The Black Guy DID Threaten the Woman

This retarded bitch doesnt seem to know that both sides concur on what happened and the white woman admitted she was wrong.

Are you just proving how stupid you are? Its in his own words he threatened her and to take her dog.
He didnt threaten her or threaten to take her dog you retard.

You cannot be this stupid.

ME: Look, if you’re going to do what you want, I’m going to do what I want, but you’re not going to like it.
HER: What’s that?
ME (to the dog): Come here, puppy!
HER: He won’t come to you.
ME: We’ll see about that…

Now what? Gonna deny reality again?
Now what? What was threatening about that?

How can you be this stupid? : Look, if you’re going to do what you want, I’m going to do what I want, but you’re not going to like it.

That's a threat you mental midget. Then when she asks about his threat he immeidatly tries to take her dog.
You have to be the biggest pussy on the planet to take that as a threat. He told her dog to "come here" to make her put the dog on the leash because she wasnt going to. If he had tried to take the dog he would have gotten up and did so.

Wasn't his dog or his choice.

Maybe he the thought himself
Watch the video for the facts, African

He THREATENED her and her dog. She was right to call the cops

I see

a black guy (arbery) breaks the law (trespassing) and white guys with shot guns have a right to murder him

but when a white woman breaks the law (unleashed dog) and a black guy dares to mention it to her, it is still the black guy who deserves to die....

you forgot to mention that you are NOT a racist

"you forgot to mention that you are NOT a racist"

You obviously dont know Dead Angel. Him being a racist goes without saying. :laughing0301:

So are you. Fact
No one said it was his dog and yes it was his choice to tell the dog to come here. If she had the dog on a leash the dog wouldnt have been able to come.

No it wasn't his choice you entitled dumb fucker
This retarded bitch doesnt seem to know that both sides concur on what happened and the white woman admitted she was wrong.

Are you just proving how stupid you are? Its in his own words he threatened her and to take her dog.
He didnt threaten her or threaten to take her dog you retard.

You cannot be this stupid.

ME: Look, if you’re going to do what you want, I’m going to do what I want, but you’re not going to like it.
HER: What’s that?
ME (to the dog): Come here, puppy!
HER: He won’t come to you.
ME: We’ll see about that…

Now what? Gonna deny reality again?
Now what? What was threatening about that?

How can you be this stupid? : Look, if you’re going to do what you want, I’m going to do what I want, but you’re not going to like it.

That's a threat you mental midget. Then when she asks about his threat he immeidatly tries to take her dog.
You have to be the biggest pussy on the planet to take that as a threat. He told her dog to "come here" to make her put the dog on the leash because she wasnt going to. If he had tried to take the dog he would have gotten up and did so.

Wasn't his dog or his choice.

Maybe he the thought himself
Watch the video for the facts, African

He THREATENED her and her dog. She was right to call the cops

I see

a black guy (arbery) breaks the law (trespassing) and white guys with shot guns have a right to murder him

but when a white woman breaks the law (unleashed dog) and a black guy dares to mention it to her, it is still the black guy who deserves to die....

you forgot to mention that you are NOT a racist

"you forgot to mention that you are NOT a racist"

You obviously dont know Dead Angel. Him being a racist goes without saying. :laughing0301:

So are you. Fact
No one said it was his dog and yes it was his choice to tell the dog to come here. If she had the dog on a leash the dog wouldnt have been able to come.

