The Biggest Story You Haven't Heard

When the question was posed, numerous times, no Democrat supporter has ever been able to answer why it became so very important to the Democrats that the world's worst state sponsor of terrorism be guaranteed nuclear weapons.

My answer has always been that Hussein Obama feel the need to support his co-religionists, and overthrow Western Civilization.

Sadly for our former terrorist-in-mufti President, his desires are being dashed by Trump, and now.....terrible news for his closest ally......

Russia Refuses To Sell S-400 Air Defense Missile System To Iran

Russia's President Vladimir Putin has turned down a request by Iran to purchase the advanced S-400 missile defense system, Bloomberg reported on May 30, quoting two Russian officials who chose to remain unidentified.

Reports from Russia also picked up by media in Iran's neighbour Turkey say Putin has rejected the request over concerns about rising tensions in the Persian Gulf region where several Arab leaders voiced their concern about Iran's military ambitions.

…analysts attribute Putin's decision to turn down Iran's request to various factors including Moscow's interest in keeping the chance to negotiate with the Trump administration. “Any real or imaginary strengthening of Iran can lead to escalation -- if Russia really refused Iran such a request, it would mean that Russia wants to keep working on relations with Saudi Arabia, Israel and keep a chance for negotiations with Trump,”….” Russia Refuses To Sell S-400 Air Defense Missile System To Iran

Russia sold the S-300s, but they couldn't do the job....

"Russia’s air defenses can’t stop Israel from stomping on Iran in Syria with airstrikes"
Russia’s air defenses can’t stop Israel from stomping on Iran in Syria with airstrikes

Never would have happened if Hussein Obama was still President.

This would be the time to send Obama and Kerry boxes of tissues.....

Obama wanted Iran to have nuclear weapons because those countries with nuclear weapons are not invaded by other we see with North Korea. Obama believes the country of Iran is a victim of the West....and to protect Iran from the West, he wanted to allow it to have nuclear weapons.....and it is that kind of dumb thinking that made him our worst President.
When the question was posed, numerous times, no Democrat supporter has ever been able to answer why it became so very important to the Democrats that the world's worst state sponsor of terrorism be guaranteed nuclear weapons.

My answer has always been that Hussein Obama feel the need to support his co-religionists, and overthrow Western Civilization.

Sadly for our former terrorist-in-mufti President, his desires are being dashed by Trump, and now.....terrible news for his closest ally......

Russia Refuses To Sell S-400 Air Defense Missile System To Iran

Russia's President Vladimir Putin has turned down a request by Iran to purchase the advanced S-400 missile defense system, Bloomberg reported on May 30, quoting two Russian officials who chose to remain unidentified.

Reports from Russia also picked up by media in Iran's neighbour Turkey say Putin has rejected the request over concerns about rising tensions in the Persian Gulf region where several Arab leaders voiced their concern about Iran's military ambitions.

…analysts attribute Putin's decision to turn down Iran's request to various factors including Moscow's interest in keeping the chance to negotiate with the Trump administration. “Any real or imaginary strengthening of Iran can lead to escalation -- if Russia really refused Iran such a request, it would mean that Russia wants to keep working on relations with Saudi Arabia, Israel and keep a chance for negotiations with Trump,”….” Russia Refuses To Sell S-400 Air Defense Missile System To Iran

Russia sold the S-300s, but they couldn't do the job....

"Russia’s air defenses can’t stop Israel from stomping on Iran in Syria with airstrikes"
Russia’s air defenses can’t stop Israel from stomping on Iran in Syria with airstrikes

Never would have happened if Hussein Obama was still President.

This would be the time to send Obama and Kerry boxes of tissues.....
When the question was posed, numerous times, no Democrat supporter has ever been able to answer why it became so very important to the Democrats that the world's worst state sponsor of terrorism be guaranteed nuclear weapons.

My answer has always been that Hussein Obama feel the need to support his co-religionists, and overthrow Western Civilization.
How does Iran's record of human rights violations compare to Israel"s?

List of United Nations resolutions concerning Israel - Wikipedia

"The following is a list of United Nations resolutions concerning Israel. As of 2013, Israel had been condemned in 45 resolutions by the United Nations Human Rights Council.

"Since the creation of the Council in 2006, it has resolved almost more resolutions condemning Israel than on the rest of the world combined.

"The 45 resolutions comprised almost half (45.9%) of all country-specific resolutions passed by the Council, not counting those under Agenda Item 10 (countries requiring technical assistance).[1]

"From 1967 to 1989 the UN Security Council adopted 131 resolutions directly addressing the Arab–Israeli conflict."

You can't really be this stupid......
Duh, like the USA, Russia has a ton of powerful Jewish oligarchs who wield power.
They simply won't tolerate Iran, because it threatens the Jewish state of Israel.


BTW....that dunce continues to deny that Poland is responsible for the genocide of WWII to a greater extent than Nazi Germany.

3 million Polish Jews slaughtered.
When the question was posed, numerous times, no Democrat supporter has ever been able to answer why it became so very important to the Democrats that the world's worst state sponsor of terrorism be guaranteed nuclear weapons.

