The Biggest Story You Haven't Heard


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
When the question was posed, numerous times, no Democrat supporter has ever been able to answer why it became so very important to the Democrats that the world's worst state sponsor of terrorism be guaranteed nuclear weapons.

My answer has always been that Hussein Obama feel the need to support his co-religionists, and overthrow Western Civilization.

Sadly for our former terrorist-in-mufti President, his desires are being dashed by Trump, and now.....terrible news for his closest ally......

Russia Refuses To Sell S-400 Air Defense Missile System To Iran

Russia's President Vladimir Putin has turned down a request by Iran to purchase the advanced S-400 missile defense system, Bloomberg reported on May 30, quoting two Russian officials who chose to remain unidentified.

Reports from Russia also picked up by media in Iran's neighbour Turkey say Putin has rejected the request over concerns about rising tensions in the Persian Gulf region where several Arab leaders voiced their concern about Iran's military ambitions.

…analysts attribute Putin's decision to turn down Iran's request to various factors including Moscow's interest in keeping the chance to negotiate with the Trump administration. “Any real or imaginary strengthening of Iran can lead to escalation -- if Russia really refused Iran such a request, it would mean that Russia wants to keep working on relations with Saudi Arabia, Israel and keep a chance for negotiations with Trump,”….” Russia Refuses To Sell S-400 Air Defense Missile System To Iran

Russia sold the S-300s, but they couldn't do the job....

"Russia’s air defenses can’t stop Israel from stomping on Iran in Syria with airstrikes"
Russia’s air defenses can’t stop Israel from stomping on Iran in Syria with airstrikes

Never would have happened if Hussein Obama was still President.

This would be the time to send Obama and Kerry boxes of tissues.....
3-D chess on a global scale. I hope Trump and his team are up to the challenge.
I'm thinking that little fuck Kim Jong Un has Trump more than shaken knowing that he just butchered his negotiators.
Who wants to deal with an animal? Maybe that really simplified Trump's calculus, just nuke them and move on.
Iran seems simple by comparison.
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My answer has always been that Hussein Obama feel the need to support his co-religionists, and overthrow Western Civilization.

Obama is a Globalist. He has always been. When it comes to the United States, it's only a cover for his vile agenda. He feels that we should be apologetic to those nations we hurt in the past. He rather see open borders because Diversity brings in more people (mostly illegals) and that brings in more money (for the Democratic Party). Which gives out more "free" stuff like Obamaphones and other free stuff (like welfare) at the expense of the American taxpayers.
He believes in bigger government. So they can regulate and dictate how we should live, wear and breathe - according to the government. He doesn't believe that conservatives should be able to think for themselves.
He is against the coal industries because they somehow hurt our climate.
Obama was great at selling his so-called Obamacare. So much so that Nancy "Blow Me" had to say, "We need to pass the bill to see what's inside it". Obama sold on the fact, "If you like your doctor, you can keep it" crap.

And so on...
The S-400's are the creme dela' creme of aircraft defense systems.
Better than anything we have.
Pootie better not be selling them to Iran, Syria, etc..
3-D chess on a global scale. I hope Trump and his team are up to the challenge.
I'm thinking that little fuck Kim Jung Un has Trump more than shaken knowing that he just butchered his negotiators.
Who wants to deal with an animal? Maybe that really simplified Trump's calculus, just nuke them and move on.
Iran seems simple by comparison.


Kim Jong Un’s Reported Purges Spell Disaster for Trump
3-D chess on a global scale. I hope Trump and his team are up to the challenge.
I'm thinking that little fuck Kim Jung Un has Trump more than shaken knowing that he just butchered his negotiators.
Who wants to deal with an animal? Maybe that really simplified Trump's calculus, just nuke them and move on.
Iran seems simple by comparison.


Kim Jong Un’s Reported Purges Spell Disaster for Trump

Are they verified, or just more fake news?
My answer has always been that Hussein Obama feel the need to support his co-religionists, and overthrow Western Civilization.

Obama is a Globalist. He has always been. When it comes to the United States, it's only a cover for his vile agenda. He feels that we should be apologetic to those nations we hurt in the past. He rather see open borders because Diversity brings in more people (mostly illegals) and that brings in more money (for the Democratic Party). Which gives out more "free" stuff like Obamaphones and other free stuff (like welfare) at the expense of the American taxpayers.
He believes in bigger government. So they can regulate and dictate how we should live, wear and breathe - according to the government. He doesn't believe that conservatives should be able to think for themselves.
He is against the coal industries because they somehow hurt our climate.
Obama was great at selling his so-called Obamacare. So much so that Nancy "Blow Me" had to say, "We need to pass the bill to see what's inside it". Obama sold on the fact, "If you like your doctor, you can keep it" crap.

