The Biden Protection Racket

Are you pissed because most people who are wealthy are not corrupt like Biden?

how do you know this?
It was a question. Not a statement.

Only the "are you pissed" part was the question, the rest was a statement of fact relating to the being pissed.

Go back and get your GED and this basic grammar will not be beyond you.
The entire sentence was a question.

You sure do get pissy when you get proven wrong.
Can anyone tell me what are the qualifications to serve on a Board of Directors?
it varys depending on what the corp. is looking for,,

in hunters case they were looking for protection from investigations,,since he had zero qualifications in that industry,,

Do board members normally have qualifications in the industry of they board they are sitting on?
that would vary on their needs at the time,,,and since this was a start up company it doesnt make sense to hire hunter who had no experience in that industry unless it was for the protection they got through what joe did,,,
Are you pissed because most people who are wealthy are not corrupt like Biden?

how do you know this?
It was a question. Not a statement.

Only the "are you pissed" part was the question, the rest was a statement of fact relating to the being pissed.

Go back and get your GED and this basic grammar will not be beyond you.
The entire sentence was a question.

You sure do get pissy when you get proven wrong.

it is so cute when you morons double down on your ignorance.
how can you say you dont think so and then say it happens almost everyday???

I meant we see examples of corruption happening almost every day?
of course,,and lately bidens have been the most talked about,,,,,

Them and a government official that choose his own resort to hold a conference of World Leaders.

that possible but would like to see details as to how it would benefit the conference,,,

That is actually not even relevant to if it is legal for a member of the Executive Branch to award themselves a contract

I've seen nothing in the constitution that forbids a president to make suggestion,,,it is after all an international event not a national one,,so he isnt the final decider,,,
let the qualifications of the venue decide it not your opinion,,,

I also heard he wont make any money off of it, not sure how true that is,and since when has a POTUS not profited from their office??
Can anyone tell me what are the qualifications to serve on a Board of Directors?
it varys depending on what the corp. is looking for,,

in hunters case they were looking for protection from investigations,,since he had zero qualifications in that industry,,

Do board members normally have qualifications in the industry of they board they are sitting on?
that would vary on their needs at the time,,,and since this was a start up company it doesnt make sense to hire hunter who had no experience in that industry unless it was for the protection they got through what joe did,,,

Or perhaps access to the American market...the same reason they hired the former president of Poland who has no that industry and a former CIA spook who has no experience that industry.
I've seen nothing in the constitution that forbids a president to make suggestion,,,it is after all an international event not a national one,,so he isnt the final decider,,,
let the qualifications of the venue decide it not your opinion,,,

There is a law that forbids such contracts being awarded to officers of the Executive Branch. Of course they claim that he is above such laws, I do not personally agree.

And of course he was the final decider....his Chief of Staff also happens to be the head of the OMB, the office that awards the contract. To pretend he did not have influence over the decision is just insulting the intelligence of the nation.
Can anyone tell me what are the qualifications to serve on a Board of Directors?
it varys depending on what the corp. is looking for,,

in hunters case they were looking for protection from investigations,,since he had zero qualifications in that industry,,

Do board members normally have qualifications in the industry of they board they are sitting on?
that would vary on their needs at the time,,,and since this was a start up company it doesnt make sense to hire hunter who had no experience in that industry unless it was for the protection they got through what joe did,,,

Or perhaps access to the American market...the same reason they hired the former president of Poland who has no that industry and a former CIA spook who has no experience that industry.
but did the polish president stop an investigation into the company???

and again what does hunter know about the american market,,,he was a barely coherent drunk at the time to boot,,I can only think there were 100's of other people more qualified,,,maybe even trump jr or ivanka,,,
I've seen nothing in the constitution that forbids a president to make suggestion,,,it is after all an international event not a national one,,so he isnt the final decider,,,
let the qualifications of the venue decide it not your opinion,,,

There is a law that forbids such contracts being awarded to officers of the Executive Branch. Of course they claim that he is above such laws, I do not personally agree.

And of course he was the final decider....his Chief of Staff also happens to be the head of the OMB, the office that awards the contract. To pretend he did not have influence over the decision is just insulting the intelligence of the nation.

who claims he is above the law??
and his company is not him,, so I see no conflict,,

and of course I would like to see a link to back up your claim,,
I've seen nothing in the constitution that forbids a president to make suggestion,,,it is after all an international event not a national one,,so he isnt the final decider,,,
let the qualifications of the venue decide it not your opinion,,,

There is a law that forbids such contracts being awarded to officers of the Executive Branch. Of course they claim that he is above such laws, I do not personally agree.

