The big question about life on other planets: 1000000000000000000000 planets in the universe

Bottom line is there are no aliens because the Bible tells us God didn't create any. If he did, then it would be in the days of creation. This is what the creation or Bible theory is based on.

Furthermore, in religious terms, Jesus didn't die for aliens. He died for us. All of this is evidence for God, but nothing I say will make you believe. Only when every eye will see will you believe, but then it will be too late. Even I didn't know this until last year :abgg2q.jpg:. All of the differences between the Bible and Antibible cannot be coincidence.

The mistake made xtian by religious extremists is presuming that their bibles are to be taken as science texts.

BTW, where in any of the Bibles does it say the gods didn’t create aliens? This looks like another instance of a religious extremist re-writing the Bible.


It feels like I've said this to you a million times -- the Bible isn't a science book, but science backs up the Bible. I've already presented the days of creation as a chart and it feels like I've posted it to you a million times. Where does it say he created aliens?


Instead of posting -- What we believe - -- to me, you should have it tattooed all over your body so you can read it every day and not forget. Or John 3:16 or John 14:6 would suffice. Or you just accept it as true. The power of the Holy Father is great. When the secular science comes from Satan "the god of the world and prince of the power of the air" and is false, then the only real science you can get is from the creation websites. Good day.
Bottom line is there are no aliens because the Bible tells us God didn't create any. If he did, then it would be in the days of creation. This is what the creation or Bible theory is based on.

Furthermore, in religious terms, Jesus didn't die for aliens. He died for us. All of this is evidence for God, but nothing I say will make you believe. Only when every eye will see will you believe, but then it will be too late. Even I didn't know this until last year :abgg2q.jpg:. All of the differences between the Bible and Antibible cannot be coincidence.

The mistake made xtian by religious extremists is presuming that their bibles are to be taken as science texts.

BTW, where in any of the Bibles does it say the gods didn’t create aliens? This looks like another instance of a religious extremist re-writing the Bible.


It feels like I've said this to you a million times -- the Bible isn't a science book, but science backs up the Bible. I've already presented the days of creation as a chart and it feels like I've posted it to you a million times. Where does it say he created aliens?


Instead of posting -- What we believe - -- to me, you should have it tattooed all over your body so you can read it every day and not forget. Or John 3:16 or John 14:6 would suffice. Or you just accept it as true. The power of the Holy Father is great. When the secular science comes from Satan "the god of the world and prince of the power of the air" and is false, then the only real science you can get is from the creation websites. Good day.
Science definitely does not back up the Bible.
Bottom line is there are no aliens because the Bible tells us God didn't create any. If he did, then it would be in the days of creation. This is what the creation or Bible theory is based on.

Furthermore, in religious terms, Jesus didn't die for aliens. He died for us. All of this is evidence for God, but nothing I say will make you believe. Only when every eye will see will you believe, but then it will be too late. Even I didn't know this until last year :abgg2q.jpg:. All of the differences between the Bible and Antibible cannot be coincidence.

The mistake made xtian by religious extremists is presuming that their bibles are to be taken as science texts.

BTW, where in any of the Bibles does it say the gods didn’t create aliens? This looks like another instance of a religious extremist re-writing the Bible.


It feels like I've said this to you a million times -- the Bible isn't a science book, but science backs up the Bible. I've already presented the days of creation as a chart and it feels like I've posted it to you a million times. Where does it say he created aliens?


Instead of posting -- What we believe - -- to me, you should have it tattooed all over your body so you can read it every day and not forget. Or John 3:16 or John 14:6 would suffice. Or you just accept it as true. The power of the Holy Father is great. When the secular science comes from Satan "the god of the world and prince of the power of the air" and is false, then the only real science you can get is from the creation websites. Good day.
Science definitely does not back up the Bible.

Sure it does. We've found that there are no aliens. You just do not and can not accept the evidence due to your beliefs in the sky fairy whom the Bible points out as Satan. He is the "prince of the power of the air." Surely, the atheists all using the term "sky" fairy can't just be a coincidence. They also use "god" as "god of the world." That's another name for Satan, too.

