The blowback from the Media Nazi references and incitement to mob actions.

When I was a kiddo, I remember the smell and the feel mint plants in my parents back yard, and hearing the hueys, and seeing the trains loaded with tanks and guns painted NATO camo green rolling past my house on flat cars. And hearing Barry Sandler on the old KHOW 630 AM,

I remember Paul Harvey. I liked that guy
You and all the other internet 'tough guys'.

Yeah. From a buttercup that thinks all this is just funny. You REALLY THINK it's all just fun and games? Where ya gonna run when your revolution gets out of control?

You need to read the signs. It's not funny any more.

It is perpetually hilarious. The real civil war was fought for actual reasons, they were fucked up reasons i.e. keeping slaves because our economy needs them. Today though your only reasons are the ones conservative talk-radio and Fake Fox News tells you on a daily basis. They WANT you to be uber angry so they can milk votes from the angry cows. That is what you are to them, cattle that are to be managed.

And how you make it easy for them.

1st off. I'm awaiting the demise of both your corrupt and rigormortic parties. I ain't a combatant here. Neither is 44% of the American voters in the Big Middle. You think you're INNOCENT of inciting all this? Nuh huh. You're not. And it's NOT funny. It's DANGEROUS and it contributes to the demise of the American political system.

You have no idea how badly your govt "colluded to influence" the previous election. WE caused this distrust of our Pol system. Not Putin. And if you're with the "resistance" and you think this all a joke, you're doing more work for Putin than he EVER imagined he'd get from Americans..

Can't even hear the carnage and crying going in the FBI, State Dept and the old directors of CIA and NSC. Your probably oblivious to how FRAGILE this situation really is.

So I ask you again. Are you SUPPORTING this unconscionable escalation of rhetoric and action as portray by the hysterical media? And why do think it's funny?

Because you use terms like "as portrayed by the hysterical media".

This whole 'fake news' bullshit is just that. It is bullshit. The mainstream news reports news, as it always has. That an orange piece of shit with a douchebag agenda that just happens to fit the douchebag agenda of Fox News is cackling about 'fake news' is meaningless. He's lying and you know he's lying.

But you carry HIS dangerous vomitosus forward as if IT were real. It isn't. YOU don't understand how dangerous HE is to the democracy.

Clear it up for you?

There is no "mainstream" journalism anymore. Outside of a hand full of long form journals like Mother Jones, National Review, The Nation and Reason Magazine. MAYBE the WSJ.

It's all hysteria all the time. All unnamed sources and gossip and fake fact checkers. They've chucked any principles or integrity that they were ever taught. And more often now they are taught "to change world" rather than actually report EVERYTHING that's news. The black outs on covering the investigations at the FBI are a prominent example of filtering the news. It serves no one to have the Media turn into political advocacy groups that BY ALL RIGHTS --- should be held accountable as political action committees.

. And it certainly puts America into great danger.

YOU are too entirely hysterical to SEE any of this. That's how the danger progresses.

You're talking to a BRICK WALL. Half of the Left are too stupid to see the dangers ahead, much less that they are creating them, the other half are banking on it. They want anarchy because they believe if they can tear down the existing system, they will come out ahead when the smoke clears.
When I was a kiddo, I remember the smell and the feel mint plants in my parents back yard, and hearing the hueys, and seeing the trains loaded with tanks and guns painted NATO camo green rolling past my house on flat cars. And hearing Barry Sandler on the old KHOW 630 AM,

I remember Paul Harvey. I liked that guy
Paul Harvey used to be a major influence AM side of the dial, we need a bloke like him now. Good day. Just to- day we had another chap on CBS, John Dickerson asking were did civility go? but on the other hand, why do we idolize black sports trash talking BS, and the loss of good sportsmanship and all that? Why is America so full of angst and fear, what causes so much UM, say, road rage? I don't think even cute little John Dikerson knows.
So calling a politician a Nazi is bad but not calling someone gay Muslim Marxist or a first lady a tranny is perfectly fine? Oblama was referenced as Hitler also, yeah stupid huh?

This thread isn't about the warring tribes. Not about what we say or do. It's about the meltdown of the media. We HAVE no "trusted sources of news" anymore. We have partisan shills who have chucked their journalism ethics and principles shouting Nazi and honoring porn stars as war heroes.

