The Blame Game Begins

No protection scheme is perfect. There are commercially available rifles available today with which a 300+ yard "pumpkin shot" is more than feasible. No amount of security could possibly prevent that at every public speaking event.

In my opinion, it is unwise to ascribe great significance to the acts of unaffiliated individuals. Shit happens. See if there are any lessons to be learned, and move on.

If I were Donald Trump, I would have taken several days off to get over the fact that I came within a hair's breadth of being eliminated or dramatically diminished.

Many years ago, I was sitting in the curb lane on my motorcycle, waiting for a light to change. There was a car illegally parked in the curb lane on the other side of the intersection, which meant that I would have to change lanes, basically in the intersection. Knowing that my bike could accelerate much more quickly than the car that was stopped beside me, I decided to scoot out into the intersection, making the lane change immediately.

I tapped the shifter down to put the bike into gear, anticipating the light turning green. When the light changed, I gunned the engine and released the clutch lever. I went nowhere because I had not gone fully into first gear. At that moment a car flew through the intersection in front of me, running the red light in spectacular fashion.

If I had not missed that shift, I would have been obliterated. In forty or so years of biking that was one of only two times that I missed a shift in that way.

I still get chills when I go through that intersection.

Trump's experience was much more dramatic and acute.
It is all the government's fault when it goes against your interest.
I definitely see why a failure of this magnitude could be suspected as a conspiracy but:

How in the world would they find a homicidal/suicidal idiot like Crooks?

Crooks must have seen the counter terrorist snipers and knew that he would be killed in seconds. If all he was, was Presidential assassin, he would have stopped firing after the second shot - he would have had enough time to roll down the roof, jump off and make his escape with a still loaded rifle.

From his point of view it must have looked like he had killed Trump. Why didn't he skedaddle?

Instead he stayed where he was and kept firing into the crowd - he was a mass murderer who thought he'd glorify himself by killing Trump as well.

I doubt any "Deep State conspirators" could have found a jerk like this guy.

BTW - Biden has the legal authority to deep six Trump anyway (Thanks SCOTUS!!!). Why would he use an amateur?

Look for the puppet masters to resort to Plan B and cancel the elections because they start a war. After all in 2020 they were suggesting Trump would cancel the elections to stay in office and that usually means they're planning on doing it.


It's all the governments fault because he wasn't protected from a KNOWN threat. They ALLOWED the shooting and an innocent civilian was killed as a result of their botched plan

The government bears some but Trump's campaign collects hundreds of millions in donations so I'm not buying that he bears no responsibility. Ex-presidents deserve protection, but taxpayers shouldn't be on the hook beyond the basic needs.
No protection scheme is perfect. There are commercially available rifles available today with which a 300+ yard "pumpkin shot" is more than feasible. No amount of security could possibly prevent that at every public speaking event.

In my opinion, it is unwise to ascribe great significance to the acts of unaffiliated individuals. Shit happens. See if there are any lessons to be learned, and move on.

If I were Donald Trump, I would have taken several days off to get over the fact that I came within a hair's breadth of being eliminated or dramatically diminished.

Many years ago, I was sitting in the curb lane on my motorcycle, waiting for a light to change. There was a car illegally parked in the curb lane on the other side of the intersection, which meant that I would have to change lanes, basically in the intersection. Knowing that my bike could accelerate much more quickly than the car that was stopped beside me, I decided to scoot out into the intersection, making the lane change immediately.

I tapped the shifter down to put the bike into gear, anticipating the light turning green. When the light changed, I gunned the engine and released the clutch lever. I went nowhere because I had not gone fully into first gear. At that moment a car flew through the intersection in front of me, running the red light in spectacular fashion.

If I had not missed that shift, I would have been obliterated. In forty or so years of biking that was one of only two times that I missed a shift in that way.

I still get chills when I go through that intersection.

Trump's experience was much more dramatic and acute.

The fact is, SS should have had an anti-sniper stationed on that roof, they fucked up big time.

The fact is, SS should have had an anti-sniper stationed on that roof, they fucked up big time.


If they are forced to admit they had SS or Police in those 2nd floor windows looking right down on that roof with shooter? Whooh boy! People on ground swear they saw them in there. And the windows were open, they had to hear the people below yelling up at them.

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