The Big Tent Theory?

This is unlike the Democrats where a maverick like Joe Lieberman is welcome for his unpopular views.
Oh, wait.

The Democrats peddle grievance politics and naturally attract the aggrieved: inner city Negroes looking for their 40 acres and a mule, faggots and dykes who want someone to love them, illegals seeking retribution for jokes about Montezuma's Revenge, union thugs seeking to legitimate their use of violence and outsized pensions, etc etc.
Republicans represent Main Street. Democrats represent the back alley.

See my post above. As I predicted, another, "I know you are but what am I" response. A post an average second grader would be embarrassed to post. True to the OP, Republicans have no ability to look within.

Followed by more evidence that the Right - 'R's and L's - are in disarray.

Actually if you were capable of reading past the first sentence you would have gotten all that.
I think the GOP is dead in the water until they stop bashing homosexuals, immigrants, african-americans and women. The GOP also needs to stop worshiping satan and stop all the puppy eating and orphan target shooting. Don't even get me started on the GOP nun raping parties held at the Kock brothers mansion! If the GOP would just listen to the vast minority of people who think Obama is doing a good job then they too can have the same plunging approval ratings as our president and saviour.
I think the GOP is dead in the water until they stop bashing homosexuals, immigrants, african-americans and women. The GOP also needs to stop worshiping satan and stop all the puppy eating and orphan target shooting. Don't even get me started on the GOP nun raping parties held at the Kock brothers mansion! If the GOP would just listen to the vast minority of people who think Obama is doing a good job then they too can have the same plunging approval ratings as our president and saviour.

We need to listen to Democrats to tell us how to run our party and be successful.
I think the GOP is dead in the water until they stop bashing homosexuals, immigrants, african-americans and women. The GOP also needs to stop worshiping satan and stop all the puppy eating and orphan target shooting. Don't even get me started on the GOP nun raping parties held at the Kock brothers mansion! If the GOP would just listen to the vast minority of people who think Obama is doing a good job then they too can have the same plunging approval ratings as our president and saviour.

We need to listen to Democrats to tell us how to run our party and be successful.

You need to listen to Republicans like me who can no longer stomach voting for the GOP any more.

Don't assume that means I vote Democrat. I don't. It is just that the GOP has approached, and in many ways surpassed, the Democratic party in stupidity, and the kind of hate people like you spew has a lot to do with it.

The more sane Republicans you fools turn off, the more you increase the chances of the Democrats. I'm sure that is a large part of the reason an incredible incompetent like Obama was re-elected.

So enjoy Obama. You worked very hard for him!
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I think the GOP is dead in the water until they stop bashing homosexuals, immigrants, african-americans and women. The GOP also needs to stop worshiping satan and stop all the puppy eating and orphan target shooting. Don't even get me started on the GOP nun raping parties held at the Kock brothers mansion! If the GOP would just listen to the vast minority of people who think Obama is doing a good job then they too can have the same plunging approval ratings as our president and saviour.

We need to listen to Democrats to tell us how to run our party and be successful.

You need to listen to Republicans like me who can no longer stomach voting for the GOP any more.

Don't assume that means I vote Democrat. I don't. It is just that the GOP has approached, and in many ways surpassed, the Democratic party in stupidity, and the kind of hate people like you spew has a lot to do with it.

The more sane Republicans you fools turn off, the more you increase the chances of the Democrats. I'm sure that is a large part of the reason an incredible incompetent like Obama was re-elected.

So enjoy Obama. You worked very hard for him!
Ywn. Another progressive-lite telling us we need to support reparatations for slavery and gay marriage to win.
I think the GOP is dead in the water until they stop bashing homosexuals, immigrants, african-americans and women. The GOP also needs to stop worshiping satan and stop all the puppy eating and orphan target shooting. Don't even get me started on the GOP nun raping parties held at the Kock brothers mansion! If the GOP would just listen to the vast minority of people who think Obama is doing a good job then they too can have the same plunging approval ratings as our president and saviour.

We need to listen to Democrats to tell us how to run our party and be successful.

You need to listen to Republicans like me who can no longer stomach voting for the GOP any more.

Don't assume that means I vote Democrat. I don't. It is just that the GOP has approached, and in many ways surpassed, the Democratic party in stupidity, and the kind of hate people like you spew has a lot to do with it.

The more sane Republicans you fools turn off, the more you increase the chances of the Democrats. I'm sure that is a large part of the reason an incredible incompetent like Obama was re-elected.

So enjoy Obama. You worked very hard for him!

I'm not spewing hate. I'm spewing liberal cliches. Except, of course, for the orphan shooting. That part is true.
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I suppose this is futile, for the true believers and willfully ignorant (and the stupid members of the echo chamber, of course) will not look at the video from the Rachel Maddow Show even though it would serve them well. Others may find it very entertaining and relieve them of any anxiety that the 2014 election will bring more 'conservatives' (aka: kooks) into the Republican Congressional Caucus.

