The big question about life on other planets: 1000000000000000000000 planets in the universe

That’s all we are if there is no spirit.

Where was it concluded that sentient life has no spirit?
Everything with breath has a spirit.

That would depend on how you define spirit...

According to numerous references in the OT and a few in the NT, all creatures with breath have more to them than just being an assembly of atoms.

Again, it's back to the definition of 'spirit'. That anything is more than the sum of its constituent elements is very often true. I'm just not clear what qualities the banana slug or slime mold possess that might be considered spirit.
I have no idea why, just the way it is.
I'm just not clear what qualities the banana slug or slime mold possess that might be considered spirit.
I say the same about humans. We are also just deterministic, physical systems.

Not just. We've evolved a long way past photokinesis, autonomic glycolosis, and purely autonomic functionality.

We can ask ourselves, "Who are we? Why are we here? How do we get to the mall?".
What forms gravity without any sort of mass coalition to form the gravity
The mass consists of the hydrogen and other trace elements that eventually made up the solar system.
What does that have to do with scattered mass gravitating itself
You're spouting meaningless babble. All matter possesses the quality of gravitational attraction.
Nope, not random matter in outer space not attached to a gravitational field

Try again
When a star goes super nova it sends stuff out in all directions.

We had a big planet or asteroid fly through our solar system. It came from another star. It was flung out. So it’s a rogue planet or rock not bound to any star, yet.
Again there is such a thing as interstellar space. In fact there is more of this than anything else. There is no gravity here, an atom of iron if there has nothing to attract it.

Not sure what you are arguing
The Klingons are coming.

As much fun as "Star Trek" is ... I believe that the real aliens will be infinitely more interesting.

Given the diversity of life on our own planet ... the number of variations that might exist on a much different planet is truly staggering.

I'm just not clear what qualities the banana slug or slime mold possess that might be considered spirit.
I say the same about humans. We are also just deterministic, physical systems.

Not just. We've evolved a long way past photokinesis, autonomic glycolosis, and purely autonomic functionality.

We can ask ourselves, "Who are we? Why are we here? How do we get to the mall?".
Mutations don’t work that way. A mutated life is always inferior to its original. Always.
Not just. We've evolved a long way past photokinesis, autonomic glycolosis, and purely autonomic functionality.
No, we haven't . Even our consciousness is just a deterministic, chemical system. Your thoughts of yourself are no more magical than a slug's preference for beer. Yes, we are just deterministic, physical systems, as are slugs.
Mutations don’t work that way. A mutated life is always inferior to its original.
Not always. It depends on the context. A different shaped beak, for instance, may be inferior for picking bugs from holes, but superior for cracking a nut. If this trait or better ability is selected for by any of a number of means, then it starts to prevail.
Not just. We've evolved a long way past photokinesis, autonomic glycolosis, and purely autonomic functionality.
No, we haven't . Even our consciousness is just a deterministic, chemical system. Your thoughts of yourself are no more magical than a slug's preference for beer. Yes, we are just deterministic, physical systems, as are slugs.

Slugs don't know of the existence of beer. To a slug, it's simply complex carbohydrates and alcohol.

To a human, it's a way of lowering our standards.


That's not magic, it's sentience.
I'm just not clear what qualities the banana slug or slime mold possess that might be considered spirit.
I say the same about humans. We are also just deterministic, physical systems.

Not just. We've evolved a long way past photokinesis, autonomic glycolosis, and purely autonomic functionality.

We can ask ourselves, "Who are we? Why are we here? How do we get to the mall?".
Mutations don’t work that way. A mutated life is always inferior to its original. Always.
There is no gravity here

Actually, untrue. Every grain of space dust, in fact, every free floating atom that exists in space has its own minute mass and therefore its own gravity.
That might be true and it might not, in fact gravity is well understood on one hand and an enigma on the other. Remember according to gravity as we know it 85 percent of the universe is missing. Lunacy

There is no gravity here

Actually, untrue. Every grain of space dust, in fact, every free floating atom that exists in space has its own minute mass and therefore its own gravity.
That might be true and it might not, in fact gravity is well understood on one hand and an enigma on the other. Remember according to gravity as we know it 85 percent of the universe is missing. Lunacy

Dark matter isn't 'missing' matter. It's a concept to explain why the amount of observed matter in the known universe isn't sufficient to explain why the universe behaves the way we observe it.

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