The Blue State Flushing Sound Today: AllianceBernstein Leaves NYC for Nashville with Over 1,000 Jobs

So you are a right wing anti gun fucktard?

A.) Gun rights is Liberty, thus Liberalism.
(Just more proof that American's are dumb, and don't know politics)

B.) About the only thing I support from Republicunts now-a-days is the right to bear arms, it's important for people, especially ones who hunt, or live in the ghetto.

C.) That doesn't mean you should kill people just to kill people with your guns, I happen to not support George Zimmerman, unlike you WIld Wild West freak-a-deek Southerners I happen to think Zimmerman killed on purpose.

By supporting Zimmerman you guys looked like a bunch of Yokels, Idiots, savages, and fruit-cakes too.

Just as I're a pussy.

LOL, Just as I suspected you're a vaginal violent savage, who adores fruit-cake Zimmerman killing Trayvon because he couldn't take him.

You sound like a triggered leftist.

1.) You are the leftist. (Liberal gun controls = less gun regulations)

2.) You are the Neg loving Leftist, who adores Mexicunts.

3.) I don't support murder, like you Prehistoric Anglo Savages down South, I support Law, and Order.

Your retardation is now confirmed.
A.) Gun rights is Liberty, thus Liberalism.
(Just more proof that American's are dumb, and don't know politics)

B.) About the only thing I support from Republicunts now-a-days is the right to bear arms, it's important for people, especially ones who hunt, or live in the ghetto.

C.) That doesn't mean you should kill people just to kill people with your guns, I happen to not support George Zimmerman, unlike you WIld Wild West freak-a-deek Southerners I happen to think Zimmerman killed on purpose.

By supporting Zimmerman you guys looked like a bunch of Yokels, Idiots, savages, and fruit-cakes too.

Just as I're a pussy.

LOL, Just as I suspected you're a vaginal violent savage, who adores fruit-cake Zimmerman killing Trayvon because he couldn't take him.

You sound like a triggered leftist.

1.) You are the leftist. (Liberal gun controls = less gun regulations)

2.) You are the Neg loving Leftist, who adores Mexicunts.

3.) I don't support murder, like you Prehistoric Anglo Savages down South, I support Law, and Order.

Your retardation is now confirmed.

You're the retard.

You sniff - sniff at racist opinions, but then support murder.

You guys say you support small government, but then want us to hand over cash to Israel, and go loot, and shoot Iraq, and now Iran.

You guys say you hate Liberals, and then support Liberal ideals like Liberalism of the market (Capitalism) or Liberalism of guns (Lack of gun regulations)

What kind of retards are you Anglo dregs, and Negs in this country?
I didn't vote, I didn't want Hillary the Multiculturalist, nor Donnie Trump the Zionist.

Europe has a real right wing, unlike the U.S.A BTW.
So you are a right wing anti gun fucktard?

A.) Gun rights is Liberty, thus Liberalism.
(Just more proof that American's are dumb, and don't know politics)

B.) About the only thing I support from Republicunts now-a-days is the right to bear arms, it's important for people, especially ones who hunt, or live in the ghetto.

C.) That doesn't mean you should kill people just to kill people with your guns, I happen to not support George Zimmerman, unlike you WIld Wild West freak-a-deek Southerners I happen to think Zimmerman killed on purpose.

By supporting Zimmerman you guys looked like a bunch of Yokels, Idiots, savages, and fruit-cakes too.

Just as I're a pussy.

LOL, Just as I suspected you're a vaginal violent savage, who adores fruit-cake Zimmerman killing Trayvon because he couldn't take him.

You sound like a triggered leftist.

So, having a moral consciousness, and knowing right, from wrong is now Leftist?

If Zimmerman had been in just about any other country, he would've been sentenced.

If Trayvon assaulted him, it shouldn't be a death penalty.

If Trayvon survived the shot, and lived, Trayvon wouldn't have gotten much of a sentence, certainly not death row.

Haven't you hicks heard of Pepper spray, or do you just love firing guns, and killing things just like the Dregs, and Negs I expect you to be?
Just as I're a pussy.

LOL, Just as I suspected you're a vaginal violent savage, who adores fruit-cake Zimmerman killing Trayvon because he couldn't take him.

You sound like a triggered leftist.

1.) You are the leftist. (Liberal gun controls = less gun regulations)

2.) You are the Neg loving Leftist, who adores Mexicunts.

3.) I don't support murder, like you Prehistoric Anglo Savages down South, I support Law, and Order.

Your retardation is now confirmed.

You're the retard.

You sniff - sniff at racist opinions, but then support murder.

You guys say you support small government, but then want us to hand over cash to Israel, and go loot, and shoot Iraq, and now Iran.

You guys say you hate Liberals, and then support Liberal ideals like Liberalism of the market (Capitalism) or Liberalism of guns (Lack of gun regulations)

What kind of retards are you Anglo dregs, and Negs in this country?

Are you off your meds?
Because you're all over the place.
LOL, Just as I suspected you're a vaginal violent savage, who adores fruit-cake Zimmerman killing Trayvon because he couldn't take him.

