The Biden BOOM is here, Best First 100 days Stock Market.

A child could understand this.

Which is why liberals have difficulty.
Remember when Obama said we couldn't drill our way to lower prices?

Have you ever heard anyone make a dumber claim about oil?
Because it's a global market, silly, and we are just a small part of that market.

Because it's a global market,

And we produced a lot more.
Why do you feel the price went down?

and we are just a small part of that market.

What percentage of the market are we?
Because Obama had an incredible energy policy we pumped more oil and natural gas than ever before. So much so that Obama broke the price of oil and it dropped to incredible lows.

Obama is in the past. We are here to focus on Biden and his great economy.

You can whine and cry all you want, but the Biden economy is booming like never before and the US is in the early innings of an incredible run. Another Bill Clinton Golden Age.

How come all the great presidents are Democrat, and all the failed fucked up presidents are Republican?
No goof, it was the lowest its been in several years under Trump. Too much CO2.

You are totally clueless. Maybe you should check your facts, typical idiot republican... Obama had lower oil and gas prices than Trump. Obama had record low prices in 2016, because of his energy policy.

The covid oil crash does not count due to outside factors.
A child could understand this.

Which is why liberals have difficulty.
Remember when Obama said we couldn't drill our way to lower prices?

Have you ever heard anyone make a dumber claim about oil?
Because it's a global market, silly, and we are just a small part of that market.

Because it's a global market,

And we produced a lot more.
Why do you feel the price went down?

and we are just a small part of that market.

What percentage of the market are we?
Because Obama had an incredible energy policy we pumped more oil and natural gas than ever before. So much so that Obama broke the price of oil and it dropped to incredible lows.

Obama is in the past. We are here to focus on Biden and his great economy.

You can whine and cry all you want, but the Biden economy is booming like never before and the US is in the early innings of an incredible run. Another Bill Clinton Golden Age.

How come all the great presidents are Democrat, and all the failed fucked up presidents are Republican?

Because Obama had an incredible energy policy

He sounds AWESOME!!!

What was his energy policy? Spell it out.
A child could understand this.

Which is why liberals have difficulty.
Remember when Obama said we couldn't drill our way to lower prices?

Have you ever heard anyone make a dumber claim about oil?
Because it's a global market, silly, and we are just a small part of that market.

Because it's a global market,

And we produced a lot more.
Why do you feel the price went down?

and we are just a small part of that market.

What percentage of the market are we?
Because Obama had an incredible energy policy we pumped more oil and natural gas than ever before. So much so that Obama broke the price of oil and it dropped to incredible lows.

Obama is in the past. We are here to focus on Biden and his great economy.

You can whine and cry all you want, but the Biden economy is booming like never before and the US is in the early innings of an incredible run. Another Bill Clinton Golden Age.

How come all the great presidents are Democrat, and all the failed fucked up presidents are Republican?
No goof, it was the lowest its been in several years under Trump. Too much CO2.

You are totally clueless. Maybe you should check your facts, typical idiot republican... Obama had lower oil and gas prices than Trump. Obama had record low prices in 2016, because of his energy policy.

The covid oil crash does not count due to outside factors.
Do you even drive? They were not lower.
A child could understand this.

Which is why liberals have difficulty.
Remember when Obama said we couldn't drill our way to lower prices?

Have you ever heard anyone make a dumber claim about oil?
Because it's a global market, silly, and we are just a small part of that market.

Because it's a global market,

And we produced a lot more.
Why do you feel the price went down?

and we are just a small part of that market.

What percentage of the market are we?
Because Obama had an incredible energy policy we pumped more oil and natural gas than ever before. So much so that Obama broke the price of oil and it dropped to incredible lows.

Obama is in the past. We are here to focus on Biden and his great economy.

You can whine and cry all you want, but the Biden economy is booming like never before and the US is in the early innings of an incredible run. Another Bill Clinton Golden Age.

How come all the great presidents are Democrat, and all the failed fucked up presidents are Republican?

Because Obama had an incredible energy policy

He sounds AWESOME!!!