And so on...

While I appreciate/agree with every pejorative/negative stated about Hussein, I don't believe you've gone nearly far enough, nor identified his actual motivation.

As it took decades for the Left to admit that they elected a rapist to the presidency, the truth about Hussein will be denied until he is no longer an asset to their agenda.

I'd be happy to prove by the preponderance of the evidence that he serves Alllah, and wishes only the destruction of Western Civilization.

If you'd like to try to refute same, let me know.
My answer has always been that Hussein Obama feel the need to support his co-religionists, and overthrow Western Civilization.

Obama is a Globalist. He has always been. When it comes to the United States, it's only a cover for his vile agenda. He feels that we should be apologetic to those nations we hurt in the past. He rather see open borders because Diversity brings in more people (mostly illegals) and that brings in more money (for the Democratic Party). Which gives out more "free" stuff like Obamaphones and other free stuff (like welfare) at the expense of the American taxpayers.
He believes in bigger government. So they can regulate and dictate how we should live, wear and breathe - according to the government. He doesn't believe that conservatives should be able to think for themselves.
He is against the coal industries because they somehow hurt our climate.
Obama was great at selling his so-called Obamacare. So much so that Nancy "Blow Me" had to say, "We need to pass the bill to see what's inside it". Obama sold on the fact, "If you like your doctor, you can keep it" crap.

And so on...

While I appreciate/agree with every pejorative/negative stated about Hussein, I don't believe you've gone nearly far enough, nor identified his actual motivation.

As it took decades for the Left to admit that they elected a rapist to the presidency, the truth about Hussein will be denied until he is no longer an asset to their agenda.

I'd be happy to prove by the preponderance of the evidence that he serves Alllah, and wishes only the destruction of Western Civilization.

If you'd like to try to refute same, let me know.

The good news is that he's in the rear view mirror going away fast. I still can't believe he got re-elected?!
How about all them getting into Congress? Seems like they have a significant following. We need more friends & families chain migration?!
3-D chess on a global scale. I hope Trump and his team are up to the challenge.
I'm thinking that little fuck Kim Jong Un has Trump more than shaken knowing that he just butchered his negotiators.
Who wants to deal with an animal? Maybe that really simplified Trump's calculus, just nuke them and move on.
Iran seems simple by comparison.
Gee and to think Trump and Un wrote love letters back and forth. The art of the deal? lol lol
3-D chess on a global scale. I hope Trump and his team are up to the challenge.
I'm thinking that little fuck Kim Jong Un has Trump more than shaken knowing that he just butchered his negotiators.
Who wants to deal with an animal? Maybe that really simplified Trump's calculus, just nuke them and move on.
Iran seems simple by comparison.
Gee and to think Trump and Un wrote love letters back and forth. The art of the deal? lol lol

At least Trump tried to make a deal, what did the dems do? (hint: nothing)
3-D chess on a global scale. I hope Trump and his team are up to the challenge.
I'm thinking that little fuck Kim Jong Un has Trump more than shaken knowing that he just butchered his negotiators.
Who wants to deal with an animal? Maybe that really simplified Trump's calculus, just nuke them and move on.
Iran seems simple by comparison.
Gee and to think Trump and Un wrote love letters back and forth. The art of the deal? lol lol

So, you'd rather no one approached North Korea as a problem, as your previous President's did?

Your post is akin to the old joke "....if he could walk on water, the Left would criticize saying he can't swim.'

Grow up, eddie.
When the question was posed, numerous times, no Democrat supporter has ever been able to answer why it became so very important to the Democrats that the world's worst state sponsor of terrorism be guaranteed nuclear weapons.

My answer has always been that Hussein Obama feel the need to support his co-religionists, and overthrow Western Civilization.

Sadly for our former terrorist-in-mufti President, his desires are being dashed by Trump, and now.....terrible news for his closest ally......

Russia Refuses To Sell S-400 Air Defense Missile System To Iran

Russia's President Vladimir Putin has turned down a request by Iran to purchase the advanced S-400 missile defense system, Bloomberg reported on May 30, quoting two Russian officials who chose to remain unidentified.

Reports from Russia also picked up by media in Iran's neighbour Turkey say Putin has rejected the request over concerns about rising tensions in the Persian Gulf region where several Arab leaders voiced their concern about Iran's military ambitions.

