The Biden BOOM is here, Best First 100 days Stock Market.

America is getting its swagga back.
Thanks to Biden and his economic and covid wins.

The stock market has gained more under Biden than any other ever, in the first 100 days.

This is just the beginning of the biggest economic run our country has ever had, and Biden is doing an incredible job considering what he inherited.

This is what MAGA is.

Funny how every economic gain under Trump was Obama's but just 100 days into the Biden administration and it's all Joe's. You people are bipolar lunatics. Just wait Biden hasn't had enough time to tax the shit out of all the money makers yet.
Fuel prices go up when the economy is strong.

They also go up when some twat restricts supply or adds stupid regulations that restrict supply.

How has Biden restricting supply? What regulations has he unilaterally imposed that is affecting gas prices? Current gas prices are at or below what they were from October 2017 to December 2020. What did Trump do to cause those high prices?

How has Biden restricting supply?

Biden’s orders direct the secretary of the Interior Department to halt new oil and natural gas leases on public lands and waters, and begin a thorough review of existing permits for fossil fuel development.

Climate change: Biden suspends oil and gas leasing in executive action (

What regulations has he unilaterally imposed that is affecting gas prices?

Did you already forget his pipeline EOs?

Current gas prices are at or below what they were from October 2017 to December 2020.


View attachment 484257

U.S. All Grades All Formulations Retail Gasoline Prices (Dollars per Gallon) (

If Keystone has not even been completed, how did it's cancellation affect supply?

Same for the leases? If they haven't been sold then there has not even been any drilling, let alone the actual production of oil that could be refined into gas. So how does that effect supply?

And please, don't tell me gas and oil prices are based on future production capability. Gasoline is a perishable commodity and its price is constructed specifically to match the supply with demand.

If Keystone has not even been completed, how did it's cancellation affect supply?

You didn't think it was just to bring oil from Canada, did you?

Same for the leases? If they haven't been sold then there has not even been any drilling, let alone the actual production of oil that could be refined into gas. So how does that effect supply?

Do you know anything about futures prices?
When it became obvious that Biden's handlers were going to attack oil, prices jumped.
If you do something stupid that will reduce oil tomorrow, prices will rise today.

Now, back to your lie about prices from October 2017 to December 2020........

Oh, I know the purpose of Keystone very well thank you. It sure as hell was not to produce more gasoline for US consumption. Matter of fact, upon completion it would have increased the price of gasoline in the upper Midwest because it would have reduced supply, the very thing you seemed to be concerned with.

Refineries along the Gulf Coast have expanded their diesel production capabilities. And Congress lifted the ban on exporting refined oil products a good while back. Fact is, we are now exporting diesel like nobody's business. Which you really have to question the intelligence of that, seeing how critical diesel fuel is to our own domestic economy. But that is another topic.

So the purpose of Keystone was to get that shale sludge to refineries on the Gulf Coast so it could be processed into diesel fuel for EXPORT. Currently, what is moving to the US is refined in the upper Midwest for gasoline. You see how that actually does affect supply and demand.

Oh, I know the purpose of Keystone very well thank you.

Don't be shy, post it in the thread.

And Congress lifted the ban on exporting refined oil products a good while back.

When was there a ban on exporting refined oil products? Link?

Fact is, we are now exporting diesel like nobody's business. Which you really have to question the intelligence of that, seeing how critical diesel fuel is to our own domestic economy.

Do we have a diesel shortage?

So the purpose of Keystone was to get that shale sludge to refineries on the Gulf Coast

Shale sludge? Ok, that's another thing about oil you don't understand.

Now, back to your lie about prices from October 2017 to December 2020........

Gas prices were similar to or higher than their current level for much of the time between October 2017 and January 2020 — that is more than two years of Trump’s presidency. Prices were higher than today for all of the time between March 2018 and November 2018, and all of the time between April 2019 and August 2019.

The ban was on crude oil, for forty years. Refined products were allowed, just have massively expanded. Not very bright if you ask me. And no, there is no shortage of diesel, at current prices, which are higher than gasoline, which also makes no damn sense. Hell, this nation is so fubared that we export propane and natural gas. Hell, even Iran is smart enough not to export natural gas.

