The Bin Laden 'Countdown Clock' Just Started 'Ticking' Again...


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
Al Qaeda returns? UN panel warns of new bin Laden threat

"As the Islamic State is driven out of its former strongholds, a U.N. panel is warning that the next big terror threat in the region could come, once again, from Al Qaeda -- led by the son of Usama bin Laden"

Al Qaeda can share with Bin Laden that the last place you want to find yourself is on the news as being the head of Al Qaeda or the biggest terrorist threat in the world. Al Qaeda has a revolving door on the office of the leader of Al Qaeda - every time a new one takes over and the news gets out it is not long before that one is dead and they have to choose another.

Taking over for your father as the world-wide symbol of terrorism when UBL was retired suddenly dud to a hole in his face / head does not sound like an enviable job.

The news that Al Qaeda is resurging again should be no surprise. Obama did everything he could to breath new life into them and prop them up - he even dragged the US into an Un-Constitutional Un-authorized war to help the terrorists who slaughtered 3,000 Americans take over their own country - Libya. And as a 'bonus', he fed them 4 Americans in Benghazi, refusing to get Americans out of harm's way when every other nation had pulled their people out. Obama and Hillary even HIRED AL QAEDA to protect the Americans in Benghazi from ... AL QAEDA.


I want to welcome young bin Laden, though, to the most unenviable position in the world, atop the most wanted terrorist list. May you enjoy your sleepless nights, moving around constantly, hiding in caves like papa did, and imagining every bump in the dark you hear is Seal Team Six coming to shoot you in the face like they did to your dad!

Surprise Taliban offensive, ISIS strengthening in north Syria, Al Qaeda back after decimation, Iran cleared to make nukes again... MAGA
Al Qaeda returns? UN panel warns of new bin Laden threat

"As the Islamic State is driven out of its former strongholds, a U.N. panel is warning that the next big terror threat in the region could come, once again, from Al Qaeda -- led by the son of Usama bin Laden"

Al Qaeda can share with Bin Laden that the last place you want to find yourself is on the news as being the head of Al Qaeda or the biggest terrorist threat in the world. Al Qaeda has a revolving door on the office of the leader of Al Qaeda - every time a new one takes over and the news gets out it is not long before that one is dead and they have to choose another.

Taking over for your father as the world-wide symbol of terrorism when UBL was retired suddenly dud to a hole in his face / head does not sound like an enviable job.

The news that Al Qaeda is resurging again should be no surprise. Obama did everything he could to breath new life into them and prop them up - he even dragged the US into an Un-Constitutional Un-authorized war to help the terrorists who slaughtered 3,000 Americans take over their own country - Libya. And as a 'bonus', he fed them 4 Americans in Benghazi, refusing to get Americans out of harm's way when every other nation had pulled their people out. Obama and Hillary even HIRED AL QAEDA to protect the Americans in Benghazi from ... AL QAEDA.


I want to welcome young bin Laden, though, to the most unenviable position in the world, atop the most wanted terrorist list. May you enjoy your sleepless nights, moving around constantly, hiding in caves like papa did, and imagining every bump in the dark you hear is Seal Team Six coming to shoot you in the face like they did to your dad!


This week I mentioned in a few post " there will be false flags coming" ........ watch how many sheeps head this goes over.
Make another look guilty in turn making the sheep start rallying for " ANOTHER WAR" which hypocrites are totally against yet the patriots will get blamed for wanting war.

They pulled the same stunt with BUSH, and they used it to strip away our RIGHTS, LIBERTY, and FREEDOM. THEY WERE NOT FINISHED WITH US YET.............

Here comes the. rest.......

HOw many subliminal messages do you think can go rigght the fk over people's. heads.

the HEADLINES TELL THE PPL WHAT'S might not be today , tomorrow or a week it's slowly entered intot he pysche of people as they see headlines

terrorist attack

this week an attack on ATM being mentioned.....

AI taking over..........

THEY TELL THE PPL whats coming the sheep scream conspiracy.
Surprise Taliban offensive, ISIS strengthening in north Syria, Al Qaeda back after decimation, Iran cleared to make nukes again... MAGA

For 8 years Obama did everything he could to help 'give the world' to every f*ing terrorist on the planet....