…analysts attribute Putin's decision to turn down Iran's request to various factors including Moscow's interest in keeping the chance to negotiate with the Trump administration. “Any real or imaginary strengthening of Iran can lead to escalation -- if Russia really refused Iran such a request, it would mean that Russia wants to keep working on relations with Saudi Arabia, Israel and keep a chance for negotiations with Trump,”….” Russia Refuses To Sell S-400 Air Defense Missile System To Iran

Russia sold the S-300s, but they couldn't do the job....

"Russia’s air defenses can’t stop Israel from stomping on Iran in Syria with airstrikes"
Russia’s air defenses can’t stop Israel from stomping on Iran in Syria with airstrikes

Never would have happened if Hussein Obama was still President.

This would be the time to send Obama and Kerry boxes of tissues.....
When the question was posed, numerous times, no Democrat supporter has ever been able to answer why it became so very important to the Democrats that the world's worst state sponsor of terrorism be guaranteed nuclear weapons.

My answer has always been that Hussein Obama feel the need to support his co-religionists, and overthrow Western Civilization.
How does Iran's record of human rights violations compare to Israel"s?

List of United Nations resolutions concerning Israel - Wikipedia

"The following is a list of United Nations resolutions concerning Israel. As of 2013, Israel had been condemned in 45 resolutions by the United Nations Human Rights Council.

"Since the creation of the Council in 2006, it has resolved almost more resolutions condemning Israel than on the rest of the world combined.

"The 45 resolutions comprised almost half (45.9%) of all country-specific resolutions passed by the Council, not counting those under Agenda Item 10 (countries requiring technical assistance).[1]

"From 1967 to 1989 the UN Security Council adopted 131 resolutions directly addressing the Arab–Israeli conflict."
When the question was posed, numerous times, no Democrat supporter has ever been able to answer why it became so very important to the Democrats that the world's worst state sponsor of terrorism be guaranteed nuclear weapons.

My answer has always been that Hussein Obama feel the need to support his co-religionists, and overthrow Western Civilization.

Sadly for our former terrorist-in-mufti President, his desires are being dashed by Trump, and now.....terrible news for his closest ally......

Russia Refuses To Sell S-400 Air Defense Missile System To Iran

Russia's President Vladimir Putin has turned down a request by Iran to purchase the advanced S-400 missile defense system, Bloomberg reported on May 30, quoting two Russian officials who chose to remain unidentified.

Reports from Russia also picked up by media in Iran's neighbour Turkey say Putin has rejected the request over concerns about rising tensions in the Persian Gulf region where several Arab leaders voiced their concern about Iran's military ambitions.

…analysts attribute Putin's decision to turn down Iran's request to various factors including Moscow's interest in keeping the chance to negotiate with the Trump administration. “Any real or imaginary strengthening of Iran can lead to escalation -- if Russia really refused Iran such a request, it would mean that Russia wants to keep working on relations with Saudi Arabia, Israel and keep a chance for negotiations with Trump,”….” Russia Refuses To Sell S-400 Air Defense Missile System To Iran

Russia sold the S-300s, but they couldn't do the job....

"Russia’s air defenses can’t stop Israel from stomping on Iran in Syria with airstrikes"
Russia’s air defenses can’t stop Israel from stomping on Iran in Syria with airstrikes

Never would have happened if Hussein Obama was still President.

This would be the time to send Obama and Kerry boxes of tissues.....
The geo-politics in that are far too twisted for me to wrap my hungover head around. It may simply be that Iran's neighbors - with whom Russia would curry favor - asked Putin to withhold advanced weapons from Iran.

I will therefore limit my comments to what may be construed as Obama's disloyalty. I found him to be a bit petty and vindictive but until the ACA debacle considered it an understandable response to the often racist vitriol heaped on he and his fam. You know … just his way of saying "F-you, racists."

The ACA has spread its tentacles like a computer virus, and may have been his "F-you, America" for the thousands of cuts he believes this country has inflicted on people of color. It also has been the largest wealth redistribution scam in US history..
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When the question was posed, numerous times, no Democrat supporter has ever been able to answer why it became so very important to the Democrats that the world's worst state sponsor of terrorism be guaranteed nuclear weapons.

My answer has always been that Hussein Obama feel the need to support his co-religionists, and overthrow Western Civilization.

Sadly for our former terrorist-in-mufti President, his desires are being dashed by Trump, and now.....terrible news for his closest ally......

Russia Refuses To Sell S-400 Air Defense Missile System To Iran

Russia's President Vladimir Putin has turned down a request by Iran to purchase the advanced S-400 missile defense system, Bloomberg reported on May 30, quoting two Russian officials who chose to remain unidentified.