Gas prices were similar to or higher than their current level for much of the time between October 2017 and January 2020


View attachment 484308

U.S. All Grades All Formulations Retail Gasoline Prices (Dollars per Gallon) (

The ban was on crude oil, for forty years. Refined products were allowed,

Thanks for admitting your error.

And no, there is no shortage of diesel,

Banning its export would be stupid then, right?

Hell, this nation is so fubared that we export propane and natural gas.

Yes, we make tons of money exporting it.

Hell, even Iran is smart enough not to export natural gas.

You're wrong, again.

View attachment 484313

Foreign trade figures of Iran - Economic and Political Overview - Nordea Trade Portal

Your gas numbers indicate what my link stated. Two months in 2018 were still higher than they are today. Admittedly, they are tracking higher but I still say we are in a bottleneck situation that will be alleviated in the next few months. We will see if I am right.

And I will admit I was wrong about Iran. It appears they have somewhat changed their policy, but I checked it out. Iran receives natural gas via pipeline from a couple of different countries, their exports are almost exactly what they receive from those pipelines. Historically Iran has had large periods of time where they did not export natural gas at all, despite having more reserves than any country other than Russia. No exports for almost all of the eighties, a little spike up in 1989 -1992, and then nothing again until 2001. I would argue their exports are a function of sanctions more than anything else. With little means of generating revenue under sanctions they were forced to export natural gas. But Iran has always considered their natural gas reserves a strategic advantage whose domestic use exceeded any revenue generated by exports.

And that is the thing. The US has never given a damn about the strategic importance of natural resources. If we could make a dime exporting them, we took the dime. You think we would have learned by now. If we didn't export diesel, the price would be lower here. It should be lower than gasoline. It was for most of my life. Diesel fuel affects the cost of almost everything.

I mean almost everyday I see big lumber trucks rolling in to the local sawmill. I see more trucks rolling out with finished lumber. And where does it end up? China for the most part. In a couple years, it will come back, as furniture made in China. I mean how damn stupid is that? If you think about it, the only industry that really makes out is the transportation industry. Furniture jobs are all but gone. Furniture prices are higher while the quality is lower. Americans pay more. I mean here is a thought. Why don't we just keep the furniture, and the diesel here, and every American just stroke a check to the oil companies and the transportation companies. Same damn thing, except now we have more jobs here.

Two months in 2018 were still higher than they are today.

Two out of twenty eight helps your claim?

Iran receives natural gas via pipeline from a couple of different countries, their exports are almost exactly what they receive from those pipelines.


Iran - The World Factbook (

You have any more recent numbers to prove your claim?

And that is the thing. The US has never given a damn about the strategic importance of natural resources. If we could make a dime exporting them, we took the dime. You think we would have learned by now. If we didn't export diesel, the price would be lower here.

If we weren't exporting diesel, we'd import less crude. You know we're very good at refining, right?

It should be lower than gasoline. It was for most of my life.

Ultra-low sulfur regulations raised the cost.
I'm going to be depressed once Biden actually gets his tax hikes. Biden is still benefiting from
the Trump economy.

That he is but once his shit kicks in you can bet the economy will take a dive.

As for the market?? That was booming under Trump as well. We all know the market goes up, then the market goes down. Wonder what the Bidenista's will say when the market goes down?? Bet they won't be telling us how great Biden is doing then. In fact I'd bet they will blame Trump. LOL
LOL, yeah, stocks are emotional? Thanks for that insight. You never get truth like that unless you go to someone completely ignorant and arrogant as hell that they can speak for something they know nothing about and have no experience in.

Here you go in anticipation if your witty reply ..
Stocks can rise and fall with current events. Some would call that an emotional response because it is based on anticipation not monetary changes. That being said, events can cause monetary fluctuations which can cause the market to react positively or negatively.

You can call it whatever you want. Do you explain medicine to doctors and race car driving to NASCAR drivers too? Is there anything you don't know?