No it wasn't his choice you entitled dumb fucker
Yes it was his choice. I can tell anyone and anything to "come here" and there isnt shit you or anyone else can do about it being my choice.
Watch the video for the facts, African

He THREATENED her and her dog. She was right to call the cops

I see

a black guy (arbery) breaks the law (trespassing) and white guys with shot guns have a right to murder him

but when a white woman breaks the law (unleashed dog) and a black guy dares to mention it to her, it is still the black guy who deserves to die....

you forgot to mention that you are NOT a racist

"you forgot to mention that you are NOT a racist"

You obviously dont know Dead Angel. Him being a racist goes without saying. :laughing0301:
You’ve shown racism here yourself, Ascleps
Watch the video for the facts, African

He THREATENED her and her dog. She was right to call the cops

I see

a black guy (arbery) breaks the law (trespassing) and white guys with shot guns have a right to murder him

but when a white woman breaks the law (unleashed dog) and a black guy dares to mention it to her, it is still the black guy who deserves to die....

you forgot to mention that you are NOT a racist

"you forgot to mention that you are NOT a racist"

You obviously dont know Dead Angel. Him being a racist goes without saying. :laughing0301:
You’ve shown racism here yourself, Ascleps
I give back what I get.
Even if it was accurate, people acting like idiots IS NOT NEWS. It happens every day, multiple times to leftists.

The media is not reporting news, it is reporting irrelevant race baiting stories to advance its narrative. If every time a black man committed a crime there was a huge news story we would never see the end of it. Even random crimes are NOT NEWS, at least not national news.

It wouldn't be news if it it'd been some white guy

Bank it
This is true. She would have never threatened to call the police and say a white guy was was bothering her. She knows that she would only have gotten him beat or killed if she said it was a Black guy.

Yet, when I just watched this , as the called the police she said "There is a MAN threatening me in the bramble"

She actually didnt say initially it was a black man. So, did the cops come and beat the guy up? because he was a black guy?

You know what this whole incident comes down to people need to mind their own business and that guy needs to man up and The woman was walking her dog, not looking to harrass anyone. Sometimes women have irrational fears when alone with a man in a secluded place. Something you as a man know nothing about because you are not a woman.
And secondly the incident was a control issue. The man was trying to play a little game there, fucking with her mind.. If you want to find racism in the world. Find it where it counts and matters, not from scared women in a park who only wanted to be left alone in the first place.
My work is done.

ONLY Asslips made an ATTEMPT to refute this new information. He failed miserably.

The media LIED. Only Asslips wants to believe it.

Thank GOD for the "alternative press."

He's a racist moron.

Not worth time or effort due to his racisn
This retarded bitch doesnt seem to know that both sides concur on what happened and the white woman admitted she was wrong.

Are you just proving how stupid you are? Its in his own words he threatened her and to take her dog.
He didnt threaten her or threaten to take her dog you retard.

You cannot be this stupid.

ME: Look, if you’re going to do what you want, I’m going to do what I want, but you’re not going to like it.
HER: What’s that?
ME (to the dog): Come here, puppy!
HER: He won’t come to you.
ME: We’ll see about that…

Now what? Gonna deny reality again?
Now what? What was threatening about that?

How can you be this stupid? : Look, if you’re going to do what you want, I’m going to do what I want, but you’re not going to like it.

That's a threat you mental midget. Then when she asks about his threat he immeidatly tries to take her dog.
You have to be the biggest pussy on the planet to take that as a threat. He told her dog to "come here" to make her put the dog on the leash because she wasnt going to. If he had tried to take the dog he would have gotten up and did so.

Wasn't his dog or his choice.

Maybe he the thought himself
Watch the video for the facts, African

He THREATENED her and her dog. She was right to call the cops

I see

a black guy (arbery) breaks the law (trespassing) and white guys with shot guns have a right to murder him

but when a white woman breaks the law (unleashed dog) and a black guy dares to mention it to her, it is still the black guy who deserves to die....

you forgot to mention that you are NOT a racist

"you forgot to mention that you are NOT a racist"

You obviously dont know Dead Angel. Him being a racist goes without saying. :laughing0301:

So are you. Fact
No one said it was his dog and yes it was his choice to tell the dog to come here. If she had the dog on a leash the dog wouldnt have been able to come.

No it wasn't his choice you entitled dumb fucker
Yes it was his choice. I can tell anyone and anything to "come here" and there isnt shit you or anyone else can do about it being my choice.
I'd tell you to go fck yourself and then release our hound....and watch you piss your pants.