There is still a lot of good journalism out there...I think it gets lost in the political trash talking. Take for example the recent expose (buried here) on rank corruption in the VA or coverage of the opiod crisis. I think we tend to like blame the media for the shortcomings of our politicians. Meanwhile...journalists are being murdered and jailed around the world for trying to report the news.

Journalists gettting jailed around the world is not our problem. The trash talking has become the FEATURE of American journalism. Daily outrages that die by sundown because of lack of fact or substance. Rank corruption in the VA is not really solved, because the media is not identifying the guilty and holding them responsible. Nothing ever gets fixed because the media has less attention span than your average squirrel. We need reforms that let us FIRE the guilty and bring IMMEDIATE relief for the promises we've made.

A lot of reporting on the Opium crisis has been opportunistic. Blaming ONE company for making a LESS addictive time release tablet that deviants can CRUSH and get around the protection. That's a NEGATIVE incentive to fixing anything. But you wouldn't know it from the media.

The "birther" thing? That's all you got? How much time did Fox news spend on that? Hardly any. Even Limbaugh wouldn't even sign on to it. He SATIRiZED it -- never really promoted it.

All your offering is diversions to the literal CRAPFEST that fills the airwaves to feed the "resistance" From the moment the sun rises on Morning Joe to The Last Word at midnight. It's all whining and gossip and speculation and red meat to feed the zealots. As soon as the Nazi Fest started --- and I SAW IT on CNN/MSNBC --- it was not 6 hours before I logged on to USMB and saw members making references to "measuring kids for lampshades" at the border... True story. It's a sickness that pumping a major civil conflict in this country. And they are losing their minds AND their effectiveness..
So calling a politician a Nazi is bad but not calling someone gay Muslim Marxist or a first lady a tranny is perfectly fine? Oblama was referenced as Hitler also, yeah stupid huh?

This thread isn't about the warring tribes. Not about what we say or do. It's about the meltdown of the media. We HAVE no "trusted sources of news" anymore. We have partisan shills who have chucked their journalism ethics and principles shouting Nazi and honoring porn stars as war heroes.

There is still a lot of good journalism out there...I think it gets lost in the political trash talking. Take for example the recent expose (buried here) on rank corruption in the VA or coverage of the opiod crisis. I think we tend to like blame the media for the shortcomings of our politicians. Meanwhile...journalists are being murdered and jailed around the world for trying to report the news.

Journalists gettting jailed around the world is not our problem. The trash talking has become the FEATURE of American journalism. Daily outrages that die by sundown because of lack of fact or substance. Rank corruption in the VA is not really solved, because the media is not identifying the guilty and holding them responsible. Nothing ever gets fixed because the media has less attention span than your average squirrel. We need reforms that let us FIRE the guilty and bring IMMEDIATE relief for the promises we've made.

A lot of reporting on the Opium crisis has been opportunistic. Blaming ONE company for making a LESS addictive time release tablet that deviants can CRUSH and get around the protection. That's a NEGATIVE incentive to fixing anything. But you wouldn't know it from the media.

The "birther" thing? That's all you got? How much time did Fox news spend on that? Hardly any. Even Limbaugh wouldn't even sign on to it. He SATIRiZED it -- never really promoted it.

All your offering is diversions to the literal CRAPFEST that fills the airwaves to feed the "resistance" From the moment the sun rises on Morning Joe to The Last Word at midnight. It's all whining and gossip and speculation and red meat to feed the zealots. As soon as the Nazi Fest started --- and I SAW IT on CNN/MSNBC --- it was not 6 hours before I logged on to USMB and saw members making references to "measuring kids for lampshades" at the border... True story. It's a sickness that pumping a major civil conflict in this country. And they are losing their minds AND their effectiveness..

Not sure if gonna censor retarded Nazi references when rebutted or not. :1peleas:
So calling a politician a Nazi is bad but not calling someone gay Muslim Marxist or a first lady a tranny is perfectly fine? Oblama was referenced as Hitler also, yeah stupid huh?

This thread isn't about the warring tribes. Not about what we say or do. It's about the meltdown of the media. We HAVE no "trusted sources of news" anymore. We have partisan shills who have chucked their journalism ethics and principles shouting Nazi and honoring porn stars as war heroes.

