The Birfer State Law Tracking Thread

Didn't say that a law from one state would apply in your state.

Here is exactly what you said:
I support laws, and think they should be enacted by all 50 states

Yep, that's what I said. No where did I say that the Federal government should pass a law mandating it on the States, nor did I say one State passes a law that mandates requirements to be followed in another State.

I said, as you correctly quoted, "I support laws, and think they should be enacted by all 50 states". The means that there are 50 States and that each State should pass it's own law that requires (and here is the rest of the idea you clipped out) candidates for any elected office from President to Dog Catcher submit documented evidence that meet the qualification criteria for that State.

The requirements for Federal Office are spelled out in the Constitution, the requirements for State or Local positions are laid out either in the State Constitution or in Statutory Law. Since each state may have different criteria such as filing deadlines and other factors for State/Local office - it would be up to each State to write their own law.

didn't say that a law from one state would apply in your state.

here is exactly what you said:
i support laws, and think they should be enacted by all 50 states

yep, that's what i said. No where did i say that the federal government should pass a law mandating it on the states, nor did i say one state passes a law that mandates requirements to be followed in another state.

I said, as you correctly quoted, "i support laws, and think they should be enacted by all 50 states". The means that there are 50 states and that each state should pass it's own law that requires (and here is the rest of the idea you clipped out) candidates for any elected office from president to dog catcher submit documented evidence that meet the qualification criteria for that state.

The requirements for federal office are spelled out in the constitution, the requirements for state or local positions are laid out either in the state constitution or in statutory law. Since each state may have different criteria such as filing deadlines and other factors for state/local office - it would be up to each state to write their own law.


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here is exactly what you said:

yep, that's what i said. No where did i say that the federal government should pass a law mandating it on the states, nor did i say one state passes a law that mandates requirements to be followed in another state.

I said, as you correctly quoted, "i support laws, and think they should be enacted by all 50 states". The means that there are 50 states and that each state should pass it's own law that requires (and here is the rest of the idea you clipped out) candidates for any elected office from president to dog catcher submit documented evidence that meet the qualification criteria for that state.

The requirements for federal office are spelled out in the constitution, the requirements for state or local positions are laid out either in the state constitution or in statutory law. Since each state may have different criteria such as filing deadlines and other factors for state/local office - it would be up to each state to write their own law.



I hope I've helped you with correcting your misunderstanding regarding the simple statement.

Is there anything else I can do for you this morning?

The Hawaiian government said they did not have it, then they said they had it, now they say they can't find it.

The Hawaiian government has stated that Obama was born in Hawaii. They have produced a certificate of live birth, which is an official document in the state. That is good enough for the state of Hawaii.

Horseshit the long form if there is one exist in every state, if not in paper form it will be on micofilm or filed in a computer. Wich can be repoduced to paper form.,

It does not exist in Nebraska. It does not exist in Missouri. There are links earlier in this thread testifying to this.

A few bills have been amended to allow any official documents as verification for citizenship, such as the amended bills in Missouri and Oklahoma, which means that the short-form would be accepted. I have no problem with that.

Every state as I said has a long form birth document, they are not going to discrad that information they keep it for historical purposes. When you live in a regional that has had a few court houses burned down you will know what I mean. And the south has had a number of them burned to the ground and some records were saved some weren't
The Hawaiian government said they did not have it, then they said they had it, now they say they can't find it.

The Hawaiian government has stated that Obama was born in Hawaii. They have produced a certificate of live birth, which is an official document in the state. That is good enough for the state of Hawaii.

Horseshit the long form if there is one exist in every state, if not in paper form it will be on micofilm or filed in a computer. Wich can be repoduced to paper form.,

It does not exist in Nebraska. It does not exist in Missouri. There are links earlier in this thread testifying to this.

A few bills have been amended to allow any official documents as verification for citizenship, such as the amended bills in Missouri and Oklahoma, which means that the short-form would be accepted. I have no problem with that.

