The "Big Lie" That Became A Secret Trump Investigation To Save A Party


Tungsten/Glass Member
Apr 29, 2017
On The Way Home To Earth
How did this whole thing evolve to where Trump is being investigated for high crimes and criminal wrongdoing when no clear crime is known (though many alleged)? As much as some will hate to hear it, it really isn’t anything Trump did, other than to win an election no one saw coming, and it isn’t any accident what is happening as a result now.

Way back when Trump won the nomination, that began a complex political process; the Never Trump Movement was born out of fear of their losing power before he even did a thing because they realized the threat to their hold on power he represented! From that, a fake dossier on Trump was commissioned by a retired British agent (aptly named the Fusion Christopher Steele Dossier).

Then Hillary actually lost the election, proving the Robbie Mook’s Analytics Data was completely false, and creating a huge problem and embarrassment for the Progressive Movement and democrats who were into it with their sponsor’s money up to their eyeballs, so they used the Wikileaks Trove Data from Seth Rich to say that the Russians must have caused it, not them. It was out of their hands, and there would have to be consequences now to shore up their benefactors loyalty again for future endeavors in 2018.

So the long forgotten dossier they had created on Trump was resurfaced and passed from the FBI to select media outlets with ridiculous stuff in it that could not possibly be true, but a credulous media could still make it have its desired effect on stunting Trump’s momentum, even though senators Grassley and Feinstein, National Security Director Clapper and FBI Director Comey all said in public interviews that there was nothing to the allegations. The pressure was intense to deflect Clinton blame.

The sad truth is that it wasn’t Trump that dismantled Eastern Europe’s Missile Defense Shield, it was Obama and Hillary. Trump didn’t go to Geneva and press a plastic “reset button” with the Russians, Hillary did. Trump didn't make fun of Romney when Mitt said that the Russians were an existential threat---- Obama did! And Trump didn’t have a hot mike on overhearing him say to the Russian President that he would be much more flexible after the election was over (apparently he knew he would win?), Obama did.

From here came massive unexplained/unjustified, illegal surveillance and unmasking of Trump people picked up in screening of foreign assets, their names and data illegally leaked to media with the Trump dossier to begin the harming and blaming of Trump. When Special Prosecutor Mueller gets through all of the mess and looks at this total picture, he will find a bigger picture than what the democrats ever thought might be concluded from what started as an FBI investigation under the simpler and predictable auspices of James Comey.

It is a process of inflicting 1000 nicks to drive Trump’s popularity down a half percentage point at a time, trying to wedge him out of success and expedite the democrat’s recovery. What the media did not anticipate and is not prepared to concede is that the people picked their leader other than what they wanted. For most of your life, it has been the other way, the powerful but invisible Media has been picking who was your next president and folks just thought they had the free choice! Such is the power of the Media and if you want to keep it this way, you better hope they don’t succeed in downing Donald Trump from power anytime soon.
They can't touch him. All they can do is what they do the best... keep whining.

When Trump fired Comey he called checkmate. It was him saying to the world "I win."
How did this whole thing evolve to where Trump is being investigated for high crimes and criminal wrongdoing when no clear crime is known (though many alleged)? As much as some will hate to hear it, it really isn’t anything Trump did, other than to win an election no one saw coming, and it isn’t any accident what is happening as a result now.

Way back when Trump won the nomination, that began a complex political process; the Never Trump Movement was born out of fear of their losing power before he even did a thing because they realized the threat to their hold on power he represented! From that, a fake dossier on Trump was commissioned by a retired British agent (aptly named the Fusion Christopher Steele Dossier).

Then Hillary actually lost the election, proving the Robbie Mook’s Analytics Data was completely false, and creating a huge problem and embarrassment for the Progressive Movement and democrats who were into it with their sponsor’s money up to their eyeballs, so they used the Wikileaks Trove Data from Seth Rich to say that the Russians must have caused it, not them. It was out of their hands, and there would have to be consequences now to shore up their benefactors loyalty again for future endeavors in 2018.

So the long forgotten dossier they had created on Trump was resurfaced and passed from the FBI to select media outlets with ridiculous stuff in it that could not possibly be true, but a credulous media could still make it have its desired effect on stunting Trump’s momentum, even though senators Grassley and Feinstein, National Security Director Clapper and FBI Director Comey all said in public interviews that there was nothing to the allegations. The pressure was intense to deflect Clinton blame.

The sad truth is that it wasn’t Trump that dismantled Eastern Europe’s Missile Defense Shield, it was Obama and Hillary. Trump didn’t go to Geneva and press a plastic “reset button” with the Russians, Hillary did. Trump didn't make fun of Romney when Mitt said that the Russians were an existential threat---- Obama did! And Trump didn’t have a hot mike on overhearing him say to the Russian President that he would be much more flexible after the election was over (apparently he knew he would win?), Obama did.