I always find finance and economics interesting where people who have no knowledge at all know everything! Except you don't know anything. You don't even know that.

I'll leave you with one simple thought though on your point of why stocks react more to current than future events. I owe you $10. Do you want it if you have a choice today or in one year? Why? Emotions? Is that the only reason? You want the $10 today because it makes you happy?

LOL. Now can you explain quantum physics?
A child could understand this.

Which is why liberals have difficulty.
Remember when Obama said we couldn't drill our way to lower prices?

Have you ever heard anyone make a dumber claim about oil?
Because it's a global market, silly, and we are just a small part of that market.

Because it's a global market,

And we produced a lot more.
Why do you feel the price went down?

and we are just a small part of that market.

What percentage of the market are we?
Because Obama had an incredible energy policy we pumped more oil and natural gas than ever before. So much so that Obama broke the price of oil and it dropped to incredible lows.

Obama is in the past. We are here to focus on Biden and his great economy.

You can whine and cry all you want, but the Biden economy is booming like never before and the US is in the early innings of an incredible run. Another Bill Clinton Golden Age.

How come all the great presidents are Democrat, and all the failed fucked up presidents are Republican?

Because Obama had an incredible energy policy

He sounds AWESOME!!!

What was his energy policy? Spell it out.
Everybody knows what it was.

Drill baby drill. The US became a leading oil/energy producer under Obama.

Thank you Obama.

Enjoy the Biden Boom.

How come all the great presidents are Democrat, and all the failed fucked up presidents are Republican?

Everybody knows what it was.

Show me.

Drill baby drill.

Liar. Obama never helped drilling.
He mocked drill baby drill.

The US became a leading oil/energy producer under Obama.

Despite his best efforts to prevent it.
Poor pathetic Trumper. Trump failed, he was a terrible president with failed results. Bush failed, he was a terrible president with failed results.
BUT Clinton was a big winner. Obama fixed the Bush crash and pumped epic amounts of oil. Record amounts of oil. And Now Biden is crushing covid, kicking ass, and taking names.

All you have is pathetic excuses.

Enjoy Biden's Golden Age, it might be better than Clinton's.

You're dumb. Hey Banker code for teller with no spine, did you see post 52?
The libs didn't give Trump credit for his economy for three was still Obama's in their fucked up heads...but now in less than half a year its Joe's economy?????....I don't think so...when it crashes then it will be Joe's...and the crash is coming...and you all had better be ready for it....don't let it take you by surprise like in 08 after Pelosi and Reid killed it.....

A crash is coming and since ByeDon is in office of course he will take the blame for it.
You can call it whatever you want. Do you explain medicine to doctors and race car driving to NASCAR drivers too? Is there anything you don't know?

I always find finance and economics interesting where people who have no knowledge at all know everything! Except you don't know anything. You don't even know that.

I'll leave you with one simple thought though on your point of why stocks react more to current than future events. I owe you $10. Do you want it if you have a choice today or in one year? Why? Emotions? Is that the only reason? You want the $10 today because it makes you happy?

LOL. Now can you explain quantum physics?
I never said stocks react MORE to current than future events that's all YOU. Quantum physics has nothing do to with this thread and, that you find economics 'interesting' is of no interest to me or anyone else here.
America is getting its swagga back.
Thanks to Biden and his economic and covid wins.

The stock market has gained more under Biden than any other ever, in the first 100 days.

This is just the beginning of the biggest economic run our country has ever had, and Biden is doing an incredible job considering what he inherited.

This is what MAGA is.

but what happens when we have to pay back the trillions Obiden has borrowed
America is getting its swagga back.
Thanks to Biden and his economic and covid wins.

The stock market has gained more under Biden than any other ever, in the first 100 days.

This is just the beginning of the biggest economic run our country has ever had, and Biden is doing an incredible job considering what he inherited.

This is what MAGA is.

and just like that the dems now support the uber rich getting richer,,, and piss on the average person,,
Get some job skills and you can be rich too.

