Zone1 The Bible vs the RCC Catechism- see the differences!

there are a lot of contradictions in the Catholic faith regarding the preaching of the Vatican Popes, Francis, the current pope is a perfect example of this.
are you born again? are you saved? if so, how do you know?
I have a personal relationship with God that I am absolutely certain of. Have I accepted Jesus Christ as my Savior. Yes I have. To be 'born again' is rather subjective for someone like me because I cannot remember a time I did not have that relationship with God. But have I experienced the nudgings and teaching of the Holy Spirit? Yes I have.

And all my instincts say it is far more important to just love people, do what we can to be a positive force in whatever part of the world we occupy, and to hopefully be a magnet to others to want that relationship with God.

I don't know a single soul who has ever reached out to God by being told he/she is going to hell or by being told what a terrible, wicked, evil person he/she is. I shudder to think how many have rejected Jesus's salvation by the really harsh and unattractive way Jesus was introduced to them.
I have a personal relationship with God that I am absolutely certain of. Have I accepted Jesus Christ as my Savior. Yes I have. To be 'born again' is rather subjective for someone like me because I cannot remember a time I did not have that relationship with God. But have I experienced the nudgings and teaching of the Holy Spirit? Yes I have.

And all my instincts say it is far more important to just love people, do what we can to be a positive force in whatever part of the world we occupy, and to hopefully be a magnet to others to want that relationship with God.

I don't know a single soul who has ever reached out to God by being told he/she is going to hell or by being told what a terrible, wicked, evil person he/she is. I shudder to think how many have rejected Jesus's salvation by the really harsh and unattractive way Jesus was introduced to them.
how do you know youre going to heaven?
how do you know youre going to heaven?
Because of my relationship with God I think. I accept that He has forgiven my sin and I allow Him to lead as much as is humanly possible even though my temper, my pride, my ambition sometimes needs a lot of attitude adjustment at times. When you witness miracles and experience answered prayer, when you experience the present of the Spirit, it is easy to be confident that Heaven awaits us.

And it is going on 1 a.m. in New Mexico and I am going to bed. Peace, love, and a restful night to you my friend. Good night.
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notice not one catholic address any of my posts clearly showing how the rcc catechism is opposite of the bible.
notice not one catholic address any of my posts clearly showing how the rcc catechism is opposite of the bible.
  • Notice how someone who is not a Catholic absolutely fixated on the Catholic faith.
  • Catechism of the Catholic Church is heavily footnoted with Biblical references.
  • No way to have a discussion with a deluge of Cut and Pastes. You are not the author. The author is not present,
  • When reality is transmogrified to such an extent, why bother?
As it is, it is clear what you believe about the Catholic faith and it appears there is little interest in what you (or the cut & paste author) believe. The Bible and Catholicism has been transmogrified to such an extent there is no reality to address.

If you would like a discussion, why not have a discussion about your own faith? If you would like a discussion about another faith, perhaps start with a question about what someone actually believes instead of informing them what they "really" believe.

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