion of postmodernism.
The 2nd won't be repealed any time soon, if ever. The first 10 are called "the Bill of Rights" which is what this country is based on. Toss out one and we'll all be sitting here wondering which one is next.

A better idea is to ban certain guns like the AR-15. I own a gun and I support gun ownership but I don't understand the need for an AR 15.

It won't end gun violence but it would put a dent in mass shootings, especially ones like El Paso or Las Vegas

What about holding parents responsible when their anti depressant taking 13 yr old son has access to guns or is able to break into the gun cabinet and shoots up his school? Watch how quickly parents become more attentive to their child and much more careful about gun access when one of these parents is successfully sued.

Anyway, if we did ban guns, does anyone really believe that would be the end of mass killings? Does anyone remember Timothy McVeigh? Any kid can chain up all the doors and set the building on fire.
Did someone come around and rewrite the Constitution into the Bill of Needs?

Although I sympathize with Osiris-ODS and his desire to hunt hogs, I don't believe the intention of the 2nd was to give him the right to hunt hogs with an AR15.

I don't believe you have the right to dictate what weapons other people have.
---------------------------------- i've run into people like Moonpie . Some are police and the common retort from them when new gun restricting rules are being talked about is . Oh well , that new rule won't affect me because i am a Cop . I don't like that and this little story is why i don't like SPECIAL people that Gov mandates are SPECIAL . Maybe Moonpie is Special eh .
Nope, not special

A better idea is to ban certain guns like the AR-15. I own a gun and I support gun ownership but I don't understand the need for an AR 15.


That is a terrible idea.

I have 29 AR-15s now and use them for legal purposes.

Why should my right to own those guns be taken away because somebody else does something illegal with them?

Especially when they contribute a very minor amount to the total gun violence every year in this country?
True enough but how often are they used in mass shootings?

A better idea is to ban certain guns like the AR-15. I own a gun and I support gun ownership but I don't understand the need for an AR 15.


That is a terrible idea.

I have 29 AR-15s now and use them for legal purposes.

Why should my right to own those guns be taken away because somebody else does something illegal with them?

Especially when they contribute a very minor amount to the total gun violence every year in this country?
True enough but how often are they used in mass shootings?
Who cares?

You're more likely to die by getting struck twice by lightening in the same spot.

The 2nd won't be repealed any time soon, if ever. The first 10 are called "the Bill of Rights" which is what this country is based on. Toss out one and we'll all be sitting here wondering which one is next.

A better idea is to ban certain guns like the AR-15. I own a gun and I support gun ownership but I don't understand the need for an AR 15.

It won't end gun violence but it would put a dent in mass shootings, especially ones like El Paso or Las Vegas

What about holding parents responsible when their anti depressant taking 13 yr old son has access to guns or is able to break into the gun cabinet and shoots up his school? Watch how quickly parents become more attentive to their child and much more careful about gun access when one of these parents is successfully sued.

Anyway, if we did ban guns, does anyone really believe that would be the end of mass killings? Does anyone remember Timothy McVeigh? Any kid can chain up all the doors and set the building on fire.
Did someone come around and rewrite the Constitution into the Bill of Needs?

Although I sympathize with Osiris-ODS and his desire to hunt hogs, I don't believe the intention of the 2nd was to give him the right to hunt hogs with an AR15.
I don't believe that unless he has committed a crime and was convicted, that what he hunts with is no one's business but his.
I find that very hard to argue with but if they end up banning AR15's, I won't be worried about my right to bear arms being infringed. If they decide to take my handgun - and your rifles - then I'd worry.

An AR-15 is just a semi automatic rifle like all your others, except it resembles a military rifle COSMETICALLY. They want to ban ALL semi-autos first, then they will ban the rest. Bolt action, lever action, pump, revolvers, etc.
"then they will ban the rest" - there's a huge difference between banning a specific type of gun (semi automatics) and banning ALL guns.