My answer has always been that Hussein Obama feel the need to support his co-religionists, and overthrow Western Civilization.

Sadly for our former terrorist-in-mufti President, his desires are being dashed by Trump, and now.....terrible news for his closest ally......

Russia Refuses To Sell S-400 Air Defense Missile System To Iran

Russia's President Vladimir Putin has turned down a request by Iran to purchase the advanced S-400 missile defense system, Bloomberg reported on May 30, quoting two Russian officials who chose to remain unidentified.

Reports from Russia also picked up by media in Iran's neighbour Turkey say Putin has rejected the request over concerns about rising tensions in the Persian Gulf region where several Arab leaders voiced their concern about Iran's military ambitions.

…analysts attribute Putin's decision to turn down Iran's request to various factors including Moscow's interest in keeping the chance to negotiate with the Trump administration. “Any real or imaginary strengthening of Iran can lead to escalation -- if Russia really refused Iran such a request, it would mean that Russia wants to keep working on relations with Saudi Arabia, Israel and keep a chance for negotiations with Trump,”….” Russia Refuses To Sell S-400 Air Defense Missile System To Iran

Russia sold the S-300s, but they couldn't do the job....

"Russia’s air defenses can’t stop Israel from stomping on Iran in Syria with airstrikes"
Russia’s air defenses can’t stop Israel from stomping on Iran in Syria with airstrikes

Never would have happened if Hussein Obama was still President.

This would be the time to send Obama and Kerry boxes of tissues.....
The geo-politics in that are far too twisted for me to wrap my hungover head around. It may simply be that Iran's neighbors - with whom Russia would curry favor - asked Putin to withhold advanced weapons from Iran.

I will therefore limit my comments to what may be construed as Obama's disloyalty. I found him to be a bit petty and vindictive but until the ACA debacle considered it an understandable response to the often racist vitriol heaped on he and his fam. You know … just his way of saying "F-you, racists."

The ACA has spread its tentacles like a computer virus, and may have been his "F-you, America" for the thousands of cuts he believes this country has inflicted on people of color. It also has been the largest wealth redistribution scam in US history..

1. …analysts attribute Putin's decision to turn down Iran's request to various factors including Moscow's interest in keeping the chance to negotiate with the Trump administration. “Any real or imaginary strengthening of Iran can lead to escalation -- if Russia really refused Iran such a request, it would mean that Russia wants to keep working on relations with Saudi Arabia, Israel and keep a chance for negotiations with Trump,”….” Russia Refuses To Sell S-400 Air Defense Missile System To Iran

Putin knows it isn't Hussein in charge....and he is more cautious.

2. The truth is far more insidious....
As it took decades for the Left to admit that they elected a rapist to the presidency, the truth about Hussein will be denied until he is no longer an asset to their agenda.

I'd be happy to prove by the preponderance of the evidence that he serves Alllah, and wishes only the destruction of Western Civilization.

If you'd like to try to refute same, let me know.
When the question was posed, numerous times, no Democrat supporter has ever been able to answer why it became so very important to the Democrats that the world's worst state sponsor of terrorism be guaranteed nuclear weapons.

My answer has always been that Hussein Obama feel the need to support his co-religionists, and overthrow Western Civilization.

Sadly for our former terrorist-in-mufti President, his desires are being dashed by Trump, and now.....terrible news for his closest ally......

Russia Refuses To Sell S-400 Air Defense Missile System To Iran

Russia's President Vladimir Putin has turned down a request by Iran to purchase the advanced S-400 missile defense system, Bloomberg reported on May 30, quoting two Russian officials who chose to remain unidentified.

Reports from Russia also picked up by media in Iran's neighbour Turkey say Putin has rejected the request over concerns about rising tensions in the Persian Gulf region where several Arab leaders voiced their concern about Iran's military ambitions.

…analysts attribute Putin's decision to turn down Iran's request to various factors including Moscow's interest in keeping the chance to negotiate with the Trump administration. “Any real or imaginary strengthening of Iran can lead to escalation -- if Russia really refused Iran such a request, it would mean that Russia wants to keep working on relations with Saudi Arabia, Israel and keep a chance for negotiations with Trump,”….” Russia Refuses To Sell S-400 Air Defense Missile System To Iran

Russia sold the S-300s, but they couldn't do the job....

"Russia’s air defenses can’t stop Israel from stomping on Iran in Syria with airstrikes"
Russia’s air defenses can’t stop Israel from stomping on Iran in Syria with airstrikes

Never would have happened if Hussein Obama was still President.

This would be the time to send Obama and Kerry boxes of tissues.....

Obama wanted Iran to have nuclear weapons because those countries with nuclear weapons are not invaded by other we see with North Korea. Obama believes the country of Iran is a victim of the West....and to protect Iran from the West, he wanted to allow it to have nuclear weapons.....and it is that kind of dumb thinking that made him our worst President.

He selected the most insane, fundamentalist maniacs on the planet.
It was no accident.

The nuts demand a worldwide conflagration.....and nukes would be the only way to get there.

"...the 12th Imam is held by devout Shi'ite Muslims to be a direct descendant of the Prophet Mohammed who went into "occlusion" in the ninth century at the age of five and hasn't been seen since.