You are lazy and unskilled. It is easy to make money if you know how, don't blame me for your failure to make $.
as usual when you cant refute the message you attack the messenger,,,,

dont worry your little heart about me cause I'm doing fine,,
but the meds dont seem to be helping you much
You can call it whatever you want. Do you explain medicine to doctors and race car driving to NASCAR drivers too? Is there anything you don't know?

I always find finance and economics interesting where people who have no knowledge at all know everything! Except you don't know anything. You don't even know that.

I'll leave you with one simple thought though on your point of why stocks react more to current than future events. I owe you $10. Do you want it if you have a choice today or in one year? Why? Emotions? Is that the only reason? You want the $10 today because it makes you happy?

LOL. Now can you explain quantum physics?
I never said stocks react MORE to current than future events that's all YOU. Quantum physics has nothing do to with this thread and, that you find economics 'interesting' is of no interest to me or anyone else here.

It's interesting that your response to your lack of knowledge about finance was you know even less than I said you did.

And my point about quantum physics since you whiffed on that too was regarding your propensity to explain things to people on subjects you know know nothing about. How did you possibly not get that? Wow.

Can you explain eighteenth century French literature now?

John Lennon: An opinion is like an asshole, everyone has one.

kaz: And with finance, every one of you assholes is an expert even though you're not
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You can call it whatever you want. Do you explain medicine to doctors and race car driving to NASCAR drivers too? Is there anything you don't know?

I always find finance and economics interesting where people who have no knowledge at all know everything! Except you don't know anything. You don't even know that.

I'll leave you with one simple thought though on your point of why stocks react more to current than future events. I owe you $10. Do you want it if you have a choice today or in one year? Why? Emotions? Is that the only reason? You want the $10 today because it makes you happy?

LOL. Now can you explain quantum physics?
I never said stocks react MORE to current than future events that's all YOU. Quantum physics has nothing do to with this thread and, that you find economics 'interesting' is of no interest to me or anyone else here.

Give some examples of current events that change stock prices but don't affect stock values?
You can call it whatever you want. Do you explain medicine to doctors and race car driving to NASCAR drivers too? Is there anything you don't know?

I always find finance and economics interesting where people who have no knowledge at all know everything! Except you don't know anything. You don't even know that.

I'll leave you with one simple thought though on your point of why stocks react more to current than future events. I owe you $10. Do you want it if you have a choice today or in one year? Why? Emotions? Is that the only reason? You want the $10 today because it makes you happy?

LOL. Now can you explain quantum physics?
I never said stocks react MORE to current than future events that's all YOU. Quantum physics has nothing do to with this thread and, that you find economics 'interesting' is of no interest to me or anyone else here.

It's interesting that your response to your lack of knowledge about finance was you know even less than I said you did.

And my point about quantum physics since you whiffed on that too was regarding your propensity to explain things to people on subjects you know know nothing about. How did you possibly not get that? Wow.

Can you explain eighteenth century French literature now?

John Lennon: An opinion is like an asshole, everyone has one.

kaz: And with finance, every one of you assholes is an expert even though you're not
All I did was post that you claimed I said something I didn't that's all. You asked me if I could explain Quantum Physics......I said that is not what the thread is about, how is that 'whiffing' on anything? Scientists have been studying Quantum Physics and it is fascinating. I would direct you to the Internet or current texts where there is lots of good reading on the subject by scientists of which I am not. Now you triangulate to eighteenth century French literature? WTF? Again, if you want to know about that go to the Internet or do some reading, don't ask me. Now on to John Lennon? Frankly I agree with you that everyone has an opinion including yourself. I am at a loss to understand what salient point you are trying to make here.
Give some examples of current events that change stock prices but don't affect stock values?

I may have not explained my point well, sorry. A current event can affect future stock prices/values because of anticipation. A proposed rise in interest, for instance, could affect the secondary Mortgage market as participants/stake-holders anticipate losses or gains although it hasn't happened yet. IMO that is an emotional response, perhaps we are arguing terms....
Last edited:
Fuel prices go up when the economy is strong.

They also go up when some twat restricts supply or adds stupid regulations that restrict supply.