There is still a lot of good journalism out there...I think it gets lost in the political trash talking. Take for example the recent expose (buried here) on rank corruption in the VA or coverage of the opiod crisis. I think we tend to like blame the media for the shortcomings of our politicians. Meanwhile...journalists are being murdered and jailed around the world for trying to report the news.

Journalists gettting jailed around the world is not our problem. The trash talking has become the FEATURE of American journalism. Daily outrages that die by sundown because of lack of fact or substance. Rank corruption in the VA is not really solved, because the media is not identifying the guilty and holding them responsible. Nothing ever gets fixed because the media has less attention span than your average squirrel. We need reforms that let us FIRE the guilty and bring IMMEDIATE relief for the promises we've made.

Yes. It is. It's part of an ongoing attack on the free press that includes our own country.

Actually, good journalism IS IDENTIFYING the guilty - did you even READ it? They can't hold them responsible - that is up to OUR lazy asses! I don't know what media you read but what I read has had ongoing series on the VA issue, and on the Opiod issue - not just one podunk article.

A lot of reporting on the Opium crisis has been opportunistic. Blaming ONE company for making a LESS addictive time release tablet that deviants can CRUSH and get around the protection. That's a NEGATIVE incentive to fixing anything. But you wouldn't know it from the media.

Opportunistic? Again - have you even been reading the ongoing series? It's been reported on for years HERE. And the reporting has been good - in depth, looking at it from a variety of angles - and looking at solutions from a variety of angles. Did you MISS all that in your haste to dis MSM?

The "birther" thing? That's all you got? How much time did Fox news spend on that? Hardly any. Even Limbaugh wouldn't even sign on to it. He SATIRiZED it -- never really promoted it.

They spent YEARS on it. Give me a break. I guess because it's Obama (and not Trump) it didn't attract your attention.

All your offering is diversions to the literal CRAPFEST that fills the airwaves to feed the "resistance" From the moment the sun rises on Morning Joe to The Last Word at midnight. It's all whining and gossip and speculation and red meat to feed the zealots. As soon as the Nazi Fest started --- and I SAW IT on CNN/MSNBC --- it was not 6 hours before I logged on to USMB and saw members making references to "measuring kids for lampshades" at the border... True story. It's a sickness that pumping a major civil conflict in this country. And they are losing their minds AND their effectiveness..

I think I get it. Not literal crapfest. But liberal crapfest. You don't notice (or maybe you just agree with) what goes on in Fox and rightwing MSM sources or what went on against Obama - that was ok right? Birthers...MB infestations...he's a Muslim....blah blah blah.
I've threatened no one. Asked you if you're part of this mob action instigation crew and whether you're ALL in for your "buckle up" taunt.. Do I NEED to buckle up? Was that a threat?

You and all the other internet 'tough guys'.


Yeah. From a buttercup that thinks all this is just funny. You REALLY THINK it's all just fun and games? Where ya gonna run when your revolution gets out of control?

You need to read the signs. It's not funny any more.

I know where I'm running to, and what I will do.

I pray to God it doesn't come to that.

"I pray to God it doesn't come to that."

It will come to that if the MSM isn't stopped, they WANT it to come to that, they are inciting it as MaryL commented in the same way they incited the Ferguson Riots, they whipped things into a frenzy with the most disgusting type of Race Baiting until the Ferguson Riots happened. They are using the same MO with this other thing, they need to be held accountable for their irresponsibility.

Should the media be stopped? Is that really a good thing? (for instance I feel much the same as you expressed about the rightwing media - but they shouldn't be "stopped" other than by the laws we have in place for slander and libel).

Of course not. You CAN'T stop it. Because they've squandered all their credibility and integrity. THEY punished themselves. SOME of the media --- is just a toy of the uber rich left who can afford to SACRIFICE THEM for political purposes. Like Bezons and the WaPo or CNN who is part of the TIME network of "news". The same folks who just ran the phoney cover of Trump intimidating a crying girl and refused to take responsibility for the "journalistic errors"..

