The Birfer State Law Tracking Thread

A few amusing items I dug up. Okay, I ripped them off Fogbow.

Tennessee State Senator Mae Beavers is the author of the birfer bill, SB1091, in that state.

Apparently Sen. Mae Beavers has also introduced a birther bill designed to find whichever criteria is not on President Obama's legal birth certificate and make that a requisite for running for President in the United States.

Unfortunately for Sen. Beavers, she made the mistake of going on an internet radio show without doing her homework (its a recurring theme in the interview, that she doesn't have the intellectual curiosity to know what the hell she is talking about).

She knows that its important that President Obama have a long form birth certificate, but what is that exactly? Beavers deflects "you're asking me to get into a lot of things that I haven't really looked into yet."

Legal Eagle Beavers also apparently hasn't made it past Article II of the Constitution and seen the requirements of states in Article IV:

RC: Well, I think it says that any state is required to accept the documents from another state. So that basically means that Tennessee has to accept a valid birth certificate from Hawaii or Montana or any other state. It means that states
can't go adding requirements to these sort of documents. A birth certificate proves the place of birth, and the short form birth certificate does that.

MS. BEAVERS: I just have to take your word for it, because I don't know any of that.​

Nashville for the 21st Century: What, Me Study?


Last month, Tennessee state Sen. Mae Beavers introduced SB 1091, a bill that would require presidential candidates to present a long-form birth certificate in order to qualify for the ballot in the Volunteer State. Beavers, a Republican, is in good company: Nearly a dozen states have now introduced similar legislation—part of national campaign mounted by the birthers, those conservatives who believe that President Barack Obama was not born in the United States. To date they haven't had much luck; a bill proposed in Arizona looked the most promising but was scuttled in committee; on Wednesday, New Hampshire GOPers knocked down a similar proposal.

It's a far-fetched goal, and it turns out that Beavers, who recently discussed her bill on Reality Check, a radio show devoted to debunking birther legislation, still has some research to do. From the transcript:

RC: What are the specific requirements in the bill?

MB: That they have to have the long form birth certificate.

RC: What is the long form birth certificate?

MB: Now, you're asking me to get into a lot of things that I haven't really looked into yet.

... Beavers went on to state more clearly, "I'm not entirely sure what long form means." She seemed genuinely surprised by the news that not all states even print long-form birth certificates anymore.

Birther Bill Author: What's a Long-Form Birth Certificate? | Mother Jones
:lol: That's classic. Jebus bless all of Birtherstan.

"My bill requires a long form. What a long form is, I don't know." :lol:
Birfer goes crazy!

Tell GA speaker of the House to move Presidential Certification bill through the committee now with effective date 2012 or face charges of treason and aiding and abetting treason against people of the United States of America for allowing usurper Barack Hussein Obama on yet another ballot without a valid Social Security number of his own and without a valid long form Birth Certificate

Tell GA speaker of the House to move Presidential Certification bill through the committee now with effective date 2012 or face charges of treason and aiding and abetting treason against people of the United States of America for allowing usurper Bar


Yeah, that'll win the House Speaker over!
The Oklahoma birfer bill has PASSED the Senate!


... it was amended to strip most of the birfer stuff out!

I move to amend Senate Bill No. 91, Page 2, Line 10 1/2, as follows:
By inserting a new SECTION 2 to read as follows, by renumbering the subsequent section and by amending the title to conform.

Submitted by:

Senator Ralph Shortey

3/15/2011 7:09 PM

SECTION 2. AMENDATORY 26 O.S. 2001, Section 20-102, as amended by Section 24, Chapter 485, O.S.L. 2003 (26 O.S. Supp. 2010, Section 20-102), is amended to read as follows:
Section 20-102. A. Candidates for the nomination for President of the United States shall file with the Secretary of the State Election Board. Such candidates shall be members of political parties recognized under the laws of the State of Oklahoma and shall have filed a statement of candidacy with the Federal Election Commission and shall have raised and expended not less than Five Thousand Dollars ($5,000.00) for said the office. The candidates shall be required to swear an oath or affirm that they meet the aforementioned qualifications, and their signatures shall be witnessed by a notary public. The candidates shall further be required to provide proof of identity and United States citizenship to the State Election Board. A candidate shall present a current state or federal government-issued photo identification to provide proof of identity, and shall also present one of the following documents to provide proof of United States natural-born citizenship:

1. An original birth document issued by a state, the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, or the District of Columbia, or a certified copy thereof;
2. An original birth certificate issued by the federal government, or a certified copy thereof;
3. An original United States Certificate of Birth Abroad; or
4. An original Report of Birth Abroad of a Citizen of the United States.