How has Biden restricting supply? What regulations has he unilaterally imposed that is affecting gas prices? Current gas prices are at or below what they were from October 2017 to December 2020. What did Trump do to cause those high prices?

How has Biden restricting supply?

Biden’s orders direct the secretary of the Interior Department to halt new oil and natural gas leases on public lands and waters, and begin a thorough review of existing permits for fossil fuel development.

Climate change: Biden suspends oil and gas leasing in executive action (

What regulations has he unilaterally imposed that is affecting gas prices?

Did you already forget his pipeline EOs?

Current gas prices are at or below what they were from October 2017 to December 2020.


View attachment 484257

U.S. All Grades All Formulations Retail Gasoline Prices (Dollars per Gallon) (

If Keystone has not even been completed, how did it's cancellation affect supply?

Same for the leases? If they haven't been sold then there has not even been any drilling, let alone the actual production of oil that could be refined into gas. So how does that effect supply?

And please, don't tell me gas and oil prices are based on future production capability. Gasoline is a perishable commodity and its price is constructed specifically to match the supply with demand.

If Keystone has not even been completed, how did it's cancellation affect supply?

You didn't think it was just to bring oil from Canada, did you?

Same for the leases? If they haven't been sold then there has not even been any drilling, let alone the actual production of oil that could be refined into gas. So how does that effect supply?

Do you know anything about futures prices?
When it became obvious that Biden's handlers were going to attack oil, prices jumped.
If you do something stupid that will reduce oil tomorrow, prices will rise today.

Now, back to your lie about prices from October 2017 to December 2020........

Oh, I know the purpose of Keystone very well thank you. It sure as hell was not to produce more gasoline for US consumption. Matter of fact, upon completion it would have increased the price of gasoline in the upper Midwest because it would have reduced supply, the very thing you seemed to be concerned with.

Refineries along the Gulf Coast have expanded their diesel production capabilities. And Congress lifted the ban on exporting refined oil products a good while back. Fact is, we are now exporting diesel like nobody's business. Which you really have to question the intelligence of that, seeing how critical diesel fuel is to our own domestic economy. But that is another topic.

So the purpose of Keystone was to get that shale sludge to refineries on the Gulf Coast so it could be processed into diesel fuel for EXPORT. Currently, what is moving to the US is refined in the upper Midwest for gasoline. You see how that actually does affect supply and demand.

Oh, I know the purpose of Keystone very well thank you.

Don't be shy, post it in the thread.

And Congress lifted the ban on exporting refined oil products a good while back.

When was there a ban on exporting refined oil products? Link?

Fact is, we are now exporting diesel like nobody's business. Which you really have to question the intelligence of that, seeing how critical diesel fuel is to our own domestic economy.

Do we have a diesel shortage?

So the purpose of Keystone was to get that shale sludge to refineries on the Gulf Coast

Shale sludge? Ok, that's another thing about oil you don't understand.

Now, back to your lie about prices from October 2017 to December 2020........

Gas prices were similar to or higher than their current level for much of the time between October 2017 and January 2020 — that is more than two years of Trump’s presidency. Prices were higher than today for all of the time between March 2018 and November 2018, and all of the time between April 2019 and August 2019.

The ban was on crude oil, for forty years. Refined products were allowed, just have massively expanded. Not very bright if you ask me. And no, there is no shortage of diesel, at current prices, which are higher than gasoline, which also makes no damn sense. Hell, this nation is so fubared that we export propane and natural gas. Hell, even Iran is smart enough not to export natural gas.

Gas prices were similar to or higher than their current level for much of the time between October 2017 and January 2020


View attachment 484308

U.S. All Grades All Formulations Retail Gasoline Prices (Dollars per Gallon) (

The ban was on crude oil, for forty years. Refined products were allowed,

Thanks for admitting your error.

And no, there is no shortage of diesel,

Banning its export would be stupid then, right?

Hell, this nation is so fubared that we export propane and natural gas.

Yes, we make tons of money exporting it.

Hell, even Iran is smart enough not to export natural gas.

You're wrong, again.