The creation scientists didn't make those terms up. The atheists did it by themselves. Just like they believe in aliens for no reason. Just like they believe in evolution for no reason. Just like you and they believe in no God for no reason.
Bottom line is there are no aliens because the Bible tells us God didn't create any. If he did, then it would be in the days of creation. This is what the creation or Bible theory is based on.

Furthermore, in religious terms, Jesus didn't die for aliens. He died for us. All of this is evidence for God, but nothing I say will make you believe. Only when every eye will see will you believe, but then it will be too late. Even I didn't know this until last year :abgg2q.jpg:. All of the differences between the Bible and Antibible cannot be coincidence.

The mistake made xtian by religious extremists is presuming that their bibles are to be taken as science texts.

BTW, where in any of the Bibles does it say the gods didn’t create aliens? This looks like another instance of a religious extremist re-writing the Bible.


It feels like I've said this to you a million times -- the Bible isn't a science book, but science backs up the Bible. I've already presented the days of creation as a chart and it feels like I've posted it to you a million times. Where does it say he created aliens?


Instead of posting -- What we believe - -- to me, you should have it tattooed all over your body so you can read it every day and not forget. Or John 3:16 or John 14:6 would suffice. Or you just accept it as true. The power of the Holy Father is great. When the secular science comes from Satan "the god of the world and prince of the power of the air" and is false, then the only real science you can get is from the creation websites. Good day.
Science definitely does not back up the Bible.

Sure it does. We've found that there are no aliens. You just do not and can not accept the evidence due to your beliefs in the sky fairy whom the Bible points out as Satan. He is the "prince of the power of the air." Surely, the atheists all using the term "sky" fairy can't just be a coincidence. They also use "god" as "god of the world." That's another name for Satan, too.

The creation scientists didn't make those terms up. The atheists did it by themselves. Just like they believe in aliens for no reason. Just like they believe in evolution for no reason. Just like you and they believe in no God for no reason.

We've found that there are no aliens.

None in our own solar system?
Within 600 light years?
10,000 light years?
In the entire Milky Way?

Just like they believe in evolution for no reason.

I thought the below was very interesting.
What do you think?

What has been the most compelling evidence for you personally that has solidified your position as an evolutionary creationist?

Well, the evidence is everywhere. It’s not just that a piece here and there fits evolution: it’s the fact that virtually none of the evidence we have suggests anything else. What you see presented as “problems for evolution” by Christian anti-evolutionary groups are typically issues that are taken out of context or (intentionally or not) misrepresented to their non-specialist audiences. For me personally (as a geneticist) comparative genomics (comparing DNA sequences between different species) has really sealed the deal on evolution. Even if Darwin had never lived and no one else had come up with the idea of common ancestry, modern genomics would have forced us to that conclusion even if there was no other evidence available (which of course manifestly isn’t the case).

For example, we see the genes for air-based olfaction (smelling) in whales that no longer even have olfactory organs. Humans have the remains of a gene devoted to egg yolk production in our DNA in exactly the place that evolution would predict. Our genome is nearly identical to the chimpanzee genome, a little less identical to the gorilla genome, a little less identical to the orangutan genome, and so on—and this correspondence is present in ways that are not needed for function (such as the location of shared genetic defects, the order of genes on chromosomes, and on and on). If you’re interested in this research, you might find this (again, somewhat technical) lecture I gave a few years ago helpful. You can also see a less technical, but longer version here where I do my best to explain these lines of evidence to members of my church.

Ask an Evolutionary Creationist: A Q&A with Dennis Venema - Articles
We've found that there are no aliens.

None in our own solar system?
Within 600 light years?
10,000 light years?
In the entire Milky Way?

Why don't you just go looking for an invisible God instead of non-existent aliens? It doesn't cost you anything while a Russian billionaire is losing his $100 million in an unwise investment. Stephen Hawking died and is suffering now for it. I doubt God is hiding when the evidence is that he's all around us. He doesn't like sin, so he isn't here, but he's also here. It's one of the grand mysteries of life.

However, I doubt my words will get through to you when Jesus' words didn't. It's interesting to me that you replied as you may be the one who goes looking for aliens. However, I think it will be boring trying to prove God is wrong. I think you can do the checklist and then repeat it all over again.

Just like they believe in evolution for no reason.

I thought the below was very interesting.
What do you think?


