The Big Lie

I filtered out the petty personal insults, and this was all that was left. Do you any arguments? Evidence? Ideas? Anything intelligent to say? Anything worth responding to?

Change my quotes outside the quote box. Seriously
More nothing. Is trolling all you do?

Yes, you are not to be addressed without your permission. Noted.

And you don't like the rules, talk to the PTBs, but you are not allowed to edit my quotes in the quote box

So, still nuthin'?

I know you don't like me - I'm quite content with that. But I am interested in debating the topic. Even with idiots like you. That is, if and when you post something like a debate. But all you ever do is call me names and shit. It's flattering that you're so fixated on me - but don't you have any ideas you'd like to express?

It depends what you mean not like you. I'm not a fan, I agree with that. If you think I have any negative view of you personally that's your projection.

I don't like what you do. Using libertarian principles to justify Democrat party fascism and totalitarian government and alibiing their racism is pretty pathetic.

As for your changing my quote, yes I have an issue with that. When you misrepresent my views in your posts it's clear that's your opinion, so Democrats love you and everyone else disagrees like everything else you say.

When you change my quote, you are saying that "I" said that and not you. Which is truly a lie. Just don't do that

Fascism is a white nationalist form of political movement. By definition, that would make the Republican Party the fascist party in this scenario. Republicans are also lying and saying they won the election and trying to over the results and install their authoritarian leader back in the White House.

That makes every you posted completely false. You need to look in the dictionary, for the words "fascist", "racist" and "totalitarianism". Every time you post you reveal your abject ignorance on all things political, and economic.

Except your side is the one using brown shirt tactics. Right up to arresting the victims of attacks and imprisoning them for defending themselves.

The police are murdering suspects. The police shoot and kill 1000 people every year. In public, in broad daylight, in front of passersby. #1 with a bullet.

American cities paid out over $300 million in excessive force complaints just last year, and the year before that one too. You have multiple members of the same families in multiple cities whose relative have been either killed, or publically attacked by police. Black business people wear suits and ties everywhere so they're not mistaken for "thugs" and every black parent has the "Talk" with their teenagers.

So tell me again that it's the protestors who are the problem here. The rest of the world is not seeing it.

If you're talking about the insurrectionists who were arrested, the tried a violent overthrow of the federal government and threatened the lives of Congressional leaders. They are locked up because it's a federal offense to try to kill the Speaker of the House.

You really don't understand what brown shirt tactics are, well enough to know which victims of your side's oppression I am referring to?

The brown shirts are the violent mobs of political thugs using political violence to intimidate people, though the FIGURATIVE mob of cancel culture is part of it too.

The victims I refer to are people attacked by your mobs and who defend themselves or run away and are arrested by police, directed by your dem politicians for defending themselves or running away.

That listing of gish gallop that you used to justify your side's...everything? I give you your Internet Name, Wally.

This is not a conspiracy. These are things that have happened. THAT MAKES THEM FACTS.

At the same time, I noted, the 2020 presidential election violated internationally accepted criteria for a free and fair election. “Voters were denied the ‘absolute’ right to a secret ballot [through flawed vote-by-mail systems]. They were denied ‘equal opportunity of access to the media, particularly the mass communications media, in order to put forward their political views.’ They were denied ‘security with respect to their lives and property.’ And they were denied “freedom of movement, assembly, association and expression.’

Someone tell me that did not happen.
It's hilarious how badly you children want that phrase to mean something else.

Sorry, kid. You're stuck with it. Everyone knows what The Big Lie is.

You can't have a free and fair election with the means of information corrupted and brown shirt mobs operating in the streets.

The lies were allowed during the election season. It was only after Trumpybears failed "Hail Mary" Coup that drastic action was taken against him.

Still trying to conflate the Race Rioters with Hitler's well regulated Militia.

Your non sequitur response is noted.

My point stands.

You can't have a free and fair election with the means of information corrupted and brown shirt mobs operating in the streets.

The mean by which the rabid right gets it's information has not been interrupted. Your Nazi conflation is lame.

