The big scary mastermind of the Paris attacks...

The alleged jihad monster is smiling and he has a fish in his hand so the radical American left pronounces him to be harmless. No surprises here.
Treat all sand nig gers as terrorists
Your are just what ISIS wants, how long before you get that?
What do they want? Their friends and families killed? I think that's what Israel does. If you suicide bomb they level your parents home. The suicide bombings stopped.

What should we do? I mean after the fighting? Let's say these guys want to talk. What are their top 10 demands and are they reasonable?
Family attacks are off limits.
Unlike the fags, I had right to marrry, even then.
Liar! A man can't knock up another man FFS! It was no shot gun affair.
Neither the wife or I ever wanted kids, not that that's any of your business. We are good liberal types, there are already too many children in the world. Unlike most of you, we didn't breed like animals.

Good, you're idiocy ends with you. All the better for the gene pool.
To bring a child into this world is a sin.

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If you saw this guy I know all of you would instantly run for your lives or reach for your gun and fire until you were out of ammo. It's so obvious, he's an ISIS terrorist, or maybe a dope-smoking fisherman actually.

French police launch series of anti-terror raids

How to spot a terrorist mastermind? I guess they like fishing...
The fish are stuffed with explosives...

Sent from my SM-G920V using Tapatalk
The alleged jihad monster is smiling and he has a fish in his hand so the radical American left pronounces him to be harmless. No surprises here.
Now you know why liberal women were so hot to go out with Ted Bundy. Such a good looking man. Well mannered too, kind. You could tell by his eyes.
If you saw this guy I know all of you would instantly run for your lives or reach for your gun and fire until you were out of ammo. It's so obvious, he's an ISIS terrorist, or maybe a dope-smoking fisherman actually.

French police launch series of anti-terror raids

How to spot a terrorist mastermind? I guess they like fishing...
The fish are stuffed with explosives...

Sent from my SM-G920V using Tapatalk
Get your ethnicites in order. Explosives in the fish is a Mexican thing. Then they feed them to the seals.
Treat all sand nig gers as terrorists
Your are just what ISIS wants, how long before you get that?
What do they want? Their friends and families killed? I think that's what Israel does. If you suicide bomb they level your parents home. The suicide bombings stopped.

What should we do? I mean after the fighting? Let's say these guys want to talk. What are their top 10 demands and are they reasonable?
What ISIS Really Wants
...I never support the death penalty, ever.
Then you are not a man to take instruction from, regarding how to deal with this Militant Islamist filth, and may be safely ignored in this context.
Same as the Pope. Our principles are not altered by emotion.
Well, here's to you and your principles being very happy together... while other, more practical people take care of business.
That's just it, you don't take care of business. If you had been 129 Parisians, and a few others, would still be alive.
That's just it, you don't take care of business. If you had been 129 Parisians, and a few others, would still be alive.
Given that you are unable to bring yourself to inflict death upon our enemies, we (The People) are simply going to have to give 'the other guys' another chance to get it right.

They may have screwed-the-pooch good-and-proper, but it's equally clear, in advance, that you way is not the way forward, in dealing with such an enemy.

Better to give someone a chance who screwed-up earlier, than someone with zero chance of success.

Your way simply does not work.

If you saw this guy I know all of you would instantly run for your lives or reach for your gun and fire until you were out of ammo. It's so obvious, he's an ISIS terrorist, or maybe a dope-smoking fisherman actually.

French police launch series of anti-terror raids

How to spot a terrorist mastermind? I guess they like fishing...
Were you expecting a guy with a pirate hat and knives for hands? What is the point of this useless thread?
If you saw this guy I know all of you would instantly run for your lives or reach for your gun and fire until you were out of ammo. It's so obvious, he's an ISIS terrorist, or maybe a dope-smoking fisherman actually.

French police launch series of anti-terror raids

How to spot a terrorist mastermind? I guess they like fishing...

Looks like he is making a little progress on his "fish for the multitudes" miracle.

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