Satan has pulled the wool over many people's eyes. They end up strolling through the wide gate in life. What the evolutionary creationist states is evidence to fit the evolution theory and not evidence to make a theory with. You notice he starts with common ancestry which is part of Darwinism. He assumes common ancestry and the evidence he finds fits it. Otherwise, he wouldn't be getting paid. OTOH, creation scientists didn't assume anything. We were told by God through his autobiography and then were able to verify. Just like we were able to verify no aliens with solar winds and fine tuning (abandoned by atheist scientists). So what does the evidence of genetics and genomes tell creation scientists and me? It tells us that God reused the same parts. The basic building blocks were fine and could be used for different groups of animals. Where the smaller percentage of differences lie makes all the difference in the world. This man should be looking at molecules instead of comparing human genomes to animal genomes.
Bottom line is there are no aliens because the Bible tells us God didn't create any. If he did, then it would be in the days of creation. This is what the creation or Bible theory is based on.

Furthermore, in religious terms, Jesus didn't die for aliens. He died for us. All of this is evidence for God, but nothing I say will make you believe. Only when every eye will see will you believe, but then it will be too late. Even I didn't know this until last year :abgg2q.jpg:. All of the differences between the Bible and Antibible cannot be coincidence.

The mistake made xtian by religious extremists is presuming that their bibles are to be taken as science texts.

BTW, where in any of the Bibles does it say the gods didn’t create aliens? This looks like another instance of a religious extremist re-writing the Bible.


It feels like I've said this to you a million times -- the Bible isn't a science book, but science backs up the Bible. I've already presented the days of creation as a chart and it feels like I've posted it to you a million times. Where does it say he created aliens?


Instead of posting -- What we believe - -- to me, you should have it tattooed all over your body so you can read it every day and not forget. Or John 3:16 or John 14:6 would suffice. Or you just accept it as true. The power of the Holy Father is great. When the secular science comes from Satan "the god of the world and prince of the power of the air" and is false, then the only real science you can get is from the creation websites. Good day.
Well, no. Nothing in science “backs up” the absurdities of the bibles. There is nothing in science that supports the notion of a 6,000 year old planet, global floods, men living to be 900 years old and similar outrageous ideas.

I gave you the link: What we believe - because you should read it. Like other fundamentalist Christian websites posing as pseudo-science sites, they have a predefined bias in place that excludes them from science and presumes a clearly stated agenda.
We've found that there are no aliens.

None in our own solar system?
Within 600 light years?
10,000 light years?
In the entire Milky Way?

Why don't you just go looking for an invisible God instead of non-existent aliens? It doesn't cost you anything while a Russian billionaire is losing his $100 million in an unwise investment. Stephen Hawking died and is suffering now for it. I doubt God is hiding when the evidence is that he's all around us. He doesn't like sin, so he isn't here, but he's also here. It's one of the grand mysteries of life.

However, I doubt my words will get through to you when Jesus' words didn't. It's interesting to me that you replied as you may be the one who goes looking for aliens. However, I think it will be boring trying to prove God is wrong. I think you can do the checklist and then repeat it all over again.

Just like they believe in evolution for no reason.

I thought the below was very interesting.
What do you think?

View attachment 309513

Satan has pulled the wool over many people's eyes. They end up strolling through the wide gate in life. What the evolutionary creationist states is evidence to fit the evolution theory and not evidence to make a theory with. You notice he starts with common ancestry which is part of Darwinism. He assumes common ancestry and the evidence he finds fits it. Otherwise, he wouldn't be getting paid. OTOH, creation scientists didn't assume anything. We were told by God through his autobiography and then were able to verify. Just like we were able to verify no aliens with solar winds and fine tuning (abandoned by atheist scientists). So what does the evidence of genetics and genomes tell creation scientists and me? It tells us that God reused the same parts. The basic building blocks were fine and could be used for different groups of animals. Where the smaller percentage of differences lie makes all the difference in the world. This man should be looking at molecules instead of comparing human genomes to animal genomes.

What is “the gods autobiography”? There is no such thing.