A better idea is to ban certain guns like the AR-15. I own a gun and I support gun ownership but I don't understand the need for an AR 15.


That is a terrible idea.

I have 29 AR-15s now and use them for legal purposes.

Why should my right to own those guns be taken away because somebody else does something illegal with them?

Especially when they contribute a very minor amount to the total gun violence every year in this country?
True enough but how often are they used in mass shootings?
Who cares?

You're more likely to die by getting struck twice by lightening in the same spot.

That can happen and does. Not sure what the odds are but for being struck once it's 1-700,000 in a year, 1 - 3,000 in your lifetime. 3 people at the garlic festival shooting also survived the Las Vegas shooting.
Did someone come around and rewrite the Constitution into the Bill of Needs?

Although I sympathize with Osiris-ODS and his desire to hunt hogs, I don't believe the intention of the 2nd was to give him the right to hunt hogs with an AR15.
I don't believe that unless he has committed a crime and was convicted, that what he hunts with is no one's business but his.
I find that very hard to argue with but if they end up banning AR15's, I won't be worried about my right to bear arms being infringed. If they decide to take my handgun - and your rifles - then I'd worry.

An AR-15 is just a semi automatic rifle like all your others, except it resembles a military rifle COSMETICALLY. They want to ban ALL semi-autos first, then they will ban the rest. Bolt action, lever action, pump, revolvers, etc.
"then they will ban the rest" - there's a huge difference between banning a specific type of gun (semi automatics) and banning ALL guns.

The states where there are strong rest ructions on "assault weapons" also have pretty oppressive laws against other fire arms.

For instance the SAFE Act was passed in New York as "sensible gun control".

Two weeks after it was passed a decorated veteran was arrested for having an empty 30 rd AR magazine in his trunk. No AR, just an empty magazine. No crime, just possession.

A few months later a man went to see his doctor because of mind insomnia. Under the SAFE Act the doctor reported him to the authorities and the jackbooted thugs came to his home and confiscated his guns. For the mental health problem of a little insomnia.

A little later a woman from Texas was passing through NY on the way to Maine. She had her young daughter with her and carried a pistol for self protection. The police arrested her for having the pistol although her only "crime" was possession.

There are other examples. Liberals do not understand what "common sense" means so we can't trust them with our Constitutional rights.

If we give an inch they will take a mile.
well , how many mass shooting where done this year so far . How many were murdered in those shooting and I think that's the answer . I think Americans have a RIGHT to the AR15 rifles or carbines with any extended magazine they like [same for any other long guns] . I think a poster name Blaine said that mass shootings in 2019 caused 219 deaths and that's with 5 - 6 months to go in 2019 and I don't know what type gun was used . Chime in if you are on board and correct or expand what I say about your info Blaine . [please] For Moonpie , me and the rest of the board Blaine .
Although I sympathize with Osiris-ODS and his desire to hunt hogs, I don't believe the intention of the 2nd was to give him the right to hunt hogs with an AR15.
I don't believe that unless he has committed a crime and was convicted, that what he hunts with is no one's business but his.
I find that very hard to argue with but if they end up banning AR15's, I won't be worried about my right to bear arms being infringed. If they decide to take my handgun - and your rifles - then I'd worry.

An AR-15 is just a semi automatic rifle like all your others, except it resembles a military rifle COSMETICALLY. They want to ban ALL semi-autos first, then they will ban the rest. Bolt action, lever action, pump, revolvers, etc.
"then they will ban the rest" - there's a huge difference between banning a specific type of gun (semi automatics) and banning ALL guns.

The states where there are strong rest ructions on "assault weapons" also have pretty oppressive laws against other fire arms.

For instance the SAFE Act was passed in New York as "sensible gun control".

Two weeks after it was passed a decorated veteran was arrested for having an empty 30 rd AR magazine in his trunk. No AR, just an empty magazine. No crime, just possession.