What was his energy policy? Spell it out.
Everybody knows what it was.

Drill baby drill. The US became a leading oil/energy producer under Obama.

Thank you Obama.

Enjoy the Biden Boom.

How come all the great presidents are Democrat, and all the failed fucked up presidents are Republican?
A child could understand this.

Which is why liberals have difficulty.
Remember when Obama said we couldn't drill our way to lower prices?

Have you ever heard anyone make a dumber claim about oil?
Because it's a global market, silly, and we are just a small part of that market.

Because it's a global market,

And we produced a lot more.
Why do you feel the price went down?

and we are just a small part of that market.

What percentage of the market are we?
Because Obama had an incredible energy policy we pumped more oil and natural gas than ever before. So much so that Obama broke the price of oil and it dropped to incredible lows.

Obama is in the past. We are here to focus on Biden and his great economy.

You can whine and cry all you want, but the Biden economy is booming like never before and the US is in the early innings of an incredible run. Another Bill Clinton Golden Age.

How come all the great presidents are Democrat, and all the failed fucked up presidents are Republican?

Because Obama had an incredible energy policy

He sounds AWESOME!!!

What was his energy policy? Spell it out.
Everybody knows what it was.

Drill baby drill. The US became a leading oil/energy producer under Obama.

Thank you Obama.

Enjoy the Biden Boom.

How come all the great presidents are Democrat, and all the failed fucked up presidents are Republican?
Goofy, the CO2 has ruined your tiny brain
America is getting its swagga back.
Thanks to Biden and his economic and covid wins.

The stock market has gained more under Biden than any other ever, in the first 100 days.

This is just the beginning of the biggest economic run our country has ever had, and Biden is doing an incredible job considering what he inherited.

This is what MAGA is.

:auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg: Please tell us what Biden did besides Stop the Pipeline making us dependent on foreign oil throwing hundreds out of work, letting in thousands of illegal aliens, and making it legal for MALES to compete with FEMALES in professional sports which might include obtaining college scholarships
Bruce Jenner competed in the 76 Olympics ( I mean Catylyn) Do u believe a transgender woman would be able?
A child could understand this.

Which is why liberals have difficulty.
Remember when Obama said we couldn't drill our way to lower prices?

Have you ever heard anyone make a dumber claim about oil?
Because it's a global market, silly, and we are just a small part of that market.

Because it's a global market,

And we produced a lot more.
Why do you feel the price went down?

and we are just a small part of that market.

What percentage of the market are we?
Because Obama had an incredible energy policy we pumped more oil and natural gas than ever before. So much so that Obama broke the price of oil and it dropped to incredible lows.

Obama is in the past. We are here to focus on Biden and his great economy.

You can whine and cry all you want, but the Biden economy is booming like never before and the US is in the early innings of an incredible run. Another Bill Clinton Golden Age.

How come all the great presidents are Democrat, and all the failed fucked up presidents are Republican?

Because Obama had an incredible energy policy

He sounds AWESOME!!!

What was his energy policy? Spell it out.
Everybody knows what it was.

Drill baby drill. The US became a leading oil/energy producer under Obama.

Thank you Obama.

Enjoy the Biden Boom.

How come all the great presidents are Democrat, and all the failed fucked up presidents are Republican?
Goofy, the CO2 has ruined your tiny brain
Great comeback...

You just brought a little knife to a gun fight and got blasted.
LOL, yeah, stocks are emotional? Thanks for that insight. You never get truth like that unless you go to someone completely ignorant and arrogant as hell that they can speak for something they know nothing about and have no experience in.

Here you go in anticipation if your witty reply ..
Stocks can rise and fall with current events. Some would call that an emotional response because it is based on anticipation not monetary changes. That being said, events can cause monetary fluctuations which can cause the market to react positively or negatively.
A child could understand this.

Which is why liberals have difficulty.
Remember when Obama said we couldn't drill our way to lower prices?

Have you ever heard anyone make a dumber claim about oil?
Because it's a global market, silly, and we are just a small part of that market.

Because it's a global market,

And we produced a lot more.
Why do you feel the price went down?

and we are just a small part of that market.

