The Blue State Flushing Sound Today: AllianceBernstein Leaves NYC for Nashville with Over 1,000 Jobs

When I travel in the U.S.A including to Florida, the first thing I notice is how weak, skinny, and push-over the Whites are compared to what I grew up with in Putnam Lake, NY where probably 95% of us growing up were Catholics.

Why don't you come to Putnam Lake, New York, and tell us how they're a bunch of Liberals. LOL

You'd get pounded here, and so would you Neg, and Hispanic buddies.

Within 4 miles of my house in Putnam Lake, NY there were approx 4,000 people.

For a such a small town, we had a lot of Alpha-man specimens.

Exhibit 1.

Polish Catholic muscle head, didn't like Neg's, and was a NY powerlift dead-lift winner.

Exhibit 2.

Italian - Irish Catholic MMA fighter, he was called a "Sp*c:" in school, he didn't like the "Sp*cs" so he whipped their @$$.

Exhibit 3. Bodybuilder Italian - German PJ Braun doesn't like the Negs.

Exhibit 4.

3 Italians, the one in the Middle beat up a Neg for looking at him the wrong way.
He then he started fighting me, so I knocked him out, and he ran in the Girl's bathroom to hide.

View attachment 193239

Exhibit 5.

Italian Catholic on the right, kicked a Neg's butt, because he went into his neighborhood park.

View attachment 193242

Looks like the cast from Jersey Shore...douche bags.

Italians are a lot better than you dirty Neg's with different skin colors down South.

My Polish American uncle suffered because of you dirty Southern shits, and Negs.

- He was blown up in Vietnam, and nearly died because of Southern Lyndon Johnson Anglo.

- He came back, and dirty Neg's infiltrated his Portchester White Catholic neighborhood, with the new Negs from the South going nuts shooting guns in front of the apartments.

- He came back, to have dirty Neg's jump him, and steal his leather jacket, and wallet.

Who came to help him?

His Polish, Catholic relatives, and Italian Catholics hunted down those dirty Neg's, and told them not to come back if they knew what's best for them.

- When he had PTSD, and strokes he got parlyzed from Vietnam due to LBJ Southern Hick whom I despise.

- Irish, Italian, Scottish and Polish Catholic Vets picked him up out of his Wheel chair, and brought him down the steps of the Putnam Lake VFW.

You know what I think of you Southern Protestant Negs, and Dregs?

I think you're scum, and I hate your guts.

You've done nothing for my family but cause problems.

What I cant figure out?
Why would some dumbass polack spend this much time trying to trash his betters unless it was to salve the butt hurt of being a moron?

You Southerners are nothing more than parasites, you steal Northern Welfare, and then send us to die for your retarded wars because you're Prehistoric trash.

Can I direct you to the nearest recruitment center?
New Dorkers are a bunch of pussies who are afraid to fight.
These States Have The Highest (And Lowest) Enlistment Rates In America

Why would I move to Texas?

If I went to a Catholic church, it would be like 99% Bean.

If I want Italian, or Polish food it would be hard to find, or be crap.

I don't like roasting my balls off in the heat.

I actually like the idea of seasons most of the time, it's more fun, and less boring.

I don't think you have the kind of park land, gardens, or beauty we do here.

You have much higher crime rates too.
I bet when HereWeGo went to Church with his Mexican sweetie, he heard Mariachi blasting in a low-rider in front of the church, with gun shots blasting out of a guys Sambrero.
Some good thing's from New York.

Oh i'm sure NY has it's good points if you're a leftist.
All I can say is the black people who move to Houston from the northeast have nothing but good things to say about the south.

380k in a #1 ranked master planned community on the sixth fairway.

I can see why you Southerners love the Neg's so much.

You both love Black eyed peas, Fried chicken, Watermellon, Gritz, and Collard greens.

You both are Baptists.

You both like to hide behind guns, rather than fight.

You both are criminal predators in comparison to Northern Whites.

You both are Slave crazed maniacs, if you look at Africa, yes.

You both are Libertardians, overall perhaps not in the U.S.A, but most Neg societies in the World are Libertardian.

And you're an absolute retard.

Southerners are just dumb, dirty, Neg's with different skin colors, that's how you personally behave, and how it seems too.