The "rabid right" might have learned to ignore the propaganda spouted by people like you in the msm, but the tens of millions of more moderate voters, still think of you types as "people" and thus deserving of some level of credibility.

THis opened them up to your lies and misinformation and as your side's control is such that the vast majority of what they hear is teh same lies constantly bellowed,

they are not an informed electorate, but a MISINFORMED electorate.

And the election is thus not legitimate.

Especially when you add in the brownshirt mobs of your people killing and intimidating in the streets, literally and figuratively.

They "Might" have, but they didn't. They just turn to Faux News, and when they didn't like the truth about the election victory for Biden, they moved on to OAN and NewMaxine.

Speaking of misinformed, the pizza guy is here with your order!

That "might" was me agreeing with your previous point. One of them. Sort of.

You are so full of partisan hate that you can't accept me granting you a debating point.

If fully rejecting the Neo-GOP's faithlessness in our elections and constitutional government is partisan hate, then count me in.
When piles of evidence of rampant illegal activities by election officials come from several states, thousands of votes magically appear in the middle of the night, thousands of ballots appear to be identical with machine printed vote markings and no creases on mailed-in ballots, all of these coming after unconstitutional last minute changes in voting has to wonder if the voting and counting was fair in any state.

Couple that with Joe Biden admitting on TV that they had assembled the greatest "voter fraud organization in the history of American politics", and you really should expect faithlessness in the election system. The lying, cheating Democrats are dreading the discovery of just how much fraud was committed. That's why they label the Republicans objectors as paranoid idiots and conspiracy theorists all the while trying to stop the forensic audits that may prove just how fucking dishonest they have been.

Stick your partisan hatred in your BBB.
Where, exactly, is it that you don't feel you have fair representation? You have ALL the radio stations (despite there absolutely being a demand for liberal talk radio) and you have more than a few television stations dedicated solely to spreading your propaganda. The internet is available to all equally. Where is it that your "voice" isn't being heard? No where. Empty whine.
Republicans want to control the narrative. So they've been saying for years the media is liberal even when in the 90's it got deregulated and gobbled up by 8 corporations. They believe the media is lying to them but they refuse to believe that maybe it's the rich and powerful who are lying to them. Not liberals.

We all know Republicans use racism god gays and guns to win votes right? So perhaps the corporate media is pushing a liberal social agenda to rile up it's base. Who's it's base? White racist conservative republicans.

God you're a flaming hypocrite. Fox presents BOTH SIDES and your fake news presents ONLY YOUR SIDE. And yet you won't stop with the talking points that Republicans want to control the narrative, while your side again presents ONE SIDE and Republicans present and listen to both
Fox presents both sides now?

They always have. Leftists are on Fox all day. How do you possibly not know that? Do you ever watch anything but CNN and MSNBC?
Fox has a resident pinhead liberal in Juan Williams. He can twist any issue involving politics. His only redeeming value is his incessant spewing of laughable liberal bullshit spins.
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I still want to know what makes this a conspiracy theory besides a corrupt government and media saying it is.
All of your goofy nonsense is conspiracy theory material.

Haven’t you figured it out yet? I keep telling you.
Why because the corrupt media and corrupt politicians say so? You don't have any reasons besides arrogant bias.

Again, no one on Fox or any other mainstream right media is saying antifa was BEHIND that attacks. So what you said it pretty stupid. I just said they are NOT behind it, and you're saying I believe their lies.

So that means that you're saying Antifa IS behind it?

Of course not, you're just being an ass and lying, like Democrats always do
Despite all the evidence I just showed you that Fox and other right wing media sources and politicians all tried pushing the narrative that ANTIFA was behind it and a fucking poll showed 50% of you dumb sons of bitches believed it?

Then I give up. You win.

Antifa was not being January 6. What don't you understand about that you stupid fuck???
I don't understand why 50% of Republicans believe they were.

Did you know that 80% of statistics are made up on the spot?
So basically if you don't like the information you are being given you just cry fake news. Makes you a little bitch not worth talking to.