Copies of these documents shall be made by the State Election Board and kept available for public inspection pursuant to the Oklahoma Open Records Act.
... (3-03-11) (Shortey) FA1.doc
The Oklahoma birfer bill has PASSED the Senate!


... it was amended to strip most of the birfer stuff out!

I move to amend Senate Bill No. 91, Page 2, Line 10 1/2, as follows:
By inserting a new SECTION 2 to read as follows, by renumbering the subsequent section and by amending the title to conform.

Submitted by:

Senator Ralph Shortey

3/15/2011 7:09 PM

SECTION 2. AMENDATORY 26 O.S. 2001, Section 20-102, as amended by Section 24, Chapter 485, O.S.L. 2003 (26 O.S. Supp. 2010, Section 20-102), is amended to read as follows:
Section 20-102. A. Candidates for the nomination for President of the United States shall file with the Secretary of the State Election Board. Such candidates shall be members of political parties recognized under the laws of the State of Oklahoma and shall have filed a statement of candidacy with the Federal Election Commission and shall have raised and expended not less than Five Thousand Dollars ($5,000.00) for said the office. The candidates shall be required to swear an oath or affirm that they meet the aforementioned qualifications, and their signatures shall be witnessed by a notary public. The candidates shall further be required to provide proof of identity and United States citizenship to the State Election Board. A candidate shall present a current state or federal government-issued photo identification to provide proof of identity, and shall also present one of the following documents to provide proof of United States natural-born citizenship:

1. An original birth document issued by a state, the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, or the District of Columbia, or a certified copy thereof;
2. An original birth certificate issued by the federal government, or a certified copy thereof;
3. An original United States Certificate of Birth Abroad; or
4. An original Report of Birth Abroad of a Citizen of the United States.

Copies of these documents shall be made by the State Election Board and kept available for public inspection pursuant to the Oklahoma Open Records Act.
... (3-03-11) (Shortey) FA1.doc

Interesting, they allow people born in Puerto Rico to run for President but will be rejecting people born in Guam.

The GA bill, though not officially dead, is now being read its last rites.

The sponsor of a “birther” bill that has stalled in the Georgia House made a last-ditch effort Tuesday to get a vote on the proposal.

Rep. Mark Hatfield, R-Waycross, failed in his attempt to get the powerful Rules Committee to amend a bill setting the date for Georgia’s presidential primary. He tried to add language from House Bill 401, which would force presidential and vice presidential candidates to prove their U.S. citizenship before landing on the Georgia ballot.

The attempt would have led to a Crossover Day vote on Wednesday, the last day for a measure to pass from one chamber for review in another. The primary bill is up for a vote on Wednesday, but without any amendments.

Birther bill sponsor tries, fails to get vote *|

We'll have the obituary tomorrow.

So let's update. Only three birfer bills are still alive. The Oklahoma Senate passed a bill but effectively neutered all the birfer points.

* Arizona - One bill died in committee, another bill still alive. Barely.

* Arkansas - Bill introduced into the House but is unlikely to pass given that Democrats control both chambers
* Connecticut - Died in committee
* Georgia - Died in committee.
* Hawaii - Died in committee. Not really a birfer bill. Clever Hawaii legislators were trying to profit from the birfer nonsense by charging people $100 for birth certificate requests.
* New Hampshire - Died in committee.
* Indiana - Died in committee.
* Iowa - Died in committee. Can be carried over into next year. Doesn't appear to really be a birfer bill.
* Maine - Not really a birfer bill.
* Missouri - Still alive but effectively no longer a birfer bill.
* Montana - Died in committee.
* Nebraska - Died in committee.
* Oklahoma - Passed in the Senate but no longer a birfer bill.
* Tennessee - Still alive.
* Texas - Still alive but unlikely to pass due to internecine politics within the Texas Republican party.
It's hilarious and and annoyingly pathetic, both, to watch Skippy Toro continue to bump his own imaginary propaganda endlessly while desperately trying to shout lies in the apparent hope that the very act of repetition will turn those lies into manifest reality so Obama - get this - won't have to turn over his citizenship records - like that makes a lot of sense unless Obama is holding the office of president illegally. Georgia is not dead, just re-routed in committee, as are most he has cited.