Best cancer center in the world,the new silicon valley,NASA...
I could go on but even I start to feel guilty about making your jersey shore ass look bad.

Go sell some loosies and get choked ya punk.

Isn't NASA only in the South, because of Northern money?

But, but, I thought stimulus funding from big government was so bad?
Looks like the cast from Jersey Shore...douche bags.

Italians are a lot better than you dirty Neg's with different skin colors down South.

My Polish American uncle suffered because of you dirty Southern shits, and Negs.

- He was blown up in Vietnam, and nearly died because of Southern Lyndon Johnson Anglo.

- He came back, and dirty Neg's infiltrated his Portchester White Catholic neighborhood, with the new Negs from the South going nuts shooting guns in front of the apartments.

- He came back, to have dirty Neg's jump him, and steal his leather jacket, and wallet.

Who came to help him?

His Polish, Catholic relatives, and Italian Catholics hunted down those dirty Neg's, and told them not to come back if they knew what's best for them.

- When he had PTSD, and strokes he got parlyzed from Vietnam due to LBJ Southern Hick whom I despise.

- Irish, Italian, Scottish and Polish Catholic Vets picked him up out of his Wheel chair, and brought him down the steps of the Putnam Lake VFW.

You know what I think of you Southern Protestant Negs, and Dregs?

I think you're scum, and I hate your guts.

You've done nothing for my family but cause problems.

What I cant figure out?
Why would some dumbass polack spend this much time trying to trash his betters unless it was to salve the butt hurt of being a moron?

You Southerners are nothing more than parasites, you steal Northern Welfare, and then send us to die for your retarded wars because you're Prehistoric trash.

Can I direct you to the nearest recruitment center?
New Dorkers are a bunch of pussies who are afraid to fight.
These States Have The Highest (And Lowest) Enlistment Rates In America

Maybe because we know better than to enlist for your wars for Zionists.

Much of the best White boxers have been Catholic, Rocky Marciano, Andrew Golota, Dariusz Michalczewski, or Tyson Fury.

The others are mostly Eastern Catholic, like Klitschko.

So Tyson sucked?

And your whole "the south started all the wars" is absolute bullshit.

As far as you being a bunch of tough guys?
Anyone can get in a fist fight and walk away. Thats mini camp compared to those willing to get into gunfights....pussy.
Italians are a lot better than you dirty Neg's with different skin colors down South.

My Polish American uncle suffered because of you dirty Southern shits, and Negs.

- He was blown up in Vietnam, and nearly died because of Southern Lyndon Johnson Anglo.

- He came back, and dirty Neg's infiltrated his Portchester White Catholic neighborhood, with the new Negs from the South going nuts shooting guns in front of the apartments.

- He came back, to have dirty Neg's jump him, and steal his leather jacket, and wallet.

Who came to help him?

His Polish, Catholic relatives, and Italian Catholics hunted down those dirty Neg's, and told them not to come back if they knew what's best for them.

- When he had PTSD, and strokes he got parlyzed from Vietnam due to LBJ Southern Hick whom I despise.

- Irish, Italian, Scottish and Polish Catholic Vets picked him up out of his Wheel chair, and brought him down the steps of the Putnam Lake VFW.

You know what I think of you Southern Protestant Negs, and Dregs?

I think you're scum, and I hate your guts.

You've done nothing for my family but cause problems.

What I cant figure out?
Why would some dumbass polack spend this much time trying to trash his betters unless it was to salve the butt hurt of being a moron?

You Southerners are nothing more than parasites, you steal Northern Welfare, and then send us to die for your retarded wars because you're Prehistoric trash.

Can I direct you to the nearest recruitment center?
New Dorkers are a bunch of pussies who are afraid to fight.
These States Have The Highest (And Lowest) Enlistment Rates In America

As far as you being a bunch of tough guys?
Anyone can get in a fist fight and walk away. Thats mini camp compared to those willing to get into gunfights....pussy.

See, as I said both the Neg's, and Southern Whites hide behind guns.

Mike Tyson from Brooklyn, with his Bronx Italian Catholic trainer Cus D'Amato?
Looks like the cast from Jersey Shore...douche bags.

Italians are a lot better than you dirty Neg's with different skin colors down South.

