The Big Tent Theory?

Wry Catcher

Diamond Member
Aug 3, 2009
San Francisco Bay Area
Seems the GOP's version of a big tent has limited space. Figures, the Republcians can't govern and aren't so good at nation building or tent building.

"It seemed that Republicans had a singular message for themselves after Election Day 2012: Befriend minorities. The Grand Old Party’s popularity with Latino and black voters had dwindled to modern-day lows, and leading GOP lights publicly vowed that the work to remake the party would begin immediately. If they failed, the argument went, last year’s debacle would metastasize into political irrelevance."

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Great so they can go fight with the liberals for minorities. We'll just form our own party and win all of the elections while the republicans and democrats get a split vote.
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Great so they can go fight with the liberals for minorities. We'll just form our own party and win all of the elections while the republicans and democrats get a split vote.

There is a difference between patronizing party members and actually representing them.
Seems the GOP's version of a big tent has limited space. Figures, the Republcians can't govern and aren't so good at nation building or tent building.

"It seemed that Republicans had a singular message for themselves after Election Day 2012: Befriend minorities. The Grand Old Party’s popularity with Latino and black voters had dwindled to modern-day lows, and leading GOP lights publicly vowed that the work to remake the party would begin immediately. If they failed, the argument went, last year’s debacle would metastasize into political irrelevance."

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Why the Republicans Aren?t Giving Up on White Folks

The GOP, in its current form, is doomed. Being conservative has gone from believing in smaller government to believing that the religious right should dictate all laws on personal life choices and ways of life. That and the belief that nobody should pay taxes except poor people, since the poor people are the ones destroying the economy, is now the battle cry of the Republican Party, and they think that's a winning formula. The Republican Party is in big big trouble.
Seems the GOP's version of a big tent has limited space. Figures, the Republcians can't govern and aren't so good at nation building or tent building.

"It seemed that Republicans had a singular message for themselves after Election Day 2012: Befriend minorities. The Grand Old Party’s popularity with Latino and black voters had dwindled to modern-day lows, and leading GOP lights publicly vowed that the work to remake the party would begin immediately. If they failed, the argument went, last year’s debacle would metastasize into political irrelevance."

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Why the Republicans Aren?t Giving Up on White Folks

The GOP, in its current form, is doomed. Being conservative has gone from believing in smaller government to believing that the religious right should dictate all laws on personal life choices and ways of life. That and the belief that nobody should pay taxes except poor people, since the poor people are the ones destroying the economy, is now the battle cry of the Republican Party, and they think that's a winning formula. The Republican Party is in big big trouble.
This is why the GOP will continue to carry on. People like you who don't really understand what the GOP, or anyone, really believes.

Your statement cannot even be considered a distortion, since nothing in it is anything but a twisted, hyper-partisan skew of reality.

The political parties have done their work really well in that they have you and many on the right, believing in this kind of thing.

Divide and keep dividing. That is the motto of all the elite ruling class.
Here is my view of the current two party system.

The GOP is just as bad as the DNC. Both are doomed to certain failure since neither of them can come together for a common cause. The infighting going on in both parties is a microcosm of what goes on on the floor of the House and Senate. You have two parties split amongst themselves, and then you have two groups, Republicans and Democrats fighting amongst themselves as well.

It's a travesty of biblical proportions.
Seems the GOP's version of a big tent has limited space. Figures, the Republcians can't govern and aren't so good at nation building or tent building.

"It seemed that Republicans had a singular message for themselves after Election Day 2012: Befriend minorities. The Grand Old Party’s popularity with Latino and black voters had dwindled to modern-day lows, and leading GOP lights publicly vowed that the work to remake the party would begin immediately. If they failed, the argument went, last year’s debacle would metastasize into political irrelevance."

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Why the Republicans Aren?t Giving Up on White Folks

Telling the modern day Republican to befriend minorities after they have spent years bashing gays, Muslims, blacks, women, and immigrants is like telling Dennis the Menace to eat his vegetables.

