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The Big Lie is Bush Lied

and you translate that into "glowing ARTICLES about pedophiles"?

Webb was describing a cultural practice in southeast asia and the people there do not consider it sexual at all... and he was describing in in a fictional novel. for you to claim he wrote "glowing articles about pedophiles" is a lie and you do not have the class or the grace or the character to admit that you misspoke.

I am, or course, not surprised.
This thread is the Gift That Just Keeps On Giving. It is now on track to become the Great Unifying Thread of all Moonbat Memes!

I approve.

I do believe that TRUE debate and discussion is what made this country what it is ... I hope that someday the politics in this country achieve some rationality.

What a hypocrite you are. You did a hit and run lowering my rep without even debating me and here you writing all this bullshit rhetoric about how you believe in TRUE debate.

Does a hypocrite like you look at your own eyeballs in the mirror?

This high and mighty little post of yours doesn't match your actual action.

Instead of hiding behind this crap you wrote try showing the people you can acutally debate me; but I'm not holding my breath.
They believe what Bush told them. They believed Bush was telling the truth. Now they reailzed they were lied too. Just because they said the same thing doesnt mean Bush didnt purposely fabricate what he was telling the American people. Where did Gore and Peolosi and Kennedy get their information? Thats right...Georgie Boy.

So if someone tells me Im getting a million dollars next week and then I tell all my friends that and then figure out that I was lied too was I the liar?

Libs continue to lie how Pres Bush lied. Libs want to forget how Democrats like the Clintons, Kerry, Gore, Pelosi, Kennedy and others all said they same thing about WMD's and Saddam

Bush Lied is the Big Lie
By Debra Saunders

Salt Lake City Mayor Rocky Anderson wants to impeach President Bush. In arguing that point, he asked Fox News' Bill O'Reilly on Tuesday, "Have you seen the National Intelligence Estimate that was provided in October of 2002, in which the intelligence agency under the State Department said that Iraq was not building up a nuclear capability, that this whole story about the aluminum tubes (reportedly sought by Saddam Hussein in Niger) was completely off base?"

I decided to re-read the NIE excerpts that the administration released. What does the report say? "Baghdad has chemical and biological weapons as well as missiles with ranges in excess of U.N. restrictions; if left unchecked, it probably will have a nuclear weapon during this decade." The NIE also reported that Iraq had "expanded its chemical and biological infrastructure under the cover of civilian production," that Baghdad had renewed production of mustard and sarin gases, and that Iraqi missiles could threaten the "U.S. homeland."

Yes, the NIE key judgments reported that some officials in the State Department did not believe Saddam Hussein was pursuing a "comprehensive approach to acquire nuclear weapons." But the report also noted that, "Most agencies assess that Baghdad started reconstituting its nuclear program about the time that (U.N. weapons) inspectors departed -- December 1998."

So let us review the Bush-lied argument that Anderson and other war critics espouse. They say Bush lied about WMD, when, in fact, America's best intelligence presented no doubt about Iraq having chemical and biological weapons of mass destruction. And according to the NIE, most intelligence agencies also believed Iraq had been working on nukes for four years.

Here's another point that the Bush-lied misinformation campaign has forgotten. While war critics point to Bush's inclusion of this sentence -- "The British government has learned that Saddam Hussein recently sought significant quantities of uranium from Africa" -- in his 2003 State of the Union Address as proof that Bush misled the country into war, Bush uttered those words three months after Congress voted to authorize the use of force in Iraq.

Bush Lied is the Big Lie. It takes the controversy over one aspect of U.S. intelligence on Iraq's WMD -- the nuclear program question -- to argue that the whole WMD argument was bogus. That is, the president's accusers are guilty of the very sort of dishonest selectivity that they accuse Bush of using.

Now the Bush-lied lie is boomeranging on those Democratic presidential hopefuls -- Sens. Joe Biden, Hillary Clinton, Christopher Dodd and former Sen. John Edwards -- who voted in favor of the Iraq war resolution.