They are just pawns being sacrificed. But it LEAVES America in an ever more ignorant and unguided state of concern. There is NO EXCUSE for a 3 day full out Nazi fest in the mainstream media. NONE.. Other than -- they have LOST their mantle of power/responsibility and they have NOTHING to offer or LOSE anymore.
You and all the other internet 'tough guys'.


Yeah. From a buttercup that thinks all this is just funny. You REALLY THINK it's all just fun and games? Where ya gonna run when your revolution gets out of control?

You need to read the signs. It's not funny any more.

I know where I'm running to, and what I will do.

I pray to God it doesn't come to that.

"I pray to God it doesn't come to that."

It will come to that if the MSM isn't stopped, they WANT it to come to that, they are inciting it as MaryL commented in the same way they incited the Ferguson Riots, they whipped things into a frenzy with the most disgusting type of Race Baiting until the Ferguson Riots happened. They are using the same MO with this other thing, they need to be held accountable for their irresponsibility.

Should the media be stopped? Is that really a good thing? (for instance I feel much the same as you expressed about the rightwing media - but they shouldn't be "stopped" other than by the laws we have in place for slander and libel).

Of course not. You CAN'T stop it. Because they've squandered all their credibility and integrity. THEY punished themselves. SOME of the media --- is just a toy of the uber rich left who can afford to SACRIFICE THEM for political purposes. Like Bezons and the WaPo or CNN who is part of the TIME network of "news". The same folks who just ran the phoney cover of Trump intimidating a crying girl and refused to take responsibility for the "journalistic errors"..

They are just pawns being sacrificed. But it LEAVES America in an ever more ignorant and unguided state of concern. There is NO EXCUSE for a 3 day full out Nazi fest in the mainstream media. NONE.. Other than -- they have LOST their mantle of power/responsibility and they have NOTHING to offer or LOSE anymore.

...Bezons and the WaPo or CNN who is part of the TIME network of "news".....

Really....and Fox? Vice? Or they are acceptable to you?
You and all the other internet 'tough guys'.


Yeah. From a buttercup that thinks all this is just funny. You REALLY THINK it's all just fun and games? Where ya gonna run when your revolution gets out of control?

You need to read the signs. It's not funny any more.

I know where I'm running to, and what I will do.

I pray to God it doesn't come to that.

"I pray to God it doesn't come to that."

It will come to that if the MSM isn't stopped, they WANT it to come to that, they are inciting it as MaryL commented in the same way they incited the Ferguson Riots, they whipped things into a frenzy with the most disgusting type of Race Baiting until the Ferguson Riots happened. They are using the same MO with this other thing, they need to be held accountable for their irresponsibility.

Should the media be stopped? Is that really a good thing? (for instance I feel much the same as you expressed about the rightwing media - but they shouldn't be "stopped" other than by the laws we have in place for slander and libel).

Of course not. You CAN'T stop it. Because they've squandered all their credibility and integrity. THEY punished themselves. SOME of the media --- is just a toy of the uber rich left who can afford to SACRIFICE THEM for political purposes. Like Bezons and the WaPo or CNN who is part of the TIME network of "news". The same folks who just ran the phoney cover of Trump intimidating a crying girl and refused to take responsibility for the "journalistic errors"..

They are just pawns being sacrificed. But it LEAVES America in an ever more ignorant and unguided state of concern. There is NO EXCUSE for a 3 day full out Nazi fest in the mainstream media. NONE.. Other than -- they have LOST their mantle of power/responsibility and they have NOTHING to offer or LOSE anymore.

By the way. The cover of Trump intimidating a crying toddler? That was spot on - a metaphor for Trump's policy. He doesn't give A SHIT about those kids.
Coyote flacaltenn

How can we fix the current fucked up situation with the alleged "news" people?

I'm calling for a brainstorm session, because Clark Kent, they motherfuckin' ain't.

Pardon my "French". This is a bad situation. Any ideas?
Coyote flacaltenn

How can we fix the current fucked up situation with the alleged "news" people?

I'm calling for a brainstorm session, because Clark Kent, they motherfuckin' ain't.

Pardon my "French". This is a bad situation.

We support them.

We support free press.

If we feel they lie we hold them accountable through letters to the editor or throught the courts for slander and libel.

The onus is on us to LEARN how to critically think and to teach our children those skills.
Coyote flacaltenn

How can we fix the current fucked up situation with the alleged "news" people?