Obama financed, supplied, armed, trained, supported, aided, abetted, defended, protected, and even dragged the US into 2 Un-Constitutional and Un-Authorized wars.

Barry interfered in the Egyptian elections, putting pressure on them to move up their elections with the terrorist Muslim Brotherhood the only ones ready for such a quick election after Mubarak was overthrown. In essence, Obama helped terrorists take over the government of one of our allies...a problem the Egyptian military had to remedy later.

Barry dragged the US into an Un-Constitutional Un-Authorized war in Libya to help Al Qaeda, who slaughtered 3,000 Americans on 9/11/01. At the Time Libyan President Gadhafi was actually HELPING THE COALITIN FIGHT TERRORISTS (Al Qaeda) in northern Africa. Barry , instead, handed Al Qaeda their own country.

Barry was entrusted to safeguard the liberated country of Iraq. Instead he sat back and watched / allowed mile-long ISIS convoys cross open desert heading towards Iraq. The US military could have completely destroyed ISIS in that open desert, but Obama told the military to STAND DOWN (one of his proven favorite tactics when dealing with terrorist threats)! Obama allowed ISIS to invade and begin taking over much of Iraq that US troops had already fought and sacrificed to liberate, causing more blood to be spilled to have to liberate it again!

Barry protected ISIS Black Market Oil Facilities which funded 50% of their terrorist operations - like the attack on ISIS. Obama wrote the ;Rules of Engagement and mandated the allies in the war against ISIS follow them.

Obama announced to the world - from France - that HE had isolated ISIS in the Middle East...only to have ISIS perpetrate the deadliest attack on France since WWII just hours later. At this point the coalition said 'To Hell With Protecting ISIS' and France and Russia launched an attack on ISIS Black Market oil Facilities in retaliation for the deadly Paris attack.

Did the US join in the attack in defense of our ALLY? Hell NO! OBAMA ORDERED THE US MILITARY TO DROP LEAFLETTS DOWN TO THE TERRORISTS TO LET THM KNOW THE ATTACK WAS COMING. (Can you say 'Treason'?) That's like the US launching an attack against the terrorists that attacked us on 9/11 and one of our allies choosing to warn the terrorists the attack is coming instead of joining in on the attack.


Barry protected terrorist-enriching Hezbollah Drug Operations to appease Iran so Barry would get his Un-Constitutional 'Legacy' Treaty with Iran.

Speaking of Iran, Barry protected Hezbollah Drug Operations, freed up millions of dollars to give to Iran, attempted to give them access to the US banking system, and refused to demand the release of US hostages be part of the deal while Iranian generals mocked Obama for being 'desperate', while Iranian forces practiced bombing mock US aircraft carriers, while the Shah led public chants of 'Death To America', and while inspectors were reporting Iran was already violating temporary agreements made that were put in place until the final Treaty was signed. After the deal was done Obama flew millions on an un-marked plane to Iran in the middle of the night to pay a ransom for those US hostages.

Barry KNEW - was told...BY RUSSIA - of the pending Boston Marathon Terrorist attack, gave the Obama administration the identities of the 2 brothers who would eventually successfully carry out the attack, Obama failed to stop the attack that maimed and killed Americans. Afterwards his FBI put the faces of the 2 terrorists on TV and asked the public to help identify them...EVEN THOUGH THEY ALREADY KNEW WHO THEY WERE. Obama was trying to make it look like they were completely caught off guard instead oh complicit in the attack.

Obama called the Fort Hood Terrorist attack a case of 'Workplace violence' ... despite the fact that Major Hassan had threatened to cut off the head of fellow officers if they refused to convert to Islam, despite the fact that he frequented Islamic extremist chat sites and called himself the 'Warrior of Allah', and despite the fact that he had been in contact with Al Qaeda.