By going along with the Bush-lied spin, by refusing to acknowledge that the intelligence community presented strong reasons to vote for war, these Democrats have boxed themselves into a corner. They now have only one rationale for their vote that they can use -- they were duped by the nincompoop Bush -- or one rationale that they cannot use -- they sent U.S. troops to Iraq against their better judgment but out of naked ambition.

And the dishonesty now has placed House Speaker Nancy Pelosi in the uncomfortable position of pushing for passage of a bill to continue funding a war into next year that the grassroots believe was based on a lie.

So how does Pelosi plan on getting the House to pass the Iraq spending bill? As The Washington Post reported, the Democratic leadership has larded the U.S. Troop Readiness, Veterans' Health and Iraq Accountability Act with pork. After all the (deserved) rhetoric decrying Republican big spending, the Democratic leadership inserted $25 million for spinach growers, $75 million for peanut storage, and $120 million for shrimp and Atlantic menhaden fishermen into the supplemental spending bill.

The idea is to sweeten the pot so that war opponents will agree to fund a war they oppose, while war supporters will vote for the bill, despite provisions the seem to be designed solely to undermine the Bush surge.

Pelosi frequently says that President Bush must heed the message that American voters sent in November 2006. Who knew that message was to fund the war while undermining the war effort and to spend more tax dollars on pork?

[email protected]
Sorry Bub, but the Dems (especially in the Senate) had access to the source intelligence information. They were perfectly free to make their own independent judgements about its import.
Sorry Bub, but the Dems (especially in the Senate) had access to the source intelligence information. They were perfectly free to make their own independent judgements about its import.

I disagree...I do not think that the senators were given unfiltered raw intelligence laden with caveats and qualifiers..they were given intelligence summaries
I disagree...I do not think that the senators were given unfiltered raw intelligence laden with caveats and qualifiers..they were given intelligence summaries

More than likely that is the case...I suspect that for the most part the same is true of the President. Of course you would NEVER admit that!
What a hypocrite you are. You did a hit and run lowering my rep without even debating me and here you writing all this bullshit rhetoric about how you believe in TRUE debate.

Does a hypocrite like you look at your own eyeballs in the mirror?

This high and mighty little post of yours doesn't match your actual action.

Instead of hiding behind this crap you wrote try showing the people you can acutally debate me; but I'm not holding my breath.

LOL...its only numbers on a message board...or is your self esteem based on that? As for debate...I don't debate with trolls or persons who can't keep a civil tongue. I also dont debate with folks like you who are not really interested in debate but rather in proving your own perceived intellectual superiority. That means I don't debate with idiots like you.
More than likely that is the case...I suspect that for the most part the same is true of the President. Of course you would NEVER admit that!

That might in fact be true.... but if it WERE true, and Tenet willfully neglected to tell Bush of the existence of caveats and qualifiers...if Tenet sat back and allowed Team Bush to continue to press the case with their assertions of NO DOUBT and absolute certainty when he most certainly knew that some doubt existed, then Bush should have had him thrown in jail and not given him the Presidential Medal of Freedom.
That might in fact be true.... but if it WERE true, and Tenet willfully neglected to tell Bush of the existence of caveats and qualifiers...if Tenet sat back and allowed Team Bush to continue to press the case with their assertions of NO DOUBT and absolute certainty when he most certainly knew that some doubt existed, then Bush should have had him thrown in jail and not given him the Presidential Medal of Freedom.

Again...all that is true IN HINDSIGHT!
Again...all that is true IN HINDSIGHT!

it was certainly well known that the purported absolute certain stockpiles of WMD's had not materialized PRIOR to Tenet's departure and medal ceremony. No hindsight was needed to know that, had he in fact lied about the intell to Bush, he ought not to get a medal for it.
I disagree...I do not think that the senators were given unfiltered raw intelligence laden with caveats and qualifiers..they were given intelligence summaries

Self awareness is So Refreshing.