The Hidden Imam, as he is also known by his followers, will only return after a period of cosmic chaos, war and bloodshed – what Christians call the Apocalypse – and then lead the world into an era of universal peace.

Rumours abound of Mr Ahmadinejad's devotion to the 12th Imam, and last year it was reported that he had persuaded his cabinet to sign a "contract" pledging themselves to work for his return.

Another example of his messianic tendencies surfaced after 108 people were killed in an aircraft crash in Teheran. Mr Ahmadinejad praised the victims, saying: "What is important is that they have shown the way to martyrdom which we must follow."

For many of the hundreds of delegates who attended Mr Ahmadinejad's speech to the UN this week, his discourse on the merits of the 12th Imam finally brought home the reality of the danger his regime poses to world peace.

Rather than allaying concerns about Iran's nuclear ambitions, Mr Ahmadinejad spoke at length about how a Muslim saviour would relieve the world's suffering.

The era of Western predominance was drawing to a close, he said, and would soon be replaced by a "bright future" ushered in by the 12th Imam's return. "Without any doubt, the Promised One, who is the ultimate Saviour, will come. The pleasing aroma of justice will permeate the whole world."

The really alarming aspect is that – if the world's leading intelligence agencies are to be believed – he is seriously attempting to acquire a nuclear weapons arsenal."
Will the 12th Imam cause war with Iran?
Duh, like the USA, Russia has a ton of powerful Jewish oligarchs who wield power.
They simply won't tolerate Iran, because it threatens the Jewish state of Israel.


BTW....that dunce continues to deny that Poland is responsible for the genocide of WWII to a greater extent than Nazi Germany.

3 million Polish Jews slaughtered.

Occupied Poland? The nation that was under the control of Nazi Germany from 1939 until the end of the war?
When the question was posed, numerous times, no Democrat supporter has ever been able to answer why it became so very important to the Democrats that the world's worst state sponsor of terrorism be guaranteed nuclear weapons.

My answer has always been that Hussein Obama feel the need to support his co-religionists, and overthrow Western Civilization.

Sadly for our former terrorist-in-mufti President, his desires are being dashed by Trump, and now.....terrible news for his closest ally......

Russia Refuses To Sell S-400 Air Defense Missile System To Iran

Russia's President Vladimir Putin has turned down a request by Iran to purchase the advanced S-400 missile defense system, Bloomberg reported on May 30, quoting two Russian officials who chose to remain unidentified.

Reports from Russia also picked up by media in Iran's neighbour Turkey say Putin has rejected the request over concerns about rising tensions in the Persian Gulf region where several Arab leaders voiced their concern about Iran's military ambitions.

…analysts attribute Putin's decision to turn down Iran's request to various factors including Moscow's interest in keeping the chance to negotiate with the Trump administration. “Any real or imaginary strengthening of Iran can lead to escalation -- if Russia really refused Iran such a request, it would mean that Russia wants to keep working on relations with Saudi Arabia, Israel and keep a chance for negotiations with Trump,”….” Russia Refuses To Sell S-400 Air Defense Missile System To Iran

Russia sold the S-300s, but they couldn't do the job....

"Russia’s air defenses can’t stop Israel from stomping on Iran in Syria with airstrikes"
Russia’s air defenses can’t stop Israel from stomping on Iran in Syria with airstrikes

Never would have happened if Hussein Obama was still President.

This would be the time to send Obama and Kerry boxes of tissues.....
When the question was posed, numerous times, no Democrat supporter has ever been able to answer why it became so very important to the Democrats that the world's worst state sponsor of terrorism be guaranteed nuclear weapons.

My answer has always been that Hussein Obama feel the need to support his co-religionists, and overthrow Western Civilization.
How does Iran's record of human rights violations compare to Israel"s?

List of United Nations resolutions concerning Israel - Wikipedia

"The following is a list of United Nations resolutions concerning Israel. As of 2013, Israel had been condemned in 45 resolutions by the United Nations Human Rights Council.

"Since the creation of the Council in 2006, it has resolved almost more resolutions condemning Israel than on the rest of the world combined.

"The 45 resolutions comprised almost half (45.9%) of all country-specific resolutions passed by the Council, not counting those under Agenda Item 10 (countries requiring technical assistance).[1]

"From 1967 to 1989 the UN Security Council adopted 131 resolutions directly addressing the Arab–Israeli conflict."

You can't really be this stupid......
You can't really be this stupid......
Are you smart enough to know how many UNSC Resolutions have condemned Iran compared to Israel?

United Nations Security Council Resolution 2334 - Wikipedia

"United Nations Security Council Resolution 2334 was adopted on 23 December 2016. It concerns the Israeli settlements in 'Palestinian territories occupied since 1967, including East Jerusalem'.

"The resolution passed in a 14–0 vote by members of the U.N. Security Council (UNSC).

"Four members with United Nations Security Council veto power, China, France, Russia, and the United Kingdom, voted for the resolution, but the United States abstained.[1]

"The resolution states that Israel's settlement activity constitutes a 'flagrant violation' of international law and has 'no legal validity'. It demands that Israel stop such activity and fulfill its obligations as an occupying power under the Fourth Geneva Convention.'"