You've lied all through this conversation. No wonder you're a Democrat
This is not a conspiracy. These are things that have happened. THAT MAKES THEM FACTS.

At the same time, I noted, the 2020 presidential election violated internationally accepted criteria for a free and fair election. “Voters were denied the ‘absolute’ right to a secret ballot [through flawed vote-by-mail systems]. They were denied ‘equal opportunity of access to the media, particularly the mass communications media, in order to put forward their political views.’ They were denied ‘security with respect to their lives and property.’ And they were denied “freedom of movement, assembly, association and expression.’

Someone tell me that did not happen.
It's hilarious how badly you children want that phrase to mean something else.

Sorry, kid. You're stuck with it. Everyone knows what The Big Lie is.

You can't have a free and fair election with the means of information corrupted and brown shirt mobs operating in the streets.

That's true, but it's not the left wing media sources that are corrupted. They're all publically owned corporations who have to answer to their boards and their shareholders. They didn't pay out multi-million dollar settlements for sexual harassment claims to dozens of women.

FOX has had to pay out multiple settlements for defamation, lying about Seth Rich, and others. All while Rupert Murdoch pockets multi-million dollar tax cuts from successive Republican Presidents.

The "Caravans funded by George Soros" story lead directly to the Tree of Life Synagogue shooting to stop Jews from helping these illegals come to the USA. Now Republican voters are being lead to believe that the election was stolen and Donald Trump is the legal and rightful President of the United States. These are dangerous lies.

And the "brown shirt mobs" you speak of were actually the uniformed police officers in their blue uniforms, who attacked peaceful protestors relentlessly. American police forces have a long sad history of attacking black people marching for their rights. And of allowing those who oppose rights for minorities to attack these protests without consequences.

Remember the Edmund Pettis Bridge? The Freedom Riders? All were violently attacked by American police fighting on the side of the elites to keep black and brown people from have an equal voice, and equal education, an equal opportunity. The American economy has always depended on sources of cheap labor, starting with slaves, then "guest workers" and finally illegal immigrants.

The right wing media is all billionaire owned and controlled. Their boards are composed of family members, employees and other loyalists who rubber stamp anything the billionaire boss wants or does. Pay out millions in sexual harassment claims and libel suits would NEVER be tollerated in a publically owned network, and ALL of the MSM media news outlets are publically owned with the exception of the Washington Post, which Jeff Bezos owns, but which he truly does seem to be taking a hands off approach with.

WAPO clearly states that ownership, and the potential for conflict of interest, in any article regarding Bezos, Amazon or Big Tech. Not once ever has FOX, or any Sinclair owned station disclosed their bias.

Do you believe that President Trump said that ws were "very fine people"?

In what way does your question respond to my post? I have given you chapter and verse on how and why billionaire owned right wing media has become a propaganda outlet to ensure the election of a Republican Senate to block American progress, and thwart the will of the American people.

Try talking about that instead of trying to lay "gotcha traps".

Because when you admit that you support that lie, all your talk of the RIGHT being the one using lying to push it's agenda, will be revealed to be just a very "big lie".

All that you posted, will be revealed to have no credibility, because you will lose all your credibility when you stand by a Lie, that was repeatedly and easily debunked on this very site, many, many times.

I ask you one more time, dragonlady, do you believe that President Trump said that ws were "very fine people"?

Sorry, I'm not playing petty reindeer games. There are much larger issues in play at the moment and I'm not falling for the distraction.

I filtered out the petty personal insults, and this was all that was left. Do you any arguments? Evidence? Ideas? Anything intelligent to say? Anything worth responding to?

Change my quotes outside the quote box. Seriously
More nothing. Is trolling all you do?

Yes, you are not to be addressed without your permission. Noted.

And you don't like the rules, talk to the PTBs, but you are not allowed to edit my quotes in the quote box

So, still nuthin'?

I know you don't like me - I'm quite content with that. But I am interested in debating the topic. Even with idiots like you. That is, if and when you post something like a debate. But all you ever do is call me names and shit. It's flattering that you're so fixated on me - but don't you have any ideas you'd like to express?