What percentage of the market are we?
Because Obama had an incredible energy policy we pumped more oil and natural gas than ever before. So much so that Obama broke the price of oil and it dropped to incredible lows.

Obama is in the past. We are here to focus on Biden and his great economy.

You can whine and cry all you want, but the Biden economy is booming like never before and the US is in the early innings of an incredible run. Another Bill Clinton Golden Age.

How come all the great presidents are Democrat, and all the failed fucked up presidents are Republican?

Because Obama had an incredible energy policy

He sounds AWESOME!!!

What was his energy policy? Spell it out.
Everybody knows what it was.

Drill baby drill. The US became a leading oil/energy producer under Obama.

Thank you Obama.

Enjoy the Biden Boom.

How come all the great presidents are Democrat, and all the failed fucked up presidents are Republican?

Everybody knows what it was.

Show me.

Drill baby drill.

Liar. Obama never helped drilling.
He mocked drill baby drill.

The US became a leading oil/energy producer under Obama.

Despite his best efforts to prevent it.
Fuel prices go up when the economy is strong.

They also go up when some twat restricts supply or adds stupid regulations that restrict supply.

How has Biden restricting supply? What regulations has he unilaterally imposed that is affecting gas prices? Current gas prices are at or below what they were from October 2017 to December 2020. What did Trump do to cause those high prices?
Fuel prices go up when the economy is strong.

They also go up when some twat restricts supply or adds stupid regulations that restrict supply.

How has Biden restricting supply? What regulations has he unilaterally imposed that is affecting gas prices? Current gas prices are at or below what they were from October 2017 to December 2020. What did Trump do to cause those high prices?

How has Biden restricting supply?

Biden’s orders direct the secretary of the Interior Department to halt new oil and natural gas leases on public lands and waters, and begin a thorough review of existing permits for fossil fuel development.

Climate change: Biden suspends oil and gas leasing in executive action (

What regulations has he unilaterally imposed that is affecting gas prices?

Did you already forget his pipeline EOs?

Current gas prices are at or below what they were from October 2017 to December 2020.



U.S. All Grades All Formulations Retail Gasoline Prices (Dollars per Gallon) (
I GET TO OWN THE OP, RIGHT HERE :abgg2q.jpg: He makes it easy, imagine a Banker who doesn't understand numbers.

I suppose we can play along like Banker & pretend COVID never occurred. He needs the support, so let's just roll with it. Notice he said "first 100 days" because he needs the variable. Here's the problem for Banker......

Trump March 1, 2020 Dow 21917
Trump June 1, 2020 Dow 25813
That's a difference of 3900.

Biden's "1st hundred days"

Feb. 1, 2021 Dow 30932
Today Dow 33961
That's a difference of 3029

So it's plain to see Trump kicked Xiden's ass here, but there's more to it than that, because you have to consider percentage growth. So using the above the percentage growth comparison is:

TRUMP: 18% growth
XIDEN: 9.7% growth

Trump kicked Xiden's dementia ass quite clearly, but there's more.

Between March 1, 2020 & the time Xiden took over the DOW gained 9015, cough, I say 9015 points. Pretty fucking good for 11 months right. That percentage growth is 41%.

How can you tell a PROG is lying? They open their mouths like the OP.
How can you tell they had their ass handed to them from go? They open their mouths like the OP.
Why did you pick March 1st 2020 as the start date for this little analysis?

Probably because that was the very bottom of the stock market crash under Trump.

Because like the OP I get to pretend COVID didn't exist & get to choose my own time span. Suck it up butter cup, the DOW gained 9015 points Trump's last 11 months, that's 41% growth.

Here's another bitch slap, the DOW rose 10,000 points on Trump's watch, but in reality it rose 12,000 points. Know why? Because the DOW surged 2K when Trump was elected, it had only rose 500 the balance of the year because Obama sucks.

That would be the Obama you assholes pretend set the table for Trump.

PROGS are never right.

If you measure a president's performance by the stock market, again, Clinton was THE MAN.

A child could understand this.