My Polish American uncle suffered because of you dirty Southern shits, and Negs.

- He was blown up in Vietnam, and nearly died because of Southern Lyndon Johnson Anglo.

- He came back, and dirty Neg's infiltrated his Portchester White Catholic neighborhood, with the new Negs from the South going nuts shooting guns in front of the apartments.

- He came back, to have dirty Neg's jump him, and steal his leather jacket, and wallet.

Who came to help him?

His Polish, Catholic relatives, and Italian Catholics hunted down those dirty Neg's, and told them not to come back if they knew what's best for them.

- When he had PTSD, and strokes he got parlyzed from Vietnam due to LBJ Southern Hick whom I despise.

- Irish, Italian, Scottish and Polish Catholic Vets picked him up out of his Wheel chair, and brought him down the steps of the Putnam Lake VFW.

You know what I think of you Southern Protestant Negs, and Dregs?

I think you're scum, and I hate your guts.

You've done nothing for my family but cause problems.

What I cant figure out?
Why would some dumbass polack spend this much time trying to trash his betters unless it was to salve the butt hurt of being a moron?

You Southerners are nothing more than parasites, you steal Northern Welfare, and then send us to die for your retarded wars because you're Prehistoric trash.

Can I direct you to the nearest recruitment center?
New Dorkers are a bunch of pussies who are afraid to fight.
These States Have The Highest (And Lowest) Enlistment Rates In America

Why would I move to Texas?

If I went to a Catholic church, it would be like 99% Bean.

If I want Italian, or Polish food it would be hard to find, or be crap.

I don't like roasting my balls off in the heat.

I actually like the idea of seasons most of the time, it's more fun, and less boring.

I don't think you have the kind of park land, gardens, or beauty we do here.

You have much higher crime rates too.

New Dork doesnt even compare to our scenery.
We have 268'000 square miles to your paltry 54'000.
We have piney woods, prairie, beaches,desert,mountains and every thing in between.
Oh i'm sure NY has it's good points if you're a leftist.
All I can say is the black people who move to Houston from the northeast have nothing but good things to say about the south.

380k in a #1 ranked master planned community on the sixth fairway.

I can see why you Southerners love the Neg's so much.

You both love Black eyed peas, Fried chicken, Watermellon, Gritz, and Collard greens.

You both are Baptists.

You both like to hide behind guns, rather than fight.

You both are criminal predators in comparison to Northern Whites.

You both are Slave crazed maniacs, if you look at Africa, yes.

You both are Libertardians, overall perhaps not in the U.S.A, but most Neg societies in the World are Libertardian.

And you're an absolute retard.

Southerners are just dumb, dirty, Neg's with different skin colors, that's how you personally behave, and how it seems too.

Best cancer center in the world,the new silicon valley,NASA...
I could go on but even I start to feel guilty about making your jersey shore ass look bad.

Go sell some loosies and get choked ya punk.

Isn't NASA only in the South, because of Northern money?

But, but, I thought stimulus funding from big government was so bad?

You gotta link to your desperate attempt to be relevant?
What I cant figure out?
Why would some dumbass polack spend this much time trying to trash his betters unless it was to salve the butt hurt of being a moron?

You Southerners are nothing more than parasites, you steal Northern Welfare, and then send us to die for your retarded wars because you're Prehistoric trash.

Can I direct you to the nearest recruitment center?
New Dorkers are a bunch of pussies who are afraid to fight.
These States Have The Highest (And Lowest) Enlistment Rates In America

As far as you being a bunch of tough guys?
Anyone can get in a fist fight and walk away. Thats mini camp compared to those willing to get into gunfights....pussy.

See, as I said both the Neg's, and Southern Whites hide behind guns.

Mike Tyson from Brooklyn, with his Bronx Italian Catholic trainer Cus D'Amato?

You cant even carry guns.
Pussy state.
Italians are a lot better than you dirty Neg's with different skin colors down South.

My Polish American uncle suffered because of you dirty Southern shits, and Negs.

- He was blown up in Vietnam, and nearly died because of Southern Lyndon Johnson Anglo.

- He came back, and dirty Neg's infiltrated his Portchester White Catholic neighborhood, with the new Negs from the South going nuts shooting guns in front of the apartments.