I'm calling for a brainstorm session, because Clark Kent, they motherfuckin' ain't.

Pardon my "French". This is a bad situation.

We support them.

We support free press.

If we feel they lie we hold them accountable through letters to the editor or throught the courts for slander and libel.

The onus is on us to LEARN how to critically think and to teach our children those skills.

Al-righty then! :rolleyes:

I suppose when I has teh chilluns, I'll tell them "Don't listen to them, they're lying"

That just fantastic, because I remember when they didn't lie as much.

I shouldn't have to do that.
My most enlightening things came from a woman named Hula Mae.

That's a real woman there. She told it like it was, and I'm the same way.

She was a black woman, and I'm a white man, but me and her? We're on the same page.
Yeah. From a buttercup that thinks all this is just funny. You REALLY THINK it's all just fun and games? Where ya gonna run when your revolution gets out of control?

You need to read the signs. It's not funny any more.

I know where I'm running to, and what I will do.

I pray to God it doesn't come to that.

"I pray to God it doesn't come to that."

It will come to that if the MSM isn't stopped, they WANT it to come to that, they are inciting it as MaryL commented in the same way they incited the Ferguson Riots, they whipped things into a frenzy with the most disgusting type of Race Baiting until the Ferguson Riots happened. They are using the same MO with this other thing, they need to be held accountable for their irresponsibility.

Should the media be stopped? Is that really a good thing? (for instance I feel much the same as you expressed about the rightwing media - but they shouldn't be "stopped" other than by the laws we have in place for slander and libel).

Of course not. You CAN'T stop it. Because they've squandered all their credibility and integrity. THEY punished themselves. SOME of the media --- is just a toy of the uber rich left who can afford to SACRIFICE THEM for political purposes. Like Bezons and the WaPo or CNN who is part of the TIME network of "news". The same folks who just ran the phoney cover of Trump intimidating a crying girl and refused to take responsibility for the "journalistic errors"..

They are just pawns being sacrificed. But it LEAVES America in an ever more ignorant and unguided state of concern. There is NO EXCUSE for a 3 day full out Nazi fest in the mainstream media. NONE.. Other than -- they have LOST their mantle of power/responsibility and they have NOTHING to offer or LOSE anymore.

...Bezons and the WaPo or CNN who is part of the TIME network of "news".....

Really....and Fox? Vice? Or they are acceptable to you?

VICE is EXCELLENT journalism. Actually some of the BEST left around. I can tell you know nothing about it because if you had WATCHED it at all -- you'd probably agree. It's in depth, left leaning, but TRULY informative and brave.

It's hard to hear news about the VA when the coverage is wall to wall victory celebrations of an aging porn star or shouting hate about the elected president or hours of Nazi naming.. Probably a MUCH higher percentage of VA coverage on Fox without the hourly Stormy Daniels updates and Morning Joe playing footsie with Mika under the desk.

Eight members of the House now and 2 senators on the Blue Team calling for ELIMINATING ICE.. This is where your heading. The defeats are gonna be monumental and the SCREAMING is just gonna turn to active revolt

Because neither YOUR TEAM or your media is doing a thing to instill confidences in the problem solving or leadership categories.
Coyote flacaltenn

How can we fix the current fucked up situation with the alleged "news" people?

I'm calling for a brainstorm session, because Clark Kent, they motherfuckin' ain't.

Pardon my "French". This is a bad situation.

We support them.

We support free press.

If we feel they lie we hold them accountable through letters to the editor or throught the courts for slander and libel.

The onus is on us to LEARN how to critically think and to teach our children those skills.

Al-righty then! :rolleyes:

I suppose when I has teh chilluns, I'll tell them "Don't listen to them, they're lying"

That just fantastic, because I remember when they didn't lie as much.

I shouldn't have to do that.

Don't you think it's important in this age of 24 hour "news" where anyone can say anything - that we teach our children to learn how to asses it? I do.
I know where I'm running to, and what I will do.

I pray to God it doesn't come to that.

"I pray to God it doesn't come to that."