The Senate Intelligence Committee has access to an enormous amount of classified information that is not filtered by the President.
it was certainly well known that the purported absolute certain stockpiles of WMD's had not materialized PRIOR to Tenet's departure and medal ceremony. No hindsight was needed to know that, had he in fact lied about the intell to Bush, he ought not to get a medal for it.

True, but that did not mean it would NOT materialize. SO, your last statement, while true, is sort of irrelevant. If you had, in fact, been incompetent as a Naval officer, you should not have been promoted! Same line of thinking and totally irrelevant because the fact is, you were an officer in the US Navy. I like the Olympic sport of fencing!
True, but that did not mean it would NOT materialize. SO, your last statement, while true, is sort of irrelevant. If you had, in fact, been incompetent as a Naval officer, you should not have been promoted! Same line of thinking and totally irrelevant because the fact is, you were an officer in the US Navy. I like the Olympic sport of fencing!

by the time Tenet resigned and got his medal, it was pretty obvious that those no doubt absolute certain stockpiles did not exist.... the ones that Rummy said he even knew where they were.... if the absolute certainty had indeed originated from Tenet...if HE had sold Team Bush on the certainty that did not in fact exist, it was pretty clear by July of 2004 that it was bullshit and Bush would NOT have rewarded Tenet for lying and getting him into a mess.
by the time Tenet resigned and got his medal, it was pretty obvious that those no doubt absolute certain stockpiles did not exist.... the ones that Rummy said he even knew where they were.... if the absolute certainty had indeed originated from Tenet...if HE had sold Team Bush on the certainty that did not in fact exist, it was pretty clear by July of 2004 that it was bullshit and Bush would NOT have rewarded Tenet for lying and getting him into a mess.

Lot of "if" there...If a frog had wings...etc.
Lot of "if" there...If a frog had wings...etc.

I agree....way too many "ifs to make any sense. George Tenet in all probability, conveyed the intelligence and indicated - as he should have - that the sources were less than solid, that there was lack of independent confirmation, that the estimates were based upon old satellite images.... that it was not a totally solid case, but he was enough of a team player to help build the case with what was available.... he could devise the sales pitch to SELL the idea of Saddam's stash of deadly WMD's, but he knew that there was never absolute certainty that the sales pitch was totally correct.

If George Bush had said, "we're pretty sure that Saddam has weapons of mass destruction. We know he had them at one time...we are pretty damned sure he still has them, and if he does, he might either use them against us himself or, worse yet, he could give them to others who would. We are not certain, but we cannot take the chance" If he had said that, he would not have been lying. Unfortunately, he oversold his case a bit too strenuously and, in so doing, created the impression that there was absolutely no doubt that Saddam had stockpiles of deadly WMD's. THAT was a lie.
CSM wet his rubber panties today and had to do to the rep. If only he can debate me as well as he can piddle on his feet it would be interesting. Do you wipe your ass with sandpaper?

CSM give Bush time for his withdrawl program and for his pentagonorrhea to get better.

Bush caught pentagonorrhea from Cheney and Cheney caught it from Halliburton and they all wear daisy chain power t-shirts.
by the time Tenet resigned and got his medal, it was pretty obvious that those no doubt absolute certain stockpiles did not exist.... the ones that Rummy said he even knew where they were.... if the absolute certainty had indeed originated from Tenet...if HE had sold Team Bush on the certainty that did not in fact exist, it was pretty clear by July of 2004 that it was bullshit and Bush would NOT have rewarded Tenet for lying and getting him into a mess.

Didn't we have years of this liberal drivil leading up to the 04 election?

The people listened to what the kook left had to say and voted

Dems said the same thing about Saddam and his WMD's, then for political gain, said Pres Bush lied
CSM wet his rubber panties today and had to do to the rep. If only he can debate me as well as he can piddle on his feet it would be interesting. Do you wipe your ass with sandpaper?

CSM give Bush time for his withdrawl program and for his pentagonorrhea to get better.

Bush caught pentagonorrhea from Cheney and Cheney caught it from Halliburton and they all wear daisy chain power t-shirts.

Is this English?

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