Which is why liberals have difficulty.
Remember when Obama said we couldn't drill our way to lower prices?

Have you ever heard anyone make a dumber claim about oil?
Because it's a global market, silly, and we are just a small part of that market.

Because it's a global market,

And we produced a lot more.
Why do you feel the price went down?

and we are just a small part of that market.

What percentage of the market are we?
Because Obama had an incredible energy policy we pumped more oil and natural gas than ever before. So much so that Obama broke the price of oil and it dropped to incredible lows.

Obama is in the past. We are here to focus on Biden and his great economy.

You can whine and cry all you want, but the Biden economy is booming like never before and the US is in the early innings of an incredible run. Another Bill Clinton Golden Age.

How come all the great presidents are Democrat, and all the failed fucked up presidents are Republican?

Because Obama had an incredible energy policy

He sounds AWESOME!!!

What was his energy policy? Spell it out.
Everybody knows what it was.

Drill baby drill. The US became a leading oil/energy producer under Obama.

Thank you Obama.

Enjoy the Biden Boom.

How come all the great presidents are Democrat, and all the failed fucked up presidents are Republican?

Everybody knows what it was.

Show me.

Drill baby drill.

Liar. Obama never helped drilling.
He mocked drill baby drill.

The US became a leading oil/energy producer under Obama.

Despite his best efforts to prevent it.
Poor pathetic Trumper. Trump failed, he was a terrible president with failed results. Bush failed, he was a terrible president with failed results.
BUT Clinton was a big winner. Obama fixed the Bush crash and pumped epic amounts of oil. Record amounts of oil. And Now Biden is crushing covid, kicking ass, and taking names.

All you have is pathetic excuses.

Enjoy Biden's Golden Age, it might be better than Clinton's.
Fuel prices go up when the economy is strong.

They also go up when some twat restricts supply or adds stupid regulations that restrict supply.

How has Biden restricting supply? What regulations has he unilaterally imposed that is affecting gas prices? Current gas prices are at or below what they were from October 2017 to December 2020. What did Trump do to cause those high prices?

How has Biden restricting supply?

Biden’s orders direct the secretary of the Interior Department to halt new oil and natural gas leases on public lands and waters, and begin a thorough review of existing permits for fossil fuel development.

Climate change: Biden suspends oil and gas leasing in executive action (

What regulations has he unilaterally imposed that is affecting gas prices?

Did you already forget his pipeline EOs?

Current gas prices are at or below what they were from October 2017 to December 2020.


View attachment 484257

U.S. All Grades All Formulations Retail Gasoline Prices (Dollars per Gallon) (

If Keystone has not even been completed, how did it's cancellation affect supply?

Same for the leases? If they haven't been sold then there has not even been any drilling, let alone the actual production of oil that could be refined into gas. So how does that effect supply?

And please, don't tell me gas and oil prices are based on future production capability. Gasoline is a perishable commodity and its price is constructed specifically to match the supply with demand.
A child could understand this.

Which is why liberals have difficulty.
Remember when Obama said we couldn't drill our way to lower prices?

Have you ever heard anyone make a dumber claim about oil?
Because it's a global market, silly, and we are just a small part of that market.

Because it's a global market,

And we produced a lot more.
Why do you feel the price went down?

and we are just a small part of that market.

What percentage of the market are we?
Because Obama had an incredible energy policy we pumped more oil and natural gas than ever before. So much so that Obama broke the price of oil and it dropped to incredible lows.

Obama is in the past. We are here to focus on Biden and his great economy.

You can whine and cry all you want, but the Biden economy is booming like never before and the US is in the early innings of an incredible run. Another Bill Clinton Golden Age.

How come all the great presidents are Democrat, and all the failed fucked up presidents are Republican?

Because Obama had an incredible energy policy

He sounds AWESOME!!!

What was his energy policy? Spell it out.
Everybody knows what it was.

Drill baby drill. The US became a leading oil/energy producer under Obama.

Thank you Obama.

Enjoy the Biden Boom.

How come all the great presidents are Democrat, and all the failed fucked up presidents are Republican?