Every state as I said has a long form birth document, they are not going to discrad that information they keep it for historical purposes. When you live in a regional that has had a few court houses burned down you will know what I mean. And the south has had a number of them burned to the ground and some records were saved some weren't

Hawai'i is one of many states that does not *release* long-form birth certificates from their records. Certified copies are issued by the state as an official, legal testament to the person being born there. Under the full faith and credit clause of the Constitution, states must accept as valid the records of other states.
When you have a place in which several hard-core liberals are admins, and maybe one admin is conservative, if you define John McCain as a conservative, then the issue of the board's bias and prejudice illustrates itself. It isn't rocket science.

Or to put in ways guys like Toro will understand, "Fucking duh".

The mods are quite balanced, with two more (by my assessment) leaning to the right than the left. I would invite you to stick around longer so that you'd figure that out all by your lonesome, but I really would prefer that you take your sack of shit to one of those boards you seem to think would welcome your idiocy.
It isn't complicated. I call it like i see it. When a propaganda thread of the most intellectually dishonest sort is made into a sticky, that's all I need to know about the board itself.

I never said I was finished here. I said I was essentially finished. It's interesting to see - and entirely telling - that while liberals are mocking my view on this - which is what liberals do since if they had their shit together they would be conservatives - the true, manifest conservatives are not. That's all the confirmation I need as to the extreme slant of the board itself.

For the most part, the conservatives here are genuine, and they know how to present their arguments in actual debatable language on major issues of the day, unlike the loons who glom onto one wedge issue as if the rest of the adult world really gives a shit. I don't agree with much of the conservative ideology, because I've been around the block a few times over my lifetime and know that a lot of it doesn't work in the real world. But I also can recognize people who think they know it all just because of the crap they read on the Internet, and nothing else. That would be people like you.
The Hawaiian government has stated that Obama was born in Hawaii. They have produced a certificate of live birth, which is an official document in the state. That is good enough for the state of Hawaii.

It does not exist in Nebraska. It does not exist in Missouri. There are links earlier in this thread testifying to this.

A few bills have been amended to allow any official documents as verification for citizenship, such as the amended bills in Missouri and Oklahoma, which means that the short-form would be accepted. I have no problem with that.

Every state as I said has a long form birth document, they are not going to discrad that information they keep it for historical purposes. When you live in a regional that has had a few court houses burned down you will know what I mean. And the south has had a number of them burned to the ground and some records were saved some weren't

Hawai'i is one of many states that does not *release* long-form birth certificates from their records. Certified copies are issued by the state as an official, legal testament to the person being born there. Under the full faith and credit clause of the Constitution, states must accept as valid the records of other states.

Hawai'i is one of many states that does not *release* long-form birth certificates from their records.

It will not be the state of Hawaii releasing the long, it will be obama.
yep, that's what i said. No where did i say that the federal government should pass a law mandating it on the states, nor did i say one state passes a law that mandates requirements to be followed in another state.

I said, as you correctly quoted, "i support laws, and think they should be enacted by all 50 states". The means that there are 50 states and that each state should pass it's own law that requires (and here is the rest of the idea you clipped out) candidates for any elected office from president to dog catcher submit documented evidence that meet the qualification criteria for that state.

The requirements for federal office are spelled out in the constitution, the requirements for state or local positions are laid out either in the state constitution or in statutory law. Since each state may have different criteria such as filing deadlines and other factors for state/local office - it would be up to each state to write their own law.



I hope I've helped you with correcting your misunderstanding regarding the simple statement.

Is there anything else I can do for you this morning?


Oh confused one noticed I under lined your confused statement. I hope I helped you out of your state of confusion

and think they should be enacted by all 50 states
It isn't complicated. I call it like i see it. When a propaganda thread of the most intellectually dishonest sort is made into a sticky, that's all I need to know about the board itself.

I never said I was finished here. I said I was essentially finished. It's interesting to see - and entirely telling - that while liberals are mocking my view on this - which is what liberals do since if they had their shit together they would be conservatives - the true, manifest conservatives are not. That's all the confirmation I need as to the extreme slant of the board itself.

It's not a propaganda thread. It is a thread tracking the progress of birther laws in the various states. You are free to add any information you see fit, including anything that contradicts information that has been posted. But instead, all you do is rant and rave, go off half-cocked, make unsubstantiated statements, and say everyone should read WorldNetDaily.