- He came back, to have dirty Neg's jump him, and steal his leather jacket, and wallet.

Who came to help him?

His Polish, Catholic relatives, and Italian Catholics hunted down those dirty Neg's, and told them not to come back if they knew what's best for them.

- When he had PTSD, and strokes he got parlyzed from Vietnam due to LBJ Southern Hick whom I despise.

- Irish, Italian, Scottish and Polish Catholic Vets picked him up out of his Wheel chair, and brought him down the steps of the Putnam Lake VFW.

You know what I think of you Southern Protestant Negs, and Dregs?

I think you're scum, and I hate your guts.

You've done nothing for my family but cause problems.

What I cant figure out?
Why would some dumbass polack spend this much time trying to trash his betters unless it was to salve the butt hurt of being a moron?

You Southerners are nothing more than parasites, you steal Northern Welfare, and then send us to die for your retarded wars because you're Prehistoric trash.

Can I direct you to the nearest recruitment center?
New Dorkers are a bunch of pussies who are afraid to fight.
These States Have The Highest (And Lowest) Enlistment Rates In America

Why would I move to Texas?

If I went to a Catholic church, it would be like 99% Bean.

If I want Italian, or Polish food it would be hard to find, or be crap.

I don't like roasting my balls off in the heat.

I actually like the idea of seasons most of the time, it's more fun, and less boring.

I don't think you have the kind of park land, gardens, or beauty we do here.

You have much higher crime rates too.

New Dork doesnt even compare to our scenery.
We have 268'000 square miles to your paltry 54'000.
We have piney woods, prairie, beaches,desert,mountains and every thing in between.

Niagara Falls, Taughannock Falls, Katerskill falls, Middle Falls, Bash-bish falls, Trumansburg Falls, Howe Carverns, the Hudson River a Fjord like they have in Norway, Lake Erie, Lake Ontario, Lake Champlain, Adirondack Mountains, the Catskills, the Albany Pine Brush, the Long Island Pine Barrens, the Dover Sand pits (A sandy desert)
Minnewaska a sunken lake in mountains.
Sams Point.
North South Lake.
Delaware River Gap.
Long Island Beaches.
Fire Island.
Lake George.
Lake Placid.
Lots of fall leaves that turn colors, especially Sugar Maples, and Red Maples.
You Southerners are nothing more than parasites, you steal Northern Welfare, and then send us to die for your retarded wars because you're Prehistoric trash.

Can I direct you to the nearest recruitment center?
New Dorkers are a bunch of pussies who are afraid to fight.
These States Have The Highest (And Lowest) Enlistment Rates In America

As far as you being a bunch of tough guys?
Anyone can get in a fist fight and walk away. Thats mini camp compared to those willing to get into gunfights....pussy.

See, as I said both the Neg's, and Southern Whites hide behind guns.

Mike Tyson from Brooklyn, with his Bronx Italian Catholic trainer Cus D'Amato?

You cant even carry guns.
Pussy state.

You weak little scrawny lazy weak f*ck tards down South are forced to carry guns because you're vaginal little queers who hide behind guns.
What I cant figure out?
Why would some dumbass polack spend this much time trying to trash his betters unless it was to salve the butt hurt of being a moron?

You Southerners are nothing more than parasites, you steal Northern Welfare, and then send us to die for your retarded wars because you're Prehistoric trash.

Can I direct you to the nearest recruitment center?
New Dorkers are a bunch of pussies who are afraid to fight.
These States Have The Highest (And Lowest) Enlistment Rates In America

Why would I move to Texas?

If I went to a Catholic church, it would be like 99% Bean.

If I want Italian, or Polish food it would be hard to find, or be crap.

I don't like roasting my balls off in the heat.

I actually like the idea of seasons most of the time, it's more fun, and less boring.

I don't think you have the kind of park land, gardens, or beauty we do here.

You have much higher crime rates too.

New Dork doesnt even compare to our scenery.
We have 268'000 square miles to your paltry 54'000.
We have piney woods, prairie, beaches,desert,mountains and every thing in between.