If you were willing to be objective, you would admit you have no corroboration that any of the gospels were authored by Luke, Matthew, Mark or John. You are simply accepting they were. So what happens if they were written by priests who were trying to codify messianic fervor of the time, and they did so writing a fictional account of a messiah? What if the real Jesus is an Essene priest who lived 100 years before? Suddenly that could explain a few things. Like why the stories are so differing in key elements.
Science definitely does not back up the Bible.

There is nothing below that contradicts science, the Bible just documents the evolution of this planet on a level people could understand 3,420 years ago. If you were trying to convey an idea to people living 3,420 years ago, what would you say-?

The Book of Genesis does not state when it was written. The date of authorship is likely between 1440 and 1400 B.C., between the time Moses led the Israelites out of Egypt and his death.
Book of Genesis - Bible Survey |

Genesis; The Beginning

1 In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.
2 Now the earth was formless and empty, darkness was over the surface of the deep, and the Spirit of God was hovering over the waters
3 And God said, “Let there be light,” and there was light.
4 God saw that the light was good, and he separated the light from the darkness.
5 God called the light “day,” and the darkness he called “night.” And there was evening, and there was morning—the first day.
6 And God said, “Let there be a vault between the waters to separate water from water.”
9 And God said, “Let the water under the sky be gathered to one place, and let dry ground appear.” And it was so.
10 God called the dry ground “land,” and the gathered waters he called “seas.” And God saw that it was good.
11 Then God said, “Let the land produce vegetation: seed-bearing plants and trees on the land that bear fruit with seed in it, according to their various kinds.” And it was so.
12 The land produced vegetation: plants bearing seed according to their kinds and trees bearing fruit with seed in it according to their kinds. And God saw that it was good.
16 God made two great lights—the greater light to govern the day and the lesser light to govern the night. He also made the stars.
20 And God said, “Let the water teem with living creatures, and let birds fly above the earth across the vault of the sky.”
21 So God created the great creatures of the sea and every living thing with which the water teems and that moves about in it, according to their kinds, and every winged bird according to its kind.
24 And God said, “Let the land produce living creatures according to their kinds: the livestock, the creatures that move along the ground, and the wild animals, each according to its kind.”
26 Then God said, “Let us make mankind in our image, in our likeness, so that they may rule over the fish in the sea and the birds in the sky, over the livestock and all the wild animals,[a] and over all the creatures that move along the ground.”
27 So God created mankind in his own image, in the image of God he created them; male and female he created them.
28 God blessed them and said to them, “Be fruitful and increase in number; fill the earth and subdue it. Rule over the fish in the sea and the birds in the sky and over every living creature that moves on the ground.”
31 God saw all that he had made, and it was very good. And there was evening, and there was morning—the sixth day.

I don’t see anything above that contradicts scientific discovery; even the “great flood” has been scientifically proven.
If you were willing to be objective, you would admit you have no corroboration that any of the gospels were authored by Luke, Matthew, Mark or John. You are simply accepting they were
The Bible is nothing more than a collection of books written by different people at different times. Some of the authors may have exaggerated here and there but in total they all convey a message. What you get out of it is your own ability to understand its intent.

For me, I believe the author’s 3,420 years ago did a pretty good job.

Just my opinion

There is nothing below that contradicts science, the Bible just documents the evolution of this planet on a level people could understand 3,420 years ago
In other words, no understanding whatsoever, and it was completely wrong. No, humans were not poofed into existence by magic, using dust. Give me a break.
Last edited:
Science definitely does not back up the Bible.

There is nothing below that contradicts science, the Bible just documents the evolution of this planet on a level people could understand 3,420 years ago. If you were trying to convey an idea to people living 3,420 years ago, what would you say-?

The Book of Genesis does not state when it was written. The date of authorship is likely between 1440 and 1400 B.C., between the time Moses led the Israelites out of Egypt and his death.
Book of Genesis - Bible Survey |