You're asking the impossible of a wild-eyed reactionary who is not interested in factual information that just gets in his way, and asking him to seek out anything other than rants and raves already written and/or said by others of his ilk ain't gonna happen.
Talk to someone who gives a shit about who it's targeting, I don't care if obama has the necessary documents then there nothing to fear.

Your personal opinion is irrelevant to the question.

Didn't say that a law from one state would apply in your state. Each state would have it's own law based on criteria determined by that states legislature. The point being that no one who is not qualified should be elected for ANY elected position and not just the President.

The sad part is that we Republicans have already elected to persons who did/could have held the Office of the President who some claim might not be Natural Born Citizens. (Chester Arthuer and Charles Curtis).

Sorry you didn't get that.


It's not an opinion but a fact. I don't care who is being targeted, if obama has the required documents then he has nothing to fear.

Didn't say that a law from one state would apply in your state.

Here is exactly what you said:
I support laws, and think they should be enacted by all 50 states

If any residency law is to be enacted for the President of the United States, all states would have to be on board. He is what he is: President of the United States (plural).

If some states want to try to push through some state regulation which would bar a presidential candidate from being on their ballot, depending on the wording, it very well could be a clear violation of existing Constitutional law for qualifications, and yes, if one of those states is successful in making it a state law, it will be facing a law suit brought before the USSC.
It's not an opinion but a fact. I don't care who is being targeted, if obama has the required documents then he has nothing to fear.

But that's not the issue. He has the documents. Obama has already presented his birth certificates in Hawaii. The government of Hawaii said they were okay. But a bunch of people who are ideologically and politically opposed to him are trying to discredit his Presidency by demanding to see not just the birth certificate that was accepted by the state of Hawaii, but a long form birth certificate, which BTW does not exist in many states, including states where bills are being presented requiring a long-form.

For most of these birther bills, they are politically motivated and directed specifically towards President Obama.

Great he will be able to produce the long form when the time comes and his shouldn't be a problem.

The government of Hawaii said they were okay.

The Hawaiian government said they did not have it, then they said they had it, now they say they can't find it.

The government of Hawaii said they were okay. But a bunch of people who are ideologically and politically opposed to him are trying to discredit his Presidency by demanding to see not just the birth certificate that was accepted by the state of Hawaii, but a long form birth certificate, which BTW does not exist in many states, including states where bills are being presented requiring a long-form.

Horseshit the long form if there is one exist in every state, if not in paper form it will be on micofilm or filed in a computer. Wich can be repoduced to paper form.,

Obama is NOT going to produce his long-form (MEDICAL) birth certificate. You people need to just accept that, take your marbles and move on. It isn't going to happen. Your only option is to not vote for him when he runs for reelection.
Every state as I said has a long form birth document, they are not going to discrad that information they keep it for historical purposes. When you live in a regional that has had a few court houses burned down you will know what I mean. And the south has had a number of them burned to the ground and some records were saved some weren't

Hawai'i is one of many states that does not *release* long-form birth certificates from their records. Certified copies are issued by the state as an official, legal testament to the person being born there. Under the full faith and credit clause of the Constitution, states must accept as valid the records of other states.

Hawai'i is one of many states that does not *release* long-form birth certificates from their records.

It will not be the state of Hawaii releasing the long, it will be obama.

You should think before you type.

I hope I've helped you with correcting your misunderstanding regarding the simple statement.

Is there anything else I can do for you this morning?


Oh confused one noticed I under lined your confused statement. I hope I helped you out of your state of confusion

and think they should be enacted by all 50 states

Since when does "be enacted by all 50 states" mean "be enacted by one state and applicable in the rest"?

One of two people is having problems understanding the English language as written and it's not I.

However I did politely clarify the meaning for you. Do you have such a difficult time either letting it die or simply stating that you didn't understand to begin with?

I hope I've helped you with correcting your misunderstanding regarding the simple statement.

Is there anything else I can do for you this morning?


Oh confused one noticed I under lined your confused statement. I hope I helped you out of your state of confusion

and think they should be enacted by all 50 states

Since when does "be enacted by all 50 states" mean "be enacted by one state and applicable in the rest"?

One of two people is having problems understanding the English language as written and it's not I.

However I did politely clarify the meaning for you. Do you have such a difficult time either letting it die or simply stating that you didn't understand to begin with?