Obama mocked Americans for being afraid of 'orphans and widows' as 'refugees' from anti-US terrorist-overrun Syria poured into the US. Days later, a terrorist who had gotten into the country on a special visa Obama gave her killed 7 Americans in California. Barry was so distraught and concerned for the American people and families of the victims that he SENT OUT HIS US AG TO THREATEN JUDICIAL PUNISHMENT FOR ANY AMERICAN EXERCISING THEIR RIGHT TO FREEDOM OF SPEECH BY SPEAKING NEGATIVELY ABOUT ISLAMIC EXTREMISM.


If you removed the fact that the person who did all this, made all of this happen, was Obama ... or even a Democrat...if you made the person who did this a REPUBLICAN, snowflakes would be howling and screaming how all od this constituted TREASON! only the fact that the person who did all of this is Barak Obama makes it 'justifiable' for snowflakes.

These documented and historical FACTS are more than enough evidence to prove Barak Obama was a f*ing terrorist-sympathizer AT THE LEAST and a traitorous enemy to this country at the most. His actions aiding and abetting terrorists over 8 years was enough to warrant his impeachment NUMEROUS times.
Make another look guilty in turn making the sheep start rallying for " ANOTHER WAR" which hypocrites are totally against yet the patriots will get blamed for wanting war.

They pulled the same stunt with BUSH, and they used it to strip away our RIGHTS, LIBERTY, and FREEDOM. THEY WERE NOT FINISHED WITH US YET.............

Here comes the. rest.......

HOw many subliminal messages do you think can go rigght the fk over people's. heads.

the HEADLINES TELL THE PPL WHAT'S might not be today , tomorrow or a week it's slowly entered intot he pysche of people as they see headlines

terrorist attack

this week an attack on ATM being mentioned.....

AI taking over..........

THEY TELL THE PPL whats coming the sheep scream conspiracy.

Trump is not bush and is not the Nobel Peace Prize winner who started 2 un-Constitutional Un-Authorized wars to help terrorists.

UBL's off-spring can be dealt with like his daddy was and how countless Al Qaeda leaders have been dealt with since the war has been over ... without staring another official, full-blown war.
Surprise Taliban offensive, ISIS strengthening in north Syria, Al Qaeda back after decimation, Iran cleared to make nukes again... MAGA

For 8 years Obama did everything he could to help 'give the world' to every f*ing terrorist on the planet....

Obama financed, supplied, armed, trained, supported, aided, abetted, defended, protected, and even dragged the US into 2 Un-Constitutional and Un-Authorized wars.

Barry interfered in the Egyptian elections, putting pressure on them to move up their elections with the terrorist Muslim Brotherhood the only ones ready for such a quick election after Mubarak was overthrown. In essence, Obama helped terrorists take over the government of one of our allies...a problem the Egyptian military had to remedy later.

Barry dragged the US into an Un-Constitutional Un-Authorized war in Libya to help Al Qaeda, who slaughtered 3,000 Americans on 9/11/01. At the Time Libyan President Gadhafi was actually HELPING THE COALITIN FIGHT TERRORISTS (Al Qaeda) in northern Africa. Barry , instead, handed Al Qaeda their own country.

Barry was entrusted to safeguard the liberated country of Iraq. Instead he sat back and watched / allowed mile-long ISIS convoys cross open desert heading towards Iraq. The US military could have completely destroyed ISIS in that open desert, but Obama told the military to STAND DOWN (one of his proven favorite tactics when dealing with terrorist threats)! Obama allowed ISIS to invade and begin taking over much of Iraq that US troops had already fought and sacrificed to liberate, causing more blood to be spilled to have to liberate it again!

Barry protected ISIS Black Market Oil Facilities which funded 50% of their terrorist operations - like the attack on ISIS. Obama wrote the ;Rules of Engagement and mandated the allies in the war against ISIS follow them.

Obama announced to the world - from France - that HE had isolated ISIS in the Middle East...only to have ISIS perpetrate the deadliest attack on France since WWII just hours later. At this point the coalition said 'To Hell With Protecting ISIS' and France and Russia launched an attack on ISIS Black Market oil Facilities in retaliation for the deadly Paris attack.