It ain't gonna happen.
Big tent therory question?

How many thousands of yards of wool did omar the tent maker require to make bodeys kilt?
The best way to make friends with the electorate is to produce superior ideas. Reagan did not win 49 states by non-stop pissing and moaning. He won by leading the way with a very bright torch.

The torch has since passed to whiners, psychopaths, liars, and hypocrites. Flinging the dead torch around and smashing faces with it isn't working.
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Seems the GOP's version of a big tent has limited space. Figures, the Republcians can't govern and aren't so good at nation building or tent building.

"It seemed that Republicans had a singular message for themselves after Election Day 2012: Befriend minorities. The Grand Old Party’s popularity with Latino and black voters had dwindled to modern-day lows, and leading GOP lights publicly vowed that the work to remake the party would begin immediately. If they failed, the argument went, last year’s debacle would metastasize into political irrelevance."

Link from:

Why the Republicans Aren?t Giving Up on White Folks

The GOP, in its current form, is doomed. Being conservative has gone from believing in smaller government to believing that the religious right should dictate all laws on personal life choices and ways of life. That and the belief that nobody should pay taxes except poor people, since the poor people are the ones destroying the economy, is now the battle cry of the Republican Party, and they think that's a winning formula. The Republican Party is in big big trouble.

Why do you want to lie like that?
Seems the GOP's version of a big tent has limited space. Figures, the Republcians can't govern and aren't so good at nation building or tent building.

"It seemed that Republicans had a singular message for themselves after Election Day 2012: Befriend minorities. The Grand Old Party’s popularity with Latino and black voters had dwindled to modern-day lows, and leading GOP lights publicly vowed that the work to remake the party would begin immediately. If they failed, the argument went, last year’s debacle would metastasize into political irrelevance."

Link from:

Why the Republicans Aren?t Giving Up on White Folks

The GOP, in its current form, is doomed. Being conservative has gone from believing in smaller government to believing that the religious right should dictate all laws on personal life choices and ways of life. That and the belief that nobody should pay taxes except poor people, since the poor people are the ones destroying the economy, is now the battle cry of the Republican Party, and they think that's a winning formula. The Republican Party is in big big trouble.
This is why the GOP will continue to carry on. People like you who don't really understand what the GOP, or anyone, really believes.

Your statement cannot even be considered a distortion, since nothing in it is anything but a twisted, hyper-partisan skew of reality.

The political parties have done their work really well in that they have you and many on the right, believing in this kind of thing.

Divide and keep dividing. That is the motto of all the elite ruling class.

Apparently you're not paying attention to what elected and want to be elected Republicans are saying, and the posts by callous conservatives who frequent this message board. It's not what Democrats or liberals say, it's what comes out of the mouth the New Right and what they post on-line.

That means you too Crackerjaxon
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When faced with the truth the defenders of the once and never again to be Grand Old Party cut and run. There is no defense for what has become the 21st Century iteration of an authoritarian and nationalistic right-wing system of government and social organization.

Their usual response to such criticism is either "so are libtards or dumbocrats".
This is unlike the Democrats where a maverick like Joe Lieberman is welcome for his unpopular views.
Oh, wait.

The Democrats peddle grievance politics and naturally attract the aggrieved: inner city Negroes looking for their 40 acres and a mule, faggots and dykes who want someone to love them, illegals seeking retribution for jokes about Montezuma's Revenge, union thugs seeking to legitimate their use of violence and outsized pensions, etc etc.
Republicans represent Main Street. Democrats represent the back alley.
This is unlike the Democrats where a maverick like Joe Lieberman is welcome for his unpopular views.
Oh, wait.

The Democrats peddle grievance politics and naturally attract the aggrieved: inner city Negroes looking for their 40 acres and a mule, faggots and dykes who want someone to love them, illegals seeking retribution for jokes about Montezuma's Revenge, union thugs seeking to legitimate their use of violence and outsized pensions, etc etc.
Republicans represent Main Street. Democrats represent the back alley.