It will come to that if the MSM isn't stopped, they WANT it to come to that, they are inciting it as MaryL commented in the same way they incited the Ferguson Riots, they whipped things into a frenzy with the most disgusting type of Race Baiting until the Ferguson Riots happened. They are using the same MO with this other thing, they need to be held accountable for their irresponsibility.

Should the media be stopped? Is that really a good thing? (for instance I feel much the same as you expressed about the rightwing media - but they shouldn't be "stopped" other than by the laws we have in place for slander and libel).

Of course not. You CAN'T stop it. Because they've squandered all their credibility and integrity. THEY punished themselves. SOME of the media --- is just a toy of the uber rich left who can afford to SACRIFICE THEM for political purposes. Like Bezons and the WaPo or CNN who is part of the TIME network of "news". The same folks who just ran the phoney cover of Trump intimidating a crying girl and refused to take responsibility for the "journalistic errors"..

They are just pawns being sacrificed. But it LEAVES America in an ever more ignorant and unguided state of concern. There is NO EXCUSE for a 3 day full out Nazi fest in the mainstream media. NONE.. Other than -- they have LOST their mantle of power/responsibility and they have NOTHING to offer or LOSE anymore.

...Bezons and the WaPo or CNN who is part of the TIME network of "news".....

Really....and Fox? Vice? Or they are acceptable to you?

VICE is EXCELLENT journalism. Actually some of the BEST left around. I can tell you know nothing about it because if you had WATCHED it at all -- you'd probably agree. It's in depth, left leaning, but TRULY informative and brave.

It's hard to hear news about the VA when the coverage is wall to wall victory celebrations of an aging porn star or shouting hate about the elected president or hours of Nazi naming.. Probably a MUCH higher percentage of VA coverage on Fox without the hourly Stormy Daniels updates and Morning Joe playing footsie with Mika under the desk.

Eight members of the House now and 2 senators on the Blue Team calling for ELIMINATING ICE.. This is where your heading. The defeats are gonna be monumental and the SCREAMING is just gonna turn to active revolt.

Please let them hang themselves.

It's only going to make 2018 & 2020 that much easier.
Rope ain't got no need for a court, boy.

spare me the horseshit, mary.

the only thing you'd do with a rope is skip it.

and spare me the bullshit about the nam vets while we're at it.
Yeah, ok pinhead, you're about 23 and as deep as a mudpuddle on a Miami sidewalk in July, k?

Meanwhile, where I'm from , 6 people done met justice.

yeah, mary, i'm sure everyone steps aside when you haul your fat ass down the sidewalk.


The tolerant left winger who gets after Trump for his comments about women.

Real classy Del.

You are such a man on the internet.


you know mary's a man, right, sir galahad?

marion morrison?


what a tool
I know where I'm running to, and what I will do.

I pray to God it doesn't come to that.

"I pray to God it doesn't come to that."

It will come to that if the MSM isn't stopped, they WANT it to come to that, they are inciting it as MaryL commented in the same way they incited the Ferguson Riots, they whipped things into a frenzy with the most disgusting type of Race Baiting until the Ferguson Riots happened. They are using the same MO with this other thing, they need to be held accountable for their irresponsibility.

Should the media be stopped? Is that really a good thing? (for instance I feel much the same as you expressed about the rightwing media - but they shouldn't be "stopped" other than by the laws we have in place for slander and libel).

Of course not. You CAN'T stop it. Because they've squandered all their credibility and integrity. THEY punished themselves. SOME of the media --- is just a toy of the uber rich left who can afford to SACRIFICE THEM for political purposes. Like Bezons and the WaPo or CNN who is part of the TIME network of "news". The same folks who just ran the phoney cover of Trump intimidating a crying girl and refused to take responsibility for the "journalistic errors"..

They are just pawns being sacrificed. But it LEAVES America in an ever more ignorant and unguided state of concern. There is NO EXCUSE for a 3 day full out Nazi fest in the mainstream media. NONE.. Other than -- they have LOST their mantle of power/responsibility and they have NOTHING to offer or LOSE anymore.

...Bezons and the WaPo or CNN who is part of the TIME network of "news".....

Really....and Fox? Vice? Or they are acceptable to you?

VICE is EXCELLENT journalism. Actually some of the BEST left around. I can tell you know nothing about it because if you had WATCHED it at all -- you'd probably agree. It's in depth, left leaning, but TRULY informative and brave.