It depends what you mean not like you. I'm not a fan, I agree with that. If you think I have any negative view of you personally that's your projection.

I don't like what you do. Using libertarian principles to justify Democrat party fascism and totalitarian government and alibiing their racism is pretty pathetic.

As for your changing my quote, yes I have an issue with that. When you misrepresent my views in your posts it's clear that's your opinion, so Democrats love you and everyone else disagrees like everything else you say.

When you change my quote, you are saying that "I" said that and not you. Which is truly a lie. Just don't do that

Fascism is a white nationalist form of political movement. By definition, that would make the Republican Party the fascist party in this scenario. Republicans are also lying and saying they won the election and trying to over the results and install their authoritarian leader back in the White House.

That makes every you posted completely false. You need to look in the dictionary, for the words "fascist", "racist" and "totalitarianism". Every time you post you reveal your abject ignorance on all things political, and economic.

Except your side is the one using brown shirt tactics. Right up to arresting the victims of attacks and imprisoning them for defending themselves.

The police are murdering suspects. The police shoot and kill 1000 people every year. In public, in broad daylight, in front of passersby. #1 with a bullet.

American cities paid out over $300 million in excessive force complaints just last year, and the year before that one too. You have multiple members of the same families in multiple cities whose relative have been either killed, or publically attacked by police. Black business people wear suits and ties everywhere so they're not mistaken for "thugs" and every black parent has the "Talk" with their teenagers.

So tell me again that it's the protestors who are the problem here. The rest of the world is not seeing it.

If you're talking about the insurrectionists who were arrested, the tried a violent overthrow of the federal government and threatened the lives of Congressional leaders. They are locked up because it's a federal offense to try to kill the Speaker of the House.

You're just so over the top with the propaganda, George, our site Chinese disinformation rep. Hyperbole is a terrible argument
This is not a conspiracy. These are things that have happened. THAT MAKES THEM FACTS.

At the same time, I noted, the 2020 presidential election violated internationally accepted criteria for a free and fair election. “Voters were denied the ‘absolute’ right to a secret ballot [through flawed vote-by-mail systems]. They were denied ‘equal opportunity of access to the media, particularly the mass communications media, in order to put forward their political views.’ They were denied ‘security with respect to their lives and property.’ And they were denied “freedom of movement, assembly, association and expression.’

Someone tell me that did not happen.
Maybe we should bring back the fairness doctrine.

Just to clarify, so you think the government should force left wing media to give equal time to Republicans? That's what you're saying?

The Fairness Doctrine never did that either. Broadcast networks had to give time for opposing opinions but not equal time. Possible when there were three networks, not today.

Fair enough, Republicans don't need equal time on left wing networks, just the ability to respond would do it.

So that's what you want, Sealy?
Yes. I would love Republicans to come on MSNBC at the end of a show and explain why Rachel Maddow is full of shit and I wish Randi Rhodes was allowed to go on for 4 hours right after Rush. She was just as popular as he was on the radio. In head to head markets, she beat Rush. But putting that liberal bullshit was not what the 6 corporations wanted. Instead they put a guy just like rush on after rush. Then another guy just like rush on after him. Brainwashing.

Yes, I would love one radio station that has Rush and Randi on it. Give her the shittiest hours of the day I'm sure but still I'm sure out of 24 hours she could get better ratings than whatever they have on at that shitty hour. But they'd rather not have her on and you know it.

There is no need for liberal talk radio. I find it hard to believe that her ratings were ever good.
They were. I loved Air America. Sad that it went out of business. The point is, whatever channel Rush was on, they have 24 hours to fill. It's obvious that there is a slow 4 hours during the night or day where a liberal talk show would get better ratings than whatever they have on now. Us liberals have no show to listen to. Trust me, there is a market out there.

But like Air America, whatever channel Rush was on, is a conservative radio channel. No question about it. It's not fair and balanced. Same with every show on Fox. You could say the same thing about MSNBC. It's got a liberal slant.