Genesis; The Beginning

1 In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.
2 Now the earth was formless and empty, darkness was over the surface of the deep, and the Spirit of God was hovering over the waters
3 And God said, “Let there be light,” and there was light.
4 God saw that the light was good, and he separated the light from the darkness.
5 God called the light “day,” and the darkness he called “night.” And there was evening, and there was morning—the first day.
6 And God said, “Let there be a vault between the waters to separate water from water.”
9 And God said, “Let the water under the sky be gathered to one place, and let dry ground appear.” And it was so.
10 God called the dry ground “land,” and the gathered waters he called “seas.” And God saw that it was good.
11 Then God said, “Let the land produce vegetation: seed-bearing plants and trees on the land that bear fruit with seed in it, according to their various kinds.” And it was so.
12 The land produced vegetation: plants bearing seed according to their kinds and trees bearing fruit with seed in it according to their kinds. And God saw that it was good.
16 God made two great lights—the greater light to govern the day and the lesser light to govern the night. He also made the stars.
20 And God said, “Let the water teem with living creatures, and let birds fly above the earth across the vault of the sky.”
21 So God created the great creatures of the sea and every living thing with which the water teems and that moves about in it, according to their kinds, and every winged bird according to its kind.
24 And God said, “Let the land produce living creatures according to their kinds: the livestock, the creatures that move along the ground, and the wild animals, each according to its kind.”
26 Then God said, “Let us make mankind in our image, in our likeness, so that they may rule over the fish in the sea and the birds in the sky, over the livestock and all the wild animals,[a] and over all the creatures that move along the ground.”
27 So God created mankind in his own image, in the image of God he created them; male and female he created them.
28 God blessed them and said to them, “Be fruitful and increase in number; fill the earth and subdue it. Rule over the fish in the sea and the birds in the sky and over every living creature that moves on the ground.”
31 God saw all that he had made, and it was very good. And there was evening, and there was morning—the sixth day.

I don’t see anything above that contradicts scientific discovery; even the “great flood” has been scientifically proven.
It all contradicts science. Some gaseous vertebrate with a penis did not use magical powers to create the universe and man. There isn't a shred of scientific evidence for this claim.
Well, no. Nothing in science “backs up” the absurdities of the bibles.

Pick one of the different versions of the Bible and and we can discuss. I doubt you know anything about creation science despite all this time and all the posts I've made to you. Not only that you know squat about evolution. A chimp should do better than you.
The Bible is nothing more than a collection of books written by different people at different times. Some of the authors may have exaggerated here and there but in total they all convey a message.

You don't understand the Bible if you believe this. There was no exaggeration. The different authors is how the kings of Israel were able to verify what was being said to them by God. If you wrote the world is flat and no one backed it up, then you were tossed. We know nothing was said in the Bible about a flat Earth. However, one could surmise that it was spherical based on what was written.
The Bible is nothing more than a collection of books written by different people at different times. Some of the authors may have exaggerated here and there but in total they all convey a message.

You don't understand the Bible if you believe this. There was no exaggeration. The different authors is how the kings of Israel were able to verify what was being said to them by God. If you wrote the world is flat and no one backed it up, then you were tossed. We know nothing was said in the Bible about a flat Earth. However, one could surmise that it was spherical based on what was written.
She does understand the Bible. You don't.

How would you deduce the Earth was spherical from what the Bible says?
In other words, no understanding whatsoever, and it was completely wrong. No, humans were not poofed into existence by magic, using dust. Give me a break.

More trolling, so I got one for you. I bought some Lafayette, IN coffee and it ruined my morning. It was bitter and even if I doused it with sugar and cream, I could not get rid of the bitterness :10:. The sweets were fine. I complained and got a different cup, and while it was better the bitterness was there. Afterward, I checked the reviews and it wasn't the greatest.

Copper Moon Coffee - Indianapolis, IN

The bitter coffee reminds me of your posts.


OTOH, humans were not poofed, but formed into existence by the dirt and God's breath. The evidence is we return to dirt or dust after we die. Also, we have the supernatural of life spirit coexisting with the natural. More evidence, but you believe in the lie of abiogenesis instead of Genesis. Maybe you should get a year's supply of that coffee from Lafayette.
Well, no. Nothing in science “backs up” the absurdities of the bibles.

Pick one of the different versions of the Bible and and we can discuss. I doubt you know anything about creation science despite all this time and all the posts I've made to you. Not only that you know squat about evolution. A chimp should do better than you.

As it happens so often when religious extremists are held accountable for falsely portraying their religious texts as science texts, they’re reduced to name-calling and emotional outbursts.