You are The Asshole, Skippy. You are The One.
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It's hilarious and and annoyingly pathetic, both, to watch Skippy Toro continue to bump his own imaginary propaganda endlessly while desperately trying to shout lies in the apparent hope that the very act of repetition will turn those lies into manifest reality so Obama - get this - won't have to turn over his citizenship records - like that makes a lot of sense unless Obama is holding the office of president illegally. Georgia is not dead, just re-routed in committee, as are most he has cited.

You are The Asshole, Skippy. You are The One.

Obama already released his birth certificate. I know that you know this.
It's hilarious and and annoyingly pathetic, both, to watch Skippy Toro continue to bump his own imaginary propaganda endlessly while desperately trying to shout lies in the apparent hope that the very act of repetition will turn those lies into manifest reality so Obama - get this - won't have to turn over his citizenship records - like that makes a lot of sense unless Obama is holding the office of president illegally. Georgia is not dead, just re-routed in committee, as are most he has cited.

You are The Asshole, Skippy. You are The One.


GTardz in his long, slow meltdown as his dreams slip away before his eyes. Maybe you should go back to the "Obama is Satan" meme.

"Re-routed through committee" = having the committee ignore your bill, the sponsor pledge to not have it apply until 2013, and The Queen Birfer threaten the speaker with treason for not pushing it forward. :thup:
Speaking of Georgia, Mark Hatfield, the sponsor, failed tonight to get his birfer bill through the legislature tonight.

A last-minute effort to pass a so-called "Birther Bill" at the Capitol appears to have failed Wednesday.

The bill would require that candidates for president and vice-president prove their citizenship.

Critics said the bill would have embarrassed the state and they say it was inspired by claims that question President Barack Obama's citizenship.

The bill is likely dead for this legislative session.

The bill initially had 94 signers, but that number dropped to 65 as co-sponsors deleted their names.

The measure would force candidates for president and vice president to certify their citizenship with the Georgia secretary of state's office before going on the ballot in the state.

Democratic state Representative Glenn Baker of Jonesboro said he did not fully understand the bill's ramifications when he signed it and quickly removed his name.

Representative Mark Hatfield is the bill's main sponsor and he tried and failed to get a vote on the measure before the deadline for legislation to pass from one chamber to the other.

The measure could potentially be attached to other legislation, but that's not likely to happen.

The House speaker sent signals days ago that he did not favor a vote on the bill.

'Birther Bill' Stalls at the Gold Dome
If anyone thinks this site is not run by anti-conservative liberals, the undisputed proof that it is run by anti-conservative liberals is in the fact that this piece of liberal propaganda shit thread has been deemed important enough - with the "unbiased' "Bifer" label - to be made a sticky. Yeah, that's the sign of a fair and balanced message board, alright. This place is a lost cause. Conservatives should find another outlet and let the liberals here circle jerk to another pathetic election disaster like 2010.
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If anyone thinks this site is not run by anti-conservative liberals, the undisputed proof that it is run by anti-conservative liberals is in the fact that this piece of liberal propaganda shit thread has been deemed important enough - with the "unbiased' "Bifer" label - to be made a sticky. Yeah, that's the sign of a fair and balanced message board, alright. This place is a lost cause. Conservatives should find another outlet and let the liberals here circle jerk to another pathetic election disaster like 2010.

Yeah, Gunny is an anti-conservative liberal.


Your power of deduction is amazing :thup:

The Wisdom of GTardz, a compilation

  • Obama might be the devil
  • It’s a done deal that Obama isn’t running in 2012
  • Barack Obama was born in Kenya because Michelle Obama said he was a Kenyan
  • The birfer state legislators have scores of constitutional and legal experts advising them
  • 45% to 60% of all Americans are birfers
  • “Everyone” knows that Rasmussen is the most accurate pollster
  • 12 is nearly half of 50
  • Gunny is an anti-conservative liberal

If anyone thinks this site is not run by anti-conservative liberals, the undisputed proof that it is run by anti-conservative liberals is in the fact that this piece of liberal propaganda shit thread has been deemed important enough - with the "unbiased' "Bifer" label - to be made a sticky. Yeah, that's the sign of a fair and balanced message board, alright. This place is a lost cause. Conservatives should find another outlet and let the liberals here circle jerk to another pathetic election disaster like 2010.

If anyone thinks this site is not run by anti-conservative liberals, the undisputed proof that it is run by anti-conservative liberals is in the fact that this piece of liberal propaganda shit thread has been deemed important enough - with the "unbiased' "Bifer" label - to be made a sticky. Yeah, that's the sign of a fair and balanced message board, alright. This place is a lost cause. Conservatives should find another outlet and let the liberals here circle jerk to another pathetic election disaster like 2010.

So I take it this is your last post then? ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

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