Since when does "be enacted by all 50 states" mean "be enacted by one state and applicable in the rest"?

OH let me help you in your confused state of mind.
One state creates a law and becomes the testing ground in the courts to see if it's constitutional or not. Roe vs. Wade being one of them. The NFA being another.
Hawai'i is one of many states that does not *release* long-form birth certificates from their records. Certified copies are issued by the state as an official, legal testament to the person being born there. Under the full faith and credit clause of the Constitution, states must accept as valid the records of other states.

Hawai'i is one of many states that does not *release* long-form birth certificates from their records.

It will not be the state of Hawaii releasing the long, it will be obama.

You should think before you type.

The suggest would work if you followed your own suggestion.
Oh confused one noticed I under lined your confused statement. I hope I helped you out of your state of confusion

and think they should be enacted by all 50 states

Since when does "be enacted by all 50 states" mean "be enacted by one state and applicable in the rest"?

One of two people is having problems understanding the English language as written and it's not I.

However I did politely clarify the meaning for you. Do you have such a difficult time either letting it die or simply stating that you didn't understand to begin with?


Since when does "be enacted by all 50 states" mean "be enacted by one state and applicable in the rest"?

OH let me help you in your confused state of mind.
One state creates a law and becomes the testing ground in the courts to see if it's constitutional or not. Roe vs. Wade being one of them. The NFA being another.

Roe v. Wage was a case based on denial of rights (i.e. privacy) not an election criteria case, I have no idea what NFA is.

So back to elections. Each state has it's own laws regarding elections filing deadlines, criteria, processes, etc... So what your saying is that if Arizona requires it's candidates to provide documentary proof that they meet qualifications under Arizona law, that Virginia will be required to have the same qualifications to hold a similar office in Virginia based on Arizona law? I would say you are incorrect.

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But that's not the issue. He has the documents. Obama has already presented his birth certificates in Hawaii. The government of Hawaii said they were okay. But a bunch of people who are ideologically and politically opposed to him are trying to discredit his Presidency by demanding to see not just the birth certificate that was accepted by the state of Hawaii, but a long form birth certificate, which BTW does not exist in many states, including states where bills are being presented requiring a long-form.

For most of these birther bills, they are politically motivated and directed specifically towards President Obama.

Great he will be able to produce the long form when the time comes and his shouldn't be a problem.

The Hawaiian government said they did not have it, then they said they had it, now they say they can't find it.

The government of Hawaii said they were okay. But a bunch of people who are ideologically and politically opposed to him are trying to discredit his Presidency by demanding to see not just the birth certificate that was accepted by the state of Hawaii, but a long form birth certificate, which BTW does not exist in many states, including states where bills are being presented requiring a long-form.

Horseshit the long form if there is one exist in every state, if not in paper form it will be on micofilm or filed in a computer. Wich can be repoduced to paper form.,

Obama is NOT going to produce his long-form (MEDICAL) birth certificate. You people need to just accept that, take your marbles and move on. It isn't going to happen. Your only option is to not vote for him when he runs for reelection.

Fine he doesn't have to if he doesn't want to. But he will not be allowed on the ballot for 2012. And it has happened before.
Election and Political Law

Top Five Vetting Priorities
Individuals who are interested in a presidential appointment are well-advised to focus attention on the following top five major vetting issues during the early stages of their candidacy.

5. Medical, Family, and Personal Issues
All candidates for public office are required to undergo a physical examination in order to ensure that they will be able to withstand the physical rigors of service. Specialized follow-up may be necessary where a candidate’s medical history includes serious or chronic health conditions. Investigators who conduct personal background checks routinely seek information from neighbors, family members, and professional contacts regarding any evidence of drug or alcohol abuse, or other medical conditions that might impede a candidate’s ability to serve or compromise the interests of the United States.
Mental health counseling for bereavement, marital issues, or other life circumstances is no longer subjected to extensive scrutiny. A spouse or partner’s medical history may be relevant to certain positions, such as ambassadorial posts. Absent a special circumstance, however, the mental and physical health of a candidate’s children or other family members is generally outside the scope of the vetting inquiry. Presidential Appointment Vetting Process.pdf
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