Reports from Russia also picked up by media in Iran's neighbour Turkey say Putin has rejected the request over concerns about rising tensions in the Persian Gulf region where several Arab leaders voiced their concern about Iran's military ambitions.

…analysts attribute Putin's decision to turn down Iran's request to various factors including Moscow's interest in keeping the chance to negotiate with the Trump administration. “Any real or imaginary strengthening of Iran can lead to escalation -- if Russia really refused Iran such a request, it would mean that Russia wants to keep working on relations with Saudi Arabia, Israel and keep a chance for negotiations with Trump,”….” Russia Refuses To Sell S-400 Air Defense Missile System To Iran

Russia sold the S-300s, but they couldn't do the job....

"Russia’s air defenses can’t stop Israel from stomping on Iran in Syria with airstrikes"
Russia’s air defenses can’t stop Israel from stomping on Iran in Syria with airstrikes

Never would have happened if Hussein Obama was still President.

This would be the time to send Obama and Kerry boxes of tissues.....
The geo-politics in that
are far too twisted
for me to wrap my hungover head around. It may simply be that Iran's neighbors - with whom Russia would curry favor - asked Putin to withhold advanced weapons from Iran.

I will therefore limit my comments to what may be construed as Obama's disloyalty. I found him to be a bit petty and vindictive but until the ACA debacle considered it an understandable response to the often racist vitriol heaped on he and his fam. You know … just his way of saying "F-you, racists."

The ACA has spread its tentacles like a computer virus, and may have been his "F-you, America" for the thousands of cuts he believes this country has inflicted on his people. It also served to redistribute wealth.
SAYIT OT I must apologize for my posts about our economy we had the other day I must've been hungover too
When the question was posed, numerous times, no Democrat supporter has ever been able to answer why it became so very important to the Democrats that the world's worst state sponsor of terrorism be guaranteed nuclear weapons.

My answer has always been that Hussein Obama feel the need to support his co-religionists, and overthrow Western Civilization.

Sadly for our former terrorist-in-mufti President, his desires are being dashed by Trump, and now.....terrible news for his closest ally......

Russia Refuses To Sell S-400 Air Defense Missile System To Iran

Russia's President Vladimir Putin has turned down a request by Iran to purchase the advanced S-400 missile defense system, Bloomberg reported on May 30, quoting two Russian officials who chose to remain unidentified.

Reports from Russia also picked up by media in Iran's neighbour Turkey say Putin has rejected the request over concerns about rising tensions in the Persian Gulf region where several Arab leaders voiced their concern about Iran's military ambitions.

…analysts attribute Putin's decision to turn down Iran's request to various factors including Moscow's interest in keeping the chance to negotiate with the Trump administration. “Any real or imaginary strengthening of Iran can lead to escalation -- if Russia really refused Iran such a request, it would mean that Russia wants to keep working on relations with Saudi Arabia, Israel and keep a chance for negotiations with Trump,”….” Russia Refuses To Sell S-400 Air Defense Missile System To Iran

Russia sold the S-300s, but they couldn't do the job....

"Russia’s air defenses can’t stop Israel from stomping on Iran in Syria with airstrikes"
Russia’s air defenses can’t stop Israel from stomping on Iran in Syria with airstrikes

Never would have happened if Hussein Obama was still President.

This would be the time to send Obama and Kerry boxes of tissues.....
The geo-politics in that
are far too twisted
for me to wrap my hungover head around. It may simply be that Iran's neighbors - with whom Russia would curry favor - asked Putin to withhold advanced weapons from Iran.

I will therefore limit my comments to what may be construed as Obama's disloyalty. I found him to be a bit petty and vindictive but until the ACA debacle considered it an understandable response to the often racist vitriol heaped on he and his fam. You know … just his way of saying "F-you, racists."

The ACA has spread its tentacles like a computer virus, and may have been his "F-you, America" for the thousands of cuts he believes this country has inflicted on his people. It also served to redistribute wealth.
SAYIT OT I must apologize for my posts about our economy we had the other day I must've been hungover too
The night before is way better than the day after.
When the question was posed, numerous times, no Democrat supporter has ever been able to answer why it became so very important to the Democrats that the world's worst state sponsor of terrorism be guaranteed nuclear weapons.

My answer has always been that Hussein Obama feel the need to support his co-religionists, and overthrow Western Civilization.

Sadly for our former terrorist-in-mufti President, his desires are being dashed by Trump, and now.....terrible news for his closest ally......