I would love a new channel that has liberal and conservative shows throughout the day. Whoever is number 1 gets the 8pm time slot.

Talk Radio flourished because it was a counter point to the conventional wisdom pushed by the MSM.

Liberals already get their voices "heard" in MSM, and pop culture.

THey have no need for a counter point.
Fuck that. I should have some political talk to listen to just like you do. There is a market for it but you're ok with the corporations controlling/censoring it because you're ok with censoring talk you don't like. I get it.

You're being lied to just like everyone else.

I didn't cancel her. I would be fine with you having such a show to listen to. I just don't see how it could survive as normal talk radio.

Maybe as satellite radio.

My point is that I don't see why there would be such a market and the failure of lib talk radio seems to support my view on it.
All you have to know is you always lose the popular vote so as far as the number of Democrats compared to Republicans, we win every time. There are more of us than there are of you.

But not a lot of us listen to liberal AM talk radio. Not like cons listened to Rush. And if you liked Rush that station gave you another guy just like rush right after rush, and another guy just like him right after him. If they were smart business people they would put Randi on.

Several of you have even admitted you listened to Randi Rhodes. You liked her. Not for the same reasons I liked her, but you liked her. Same way I don't like Rush the same way you guys do but I listened and liked Rush. He was the best con talker you had.

The radio station would rather lose money and keep brainwashing republicans. It's worth the loss of money they could be making by putting Thom Hartmann or Randi Rhodes on. They don't want fair and balanced. And yet you continue to believe the media is liberal.

Yea, only enough to piss you off. They pretend to be liberal to rile up the base. YOU

YOu seem to be actively ignoring my point about how the mainstream media gives you lefties all the media you need, while for the right leaning consumers, it is does not.
:lol: Look who is crying over capitalism and the free market. (It's also an empty whine.) You have plenty of media catering just to you and only you. You have ALL the radio stations, you have at least three TV broadcast channels and the internet is open to all.

It is not the free market. It is liberals abusing their positions and putting politics ahead of their professional responsibilities.

AND regardless, my point stands. It creates an environment that constantly and overwhelmingly allows people like you to wallow in easy self validation, with your preconceived notions and prejudices CONSTANTLY reinforced and magnified right back at you.

THus, no real market for liberal talk radio.

That is why liberal talk radio has not worked.

Like I said, perhaps as satellite radio.
I listened to liberal talk radio all the time. Don't see why liberals like me wouldn't listen when we are in our cars just like you nuts listen to that Rush station when you are in yours.

I loved Air America. Randi Rhodes, Ed Till, Thom Hartmann, the Young Turks, Stephanie (forgot her last name)

I used to drive 1 hour to Ann Arbor and back 1 hour every day 5 days a week a few years ago. I listened both ways. Actually, Air America had such a shitty channel that I could only pick it up when I was half way to work. I didn't come in clear here in Metro Detroit but closer to Ann Arbor it came in. That's bullshit. They purposely didn't want a liberal radio show being played in Metro Detroit. Why? Because we are a swing state. The difference could mean the difference between winning and losing an election.

Instead the only radio hosts we hear tell us how bad the Democratic Governor is. So much so that you right wingers try to kidnap her.
Air America failed nationwide because it couldn't attract an audience large enough to justify the cost of the commercials. Companies like to advertise on programs that have high ratings.

Conservatives wouldn't tune in because of the stupidity of the show hosts and the guests. Liberals wouldn't tune in because they already knew the talking points due to brainwashing. The ratings never made it above LOW.
You kaz, i.e., lie, again. You're no libertarian. No real libertarian would have voted for Trump.

Another leftist who says I'm not a libertarian ... who can't come up with any examples ...

Libertarians are just disenfranchised Republicans with a slight twist. Meh.

Democrats are just Nazis who miss the 1930s

So let me get this straight. Trump employs all of Hitler's tactics. Nationalism. Racism. Trump even starts his own Beer Hall Putsch. And you have the balls to call us Nazi's?

