The biggest problem in America today is...

Why don't we do away with school lunches? Why is the school serving food?
Many decades ago, everyone carried a bag lunch. It was up to the parents to feed their young. Fruit or vegtables, sandwich and snack were the usual fare.

If you don't like what the school is serving, there is an option. I know students that would make their own lunches over eating what the school offered.

Quit blaming your problems on everybody else. Gov is not the answer to your every problem (they will not come and tie your shoe when it comes undone), take responsibility for your own life and for your own family. That is what mature adults do.

How dare you talk about personal responsibility!!

You're going to piss off a lot of liberals with talk like that!!


While that basic argument is ALWAYS a credible one, it's unrealistic in today's enormously diverse society which includes millions of uneducated and/or poverty-level families. While that's nice to preach to a gathering of a hundred or so, it's hardly effective as a workable tool for millions in untenable situations to abide by. I swear some of you people never climb outside your comfy little boxes and take a good long look at the REAL world.
The biggest problem in America today is...
Americans.... Just peruse any political forum.... Need I say more?

Yeah, pretty much any group or organization would be perfect if it just didn't involve all those damned people.
Why don't we do away with school lunches? Why is the school serving food?
Many decades ago, everyone carried a bag lunch. It was up to the parents to feed their young. Fruit or vegtables, sandwich and snack were the usual fare.

If you don't like what the school is serving, there is an option. I know students that would make their own lunches over eating what the school offered.

Quit blaming your problems on everybody else. Gov is not the answer to your every problem (they will not come and tie your shoe when it comes undone), take responsibility for your own life and for your own family. That is what mature adults do.

How dare you talk about personal responsibility!!

You're going to piss off a lot of liberals with talk like that!!


While that basic argument is ALWAYS a credible one, it's unrealistic in today's enormously diverse society which includes millions of uneducated and/or poverty-level families. While that's nice to preach to a gathering of a hundred or so, it's hardly effective as a workable tool for millions in untenable situations to abide by. I swear some of you people never climb outside your comfy little boxes and take a good long look at the REAL world.

So you're saying that millions are too stupid to know how and what to feed their children?
Virtual is what's wrong but it shouldn't take too long to convince people to eat virtual food online so they would only get virtually fat.
So you're saying that millions are too stupid to know how and what to feed their children?

Just take a look around :cool:

God save us from sanctimonious do-gooders who think it's their sacred duty to share their wisdom on how everyone should live with the rest of us who aren't blessed with their superior intelligence and morality. And when I say "share", I DO mean passing legislation forcing everyone else to do their bidding, not merely telling people their opinions.
So you're saying that millions are too stupid to know how and what to feed their children?

Just take a look around :cool:

God save us from sanctimonious do-gooders who think it's their sacred duty to share their wisdom on how everyone should live with the rest of us who aren't blessed with their superior intelligence and morality. And when I say "share", I DO mean passing legislation forcing everyone else to do their bidding, not merely telling people their opinions.


Who said any of that? I am just pointing out the pitiful truth.
The thing is though fast food isn't bad if you eat it every now in then. the problem arises is when people eat that stuff on a regular basis.

you can't really compare cigarettes because it doesn't matter how little often you have one it's still bad for you. even people who don't smoke are at risk for second hand smoke. there is not a such thing as second hand fast food eating.

i liked to have mcdonals every now and then. I might have it once or twice a month at the most. and im still able to maintain my weight. but if i ate it everyday i would be overweight and unhealthy.

and as for kid's lunches i agree that something needs to be done. but the probably is schools cannot afford healthier lunches. so they rely on the junk food. i say if you can pack your kids lunch then do it. but unfortunately some people simply don't have the time to pack their kids food. someone people have jobs where they leave before the kids.

The idea that it is cheaper for schools to provide crap lunches versus cooking an in-house decent lunch is a crock. It's like saying that it is cheaper to eat out or order out for dinner than it is to cook at home. If schools were cooking a set meal, maybe with two options, for the entire school, it doesn't cost them that much.

TWO options for lunch? Shit. We had two options. You could either eat it, or not eat it. Ad even if you didn't eat it, you still had to pay for it.

Oh, and lunch was 45 cents back then.

Christ, do I feel old now.
Quote: Originally Posted by JakeStarkey ~ She is what she is: a broken, jealous person.

And old, too!
Quote: Originally Posted by JakeStarkey ~ She is what she is: a broken, jealous person.

And old, too!

Gosh, it only took you a couple of pages to descend into misogyny. I sure am glad leftists have such a deep, abiding respect for women as human beings, rather than sex objects and chattel to be judged on youth and appearance.

You might want to get on looking up that definition of "hypocrite", son. But do it on your own time, because I don't bother listening to insecure pseudo-men who have to put women down in order to feel like they aren't inadequate. FLUSH!

Oh, PS. Sorry about your tiny penis.
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How dare you talk about personal responsibility!!

You're going to piss off a lot of liberals with talk like that!!


While that basic argument is ALWAYS a credible one, it's unrealistic in today's enormously diverse society which includes millions of uneducated and/or poverty-level families. While that's nice to preach to a gathering of a hundred or so, it's hardly effective as a workable tool for millions in untenable situations to abide by. I swear some of you people never climb outside your comfy little boxes and take a good long look at the REAL world.

So you're saying that millions are too stupid to know how and what to feed their children?

I don't think that they're too stupid...I think a good number of them however count on that subsidized (FREE) lunch to help keep their own food bills down. Food isn't cheap and if you're poor even one free meal a day for your kids can seem like a godsend when you're at the grocery store.
Okay. first every Public schools in the US is cash strapped in no smal part because the reimbursements under the free lunch program is insufficient to put it mildly. Every thing we had in school when I was a kid was fried. None of us were fat except for a couple of kids with goiter conditions. Why was that? We didn't spend four hours a day day watching TV or playing video games (the latter didn't exist). Kids roamed the streets carrying baseball bats all summer and foot balls when they weren't in school in the fall and weather permitting in the winter. Now days everyone is scared to let their kids out of sight and with good reason.

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