From here came massive unexplained/unjustified, illegal surveillance and unmasking of Trump people picked up in screening of foreign assets, their names and data illegally leaked to media with the Trump dossier to begin the harming and blaming of Trump. When Special Prosecutor Mueller gets through all of the mess and looks at this total picture, he will find a bigger picture than what the democrats ever thought might be concluded from what started as an FBI investigation under the simpler and predictable auspices of James Comey.

It is a process of inflicting 1000 nicks to drive Trump’s popularity down a half percentage point at a time, trying to wedge him out of success and expedite the democrat’s recovery. What the media did not anticipate and is not prepared to concede is that the people picked their leader other than what they wanted. For most of your life, it has been the other way, the powerful but invisible Media has been picking who was your next president and folks just thought they had the free choice! Such is the power of the Media and if you want to keep it this way, you better hope they don’t succeed in downing Donald Trump from power anytime soon.

If this investigation is a trustworthy, a Bi-partisan fair one and they find nothing, I am ok with that,,

But I have a feeling that if they find that there are severe problems which need deeper investigating , the righties like will kick,scream, deny and blame...
How did this whole thing evolve to where Trump is being investigated for high crimes and criminal wrongdoing when no clear crime is known (though many alleged)? As much as some will hate to hear it, it really isn’t anything Trump did, other than to win an election no one saw coming, and it isn’t any accident what is happening as a result now.

Way back when Trump won the nomination, that began a complex political process; the Never Trump Movement was born out of fear of their losing power before he even did a thing because they realized the threat to their hold on power he represented! From that, a fake dossier on Trump was commissioned by a retired British agent (aptly named the Fusion Christopher Steele Dossier).

Then Hillary actually lost the election, proving the Robbie Mook’s Analytics Data was completely false, and creating a huge problem and embarrassment for the Progressive Movement and democrats who were into it with their sponsor’s money up to their eyeballs, so they used the Wikileaks Trove Data from Seth Rich to say that the Russians must have caused it, not them. It was out of their hands, and there would have to be consequences now to shore up their benefactors loyalty again for future endeavors in 2018.

So the long forgotten dossier they had created on Trump was resurfaced and passed from the FBI to select media outlets with ridiculous stuff in it that could not possibly be true, but a credulous media could still make it have its desired effect on stunting Trump’s momentum, even though senators Grassley and Feinstein, National Security Director Clapper and FBI Director Comey all said in public interviews that there was nothing to the allegations. The pressure was intense to deflect Clinton blame.

The sad truth is that it wasn’t Trump that dismantled Eastern Europe’s Missile Defense Shield, it was Obama and Hillary. Trump didn’t go to Geneva and press a plastic “reset button” with the Russians, Hillary did. Trump didn't make fun of Romney when Mitt said that the Russians were an existential threat---- Obama did! And Trump didn’t have a hot mike on overhearing him say to the Russian President that he would be much more flexible after the election was over (apparently he knew he would win?), Obama did.

From here came massive unexplained/unjustified, illegal surveillance and unmasking of Trump people picked up in screening of foreign assets, their names and data illegally leaked to media with the Trump dossier to begin the harming and blaming of Trump. When Special Prosecutor Mueller gets through all of the mess and looks at this total picture, he will find a bigger picture than what the democrats ever thought might be concluded from what started as an FBI investigation under the simpler and predictable auspices of James Comey.

It is a process of inflicting 1000 nicks to drive Trump’s popularity down a half percentage point at a time, trying to wedge him out of success and expedite the democrat’s recovery. What the media did not anticipate and is not prepared to concede is that the people picked their leader other than what they wanted. For most of your life, it has been the other way, the powerful but invisible Media has been picking who was your next president and folks just thought they had the free choice! Such is the power of the Media and if you want to keep it this way, you better hope they don’t succeed in downing Donald Trump from power anytime soon.

If this investigation is a trustworthy, a Bi-partisan fair one and they find nothing, I am ok with that,,

But I have a feeling that if they find that there are severe problems which need deeper investigating , the righties like will kick,scream, deny and blame...

Deeper investigating? LOL The Democrats will drag this out for as long as they can, Eagle! It's the only thing they have to slow down Trump's agenda and that is what this has ALWAYS been about!
Deeper investigating? LOL The Democrats will drag this out for as long as they can, Eagle! It's the only thing they have to slow down Trump's agenda and that is what this has ALWAYS been about!

They will try to drag it forever but... since this is an independent investigation, it may go anywhere.

As soon investigation start going in direction they don't like they will demand to end it, and based on recent indicators, that's most likely to happen.

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