Goddamn retard, nobody takes directions from you. Lol
Watch the video for the facts, African

He THREATENED her and her dog. She was right to call the cops

I see

a black guy (arbery) breaks the law (trespassing) and white guys with shot guns have a right to murder him

but when a white woman breaks the law (unleashed dog) and a black guy dares to mention it to her, it is still the black guy who deserves to die....

you forgot to mention that you are NOT a racist

"you forgot to mention that you are NOT a racist"

You obviously dont know Dead Angel. Him being a racist goes without saying. :laughing0301:
You’ve shown racism here yourself, Ascleps
I give back what I get.
Ascleps, you have started it in the past. Not waiting for facts in cases, where clearly it turned out not to be race related. Everyone needs to wait for facts before declaring mob rule has the correct answers.
Obviously offering a person's off-the-leash dog a biscuit or dog treat is a serious threat. Well, maybe not, but still...
My work is done.

ONLY Asslips made an ATTEMPT to refute this new information. He failed miserably.

The media LIED. Only Asslips wants to believe it.

Thank GOD for the "alternative press."
A loser always declares victory in the face of painful defeat.
Nobody but you sees it that way.

You're no longer even attempting to defend the media reports. You're just lashing out all your racial grievances.

Getting the FACTS out was my intent. I did. You've managed to convince no one of another "set of facts"

The guy THREATENED her

You're just too stoopid to see.
No the Black guy didnt threaten the dog owner. Thats just your fear speaking.
He sad “I‘m going to do something and you wont like it”

The black guy may not realize it but that sounds like a threat
This retarded bitch doesnt seem to know that both sides concur on what happened and the white woman admitted she was wrong.
She far from retarded

the black guy did threaten the dog owner
Shes retarded. Both the woman in the OP and the incident.

No the Black guy didnt threaten the dog owner. Thats just your fear speaking.

But obviously the woman perceived a threat. If he had taken her dog from her, then she would have to go up to him at that point to get the dog back. You have no idea what was going through her mind but obviously she was scared. Even if that fear was irrational, the man should have recognized that and just backed off. But that is not the world we live in today.
Probably some of the women posters here would have a better take on this than a you or I,
but I still think that guy was wrong for just sticking his nose where it didnt belong in the first place
Obviously offering a person's off-the-leash dog a biscuit or dog treat is a serious threat. Well, maybe not, but still...
He said “I’m going to do something and you wont like it”
This retarded bitch doesnt seem to know that both sides concur on what happened and the white woman admitted she was wrong.
She far from retarded

the black guy did threaten the dog owner
Shes retarded. Both the woman in the OP and the incident.

No the Black guy didnt threaten the dog owner. Thats just your fear speaking.

But obviously the woman perceived a threat. If he had taken her dog from her, then she would have to go up to him at that point to get the dog back. You have no idea what was going through her mind but obviously she was scared. Even if that fear was irrational, the man should have recognized that and just backed off. But that is not the world we live in today.
Probably some of the women posters here would have a better take on this than a you or I,
but I still think that guy was wrong for just sticking his nose where it didnt belong in the first place
He could have fed the dog poisoned dog biscuits
No the Black guy didnt threaten the dog owner. Thats just your fear speaking.
He sad “I‘m going to do something and you wont like it”

The black guy may not realize it but that sounds like a threat

And that right there, is the control game the guy was playing, maybe he wanted so badly to prove a point or something but the woman could only guess his intentions. To a woman alone in todays world, I do believe that can probably feel very threatening.
No the Black guy didnt threaten the dog owner. Thats just your fear speaking.
He sad “I‘m going to do something and you wont like it”

The black guy may not realize it but that sounds like a threat

And that right there, is the control game the guy was playing, maybe he wanted so badly to prove a point or something but the woman could only guess his intentions. To a woman alone in todays world, I do believe that can probably feel very threatening.
it appears that the black guy cruises the park looking for dogs not on their lease

maybe thats how he gets his jollies

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