Everybody knows what it was.

Show me.

Drill baby drill.

Liar. Obama never helped drilling.
He mocked drill baby drill.

The US became a leading oil/energy producer under Obama.

Despite his best efforts to prevent it.
Poor pathetic Trumper. Trump failed, he was a terrible president with failed results. Bush failed, he was a terrible president with failed results.
BUT Clinton was a big winner. Obama fixed the Bush crash and pumped epic amounts of oil. Record amounts of oil. And Now Biden is crushing covid, kicking ass, and taking names.

All you have is pathetic excuses.

Enjoy Biden's Golden Age, it might be better than Clinton's.

Wahhh......caught you in another lie, didn't I?

Unless you really didn't know? LOL!

What are you, 12?
Fuel prices go up when the economy is strong.

They also go up when some twat restricts supply or adds stupid regulations that restrict supply.

How has Biden restricting supply? What regulations has he unilaterally imposed that is affecting gas prices? Current gas prices are at or below what they were from October 2017 to December 2020. What did Trump do to cause those high prices?

How has Biden restricting supply?

Biden’s orders direct the secretary of the Interior Department to halt new oil and natural gas leases on public lands and waters, and begin a thorough review of existing permits for fossil fuel development.

Climate change: Biden suspends oil and gas leasing in executive action (

What regulations has he unilaterally imposed that is affecting gas prices?

Did you already forget his pipeline EOs?

Current gas prices are at or below what they were from October 2017 to December 2020.


View attachment 484257

U.S. All Grades All Formulations Retail Gasoline Prices (Dollars per Gallon) (

If Keystone has not even been completed, how did it's cancellation affect supply?

Same for the leases? If they haven't been sold then there has not even been any drilling, let alone the actual production of oil that could be refined into gas. So how does that effect supply?

And please, don't tell me gas and oil prices are based on future production capability. Gasoline is a perishable commodity and its price is constructed specifically to match the supply with demand.

If Keystone has not even been completed, how did it's cancellation affect supply?

You didn't think it was just to bring oil from Canada, did you?

Same for the leases? If they haven't been sold then there has not even been any drilling, let alone the actual production of oil that could be refined into gas. So how does that effect supply?

Do you know anything about futures prices?
When it became obvious that Biden's handlers were going to attack oil, prices jumped.
If you do something stupid that will reduce oil tomorrow, prices will rise today.

Now, back to your lie about prices from October 2017 to December 2020........
And please, don't tell me gas and oil prices are based on future production capability.

What's it based on?

Is Biden going to hurt supply or help it? DURR

Gasoline is a perishable commodity and its price is constructed specifically to match the supply with demand.

And when some moron decides to restrict the supply........
America is getting its swagga back.
Thanks to Biden and his economic and covid wins.

The stock market has gained more under Biden than any other ever, in the first 100 days.

This is just the beginning of the biggest economic run our country has ever had, and Biden is doing an incredible job considering what he inherited.

This is what MAGA is.

Thank you President Trump....the 3 vaccines you pushed to get in under a year have made this possible.......

Sadly, once biden attacks the economy, we will be facing a likely depression.
President Daffy Duck could have "accomplished" as much on the heels of Trump.
Obama lowered unemployment to 4.7% but the Trump supporters give him so much credit for lowering it to 3.7% in 3 years.

Same difference in my opinion.
Trump had low growth barely better than Obama
Trump and Obama had the same job growth rate, then trump lost millions of jobs when he fucked up covid bad.
Trump spent an insane amount of money to boost the economy, without his money pump he would have had nothing.
In terms of real GDP growth, no president has done worse according to BEA statistics which go as far back as Truman...

Truman (since '47) ... 4.7
Eisenhower ........... 2.5
Kennedy .............. 5.5
Johnson .............. 5.0
Nixon ................ 2.7
Ford ................. 2.9
Carter ............... 3.2
Reagan ............... 3.6
Bush41 ............... 2.2
Clinton .............. 3.8
Bush43 ............... 1.8
Obama ................ 1.9

Trump ................ 1.2


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