Hitler went to jail after his failed coup. Let's see if Trump follows the same path.

But also keep in mind Hitler came into power after he was let out of prison. At least in this country you can't run for POTUS if you are a convicted felon. That's why Republicans refuse to impeach him in the Senate.

That's just stupid

dblack will bicker for hours with every libertarian on
Libertarian. That is singular.

And it's unclear how dblack is a libertarian, that's why I asked him.

And I answered. You're not listening. As far as you're concerned - I'm not a libertarian. Clear?

You said you don't call yourself a libertarian. I asked what your views are. Just asking for a summary.

My values are expressed in my posts. Pretty clearly, I think. I'm not interested in your labels, nor your approval. So please, stop following me around like a jilted lover, mkay?

So you'll bicker for hours with every libertarian and a bunch of conservatives on the board endlessly, but when I ask you what you support, you say to figure it out.

That sounds exactly like someone who thinks he's a libertarian but is loved by leftists and only leftists. Most people WANT to discuss what they actually support and want to be asked rather than just attacked by dicks like Faun.

But I ask you, and you won't answer. Of course you won't. Who do you think could summarize what your views are? I gave you a one paragraph summary of mine that gives you a pretty clear measure of what I support and why.

Do you believe ANYONE on this board knows what you support since you refuse to say?
Libertarian. That is singular.

And it's unclear how dblack is a libertarian, that's why I asked him.

And I answered. You're not listening. As far as you're concerned - I'm not a libertarian. Clear?

You said you don't call yourself a libertarian. I asked what your views are. Just asking for a summary.

My values are expressed in my posts. Pretty clearly, I think. I'm not interested in your labels, nor your approval. So please, stop following me around like a jilted lover, mkay?
If you can't take the heat, get out of the kitchen. If you did not post, this would not happen.

I can't believe anyone would refused to answer what do you support? And yet he'll bicker endlessly about nonsense. It's pathetic
This is not a conspiracy. These are things that have happened. THAT MAKES THEM FACTS.

At the same time, I noted, the 2020 presidential election violated internationally accepted criteria for a free and fair election. “Voters were denied the ‘absolute’ right to a secret ballot [through flawed vote-by-mail systems]. They were denied ‘equal opportunity of access to the media, particularly the mass communications media, in order to put forward their political views.’ They were denied ‘security with respect to their lives and property.’ And they were denied “freedom of movement, assembly, association and expression.’

Someone tell me that did not happen.
It's hilarious how badly you children want that phrase to mean something else.

Sorry, kid. You're stuck with it. Everyone knows what The Big Lie is.

You can't have a free and fair election with the means of information corrupted and brown shirt mobs operating in the streets.

That's true, but it's not the left wing media sources that are corrupted. They're all publically owned corporations who have to answer to their boards and their shareholders. They didn't pay out multi-million dollar settlements for sexual harassment claims to dozens of women.

FOX has had to pay out multiple settlements for defamation, lying about Seth Rich, and others. All while Rupert Murdoch pockets multi-million dollar tax cuts from successive Republican Presidents.

The "Caravans funded by George Soros" story lead directly to the Tree of Life Synagogue shooting to stop Jews from helping these illegals come to the USA. Now Republican voters are being lead to believe that the election was stolen and Donald Trump is the legal and rightful President of the United States. These are dangerous lies.

And the "brown shirt mobs" you speak of were actually the uniformed police officers in their blue uniforms, who attacked peaceful protestors relentlessly. American police forces have a long sad history of attacking black people marching for their rights. And of allowing those who oppose rights for minorities to attack these protests without consequences.

Remember the Edmund Pettis Bridge? The Freedom Riders? All were violently attacked by American police fighting on the side of the elites to keep black and brown people from have an equal voice, and equal education, an equal opportunity. The American economy has always depended on sources of cheap labor, starting with slaves, then "guest workers" and finally illegal immigrants.