No offense, but is main street on the run as Repubican leaders seem to be? Seems to me Main street is pissed at BOTH. As I see it? The party of Lincoln is DEAD in it's tracks until they grow a spine and take on with severe predjudice the Statist/Progressives on the left, and like-minded within their own ranks.
This is unlike the Democrats where a maverick like Joe Lieberman is welcome for his unpopular views.
Oh, wait.

The Democrats peddle grievance politics and naturally attract the aggrieved: inner city Negroes looking for their 40 acres and a mule, faggots and dykes who want someone to love them, illegals seeking retribution for jokes about Montezuma's Revenge, union thugs seeking to legitimate their use of violence and outsized pensions, etc etc.
Republicans represent Main Street. Democrats represent the back alley.

No offense, but is main street on the run as Repubican leaders seem to be? Seems to me Main street is pissed at BOTH. As I see it? The party of Lincoln is DEAD in it's tracks until they grow a spine and take on with severe predjudice the Statist/Progressives on the left, and like-minded within their own ranks.

The GOP needs to get its act together and stand for things people want. part of that issue actually refutes the OP--the GOP is very diverse philosophically. But we have allowed the Eastern wing of Rockefeller Republicans to gain power and kicked out largely the Western Goldwater/Reagan wing. If the narco-libertarians would get their heads out of their asses and quit voting 3rd party and make common cause with the GOP on economic issues we'd have a shot at it.
This is unlike the Democrats where a maverick like Joe Lieberman is welcome for his unpopular views.
Oh, wait.

The Democrats peddle grievance politics and naturally attract the aggrieved: inner city Negroes looking for their 40 acres and a mule, faggots and dykes who want someone to love them, illegals seeking retribution for jokes about Montezuma's Revenge, union thugs seeking to legitimate their use of violence and outsized pensions, etc etc.
Republicans represent Main Street. Democrats represent the back alley.

No offense, but is main street on the run as Repubican leaders seem to be? Seems to me Main street is pissed at BOTH. As I see it? The party of Lincoln is DEAD in it's tracks until they grow a spine and take on with severe predjudice the Statist/Progressives on the left, and like-minded within their own ranks.

The GOP needs to get its act together and stand for things people want. part of that issue actually refutes the OP--the GOP is very diverse philosophically. But we have allowed the Eastern wing of Rockefeller Republicans to gain power and kicked out largely the Western Goldwater/Reagan wing. If the narco-libertarians would get their heads out of their asses and quit voting 3rd party and make common cause with the GOP on economic issues we'd have a shot at it.

While I appreciate and support your view on face value? I will tell you a purge is needed within the party as one that champions liberty, and does not vote for anything that take liberty away in any form or fashion.

I am an independent that used to be one storied point in my life a Republican...NO MORE.

I heeded the words of Washington contained in his farewell speech where he stated to avoid parties. I look at things through the prism of the sovereign individual, as we all should despite whatever labels placed upon politicians...and by the way? Politician is fast becoming a dirty word with me...I prefer Statesman. (Which there are too damned few of these days that have to place some stupid-assed letter after their name).

It's insanity.
This is unlike the Democrats where a maverick like Joe Lieberman is welcome for his unpopular views.
Oh, wait.

The Democrats peddle grievance politics and naturally attract the aggrieved: inner city Negroes looking for their 40 acres and a mule, faggots and dykes who want someone to love them, illegals seeking retribution for jokes about Montezuma's Revenge, union thugs seeking to legitimate their use of violence and outsized pensions, etc etc.
Republicans represent Main Street. Democrats represent the back alley.

See my post above. As I predicted, another, "I know you are but what am I" response. A post an average second grader would be embarrassed to post. True to the OP, Republicans have no ability to look within.

Followed by more evidence that the Right - 'R's and L's - are in disarray.
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