You sound like a triggered leftist.

1.) You are the leftist. (Liberal gun controls = less gun regulations)

2.) You are the Neg loving Leftist, who adores Mexicunts.

3.) I don't support murder, like you Prehistoric Anglo Savages down South, I support Law, and Order.

Your retardation is now confirmed.

You're the retard.

You sniff - sniff at racist opinions, but then support murder.

You guys say you support small government, but then want us to hand over cash to Israel, and go loot, and shoot Iraq, and now Iran.

You guys say you hate Liberals, and then support Liberal ideals like Liberalism of the market (Capitalism) or Liberalism of guns (Lack of gun regulations)

What kind of retards are you Anglo dregs, and Negs in this country?

Are you off your meds?
Because you're all over the place.

Too quick for you, eh?
So you are a right wing anti gun fucktard?

A.) Gun rights is Liberty, thus Liberalism.
(Just more proof that American's are dumb, and don't know politics)

B.) About the only thing I support from Republicunts now-a-days is the right to bear arms, it's important for people, especially ones who hunt, or live in the ghetto.

C.) That doesn't mean you should kill people just to kill people with your guns, I happen to not support George Zimmerman, unlike you WIld Wild West freak-a-deek Southerners I happen to think Zimmerman killed on purpose.

By supporting Zimmerman you guys looked like a bunch of Yokels, Idiots, savages, and fruit-cakes too.

Just as I're a pussy.

LOL, Just as I suspected you're a vaginal violent savage, who adores fruit-cake Zimmerman killing Trayvon because he couldn't take him.

You sound like a triggered leftist.

So, having a moral consciousness, and knowing right, from wrong is now Leftist?

If Zimmerman had been in just about any other country, he would've been sentenced.

If Trayvon assaulted him, it shouldn't be a death penalty.

If Trayvon survived the shot, and lived, Trayvon wouldn't have gotten much of a sentence, certainly not death row.

Haven't you hicks heard of Pepper spray, or do you just love firing guns, and killing things just like the Dregs, and Negs I expect you to be?

One minute you say I love nigs and the next you claim Dirt nap Traygone was murdered.
Crack is a dangerous drug.
You sound like a triggered leftist.

1.) You are the leftist. (Liberal gun controls = less gun regulations)

2.) You are the Neg loving Leftist, who adores Mexicunts.

3.) I don't support murder, like you Prehistoric Anglo Savages down South, I support Law, and Order.

Your retardation is now confirmed.

You're the retard.

You sniff - sniff at racist opinions, but then support murder.

You guys say you support small government, but then want us to hand over cash to Israel, and go loot, and shoot Iraq, and now Iran.

You guys say you hate Liberals, and then support Liberal ideals like Liberalism of the market (Capitalism) or Liberalism of guns (Lack of gun regulations)

What kind of retards are you Anglo dregs, and Negs in this country?

Are you off your meds?
Because you're all over the place.

Too quick for you, eh?

Son,you make a garden slug look speedy.
A.) Gun rights is Liberty, thus Liberalism.
(Just more proof that American's are dumb, and don't know politics)

B.) About the only thing I support from Republicunts now-a-days is the right to bear arms, it's important for people, especially ones who hunt, or live in the ghetto.

C.) That doesn't mean you should kill people just to kill people with your guns, I happen to not support George Zimmerman, unlike you WIld Wild West freak-a-deek Southerners I happen to think Zimmerman killed on purpose.

By supporting Zimmerman you guys looked like a bunch of Yokels, Idiots, savages, and fruit-cakes too.

Just as I're a pussy.

LOL, Just as I suspected you're a vaginal violent savage, who adores fruit-cake Zimmerman killing Trayvon because he couldn't take him.

You sound like a triggered leftist.

So, having a moral consciousness, and knowing right, from wrong is now Leftist?

If Zimmerman had been in just about any other country, he would've been sentenced.

If Trayvon assaulted him, it shouldn't be a death penalty.

If Trayvon survived the shot, and lived, Trayvon wouldn't have gotten much of a sentence, certainly not death row.

Haven't you hicks heard of Pepper spray, or do you just love firing guns, and killing things just like the Dregs, and Negs I expect you to be?

One minute you say I love nigs and the next you claim Dirt nap Traygone was murdered.
Crack is a dangerous drug.

I understand balance, logic, and morality.,

You just understand what ever you are spoon-fed by Capitalist Individualist craps.

Like most of you dirty Anglo turds in America.

I understand that while I don't like Blacks, and don't want them in my neighborhood.

It doesn't mean I want them killed, you Southerners aren't Nationalists, you're retarded sadists, and degenerate savages.
You weak little scrawny lazy weak f*ck tards down South are forced to carry guns because you're vaginal little queers who hide behind guns.

I guess you guys are more into soccer and tidily winks.

Europe's tougher than Americans, and the toughest, most right wing, Nationalist, Europeans love Soccer, and don't know what American Football is. you're proud of a bunch of drunk soccer hooligans?