When did the UNSC condemn Iran for a fifty year-long illegal occupation?
Duh, like the USA, Russia has a ton of powerful Jewish oligarchs who wield power.
They simply won't tolerate Iran, because it threatens the Jewish state of Israel.


BTW....that dunce continues to deny that Poland is responsible for the genocide of WWII to a greater extent than Nazi Germany.

3 million Polish Jews slaughtered.

Occupied Poland? The nation that was under the control of Nazi Germany from 1939 until the end of the war?

Have you ever read a book????

You can't be so stupid to ignore the aid the Poles gave to the genocide.

Gads, you're stupid.
When the question was posed, numerous times, no Democrat supporter has ever been able to answer why it became so very important to the Democrats that the world's worst state sponsor of terrorism be guaranteed nuclear weapons.

My answer has always been that Hussein Obama feel the need to support his co-religionists, and overthrow Western Civilization.

Sadly for our former terrorist-in-mufti President, his desires are being dashed by Trump, and now.....terrible news for his closest ally......

Russia Refuses To Sell S-400 Air Defense Missile System To Iran

Russia's President Vladimir Putin has turned down a request by Iran to purchase the advanced S-400 missile defense system, Bloomberg reported on May 30, quoting two Russian officials who chose to remain unidentified.

Reports from Russia also picked up by media in Iran's neighbour Turkey say Putin has rejected the request over concerns about rising tensions in the Persian Gulf region where several Arab leaders voiced their concern about Iran's military ambitions.

…analysts attribute Putin's decision to turn down Iran's request to various factors including Moscow's interest in keeping the chance to negotiate with the Trump administration. “Any real or imaginary strengthening of Iran can lead to escalation -- if Russia really refused Iran such a request, it would mean that Russia wants to keep working on relations with Saudi Arabia, Israel and keep a chance for negotiations with Trump,”….” Russia Refuses To Sell S-400 Air Defense Missile System To Iran

Russia sold the S-300s, but they couldn't do the job....

"Russia’s air defenses can’t stop Israel from stomping on Iran in Syria with airstrikes"
Russia’s air defenses can’t stop Israel from stomping on Iran in Syria with airstrikes

Never would have happened if Hussein Obama was still President.

This would be the time to send Obama and Kerry boxes of tissues.....
When the question was posed, numerous times, no Democrat supporter has ever been able to answer why it became so very important to the Democrats that the world's worst state sponsor of terrorism be guaranteed nuclear weapons.

My answer has always been that Hussein Obama feel the need to support his co-religionists, and overthrow Western Civilization.
How does Iran's record of human rights violations compare to Israel"s?

List of United Nations resolutions concerning Israel - Wikipedia

"The following is a list of United Nations resolutions concerning Israel. As of 2013, Israel had been condemned in 45 resolutions by the United Nations Human Rights Council.

"Since the creation of the Council in 2006, it has resolved almost more resolutions condemning Israel than on the rest of the world combined.

"The 45 resolutions comprised almost half (45.9%) of all country-specific resolutions passed by the Council, not counting those under Agenda Item 10 (countries requiring technical assistance).[1]

"From 1967 to 1989 the UN Security Council adopted 131 resolutions directly addressing the Arab–Israeli conflict."

You can't really be this stupid......
You can't really be this stupid......
Are you smart enough to know how many UNSC Resolutions have condemned Iran compared to Israel?

United Nations Security Council Resolution 2334 - Wikipedia

"United Nations Security Council Resolution 2334 was adopted on 23 December 2016. It concerns the Israeli settlements in 'Palestinian territories occupied since 1967, including East Jerusalem'.

"The resolution passed in a 14–0 vote by members of the U.N. Security Council (UNSC).

"Four members with United Nations Security Council veto power, China, France, Russia, and the United Kingdom, voted for the resolution, but the United States abstained.[1]

"The resolution states that Israel's settlement activity constitutes a 'flagrant violation' of international law and has 'no legal validity'. It demands that Israel stop such activity and fulfill its obligations as an occupying power under the Fourth Geneva Convention.'"

When did the UNSC condemn Iran for a fifty year-long illegal occupation?

The United Nations was a Stalin creation, with the aid of FDR.

"The U.N. charter was authored by a communist, the first U.N. Secretary-general was a communist, and the U.N., from the beginning, was designed to be a Union of World Socialist Republics.

Stalin's spy, Alger Hiss was the leading force in the designing of the United Nations. He was secretary of the Dumbarten Oaks Conversations from August to October of 1944 where most of the preliminary planning for the U.N. was done. He was Roosevelt's right-hand man in February of 1945 at Yalta where the postwar boundaries of Europe were drawn (Roosevelt was a dying man at the time. (His death came only ten weeks later). At Yalta it was agreed that the Soviet Union would have three votes (one each for Russia, Ukraine, and Byelorussia) in the U.N. General Assembly, even though the United States had only one.

.... three years later. Alger Hiss was exposed as a communist spy and sent to prison. Only then did people understand why the emblem of the United Nations looked so much like the emblem of the Soviet Union."

What The U.N. Doesn't Want You To Know



It, remains the most anti-Semitic entity along with Obama and you.