And of course he was the final decider....his Chief of Staff also happens to be the head of the OMB, the office that awards the contract. To pretend he did not have influence over the decision is just insulting the intelligence of the nation.

who claims he is above the law??
and his company is not him,, so I see no conflict,,

and of course I would like to see a link to back up your claim,,

Here is the law...

18 U.S. Code § 208 - Acts affecting a personal financial interest

And Stephanie Grisham said the law does not apply to him.
And I should be feeling what right about now?
Wealthy folks, a very few get there honestly the majority abuse or use other people to gain their riches and as long as they are rich they get the full benefits if being rich like being on boards of director positions at a large salary...

Geez Moonglow, you said "I really don't care if you like my answer or myself it has absolutely not a damn thing to do with the OP.."

All I said is that I did not say I did not like your answer or you.

Now you ask me what you should be feeling?

Fuck if I know what you should be feeling.
It's hard to imagine that Tommy Smothers looking fuck running a protection racket. I realize what he did to poor old Corn Pop and how he says he'll take everybody who crosses him out behind the woodshed. But does anyone really believe that shit? So what the Bidens are doing is running the good name of the USA into the dirt by using it to shake down Ukraine.
That's right. We have all these scum supposedly representing us, running all over the world in their official capacity engaging in bribery schemes based on their elected positions. Look at how much money the Clinton Foundation has lost since she no longer has the presumptive presidency to sell.

HE’S A REAL PRIZE: DNA Test Confirms: Hunter Biden Cheated on His Dead Brother’s Widow.

“The child’s mother, Lunden Alexis Roberts, cited the DNA test in a motion filed Wednesday. Roberts is demanding child support from Hunter Biden, who notoriously took high-paying jobs in Ukraine and China while his father was the Obama administration’s point person in both countries. . . . The former VP’s son had previously denied all allegations that he was the father of Roberts’ child. In May 2019, Roberts had filed a petition for paternity, child support, and a request for Biden to foot the bill for the child’s health care, the Daily Beast reported. She said she and Biden had conceived the child, who was born in August 2018. This is far from the first scandal involving the VP’s youngest son. In 2017, Hunter Biden finalized his divorce from his wife of more than 20 years, Kathleen Biden, after she accused him of spending money on drugs and strip clubs. Later that year, he started dating Hallie Biden, widow to his late elder brother Beau Biden and mother to his niece and nephew. He broke up with Hallie Biden in April 2019. This means the child now linked to Hunter by DNA was conceived during his relationship with his late brother’s widow.”​
Hunter Biden Never Worked in Ukraine, Was Only Hired to 'Protect the Company'

During his five-year stint on the board, where he was making what is now believed to be $83,333 a month, he was regarded as "a helpful non-executive director with a powerful name," according to several sources in Ukraine. During the entire time he was on the board, Hunter Biden never even visited Ukraine for company business.

Oleksandr Onyshchenko, a businessman and former member of the Ukrainian parliament who knows the Burisma founder, said it had been Zlochevsky’s idea to appoint Biden as a director. “It was to protect (the company)” at a time when it was facing investigations, said Onyshchenko, who left the country in 2016. In the run up to Biden’s appointment, a popular uprising led to the removal of the Russian-backed Yanukovich in February 2014.

It has already been established that Hunter Biden wasn't qualified to serve on the board of Burisma, but now it's clear qualifications weren't the reason he was hired and paid more per month than the median annual income of U.S. workers. He was hired because his father was Vice President of the United States. That same vice president succeeded in getting the Ukrainian prosecutor investigating Burisma fired. We know this because Biden bragged about it:

Hunter Biden Never Worked in Ukraine, Was Only Hired to 'Protect the Company'
MEANWHILE, BACK AT BURISMA: Latvian government says it flagged ‘suspicious’ Hunter Biden payments in 2016.


When you are VP, foreign governments just like to give your coke addled son $Millions!
As the U.S. presidential race began roaring to life in 2016, authorities in the former Soviet republic of Latvia flagged a series of “ suspicious” financial transactions to Hunter Biden and other colleagues at a Ukrainian natural gas company and sought Kiev’s help investigating, according to documents and interviews.

The Feb. 18, 2016 alert to Ukraine came from the Latvian prosecutorial agency responsible for investigating money laundering, and it specifically questioned whether Vice President Joe Biden’s younger son and three other officials at Burisma Holdings were the potential beneficiaries of suspect funds.

“The Office for Prevention of Laundering of Proceeds Derived from Criminal Activity … is currently investigating suspicious activity of Burisma Holdings Limited,” the Latvian agency also known as the FIU wrote Ukraine’s financial authorities.

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