Hooligans are usually tough Nationalists who fight with fists like men.

Southerners are usually tax, and cut Libertardians who hide behind guns.

What the fuck is a tax and cut libertarian?

F*cktards who think we should cut taxes, but raise taxes for Israel, and war with Iran?
Niagara Falls, Taughannock Falls, Katerskill falls, Middle Falls, Bash-bish falls, Trumansburg Falls, Howe Carverns, the Hudson River a Fjord like they have in Norway, Lake Erie, Lake Ontario, Lake Champlain, Adirondack Mountains, the Catskills, the Albany Pine Brush, the Long Island Pine Barrens, the Dover Sand pits (A sandy desert)
Minnewaska a sunken lake in mountains.
Sams Point.
North South Lake.
Delaware River Gap.
Long Island Beaches.
Fire Island.
Lake George.
Lake Placid.
Lots of fall leaves that turn colors, especially Sugar Maples, and Red Maples.

And they all look alike.

It looks to me Texas is the Brown state, both in terms of Mexis, and it's landscapes both being brown, brown, brown.

And I bet you think we all live on ranches and own cattle.








New York rules.












LOL.....I showed you a small portion of Texas.
You just gave me all ya got to offer.
And dont even get me started on the hunting.

LOL, I couldn't show you all of New York.

What about the Alamo?

We have about 100 battles like that in Catholic Poland. LOL
A.) Gun rights is Liberty, thus Liberalism.
(Just more proof that American's are dumb, and don't know politics)

B.) About the only thing I support from Republicunts now-a-days is the right to bear arms, it's important for people, especially ones who hunt, or live in the ghetto.

C.) That doesn't mean you should kill people just to kill people with your guns, I happen to not support George Zimmerman, unlike you WIld Wild West freak-a-deek Southerners I happen to think Zimmerman killed on purpose.

By supporting Zimmerman you guys looked like a bunch of Yokels, Idiots, savages, and fruit-cakes too.

Just as I're a pussy.

LOL, Just as I suspected you're a vaginal violent savage, who adores fruit-cake Zimmerman killing Trayvon because he couldn't take him.

You sound like a triggered leftist.

So, having a moral consciousness, and knowing right, from wrong is now Leftist?

If Zimmerman had been in just about any other country, he would've been sentenced.

If Trayvon assaulted him, it shouldn't be a death penalty.

If Trayvon survived the shot, and lived, Trayvon wouldn't have gotten much of a sentence, certainly not death row.

Haven't you hicks heard of Pepper spray, or do you just love firing guns, and killing things just like the Dregs, and Negs I expect you to be?

One minute you say I love nigs and the next you claim Dirt nap Traygone was murdered.
Crack is a dangerous drug.

You know Zimmerman acted like a Negro, right?

I bet if Zimmerman was Black, and Travyon was White, and in the KKK.... Then most Blacks would support the killing.
Why are the best White Right-Wing movements in Catholic countries like Poland, and Hungary?
(Unlike the Protestant U.S.A, which has one of the worst White-Right Wing movements.)

Why are the best White fighters mostly of a Catholic background?
(Are we just more macho?)

Georges St Pierre, Matt Hughes,,Conor McGregor, Michael Bisping, Mirko Crocop,Stipe Miocic, Ken Shamrock, Frankie Edgar,or Donald Cerrone.

Rocky Marciano, Andrew Golota, Tyson Fury, Dariusz Michalczewski, Joe Calzaghe, Enzo Maccarinelli, Lazslo Papp, Krzysztof Włodarczyk, Zsolt Erdei,
Tomasz Adamek, and Carl Froch.

Greco-Roman Wrestling:
Jeff Blatnick, Istvan Kozma, Imre Polyak ,Vincenzo Maenza, Dariusz Jablonski.
HereWeGoAgain isn't a Right-Winger at all.

Real White Right- wingers stand up for their heritage, against immigrants, against abortion.

That's all been happening in Europe, but not so much in the dumb, dumb Anglosphere.

In White Catholic countries, they're increasingly talking about a White Catholic revolution of Nationalism.

In the U.S.A South Protestant Anglos are increasingly talking about a Tax Revolution of Capitalism.

Oh well, your country might have a huge murder rate, you might be culturally exterminated, have a country filled with Islamic terrorism, and Hispanic gangs but
you saved 500 dollars in taxes a year.... Whoop, Whoop.

More like Whooptie doo.

I don't care what your Autistic Anglos down South, and else where in the World think, you're plain retarded, weak, and selfish, brutish ogres.
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In the Anglo Protestant U.S.A when Democrats, and Republicans let in Islamic refugees, you hear crickets.

Oh, Donald Trump wants DACA, and you don't do nothing, like you dumb, dumb Anglo chumps think Reagan's #1, yeah #1 in Amnesty, you stupid dregs.

In Catholic Poland, when the status quo told them to take in Muslim refugees.

They boycotted.

Lech Poznan fans boycott Europa League match over refugee pledge

They stormed the street.

When Mexicans caused problems in Poland, Polish Nationalist Hooligans whooped their butts.


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