Niagara Falls, Taughannock Falls, Katerskill falls, Middle Falls, Bash-bish falls, Trumansburg Falls, Howe Carverns, the Hudson River a Fjord like they have in Norway, Lake Erie, Lake Ontario, Lake Champlain, Adirondack Mountains, the Catskills, the Albany Pine Brush, the Long Island Pine Barrens, the Dover Sand pits (A sandy desert)
Minnewaska a sunken lake in mountains.
Sams Point.
North South Lake.
Delaware River Gap.
Long Island Beaches.
Fire Island.
Lake George.
Lake Placid.
Lots of fall leaves that turn colors, especially Sugar Maples, and Red Maples.

And they all look alike.
Can I direct you to the nearest recruitment center?
New Dorkers are a bunch of pussies who are afraid to fight.
These States Have The Highest (And Lowest) Enlistment Rates In America

As far as you being a bunch of tough guys?
Anyone can get in a fist fight and walk away. Thats mini camp compared to those willing to get into gunfights....pussy.

See, as I said both the Neg's, and Southern Whites hide behind guns.

Mike Tyson from Brooklyn, with his Bronx Italian Catholic trainer Cus D'Amato?

You cant even carry guns.
Pussy state.

You weak little scrawny lazy weak f*ck tards down South are forced to carry guns because you're vaginal little queers who hide behind guns. sure are trying hard to sound tough.

For being so tough you rank among the bottom when it comes to producing NFL players while Texas is third.
I guess you guys are more into soccer and tidily winks.
You Southerners are nothing more than parasites, you steal Northern Welfare, and then send us to die for your retarded wars because you're Prehistoric trash.

Can I direct you to the nearest recruitment center?
New Dorkers are a bunch of pussies who are afraid to fight.
These States Have The Highest (And Lowest) Enlistment Rates In America

Why would I move to Texas?

If I went to a Catholic church, it would be like 99% Bean.

If I want Italian, or Polish food it would be hard to find, or be crap.

I don't like roasting my balls off in the heat.

I actually like the idea of seasons most of the time, it's more fun, and less boring.

I don't think you have the kind of park land, gardens, or beauty we do here.

You have much higher crime rates too.

New Dork doesnt even compare to our scenery.
We have 268'000 square miles to your paltry 54'000.
We have piney woods, prairie, beaches,desert,mountains and every thing in between.

Niagara Falls, Taughannock Falls, Katerskill falls, Middle Falls, Bash-bish falls, Trumansburg Falls, Howe Carverns, the Hudson River a Fjord like they have in Norway, Lake Erie, Lake Ontario, Lake Champlain, Adirondack Mountains, the Catskills, the Albany Pine Brush, the Long Island Pine Barrens, the Dover Sand pits (A sandy desert)
Minnewaska a sunken lake in mountains.
Sams Point.
North South Lake.
Delaware River Gap.
Long Island Beaches.
Fire Island.
Lake George.
Lake Placid.
Lots of fall leaves that turn colors, especially Sugar Maples, and Red Maples.

And they all look alike.

It looks to me Texas is the Brown state, both in terms of Mexis, and it's landscapes both being brown, brown, brown.
As far as you being a bunch of tough guys?
Anyone can get in a fist fight and walk away. Thats mini camp compared to those willing to get into gunfights....pussy.

See, as I said both the Neg's, and Southern Whites hide behind guns.

Mike Tyson from Brooklyn, with his Bronx Italian Catholic trainer Cus D'Amato?

You cant even carry guns.
Pussy state.

You weak little scrawny lazy weak f*ck tards down South are forced to carry guns because you're vaginal little queers who hide behind guns. sure are trying hard to sound tough.

For being so tough you rank among the bottom when it comes to producing NFL players while Texas is third.
I guess you guys are more into soccer and tidily winks.

How about Gronkowski the Polish American Catholic from New York?
Can I direct you to the nearest recruitment center?
New Dorkers are a bunch of pussies who are afraid to fight.
These States Have The Highest (And Lowest) Enlistment Rates In America

Why would I move to Texas?

If I went to a Catholic church, it would be like 99% Bean.

If I want Italian, or Polish food it would be hard to find, or be crap.

I don't like roasting my balls off in the heat.

I actually like the idea of seasons most of the time, it's more fun, and less boring.

I don't think you have the kind of park land, gardens, or beauty we do here.

You have much higher crime rates too.