The right wing media is all billionaire owned and controlled. Their boards are composed of family members, employees and other loyalists who rubber stamp anything the billionaire boss wants or does. Pay out millions in sexual harassment claims and libel suits would NEVER be tollerated in a publically owned network, and ALL of the MSM media news outlets are publically owned with the exception of the Washington Post, which Jeff Bezos owns, but which he truly does seem to be taking a hands off approach with.

WAPO clearly states that ownership, and the potential for conflict of interest, in any article regarding Bezos, Amazon or Big Tech. Not once ever has FOX, or any Sinclair owned station disclosed their bias.

Do you believe that President Trump said that ws were "very fine people"?

In what way does your question respond to my post? I have given you chapter and verse on how and why billionaire owned right wing media has become a propaganda outlet to ensure the election of a Republican Senate to block American progress, and thwart the will of the American people.

Try talking about that instead of trying to lay "gotcha traps".

Because when you admit that you support that lie, all your talk of the RIGHT being the one using lying to push it's agenda, will be revealed to be just a very "big lie".

All that you posted, will be revealed to have no credibility, because you will lose all your credibility when you stand by a Lie, that was repeatedly and easily debunked on this very site, many, many times.

I ask you one more time, dragonlady, do you believe that President Trump said that ws were "very fine people"?

Sorry, I'm not playing petty reindeer games. There are much larger issues in play at the moment and I'm not falling for the distraction.

THe fact that you libs are capable of such a group lie and holding to it, despite it being easily and repeatedly debunked, is not a distraction, it is a fact that has to be considered with EVERY CLAIM YOU PEOPLE MAKE.

You claim that a story about Soros funding illegal immigrant caravans, led to the Tree of Life shooting.

But, we know that you personally AND you as a group, ie liberals are capable of lying and holding to a lie no matter what.

So, there is no reason to take that claim at face value. In fact ,it would be stupid to do so. Irrational to do so, even.

Why would Soros NOT fund such a caravan? Plenty of people on the left believe that the needs of the poor illegal immigrants trump the immigration policy of the US, and thus those people should be allowed in.

Yet, you state it, as though it is an absurd claim.

AND you make the further claim that it is the fault of THAT STORY, that a madman went on a shooting rampage.

That is shocking claim. But it has been established that you will say ANYTHING no matter how easily debunked, it is serves your partisan purpose.

So, there is no reason to take that claim seriously.

That is one example. EVERYTHING you say, should be looked at as harshly.
I still want to know what makes this a conspiracy theory besides a corrupt government and media saying it is.
All of your goofy nonsense is conspiracy theory material.

Haven’t you figured it out yet? I keep telling you.
Why because the corrupt media and corrupt politicians say so? You don't have any reasons besides arrogant bias.
Then you can just be confused as to why all your idiotic nonsense ends up here.
I still want to know what makes this a conspiracy theory besides a corrupt government and media saying it is.
All of your goofy nonsense is conspiracy theory material.

Haven’t you figured it out yet? I keep telling you.
Why because the corrupt media and corrupt politicians say so? You don't have any reasons besides arrogant bias.
Then you can just be confused as to why all your idiotic nonsense ends up here.
Still no answer.
I still want to know what makes this a conspiracy theory besides a corrupt government and media saying it is.
All of your goofy nonsense is conspiracy theory material.

Haven’t you figured it out yet? I keep telling you.
Why because the corrupt media and corrupt politicians say so? You don't have any reasons besides arrogant bias.
Then you can just be confused as to why all your idiotic nonsense ends up here.
Still no answer.
Your bullshit isn’t based on fact. It’s very simple.
I still want to know what makes this a conspiracy theory besides a corrupt government and media saying it is.
All of your goofy nonsense is conspiracy theory material.

Haven’t you figured it out yet? I keep telling you.
Why because the corrupt media and corrupt politicians say so? You don't have any reasons besides arrogant bias.
Then you can just be confused as to why all your idiotic nonsense ends up here.
Still no answer.
Your bullshit isn’t based on fact. It’s very simple.
Either is yours. Corrupt people saying something is a conspiracy are not facts.

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