A few months later a man went to see his doctor because of mind insomnia. Under the SAFE Act the doctor reported him to the authorities and the jackbooted thugs came to his home and confiscated his guns. For the mental health problem of a little insomnia.

A little later a woman from Texas was passing through NY on the way to Maine. She had her young daughter with her and carried a pistol for self protection. The police arrested her for having the pistol although her only "crime" was possession.

There are other examples. Liberals do not understand what "common sense" means so we can't trust them with our Constitutional rights.

If we give an inch they will take a mile.
I'm curious how you reacted when they banned bump stocks.

re the man with insomnia - that doesn't apply here. That has to do with mental fitness and we aren't arguing that. I do agree, such laws can be abused but how often does that happen?
Did someone come around and rewrite the Constitution into the Bill of Needs?

Although I sympathize with Osiris-ODS and his desire to hunt hogs, I don't believe the intention of the 2nd was to give him the right to hunt hogs with an AR15.
I don't believe that unless he has committed a crime and was convicted, that what he hunts with is no one's business but his.
I find that very hard to argue with but if they end up banning AR15's, I won't be worried about my right to bear arms being infringed. If they decide to take my handgun - and your rifles - then I'd worry.

An AR-15 is just a semi automatic rifle like all your others, except it resembles a military rifle COSMETICALLY. They want to ban ALL semi-autos first, then they will ban the rest. Bolt action, lever action, pump, revolvers, etc.
"then they will ban the rest" - there's a huge difference between banning a specific type of gun (semi automatics) and banning ALL guns.
--------------------------------- so you are kinda like the FUDS and the 'english' and 'new zealander' that have been ALLOWED to keep some specific guns but not to keep effective and efficient guns that are suitable for the furtherance of the USA Second Amendment eh Moonpie .
Although I sympathize with Osiris-ODS and his desire to hunt hogs, I don't believe the intention of the 2nd was to give him the right to hunt hogs with an AR15.
I don't believe that unless he has committed a crime and was convicted, that what he hunts with is no one's business but his.
I find that very hard to argue with but if they end up banning AR15's, I won't be worried about my right to bear arms being infringed. If they decide to take my handgun - and your rifles - then I'd worry.

An AR-15 is just a semi automatic rifle like all your others, except it resembles a military rifle COSMETICALLY. They want to ban ALL semi-autos first, then they will ban the rest. Bolt action, lever action, pump, revolvers, etc.
"then they will ban the rest" - there's a huge difference between banning a specific type of gun (semi automatics) and banning ALL guns.
--------------------------------- so you are kinda like the FUDS and the 'english' and 'new zealander' that have been ALLOWED to keep some specific guns but not to keep effective and efficient guns that are suitable for the furtherance of the USA Second Amendment eh Moonpie .
I don't know what FUDS is. Are there ineffective or inefficient guns?? Not sure which guns are best suited to further the 2nd, can you explain?

I gotta go now so don't hurry with your reply
its just BAIT but i'll reply to what is a FUD Gun . FUD guns are what FUDS buy Shoot and cherish and are usually Traditional wood and blued steel guns . A FUD is usually an older and sometimes a younger guy that only cares about the type and style gun that he owns . [usually hunting guns] ------------ as far as the Second Amendment , well , you oughta do some reading about it and learn something Moonpie .

A better idea is to ban certain guns like the AR-15. I own a gun and I support gun ownership but I don't understand the need for an AR 15.


That is a terrible idea.

I have 29 AR-15s now and use them for legal purposes.

Why should my right to own those guns be taken away because somebody else does something illegal with them?

Especially when they contribute a very minor amount to the total gun violence every year in this country?
True enough but how often are they used in mass shootings?
Who cares?

You're more likely to die by getting struck twice by lightening in the same spot.

That can happen and does. Not sure what the odds are but for being struck once it's 1-700,000 in a year, 1 - 3,000 in your lifetime. 3 people at the garlic festival shooting also survived the Las Vegas shooting.
And you will go your whole life and never be involved in a mass shooting.


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