The Big Tent Theory?

I suppose this is futile, for the true believers and willfully ignorant (and the stupid members of the echo chamber, of course) will not look at the video from the Rachel Maddow Show even though it would serve them well. Others may find it very entertaining and relieve them of any anxiety that the 2014 election will bring more 'conservatives' (aka: kooks) into the Republican Congressional Caucus.

Rachel Maddow Show

Well, I'm apparently only a half stupid member of the echo chamber since I made it half way through the Maddow Show before all the non sequiturs chased me away. As I gather from Maddows stream of consciousness verbal gymnastic harangue , the Tennessee Tea Party doesn't like Lamar Alexander because a bug was named after him and this makes him pro science and we all know that republicans are anti science. I'm assuming youtube was all out of defecating dog videos?

I suggest you don't quit your day job to write reviews. I'd explain the point made by Dr. Maddow (but your mind is closed), "A 1989 graduate of Castro Valley High School where she was a three-sport athlete, Rachel Maddow earned a B.A. in Public Policy from nearby Stanford University, where she won the John Gardner Fellowship for public service.

"After a year in San Francisco working for the AIDS Legal Referral Panel and with ACT-UP, an AIDS non-profit, Rachel Maddow was awarded a prestigious Rhodes Scholarship to study political science at Oxford University. She completed an Oxford doctorate in politics in 2001 after several delays, including a stint at the AIDS Treatment Project in London and a 1999 move to Massachusetts."

Link to bio:

Rachel Maddow Profile - Rachel Maddow Bio - Rachel Maddow, MSNBC Journalist, Liberal Activist

I suspect you choose to watch youtube videos of Rush Limbaugh defecating since your review was much like his bloviations.

LOL! Speaking of non sequiturs. Is this the part where I discuss the history of Charles Krauthammer, Thomas Sowell, William F. Buckley, Mark Levin, etc? Want to stack up Maddows history against Mother Teresa's?
I can also tell you about my Uncles history if you want. It's far more interesting that Maddows past accomplishments, assuming that you want to know more about moonshine running and arson.
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Your ignorance is amazing. Affirmative Action was an effort to level the playing field in education and employment. Not because blacks were incapable, but because of institutional racism. Brown v. B. of Ed. didn't fix everything.

For years blacks couldn't work as Fire Fighters in San Francisco, a City you and other ignoramuses believe to be so liberal. AA opened the door so minorities, blacks, women, Asians could apply and compete for jobs fairly.

When the Giants moved to San Francisco in 1958 Willie Mays was denied to buy the home he wanted, a result of decades old CC&R's.

Blacks (and women, Asians, etc.) are capable to fight fires and respond to emergencies, buy homes in wealthy neighborhoods, but they couldn't because of people like you.

In DADT I neglected to put in the word "ending". Mea Culpa, it was an oversight.
Funny how SF was a conservative city while all the institutional racism was happening, then magically turned liberal, huh?


The left opposed the CRA. Only leftist revisionist history says otherwise.

Meanwhile, you keep claiming "people like me" are racist.

Prove it. Find a post of mine you believe is racist (good luck with that).

It's especially amusing, because here in this very thread I'm criticizing liberal racism and saying things like "Conservatives believe that everyone is truly equal".

And yet I'm a racist. :lol:
Your ignorance is amazing. Affirmative Action was an effort to level the playing field in education and employment. Not because blacks were incapable, but because of institutional racism. Brown v. B. of Ed. didn't fix everything.

For years blacks couldn't work as Fire Fighters in San Francisco, a City you and other ignoramuses believe to be so liberal. AA opened the door so minorities, blacks, women, Asians could apply and compete for jobs fairly.

When the Giants moved to San Francisco in 1958 Willie Mays was denied to buy the home he wanted, a result of decades old CC&R's.

Blacks (and women, Asians, etc.) are capable to fight fires and respond to emergencies, buy homes in wealthy neighborhoods, but they couldn't because of people like you.

In DADT I neglected to put in the word "ending". Mea Culpa, it was an oversight.

As with so much of the Progressive agenda...Affirmative Action is based on an admirable premise...righting wrongs...yet it was doomed to failure right from the start because it ignores human nature.

In an attempt to "level the playing field" Affirmative Action tilted it the field the other preferential treatment to minorities and women. It's a concept that works...but only if you ignore the accompanying side effects.

Affirmative Action passes over more qualified candidates in favor of a quota. That in and of itself is destructive to any organization with which it's being done. You don't have the best and brightest advancing on the merits of their pass over some of that talent to promote someone because of their gender or skin pigmentation.

What's sad is that the person of color or the woman that DID deserve promotion or an offer of a job will most likely be stained by the underlying belief of so many that they didn't deserve what they got and only received it BECAUSE of Affirmative Action! Barack Obama is the perfect example of that. Did he get into Harvard Law on his academic merits? Obviously not. Did he become President of the Harvard Law Review on his academic achievements or great writing skills? Again it would seem not to be the case. So how much of HIS accomplishments are due to his hard work...and how much of it has been due to having a black father?
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