Get lost.
Last edited:
Duh, like the USA, Russia has a ton of powerful Jewish oligarchs who wield power.
They simply won't tolerate Iran, because it threatens the Jewish state of Israel.


BTW....that dunce continues to deny that Poland is responsible for the genocide of WWII to a greater extent than Nazi Germany.

3 million Polish Jews slaughtered.

Occupied Poland? The nation that was under the control of Nazi Germany from 1939 until the end of the war?

Have you ever read a book????

You can't be so stupid to ignore the aid the Poles gave to the genocide.

Gads, you're stupid.

Maybe I should repeat the question. You appear to have trouble with it.
Duh, like the USA, Russia has a ton of powerful Jewish oligarchs who wield power.
They simply won't tolerate Iran, because it threatens the Jewish state of Israel.


BTW....that dunce continues to deny that Poland is responsible for the genocide of WWII to a greater extent than Nazi Germany.

3 million Polish Jews slaughtered.

Occupied Poland? The nation that was under the control of Nazi Germany from 1939 until the end of the war?

Have you ever read a book????

You can't be so stupid to ignore the aid the Poles gave to the genocide.

Gads, you're stupid.

Maybe I should repeat the question. You appear to have trouble with it.

Why are you back?

I believe we proved you to be an ignorant dunce already.

"The Holocaust in German-occupied Poland was marked by the construction of death camps by Nazi Germany in Poland. The Third Reich's World War II genocide, known as the Holocaust, took the lives of three million Polish Jews,[4] half of all Jews killed during the Holocaust.
The German and Soviet occupations brought a sudden upsurge of Polish antisemitism. The Polish narrative was based on a notion of "Jewish collaboration" with the communists and hatred of the Polish nation. The szmalcownik practice of extorting and denouncing Jews to the German authorities was also carried out by ordinary Poles who were acting the traditional "other" who were outside the national consensus. Poles attacked and killed Jews in the 1941 Jedwabne pogrom and other locations in Eastern Poland in the wake of Operation Barbarossa. The question of Jewish property, taken over by Poles, was a driving factor behind the beating and murdering of Jews by Poles between summer 1944 and 1946, including the Kielce pogrom.[173]

In rural Poland, peasants participated in German organized Judenjagd searches for Jews, killing or delivering to the Germans up to as many as 200,000 Jewish escapees from the ghettos.[174][175]"
The Holocaust in Poland - Wikipedia

Nice that you have a picture of the hat you talk through in your avi.....dunce.

BTW....that dunce continues to deny that Poland is responsible for the genocide of WWII to a greater extent than Nazi Germany.

3 million Polish Jews slaughtered.

Occupied Poland? The nation that was under the control of Nazi Germany from 1939 until the end of the war?

Have you ever read a book????

You can't be so stupid to ignore the aid the Poles gave to the genocide.

Gads, you're stupid.

Maybe I should repeat the question. You appear to have trouble with it.

Why are you back?

I believe we proved you to be an ignorant dunce already.

"The Holocaust in German-occupied Poland was marked by the construction of death camps by Nazi Germany in Poland. The Third Reich's World War II genocide, known as the Holocaust, took the lives of three million Polish Jews,[4] half of all Jews killed during the Holocaust.
The German and Soviet occupations brought a sudden upsurge of Polish antisemitism. The Polish narrative was based on a notion of "Jewish collaboration" with the communists and hatred of the Polish nation. The szmalcownik practice of extorting and denouncing Jews to the German authorities was also carried out by ordinary Poles who were acting the traditional "other" who were outside the national consensus. Poles attacked and killed Jews in the 1941 Jedwabne pogrom and other locations in Eastern Poland in the wake of Operation Barbarossa. The question of Jewish property, taken over by Poles, was a driving factor behind the beating and murdering of Jews by Poles between summer 1944 and 1946, including the Kielce pogrom.[173]

In rural Poland, peasants participated in German organized Judenjagd searches for Jews, killing or delivering to the Germans up to as many as 200,000 Jewish escapees from the ghettos.[174][175]"
The Holocaust in Poland - Wikipedia

Nice that you have a picture of the hat you talk through in your avi.....dunce.

Help a brother out, Einstein...are you saying Poland was under the control of Nazi Germany during the Holocaust?
BTW....that dunce continues to deny that Poland is responsible for the genocide of WWII to a greater extent than Nazi Germany.

3 million Polish Jews slaughtered.

Occupied Poland? The nation that was under the control of Nazi Germany from 1939 until the end of the war?

Have you ever read a book????

You can't be so stupid to ignore the aid the Poles gave to the genocide.

Gads, you're stupid.

Maybe I should repeat the question. You appear to have trouble with it.

Why are you back?

I believe we proved you to be an ignorant dunce already.