I don't get VICE nor do I get MSNBC or FOX unless I'm visiting my mother. I don't get cable. But I do get NPR (which you demean) and frankly - I have yet to hear much coverage on Stormy Daniels (though I give her a wave for having the chutzpa to combat The Trump) nor have I heard ANY Nazi references towards trump. What I HAVE HEARD is a really good expose over several days on the VA! And, looking at FOX - that expose was NOT given much if any air time. Maybe I'm wrong but - did FOX cover this?
For VA Whistleblowers, A Culture Of Fear And Retaliation

And note - it's non partisan, covers YEARS of VA neglect!
It's hard to hear news about the VA when the coverage is wall to wall victory celebrations of an aging porn star or shouting hate about the elected president or hours of Nazi naming.. Probably a MUCH higher percentage of VA coverage on Fox without the hourly Stormy Daniels updates and Morning Joe playing footsie with Mika under the desk.

No. It isn't hard. It just depends on what you listen to. I didn't search for the VA story - it just came on while I was driving to work, which is when I usually catch the news.

Eight members of the House now and 2 senators on the Blue Team calling for ELIMINATING ICE.. This is where your heading. The defeats are gonna be monumental and the SCREAMING is just gonna turn to active revolt.

So....? When was ICE created? It was in the 90's. Created or eliminated...not sure it's that important.
Yeah. From a buttercup that thinks all this is just funny. You REALLY THINK it's all just fun and games? Where ya gonna run when your revolution gets out of control?

You need to read the signs. It's not funny any more.

I know where I'm running to, and what I will do.

I pray to God it doesn't come to that.

"I pray to God it doesn't come to that."

It will come to that if the MSM isn't stopped, they WANT it to come to that, they are inciting it as MaryL commented in the same way they incited the Ferguson Riots, they whipped things into a frenzy with the most disgusting type of Race Baiting until the Ferguson Riots happened. They are using the same MO with this other thing, they need to be held accountable for their irresponsibility.

Should the media be stopped? Is that really a good thing? (for instance I feel much the same as you expressed about the rightwing media - but they shouldn't be "stopped" other than by the laws we have in place for slander and libel).

Man, I totally agree, but when will those laws be enforced? They've been slandering and libeling every damn day with zero repercussions. It gets old, very old.

and yet, no one has been taken to court.

it's not slander if it's true, buckwheat

The ones that have been TRULY slandered like Flynn and Page are a little busy right now spending their life savings defending themselves from the Mueller steamroller. The foreign agent paying Russian Intel folks for dirt on Trump for Hilliary's campaign is being sued by EVERYBODY as we speak. And some of the journals and papers that cooperated with Steele to spread more "marketing material" for the phony dossier. THEY KNEW they were participating in "circular reporting" from Steele but they did it anyways. It's dirty and should be brought to court by the folks getting slimed.
I know where I'm running to, and what I will do.

I pray to God it doesn't come to that.

"I pray to God it doesn't come to that."

It will come to that if the MSM isn't stopped, they WANT it to come to that, they are inciting it as MaryL commented in the same way they incited the Ferguson Riots, they whipped things into a frenzy with the most disgusting type of Race Baiting until the Ferguson Riots happened. They are using the same MO with this other thing, they need to be held accountable for their irresponsibility.

Should the media be stopped? Is that really a good thing? (for instance I feel much the same as you expressed about the rightwing media - but they shouldn't be "stopped" other than by the laws we have in place for slander and libel).

Man, I totally agree, but when will those laws be enforced? They've been slandering and libeling every damn day with zero repercussions. It gets old, very old.

and yet, no one has been taken to court.

it's not slander if it's true, buckwheat

The ones that have been TRULY slandered like Flynn and Page are a little busy right now spending their life savings defending themselves from the Mueller steamroller. The foreign agent paying Russian Intel folks for dirt on Trump for Hilliary's campaign is being sued by EVERYBODY as we speak. And some of the journals and papers that cooperated with Steele to spread more "marketing material" for the phony dossier. THEY KNEW they were participating in "circular reporting" from Steele but they did it anyways. It's dirty and should be brought to court by the folks getting slimed.



Was Clinton slandered?

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