The biggest problem with the lockdown is that an enemy of the USA could release a worse virus next year

If biowarfare is the source ? Round one is a fantastic success.
Round two would be the MOAV. If a tiny group sought out a 90% reduction in "useless eaters" they could hit a home run. Imagine flying your jet and taking the family on your helicopter to Canyonlands Utah and encountering a giant crowd of your peers. Maybe 30 people and just enough slaves to iron your sheets and guide you for photo ops and then serving you crab,elk and lobster flown in an hour earlier.
round 1 was a lie it was on purpose because round 2 is coming but hey keep doubting we weren't wrong before and society knows it!!

Just look at the bs of TRUTH NOT being told to the dumb fk public

which would force another lockdown, this would actually be easy since this disease is pudding next to real biowarfare weapons. Worse yet we have not inflicted any punishment on the enemy and as a result the enemy gets apparently stronger as we get weaker. So do not doubt that round 2 will be worse than round 1 nor should you doubt that round 2 will involve a totally new pathogen.....................

This is the biggest mistake that the USA has ever made and it may well be one of the last as survival is not guaranteed

They are missing facts and truth just how typical demonic leftist pigs work.

If biowarfare is the source ? Round one is a fantastic success.
Round two would be the MOAV. If a tiny group sought out a 90% reduction in "useless eaters" they could hit a home run. Imagine flying your jet and taking the family on your helicopter to Canyonlands Utah and encountering a giant crowd of your peers. Maybe 30 people and just enough slaves to iron your sheets and guide you for photo ops and then serving you crab,elk and lobster flown in an hour earlier.
round 1 was a lie it was on purpose because round 2 is coming but hey keep doubting we weren't wrong before and society knows it!!

Just look at the bs of TRUTH NOT being told to the dumb fk public

View attachment 329296

I often find it's easier to persuade people by not calling them Fools. Shh..don't tell the Democrats!
If biowarfare is the source ? Round one is a fantastic success.
Round two would be the MOAV. If a tiny group sought out a 90% reduction in "useless eaters" they could hit a home run. Imagine flying your jet and taking the family on your helicopter to Canyonlands Utah and encountering a giant crowd of your peers. Maybe 30 people and just enough slaves to iron your sheets and guide you for photo ops and then serving you crab,elk and lobster flown in an hour earlier.
round 1 was a lie it was on purpose because round 2 is coming but hey keep doubting we weren't wrong before and society knows it!!

Just look at the bs of TRUTH NOT being told to the dumb fk public

View attachment 329296

I often find it's easier to persuade people by not calling them Fools. Shh..don't tell the Democrats!

I know but it's so hard after 18 yrs of their dunce thinking if thinking is what you want to call it LOL.
Just the flu is pretty bad each year and could be used to shut down everything if the goobermint wanted to.

I am not worried about Trump so much as the next Dimocrap that gets elected to the WH.

That might launch a civil war for damned sure if the screwball Dims try to lock down the government and the entire economy till a 'vaccine' can be found for the next Coronavirus.

To my knowledge we have NEVER had a vaccine for a coronavirus, so in effect we would be looking at endless lockdown and government control.

We have to apply the Swedish standards, modified with the latest tech, to combat these things in the future and keep the medical reserve stocked by federal law.

Interesting post.

At this point there is no definitive report on whether the virus was created as a weapon, or to prepare as a response to one.

Nor do we know exactly how it got out of the Wuhan lab.

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