"The Holocaust in German-occupied Poland was marked by the construction of death camps by Nazi Germany in Poland. The Third Reich's World War II genocide, known as the Holocaust, took the lives of three million Polish Jews,[4] half of all Jews killed during the Holocaust.
The German and Soviet occupations brought a sudden upsurge of Polish antisemitism. The Polish narrative was based on a notion of "Jewish collaboration" with the communists and hatred of the Polish nation. The szmalcownik practice of extorting and denouncing Jews to the German authorities was also carried out by ordinary Poles who were acting the traditional "other" who were outside the national consensus. Poles attacked and killed Jews in the 1941 Jedwabne pogrom and other locations in Eastern Poland in the wake of Operation Barbarossa. The question of Jewish property, taken over by Poles, was a driving factor behind the beating and murdering of Jews by Poles between summer 1944 and 1946, including the Kielce pogrom.[173]

In rural Poland, peasants participated in German organized Judenjagd searches for Jews, killing or delivering to the Germans up to as many as 200,000 Jewish escapees from the ghettos.[174][175]"
The Holocaust in Poland - Wikipedia

Nice that you have a picture of the hat you talk through in your avi.....dunce.

Help a brother out, Einstein...are you saying Poland was under the control of Nazi Germany during the Holocaust?

3 million Jews were slaughtered in Poland.

240,000 in Nazi Germany.

The Poles were ready and willing to participate.

Now....can you name two or three of the geopolitical tomes that have informed your views?

Just kiddin'.....I just needed the giggle.
When the question was posed, numerous times, no Democrat supporter has ever been able to answer why it became so very important to the Democrats that the world's worst state sponsor of terrorism be guaranteed nuclear weapons.

My answer has always been that Hussein Obama feel the need to support his co-religionists, and overthrow Western Civilization.

Sadly for our former terrorist-in-mufti President, his desires are being dashed by Trump, and now.....terrible news for his closest ally......

Russia Refuses To Sell S-400 Air Defense Missile System To Iran

Russia's President Vladimir Putin has turned down a request by Iran to purchase the advanced S-400 missile defense system, Bloomberg reported on May 30, quoting two Russian officials who chose to remain unidentified.

Reports from Russia also picked up by media in Iran's neighbour Turkey say Putin has rejected the request over concerns about rising tensions in the Persian Gulf region where several Arab leaders voiced their concern about Iran's military ambitions.

…analysts attribute Putin's decision to turn down Iran's request to various factors including Moscow's interest in keeping the chance to negotiate with the Trump administration. “Any real or imaginary strengthening of Iran can lead to escalation -- if Russia really refused Iran such a request, it would mean that Russia wants to keep working on relations with Saudi Arabia, Israel and keep a chance for negotiations with Trump,”….” Russia Refuses To Sell S-400 Air Defense Missile System To Iran

Russia sold the S-300s, but they couldn't do the job....

"Russia’s air defenses can’t stop Israel from stomping on Iran in Syria with airstrikes"
Russia’s air defenses can’t stop Israel from stomping on Iran in Syria with airstrikes

Never would have happened if Hussein Obama was still President.

This would be the time to send Obama and Kerry boxes of tissues.....

Funny how the Bolshevik media of MSNBCNN and the holocaust denying NY Times failed to report this... :eusa_whistle:
When the question was posed, numerous times, no Democrat supporter has ever been able to answer why it became so very important to the Democrats that the world's worst state sponsor of terrorism be guaranteed nuclear weapons.

My answer has always been that Hussein Obama feel the need to support his co-religionists, and overthrow Western Civilization.

Sadly for our former terrorist-in-mufti President, his desires are being dashed by Trump, and now.....terrible news for his closest ally......

Russia Refuses To Sell S-400 Air Defense Missile System To Iran

Russia's President Vladimir Putin has turned down a request by Iran to purchase the advanced S-400 missile defense system, Bloomberg reported on May 30, quoting two Russian officials who chose to remain unidentified.

Reports from Russia also picked up by media in Iran's neighbour Turkey say Putin has rejected the request over concerns about rising tensions in the Persian Gulf region where several Arab leaders voiced their concern about Iran's military ambitions.

…analysts attribute Putin's decision to turn down Iran's request to various factors including Moscow's interest in keeping the chance to negotiate with the Trump administration. “Any real or imaginary strengthening of Iran can lead to escalation -- if Russia really refused Iran such a request, it would mean that Russia wants to keep working on relations with Saudi Arabia, Israel and keep a chance for negotiations with Trump,”….” Russia Refuses To Sell S-400 Air Defense Missile System To Iran

Russia sold the S-300s, but they couldn't do the job....

"Russia’s air defenses can’t stop Israel from stomping on Iran in Syria with airstrikes"
Russia’s air defenses can’t stop Israel from stomping on Iran in Syria with airstrikes

Never would have happened if Hussein Obama was still President.

This would be the time to send Obama and Kerry boxes of tissues.....

Funny how the Bolshevik media of MSNBCNN and the holocaust denying NY Times failed to report this... :eusa_whistle:

Occupied Poland? The nation that was under the control of Nazi Germany from 1939 until the end of the war?

Have you ever read a book????

You can't be so stupid to ignore the aid the Poles gave to the genocide.

Gads, you're stupid.

Maybe I should repeat the question. You appear to have trouble with it.

Why are you back?

I believe we proved you to be an ignorant dunce already.