Did the US join in the attack in defense of our ALLY? Hell NO! OBAMA ORDERED THE US MILITARY TO DROP LEAFLETTS DOWN TO THE TERRORISTS TO LET THM KNOW THE ATTACK WAS COMING. (Can you say 'Treason'?) That's like the US launching an attack against the terrorists that attacked us on 9/11 and one of our allies choosing to warn the terrorists the attack is coming instead of joining in on the attack.


Barry protected terrorist-enriching Hezbollah Drug Operations to appease Iran so Barry would get his Un-Constitutional 'Legacy' Treaty with Iran.

Speaking of Iran, Barry protected Hezbollah Drug Operations, freed up millions of dollars to give to Iran, attempted to give them access to the US banking system, and refused to demand the release of US hostages be part of the deal while Iranian generals mocked Obama for being 'desperate', while Iranian forces practiced bombing mock US aircraft carriers, while the Shah led public chants of 'Death To America', and while inspectors were reporting Iran was already violating temporary agreements made that were put in place until the final Treaty was signed. After the deal was done Obama flew millions on an un-marked plane to Iran in the middle of the night to pay a ransom for those US hostages.

Barry KNEW - was told...BY RUSSIA - of the pending Boston Marathon Terrorist attack, gave the Obama administration the identities of the 2 brothers who would eventually successfully carry out the attack, Obama failed to stop the attack that maimed and killed Americans. Afterwards his FBI put the faces of the 2 terrorists on TV and asked the public to help identify them...EVEN THOUGH THEY ALREADY KNEW WHO THEY WERE. Obama was trying to make it look like they were completely caught off guard instead oh complicit in the attack.

Obama called the Fort Hood Terrorist attack a case of 'Workplace violence' ... despite the fact that Major Hassan had threatened to cut off the head of fellow officers if they refused to convert to Islam, despite the fact that he frequented Islamic extremist chat sites and called himself the 'Warrior of Allah', and despite the fact that he had been in contact with Al Qaeda.

Obama mocked Americans for being afraid of 'orphans and widows' as 'refugees' from anti-US terrorist-overrun Syria poured into the US. Days later, a terrorist who had gotten into the country on a special visa Obama gave her killed 7 Americans in California. Barry was so distraught and concerned for the American people and families of the victims that he SENT OUT HIS US AG TO THREATEN JUDICIAL PUNISHMENT FOR ANY AMERICAN EXERCISING THEIR RIGHT TO FREEDOM OF SPEECH BY SPEAKING NEGATIVELY ABOUT ISLAMIC EXTREMISM.


If you removed the fact that the person who did all this, made all of this happen, was Obama ... or even a Democrat...if you made the person who did this a REPUBLICAN, snowflakes would be howling and screaming how all od this constituted TREASON! only the fact that the person who did all of this is Barak Obama makes it 'justifiable' for snowflakes.

These documented and historical FACTS are more than enough evidence to prove Barak Obama was a f*ing terrorist-sympathizer AT THE LEAST and a traitorous enemy to this country at the most. His actions aiding and abetting terrorists over 8 years was enough to warrant his impeachment NUMEROUS times.
Dramatic hyperbole typed from the fetal position is not as exciting to read as you think it is, boy.
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Cool. That means my ex-father-in-law might get to show up at a Chicago precinct next election and vote as Mr. bin Laden. He’s been involved in winning rigged city contracts for decades and there’s always enough money built into the deal so he has plenty of bucks to kick back to the pols that saw to him winning it, with plenty left over for him to still make a hefty profit.

His price for being allowed in on these schemes gets paid every Election Day when he’s up at the crack of dawn in his car with his list of precincts and peoples’ names to vote as at them all over the city, dozens of them. He absolutely hates the chore but loves the money enough to put up with it I guess.
Kaddaffi was the leader of Libya when Libya intelligence agents blew Pan Am 103 out of rhe sky over Lockerbie killing a plane load of Americans, including college students. Coupled with his orders and approval to US Navy SEALS to capture or kill Osama Bin Laden, these were some of America's greatest victories against international terrorism against rhe USA. Thank you, President Obama.

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