New Dork doesnt even compare to our scenery.
We have 268'000 square miles to your paltry 54'000.
We have piney woods, prairie, beaches,desert,mountains and every thing in between.

Niagara Falls, Taughannock Falls, Katerskill falls, Middle Falls, Bash-bish falls, Trumansburg Falls, Howe Carverns, the Hudson River a Fjord like they have in Norway, Lake Erie, Lake Ontario, Lake Champlain, Adirondack Mountains, the Catskills, the Albany Pine Brush, the Long Island Pine Barrens, the Dover Sand pits (A sandy desert)
Minnewaska a sunken lake in mountains.
Sams Point.
North South Lake.
Delaware River Gap.
Long Island Beaches.
Fire Island.
Lake George.
Lake Placid.
Lots of fall leaves that turn colors, especially Sugar Maples, and Red Maples.

And they all look alike.

It looks to me Texas is the Brown state, both in terms of Mexis, and it's landscapes both being brown, brown, brown.

And I bet you think we all live on ranches and own cattle.








See, as I said both the Neg's, and Southern Whites hide behind guns.

Mike Tyson from Brooklyn, with his Bronx Italian Catholic trainer Cus D'Amato?

You cant even carry guns.
Pussy state.

You weak little scrawny lazy weak f*ck tards down South are forced to carry guns because you're vaginal little queers who hide behind guns. sure are trying hard to sound tough.

For being so tough you rank among the bottom when it comes to producing NFL players while Texas is third.
I guess you guys are more into soccer and tidily winks.

How about Gronkowski the Polish American Catholic from New York?

So you got one player.:21:
As far as you being a bunch of tough guys?
Anyone can get in a fist fight and walk away. Thats mini camp compared to those willing to get into gunfights....pussy.

See, as I said both the Neg's, and Southern Whites hide behind guns.

Mike Tyson from Brooklyn, with his Bronx Italian Catholic trainer Cus D'Amato?

You cant even carry guns.
Pussy state.

You weak little scrawny lazy weak f*ck tards down South are forced to carry guns because you're vaginal little queers who hide behind guns.

I guess you guys are more into soccer and tidily winks.

Europe's tougher than Americans, and the toughest, most right wing, Nationalist, Europeans love Soccer, and don't know what American Football is.


See, as I said both the Neg's, and Southern Whites hide behind guns.

Mike Tyson from Brooklyn, with his Bronx Italian Catholic trainer Cus D'Amato?

You cant even carry guns.
Pussy state.

You weak little scrawny lazy weak f*ck tards down South are forced to carry guns because you're vaginal little queers who hide behind guns.

I guess you guys are more into soccer and tidily winks.

Europe's tougher than Americans, and the toughest, most right wing, Nationalist, Europeans love Soccer, and don't know what American Football is. you're proud of a bunch of drunk soccer hooligans?
Why would I move to Texas?

If I went to a Catholic church, it would be like 99% Bean.

If I want Italian, or Polish food it would be hard to find, or be crap.

I don't like roasting my balls off in the heat.

I actually like the idea of seasons most of the time, it's more fun, and less boring.

I don't think you have the kind of park land, gardens, or beauty we do here.

You have much higher crime rates too.

New Dork doesnt even compare to our scenery.
We have 268'000 square miles to your paltry 54'000.
We have piney woods, prairie, beaches,desert,mountains and every thing in between.

Niagara Falls, Taughannock Falls, Katerskill falls, Middle Falls, Bash-bish falls, Trumansburg Falls, Howe Carverns, the Hudson River a Fjord like they have in Norway, Lake Erie, Lake Ontario, Lake Champlain, Adirondack Mountains, the Catskills, the Albany Pine Brush, the Long Island Pine Barrens, the Dover Sand pits (A sandy desert)
Minnewaska a sunken lake in mountains.
Sams Point.
North South Lake.
Delaware River Gap.
Long Island Beaches.
Fire Island.
Lake George.
Lake Placid.
Lots of fall leaves that turn colors, especially Sugar Maples, and Red Maples.

And they all look alike.

It looks to me Texas is the Brown state, both in terms of Mexis, and it's landscapes both being brown, brown, brown.

And I bet you think we all live on ranches and own cattle.








New York rules.











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