View attachment 484313

Foreign trade figures of Iran - Economic and Political Overview - Nordea Trade Portal

Your gas numbers indicate what my link stated. Two months in 2018 were still higher than they are today. Admittedly, they are tracking higher but I still say we are in a bottleneck situation that will be alleviated in the next few months. We will see if I am right.

And I will admit I was wrong about Iran. It appears they have somewhat changed their policy, but I checked it out. Iran receives natural gas via pipeline from a couple of different countries, their exports are almost exactly what they receive from those pipelines. Historically Iran has had large periods of time where they did not export natural gas at all, despite having more reserves than any country other than Russia. No exports for almost all of the eighties, a little spike up in 1989 -1992, and then nothing again until 2001. I would argue their exports are a function of sanctions more than anything else. With little means of generating revenue under sanctions they were forced to export natural gas. But Iran has always considered their natural gas reserves a strategic advantage whose domestic use exceeded any revenue generated by exports.

And that is the thing. The US has never given a damn about the strategic importance of natural resources. If we could make a dime exporting them, we took the dime. You think we would have learned by now. If we didn't export diesel, the price would be lower here. It should be lower than gasoline. It was for most of my life. Diesel fuel affects the cost of almost everything.

I mean almost everyday I see big lumber trucks rolling in to the local sawmill. I see more trucks rolling out with finished lumber. And where does it end up? China for the most part. In a couple years, it will come back, as furniture made in China. I mean how damn stupid is that? If you think about it, the only industry that really makes out is the transportation industry. Furniture jobs are all but gone. Furniture prices are higher while the quality is lower. Americans pay more. I mean here is a thought. Why don't we just keep the furniture, and the diesel here, and every American just stroke a check to the oil companies and the transportation companies. Same damn thing, except now we have more jobs here.

Two months in 2018 were still higher than they are today.

Two out of twenty eight helps your claim?

Iran receives natural gas via pipeline from a couple of different countries, their exports are almost exactly what they receive from those pipelines.

View attachment 484336

Iran - The World Factbook (

You have any more recent numbers to prove your claim?

And that is the thing. The US has never given a damn about the strategic importance of natural resources. If we could make a dime exporting them, we took the dime. You think we would have learned by now. If we didn't export diesel, the price would be lower here.

If we weren't exporting diesel, we'd import less crude. You know we're very good at refining, right?

It should be lower than gasoline. It was for most of my life.

Ultra-low sulfur regulations raised the cost.

Ultra-low sulfur regulations raised the cost.

See, that is why I have a problem. If it serves your partisan position, well prices are up because of regulations. But if it serves your position, prices are up because of supply and demand. The regulations were completely phased in in 2010, they started way back in 1993 under Clinton. Why didn't your boy Trump just wipe them away with an EO? Besides, your position assumes diesel prices are based on cost. LOL. I hate to break the news to you, but there ain't no price based on cost. I learned that more than forty years ago. My hotshot young ass in business school with an economics degree, Phd in Business from Procter and Gamble is giving a presentation. Holds up a can of deodorant. "How to we determine the price we charge for this deodorant" he asks. My hot shot ass throws up my hand and gets recognized. I start waxing about marginal cost curves and fixed costs and maximization points and he cuts me off. "Son, we charge whatever the hell we can get". It is always, ALWAYS, supply and demand.
You can call it whatever you want. Do you explain medicine to doctors and race car driving to NASCAR drivers too? Is there anything you don't know?

I always find finance and economics interesting where people who have no knowledge at all know everything! Except you don't know anything. You don't even know that.

I'll leave you with one simple thought though on your point of why stocks react more to current than future events. I owe you $10. Do you want it if you have a choice today or in one year? Why? Emotions? Is that the only reason? You want the $10 today because it makes you happy?

LOL. Now can you explain quantum physics?
I never said stocks react MORE to current than future events that's all YOU. Quantum physics has nothing do to with this thread and, that you find economics 'interesting' is of no interest to me or anyone else here.

It's interesting that your response to your lack of knowledge about finance was you know even less than I said you did.