Russia Refuses To Sell S-400 Air Defense Missile System To Iran

Russia's President Vladimir Putin has turned down a request by Iran to purchase the advanced S-400 missile defense system, Bloomberg reported on May 30, quoting two Russian officials who chose to remain unidentified.

Reports from Russia also picked up by media in Iran's neighbour Turkey say Putin has rejected the request over concerns about rising tensions in the Persian Gulf region where several Arab leaders voiced their concern about Iran's military ambitions.

…analysts attribute Putin's decision to turn down Iran's request to various factors including Moscow's interest in keeping the chance to negotiate with the Trump administration. “Any real or imaginary strengthening of Iran can lead to escalation -- if Russia really refused Iran such a request, it would mean that Russia wants to keep working on relations with Saudi Arabia, Israel and keep a chance for negotiations with Trump,”….” Russia Refuses To Sell S-400 Air Defense Missile System To Iran

Russia sold the S-300s, but they couldn't do the job....

"Russia’s air defenses can’t stop Israel from stomping on Iran in Syria with airstrikes"
Russia’s air defenses can’t stop Israel from stomping on Iran in Syria with airstrikes

Never would have happened if Hussein Obama was still President.

This would be the time to send Obama and Kerry boxes of tissues.....
The geo-politics in that
are far too twisted
for me to wrap my hungover head around. It may simply be that Iran's neighbors - with whom Russia would curry favor - asked Putin to withhold advanced weapons from Iran.

I will therefore limit my comments to what may be construed as Obama's disloyalty. I found him to be a bit petty and vindictive but until the ACA debacle considered it an understandable response to the often racist vitriol heaped on he and his fam. You know … just his way of saying "F-you, racists."

The ACA has spread its tentacles like a computer virus, and may have been his "F-you, America" for the thousands of cuts he believes this country has inflicted on his people. It also served to redistribute wealth.
SAYIT OT I must apologize for my posts about our economy we had the other day I must've been hungover too
The night before is way better than the day after.
I blame the bartenders with good pours
When the question was posed, numerous times, no Democrat supporter has ever been able to answer why it became so very important to the Democrats that the world's worst state sponsor of terrorism be guaranteed nuclear weapons.

My answer has always been that Hussein Obama feel the need to support his co-religionists, and overthrow Western Civilization.

Sadly for our former terrorist-in-mufti President, his desires are being dashed by Trump, and now.....terrible news for his closest ally......

Russia Refuses To Sell S-400 Air Defense Missile System To Iran

Russia's President Vladimir Putin has turned down a request by Iran to purchase the advanced S-400 missile defense system, Bloomberg reported on May 30, quoting two Russian officials who chose to remain unidentified.

Reports from Russia also picked up by media in Iran's neighbour Turkey say Putin has rejected the request over concerns about rising tensions in the Persian Gulf region where several Arab leaders voiced their concern about Iran's military ambitions.

…analysts attribute Putin's decision to turn down Iran's request to various factors including Moscow's interest in keeping the chance to negotiate with the Trump administration. “Any real or imaginary strengthening of Iran can lead to escalation -- if Russia really refused Iran such a request, it would mean that Russia wants to keep working on relations with Saudi Arabia, Israel and keep a chance for negotiations with Trump,”….” Russia Refuses To Sell S-400 Air Defense Missile System To Iran

Russia sold the S-300s, but they couldn't do the job....

"Russia’s air defenses can’t stop Israel from stomping on Iran in Syria with airstrikes"
Russia’s air defenses can’t stop Israel from stomping on Iran in Syria with airstrikes

Never would have happened if Hussein Obama was still President.

This would be the time to send Obama and Kerry boxes of tissues.....
The geo-politics in that
are far too twisted
for me to wrap my hungover head around. It may simply be that Iran's neighbors - with whom Russia would curry favor - asked Putin to withhold advanced weapons from Iran.

I will therefore limit my comments to what may be construed as Obama's disloyalty. I found him to be a bit petty and vindictive but until the ACA debacle considered it an understandable response to the often racist vitriol heaped on he and his fam. You know … just his way of saying "F-you, racists."

The ACA has spread its tentacles like a computer virus, and may have been his "F-you, America" for the thousands of cuts he believes this country has inflicted on his people. It also served to redistribute wealth.
SAYIT OT I must apologize for my posts about our economy we had the other day I must've been hungover too
The night before is way better than the day after.
I blame the bartenders with good pours
Yeah, and they don't let me leave until I've consumed every drop and licked the glass.

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