Rachel Maddow Show
I suppose this is futile, for the true believers and willfully ignorant (and the stupid members of the echo chamber, of course) will not look at the video from the Rachel Maddow Show even though it would serve them well. Others may find it very entertaining and relieve them of any anxiety that the 2014 election will bring more 'conservatives' (aka: kooks) into the Republican Congressional Caucus.

Rachel Maddow Show

Well, I'm apparently only a half stupid member of the echo chamber since I made it half way through the Maddow Show before all the non sequiturs chased me away. As I gather from Maddows stream of consciousness verbal gymnastic harangue , the Tennessee Tea Party doesn't like Lamar Alexander because a bug was named after him and this makes him pro science and we all know that republicans are anti science. I'm assuming youtube was all out of defecating dog videos?
Seems the GOP's version of a big tent has limited space. Figures, the Republcians can't govern and aren't so good at nation building or tent building.

"It seemed that Republicans had a singular message for themselves after Election Day 2012: Befriend minorities. The Grand Old Party’s popularity with Latino and black voters had dwindled to modern-day lows, and leading GOP lights publicly vowed that the work to remake the party would begin immediately. If they failed, the argument went, last year’s debacle would metastasize into political irrelevance."

Link from:

Why the Republicans Aren?t Giving Up on White Folks
It sure would be nice if you folks could see something besides skin color.
Great so they can go fight with the liberals for minorities. We'll just form our own party and win all of the elections while the republicans and democrats get a split vote.

There is a difference between patronizing party members and actually representing them.
"There, there, Mr. Black Man. Us white liberals know you're simply not good enough to succeed without our help."
Seems the GOP's version of a big tent has limited space. Figures, the Republcians can't govern and aren't so good at nation building or tent building.

"It seemed that Republicans had a singular message for themselves after Election Day 2012: Befriend minorities. The Grand Old Party’s popularity with Latino and black voters had dwindled to modern-day lows, and leading GOP lights publicly vowed that the work to remake the party would begin immediately. If they failed, the argument went, last year’s debacle would metastasize into political irrelevance."

Link from:

Why the Republicans Aren?t Giving Up on White Folks

The GOP, in its current form, is doomed. Being conservative has gone from believing in smaller government to believing that the religious right should dictate all laws on personal life choices and ways of life. That and the belief that nobody should pay taxes except poor people, since the poor people are the ones destroying the economy, is now the battle cry of the Republican Party, and they think that's a winning formula. The Republican Party is in big big trouble.
Instead of mindlessly repeating progressive lies about conservatives, you could simply ask one.
This is unlike the Democrats where a maverick like Joe Lieberman is welcome for his unpopular views.
Oh, wait.

The Democrats peddle grievance politics and naturally attract the aggrieved: inner city Negroes looking for their 40 acres and a mule, faggots and dykes who want someone to love them, illegals seeking retribution for jokes about Montezuma's Revenge, union thugs seeking to legitimate their use of violence and outsized pensions, etc etc.
Republicans represent Main Street. Democrats represent the back alley.

See my post above. As I predicted, another, "I know you are but what am I" response. A post an average second grader would be embarrassed to post. True to the OP, Republicans have no ability to look within.

Followed by more evidence that the Right - 'R's and L's - are in disarray.
No one is under any obligation to validate the lies you tell yourself about conservatives.

Of course, you're simply gullible enough to believe those lies.
Great so they can go fight with the liberals for minorities. We'll just form our own party and win all of the elections while the republicans and democrats get a split vote.

There is a difference between patronizing party members and actually representing them.

The biggest "myth" out there is that the Democratic Party is good for minorities. The Welfare State has flushed generations of minorities down the toilet. Now you've got cities like Detroit...and whole States like California...headed towards insolvency due to Democratic Party policies.

You progressives have created a welfare slave class. How is that "representing" minorities?
Great so they can go fight with the liberals for minorities. We'll just form our own party and win all of the elections while the republicans and democrats get a split vote.

There is a difference between patronizing party members and actually representing them.

The biggest "myth" out there is that the Democratic Party is good for minorities. The Welfare State has flushed generations of minorities down the toilet. Now you've got cities like Detroit...and whole States like California...headed towards insolvency due to Democratic Party policies.

You progressives have created a welfare slave class. How is that "representing" minorities?
You're a racist. White liberals have the innate authority to dictate to minorities what's best for them.

Right, Wry?
White "liberal" politicians have used and abused blacks since LBJ.

"Until justice is blind to color, until education is unaware of race, until opportunity is unconcerned with the color of men's skins, emancipation will be a proclamation but not a fact." LBJ

That's what liberal politicians say from the podium...

“I’ll have those ******* voting Democratic for the next 200 years." LBJ

And that's what they're saying when they walk off of it....
White "liberal" politicians have used and abused blacks since LBJ.

"Until justice is blind to color, until education is unaware of race, until opportunity is unconcerned with the color of men's skins, emancipation will be a proclamation but not a fact." LBJ

That's what liberal politicians say from the podium...