And my point about quantum physics since you whiffed on that too was regarding your propensity to explain things to people on subjects you know know nothing about. How did you possibly not get that? Wow.

Can you explain eighteenth century French literature now?

John Lennon: An opinion is like an asshole, everyone has one.

kaz: And with finance, every one of you assholes is an expert even though you're not
All I did was post that you claimed I said something I didn't that's all. You asked me if I could explain Quantum Physics......I said that is not what the thread is about, how is that 'whiffing' on anything? Scientists have been studying Quantum Physics and it is fascinating. I would direct you to the Internet or current texts where there is lots of good reading on the subject by scientists of which I am not. Now you triangulate to eighteenth century French literature? WTF? Again, if you want to know about that go to the Internet or do some reading, don't ask me. Now on to John Lennon? Frankly I agree with you that everyone has an opinion including yourself. I am at a loss to understand what salient point you are trying to make here.

Long term memory problems? I made fun of another poster who knows nothing about stocks and claimed that prices are set with emotions. He was wrong and you came in and agreed they are set by emotions. Since then, every post from you has gone another random direction
You can call it whatever you want. Do you explain medicine to doctors and race car driving to NASCAR drivers too? Is there anything you don't know?

I always find finance and economics interesting where people who have no knowledge at all know everything! Except you don't know anything. You don't even know that.

I'll leave you with one simple thought though on your point of why stocks react more to current than future events. I owe you $10. Do you want it if you have a choice today or in one year? Why? Emotions? Is that the only reason? You want the $10 today because it makes you happy?

LOL. Now can you explain quantum physics?
I never said stocks react MORE to current than future events that's all YOU. Quantum physics has nothing do to with this thread and, that you find economics 'interesting' is of no interest to me or anyone else here.

Give some examples of current events that change stock prices but don't affect stock values?

You do realize that stock prices, and stock values, are two different things, right? Warren Buffet made a literally fortune understanding that reality. Maybe you don't know as much as you think.
Long term memory problems? I made fun of another poster who knows nothing about stocks and claimed that prices are set with emotions. He was wrong and you came in and agreed they are set by emotions. Since then, every post from you has gone another random direction
To be honest, you brought up Quantum Physics and John Lennon which is pretty random in relation to the OP.
You can call it whatever you want. Do you explain medicine to doctors and race car driving to NASCAR drivers too? Is there anything you don't know?

I always find finance and economics interesting where people who have no knowledge at all know everything! Except you don't know anything. You don't even know that.

I'll leave you with one simple thought though on your point of why stocks react more to current than future events. I owe you $10. Do you want it if you have a choice today or in one year? Why? Emotions? Is that the only reason? You want the $10 today because it makes you happy?

LOL. Now can you explain quantum physics?
I never said stocks react MORE to current than future events that's all YOU. Quantum physics has nothing do to with this thread and, that you find economics 'interesting' is of no interest to me or anyone else here.

Give some examples of current events that change stock prices but don't affect stock values?

You do realize that stock prices, and stock values, are two different things, right? Warren Buffet made a literally fortune understanding that reality. Maybe you don't know as much as you think.

You said that like it contradicted what I said, LOL. Your argument particularly made no sense since I argued current events DO affect stock prices where as your leftist hero said they don't. At no point did I say ANYTHING about anything NOT affecting prices, everything I said was they do.

You really aren't very smart in general. You don't know finance and couldn't read the discussion. Both of those fail to you picked a username that is on the other side of your love of big government
Long term memory problems? I made fun of another poster who knows nothing about stocks and claimed that prices are set with emotions. He was wrong and you came in and agreed they are set by emotions. Since then, every post from you has gone another random direction
To be honest, you brought up Quantum Physics and John Lennon which is pretty random in relation to the OP.

Um ... the OP is about the stock market and I pointed out you know nothing about the stock market. Actually you pointed out you know nothing about the stock market since I didn't even say it to you and you supported the statement that emotion drives stock prices.

I can't help you if you don't understand the discussion. Maybe you can show someone smarter than you the discussion and they can explain it to you. Someone smarter than you being pretty much anyone

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