"The Holocaust in German-occupied Poland was marked by the construction of death camps by Nazi Germany in Poland. The Third Reich's World War II genocide, known as the Holocaust, took the lives of three million Polish Jews,[4] half of all Jews killed during the Holocaust.
The German and Soviet occupations brought a sudden upsurge of Polish antisemitism. The Polish narrative was based on a notion of "Jewish collaboration" with the communists and hatred of the Polish nation. The szmalcownik practice of extorting and denouncing Jews to the German authorities was also carried out by ordinary Poles who were acting the traditional "other" who were outside the national consensus. Poles attacked and killed Jews in the 1941 Jedwabne pogrom and other locations in Eastern Poland in the wake of Operation Barbarossa. The question of Jewish property, taken over by Poles, was a driving factor behind the beating and murdering of Jews by Poles between summer 1944 and 1946, including the Kielce pogrom.[173]

In rural Poland, peasants participated in German organized Judenjagd searches for Jews, killing or delivering to the Germans up to as many as 200,000 Jewish escapees from the ghettos.[174][175]"
The Holocaust in Poland - Wikipedia

Nice that you have a picture of the hat you talk through in your avi.....dunce.

Help a brother out, Einstein...are you saying Poland was under the control of Nazi Germany during the Holocaust?

3 million Jews were slaughtered in Poland.

240,000 in Nazi Germany.

The Poles were ready and willing to participate.

Now....can you name two or three of the geopolitical tomes that have informed your views?

Just kiddin'.....I just needed the giggle.

Pay attention, pinhead. You said Poland - that being a nation, not Polish individuals - "was responsible for the genocide of WWII to a greater extent than Nazi Germany." Poland was under German control. Do you understand what that means?

There is never a shortage of people willing to fuck their fellow man for a buck, a better meal, an extra day of life - any number of things. Collaborators grow on trees when death is afoot. How you not know this?
Have you ever read a book????

You can't be so stupid to ignore the aid the Poles gave to the genocide.

Gads, you're stupid.

Maybe I should repeat the question. You appear to have trouble with it.

Why are you back?

I believe we proved you to be an ignorant dunce already.

"The Holocaust in German-occupied Poland was marked by the construction of death camps by Nazi Germany in Poland. The Third Reich's World War II genocide, known as the Holocaust, took the lives of three million Polish Jews,[4] half of all Jews killed during the Holocaust.
The German and Soviet occupations brought a sudden upsurge of Polish antisemitism. The Polish narrative was based on a notion of "Jewish collaboration" with the communists and hatred of the Polish nation. The szmalcownik practice of extorting and denouncing Jews to the German authorities was also carried out by ordinary Poles who were acting the traditional "other" who were outside the national consensus. Poles attacked and killed Jews in the 1941 Jedwabne pogrom and other locations in Eastern Poland in the wake of Operation Barbarossa. The question of Jewish property, taken over by Poles, was a driving factor behind the beating and murdering of Jews by Poles between summer 1944 and 1946, including the Kielce pogrom.[173]

In rural Poland, peasants participated in German organized Judenjagd searches for Jews, killing or delivering to the Germans up to as many as 200,000 Jewish escapees from the ghettos.[174][175]"
The Holocaust in Poland - Wikipedia

Nice that you have a picture of the hat you talk through in your avi.....dunce.

Help a brother out, Einstein...are you saying Poland was under the control of Nazi Germany during the Holocaust?

3 million Jews were slaughtered in Poland.

240,000 in Nazi Germany.

The Poles were ready and willing to participate.

Now....can you name two or three of the geopolitical tomes that have informed your views?

Just kiddin'.....I just needed the giggle.

Pay attention, pinhead. You said Poland - that being a nation, not Polish individuals - "was responsible for the genocide of WWII to a greater extent than Nazi Germany." Poland was under German control. Do you understand what that means?

There is never a shortage of people willing to fuck their fellow man for a buck, a better meal, an extra day of life - any number of things. Collaborators grow on trees when death is afoot. How you not know this? left this part of the questionnaire blank....

Now....can you name two or three of the geopolitical tomes that have informed your views?

I felt it prudent to prove which of us is truly closer to 'Einstein'....and so we did.
Maybe I should repeat the question. You appear to have trouble with it.

Why are you back?

I believe we proved you to be an ignorant dunce already.

"The Holocaust in German-occupied Poland was marked by the construction of death camps by Nazi Germany in Poland. The Third Reich's World War II genocide, known as the Holocaust, took the lives of three million Polish Jews,[4] half of all Jews killed during the Holocaust.
The German and Soviet occupations brought a sudden upsurge of Polish antisemitism. The Polish narrative was based on a notion of "Jewish collaboration" with the communists and hatred of the Polish nation. The szmalcownik practice of extorting and denouncing Jews to the German authorities was also carried out by ordinary Poles who were acting the traditional "other" who were outside the national consensus. Poles attacked and killed Jews in the 1941 Jedwabne pogrom and other locations in Eastern Poland in the wake of Operation Barbarossa. The question of Jewish property, taken over by Poles, was a driving factor behind the beating and murdering of Jews by Poles between summer 1944 and 1946, including the Kielce pogrom.[173]

In rural Poland, peasants participated in German organized Judenjagd searches for Jews, killing or delivering to the Germans up to as many as 200,000 Jewish escapees from the ghettos.[174][175]"
The Holocaust in Poland - Wikipedia

Nice that you have a picture of the hat you talk through in your avi.....dunce.