ID'iot creationism is not a scientific theory. It us window dressing for fundamentalist religion. There are no peer reviewed investigations proceeding in the area of ID'iot creationism. There have not been and never will be any scientific studies of ID, because it has nothing in it that is scientifically testable. no predictions, no theory, nothing. Do you need confirmation of that? Go ask Paul Nelson, Dembski or Behe or the hacks at All they will give you is wishful thinking. They will spout on and on about the different “mechanisms” proposed by ID'iot creationism without actually saying there are any. No, I’m not kidding - go read the Dover transcript and see for yourself. Nelson is on record as agreeing that there is no scientific theory of ID. why do you suppose this is?
In other words, no understanding whatsoever, and it was completely wrong. No, humans were not poofed into existence by magic, using dust. Give me a break.

More trolling, so I got one for you. I bought some Lafayette, IN coffee and it ruined my morning. It was bitter and even if I doused it with sugar and cream, I could not get rid of the bitterness :10:. The sweets were fine. I complained and got a different cup, and while it was better the bitterness was there. Afterward, I checked the reviews and it wasn't the greatest.

Copper Moon Coffee - Indianapolis, IN

The bitter coffee reminds me of your posts.

View attachment 309541

OTOH, humans were not poofed, but formed into existence by the dirt and God's breath. The evidence is we return to dirt or dust after we die. Also, we have the supernatural of life spirit coexisting with the natural. More evidence, but you believe in the lie of abiogenesis instead of Genesis. Maybe you should get a year's supply of that coffee from Lafayette.
Those are hallucinations, not "proof."
The Bible is nothing more than a collection of books written by different people at different times. Some of the authors may have exaggerated here and there but in total they all convey a message.

You don't understand the Bible if you believe this. There was no exaggeration. The different authors is how the kings of Israel were able to verify what was being said to them by God. If you wrote the world is flat and no one backed it up, then you were tossed. We know nothing was said in the Bible about a flat Earth. However, one could surmise that it was spherical based on what was written.
She does understand the Bible. You don't.

How would you deduce the Earth was spherical from what the Bible says?

Only an idiot like you believe in a flat Earth. You know absolutely squat.

How's looking for aliens working for you? You'll be dead like Carl Sagan and Stephen Hawking and still no aliens. What about walking monkeys? Same thing. Or abiogenesis. Ditto. You might as well add those to the flat Earth files :abgg2q.jpg:.
The Bible is nothing more than a collection of books written by different people at different times. Some of the authors may have exaggerated here and there but in total they all convey a message.

You don't understand the Bible if you believe this. There was no exaggeration. The different authors is how the kings of Israel were able to verify what was being said to them by God. If you wrote the world is flat and no one backed it up, then you were tossed. We know nothing was said in the Bible about a flat Earth. However, one could surmise that it was spherical based on what was written.
She does understand the Bible. You don't.

How would you deduce the Earth was spherical from what the Bible says?

Only an idiot like you believe in a flat Earth. You know absolutely squat.

How's looking for aliens working for you? You'll be dead like Carl Sagan and Stephen Hawking and still no aliens. What about walking monkeys? Same thing. Or abiogenesis. Ditto. You might as well add those to the flat Earth files :abgg2q.jpg:.

How's looking for aliens working for you?

Save us all some time and post your proof that they don't exist.
The Bible is nothing more than a collection of books written by different people at different times. Some of the authors may have exaggerated here and there but in total they all convey a message.

You don't understand the Bible if you believe this. There was no exaggeration. The different authors is how the kings of Israel were able to verify what was being said to them by God. If you wrote the world is flat and no one backed it up, then you were tossed. We know nothing was said in the Bible about a flat Earth. However, one could surmise that it was spherical based on what was written.
She does understand the Bible. You don't.

How would you deduce the Earth was spherical from what the Bible says?

Only an idiot like you believe in a flat Earth. You know absolutely squat.

How's looking for aliens working for you? You'll be dead like Carl Sagan and Stephen Hawking and still no aliens. What about walking monkeys? Same thing. Or abiogenesis. Ditto. You might as well add those to the flat Earth files :abgg2q.jpg:.

How's looking for aliens working for you?

Save us all some time and post your proof that they don't exist.

You'll be dead, too, and still no aliens :beer:.

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