“I’ll have those ******* voting Democratic for the next 200 years." LBJ

And that's what they're saying when they walk off of it....
Dr. Martin Luther King: I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character.

Today's White Liberal: Fuck that shit! Sit down, shut up, and vote Democrat like we tell you, boy!
I suppose this is futile, for the true believers and willfully ignorant (and the stupid members of the echo chamber, of course) will not look at the video from the Rachel Maddow Show even though it would serve them well. Others may find it very entertaining and relieve them of any anxiety that the 2014 election will bring more 'conservatives' (aka: kooks) into the Republican Congressional Caucus.

Rachel Maddow Show

Well, I'm apparently only a half stupid member of the echo chamber since I made it half way through the Maddow Show before all the non sequiturs chased me away. As I gather from Maddows stream of consciousness verbal gymnastic harangue , the Tennessee Tea Party doesn't like Lamar Alexander because a bug was named after him and this makes him pro science and we all know that republicans are anti science. I'm assuming youtube was all out of defecating dog videos?

I suggest you don't quit your day job to write reviews. I'd explain the point made by Dr. Maddow (but your mind is closed), "A 1989 graduate of Castro Valley High School where she was a three-sport athlete, Rachel Maddow earned a B.A. in Public Policy from nearby Stanford University, where she won the John Gardner Fellowship for public service.

"After a year in San Francisco working for the AIDS Legal Referral Panel and with ACT-UP, an AIDS non-profit, Rachel Maddow was awarded a prestigious Rhodes Scholarship to study political science at Oxford University. She completed an Oxford doctorate in politics in 2001 after several delays, including a stint at the AIDS Treatment Project in London and a 1999 move to Massachusetts."

Link to bio:

Rachel Maddow Profile - Rachel Maddow Bio - Rachel Maddow, MSNBC Journalist, Liberal Activist

I suspect you choose to watch youtube videos of Rush Limbaugh defecating since your review was much like his bloviations.
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There is a difference between patronizing party members and actually representing them.

The biggest "myth" out there is that the Democratic Party is good for minorities. The Welfare State has flushed generations of minorities down the toilet. Now you've got cities like Detroit...and whole States like California...headed towards insolvency due to Democratic Party policies.

You progressives have created a welfare slave class. How is that "representing" minorities?
You're a racist. White liberals have the innate authority to dictate to minorities what's best for them.

Right, Wry?

What your doing here Daveboy is posting another of the BIG LIES. It's the Republican way to accuse the Democrats of doing what they have been doing and only morons like you believe it and echo it.

Who supported Affirmative Action and who didn't?
Who supported the Equal Rights Amendment and who didn't?
Who supported ending DOMA and who didn't?
Who supported ending DADT and who didn't?
Who supports a Women's right to choose and who doesn't?
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The biggest "myth" out there is that the Democratic Party is good for minorities. The Welfare State has flushed generations of minorities down the toilet. Now you've got cities like Detroit...and whole States like California...headed towards insolvency due to Democratic Party policies.

You progressives have created a welfare slave class. How is that "representing" minorities?
You're a racist. White liberals have the innate authority to dictate to minorities what's best for them.

Right, Wry?

What your doing here Daveboy is posting another of the BIG LIES. It's the Republican way to accuse the Democrats of doing what they have been doing and only morons like you believe it and echo it.

Who supported Affirmative Action and who didn't?
Ahhh, yes, AA -- the notion that blacks are incapable of succeeding without the help of white liberals.

Pathetically, you seem to be proud of your support of this racist idea.

Conservatives believe that everyone is truly equal. Liberals hate that idea.
Who supported the Equal Rights Amendment and who didn't?
As I recall, there was nothing in the ERA that wasn't already codified into law. But, hey, it made liberals feel good, and that's all that matters, right?
Who supported ending DOMA and who didn't?
Obama didn't support ending it.
Who supported DADT and who didn't?
I supported ending it -- not that your bigotry against conservatives will let you believe it.
Who supports a Women's right to choose and who doesn't?
Who supports a baby's right to life and who doesn't?

And another question:

Who supported the Civil Rights Act and who didn't?

Now you'll trot out liberal BIG LIES.
Your ignorance is amazing. Affirmative Action was an effort to level the playing field in education and employment. Not because blacks were incapable, but because of institutional racism. Brown v. B. of Ed. didn't fix everything.

For years blacks couldn't work as Fire Fighters in San Francisco, a City you and other ignoramuses believe to be so liberal. AA opened the door so minorities, blacks, women, Asians could apply and compete for jobs fairly.

When the Giants moved to San Francisco in 1958 Willie Mays was denied to buy the home he wanted, a result of decades old CC&R's.

Blacks (and women, Asians, etc.) are capable to fight fires and respond to emergencies, buy homes in wealthy neighborhoods, but they couldn't because of people like you.

In DADT I neglected to put in the word "ending". Mea Culpa, it was an oversight.

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