Help a brother out, Einstein...are you saying Poland was under the control of Nazi Germany during the Holocaust?

3 million Jews were slaughtered in Poland.

240,000 in Nazi Germany.

The Poles were ready and willing to participate.

Now....can you name two or three of the geopolitical tomes that have informed your views?

Just kiddin'.....I just needed the giggle.

Pay attention, pinhead. You said Poland - that being a nation, not Polish individuals - "was responsible for the genocide of WWII to a greater extent than Nazi Germany." Poland was under German control. Do you understand what that means?

There is never a shortage of people willing to fuck their fellow man for a buck, a better meal, an extra day of life - any number of things. Collaborators grow on trees when death is afoot. How you not know this? left this part of the questionnaire blank....

Now....can you name two or three of the geopolitical tomes that have informed your views?

I felt it prudent to prove which of us is truly closer to 'Einstein'....and so we did.

How is my reading list relevant to you talking out your ass?
When the question was posed, numerous times, no Democrat supporter has ever been able to answer why it became so very important to the Democrats that the world's worst state sponsor of terrorism be guaranteed nuclear weapons.

My answer has always been that Hussein Obama feel the need to support his co-religionists, and overthrow Western Civilization.

Sadly for our former terrorist-in-mufti President, his desires are being dashed by Trump, and now.....terrible news for his closest ally......

Russia Refuses To Sell S-400 Air Defense Missile System To Iran

Russia's President Vladimir Putin has turned down a request by Iran to purchase the advanced S-400 missile defense system, Bloomberg reported on May 30, quoting two Russian officials who chose to remain unidentified.

Reports from Russia also picked up by media in Iran's neighbour Turkey say Putin has rejected the request over concerns about rising tensions in the Persian Gulf region where several Arab leaders voiced their concern about Iran's military ambitions.

…analysts attribute Putin's decision to turn down Iran's request to various factors including Moscow's interest in keeping the chance to negotiate with the Trump administration. “Any real or imaginary strengthening of Iran can lead to escalation -- if Russia really refused Iran such a request, it would mean that Russia wants to keep working on relations with Saudi Arabia, Israel and keep a chance for negotiations with Trump,”….” Russia Refuses To Sell S-400 Air Defense Missile System To Iran

Russia sold the S-300s, but they couldn't do the job....

"Russia’s air defenses can’t stop Israel from stomping on Iran in Syria with airstrikes"
Russia’s air defenses can’t stop Israel from stomping on Iran in Syria with airstrikes

Never would have happened if Hussein Obama was still President.

This would be the time to send Obama and Kerry boxes of tissues.....
More reason for the Left to hate Trump.
Why are you back?

I believe we proved you to be an ignorant dunce already.

"The Holocaust in German-occupied Poland was marked by the construction of death camps by Nazi Germany in Poland. The Third Reich's World War II genocide, known as the Holocaust, took the lives of three million Polish Jews,[4] half of all Jews killed during the Holocaust.
The German and Soviet occupations brought a sudden upsurge of Polish antisemitism. The Polish narrative was based on a notion of "Jewish collaboration" with the communists and hatred of the Polish nation. The szmalcownik practice of extorting and denouncing Jews to the German authorities was also carried out by ordinary Poles who were acting the traditional "other" who were outside the national consensus. Poles attacked and killed Jews in the 1941 Jedwabne pogrom and other locations in Eastern Poland in the wake of Operation Barbarossa. The question of Jewish property, taken over by Poles, was a driving factor behind the beating and murdering of Jews by Poles between summer 1944 and 1946, including the Kielce pogrom.[173]

In rural Poland, peasants participated in German organized Judenjagd searches for Jews, killing or delivering to the Germans up to as many as 200,000 Jewish escapees from the ghettos.[174][175]"
The Holocaust in Poland - Wikipedia

Nice that you have a picture of the hat you talk through in your avi.....dunce.

Help a brother out, Einstein...are you saying Poland was under the control of Nazi Germany during the Holocaust?

3 million Jews were slaughtered in Poland.

240,000 in Nazi Germany.

The Poles were ready and willing to participate.

Now....can you name two or three of the geopolitical tomes that have informed your views?

Just kiddin'.....I just needed the giggle.

Pay attention, pinhead. You said Poland - that being a nation, not Polish individuals - "was responsible for the genocide of WWII to a greater extent than Nazi Germany." Poland was under German control. Do you understand what that means?

There is never a shortage of people willing to fuck their fellow man for a buck, a better meal, an extra day of life - any number of things. Collaborators grow on trees when death is afoot. How you not know this? left this part of the questionnaire blank....

Now....can you name two or three of the geopolitical tomes that have informed your views?

I felt it prudent to prove which of us is truly closer to 'Einstein'....and so we did.

How is my reading list relevant to you talking out your ass?

One can always tell when i have sorely wounded one of your ilk by the language they choose to post.


Couldn't happen to a nicer. seem perturbed that I have revealed that you don't read books.....why?
None of you Liberals/Democrats do.

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