The Blue State Flushing Sound Today: AllianceBernstein Leaves NYC for Nashville with Over 1,000 Jobs

We should build a wall around Tennessee. They work for peanuts and undercut trained/skilled workers.
1.) You hate Unions so bad, but I bet 9 times out of 10 your type are glad when you get a Union job, over a non-Union one.

2.) If you think the U.S.A should settle for less, is some kind of Patriotism, I'm so sorry.

3.) Why should Americans have to compete with China over scab jobs, and scab wages, without benefits, or anything else?

4.) Why do Capitalist swines think we deserve less, or otherwise export jobs to China, or import illegals from Mexico, to sustain their anti-Patriotism dirty Capitalism parasitism, and blood letting.

Yes I do hate Union jobs and wouldn't even consider working for a union. Deserve less? Great, we deserve nothing, and you liberal swine will get exactly what you deserve...nothing.

You are the Liberal swine.

Liberalism of the market = less regulation.

Thus Republicans are the Liberal swines.

I'm so glad you dirty Dreg's down South don't understand politics.

Real right wing = Nationalism, anti-Communism, anti-Capitalism, anti-Abortion, pro-Culture, pro-Heritage, anti-Perversion, anti-Minority, etc. etc.

You Republicans / Southerners aren't the Real Right Wing.

You're Kosher Capitalist Liberals, glad you know.

Piss off...dumbass.

Keep telling us that American patriotism is that we must settle for less money, less benefits, or pay the price of losing jobs to, and competing with China, and Illegals from Mexico.

You are anti-Patriotic, Liberal, Capitalist shits.

Jobs or no jobs your choice we are not going back to the 1950s

So, it's also our choices that our house values in the New York City region have skyrocketed?

Wow, my family's making out like bandits by that.
Lot of taxes the company and those employees once paid to New York City.

Escape from New York
We in Alabama are getting many New Yorkers moving in. We try to get them to move to Fla, they keep wanting to change the State into a Little New York, with higher taxes gun control and e,t,c.

In the 1960's Brooklyn Neg's from the South turned White Brooklyn into Black Crooklyn, with their feral looting, and shooting.
Democrats have no problem with this. The Party thrives on misery. The more poor, angry, and helpless, the better for the Party. Most folks don't understand that. The last thing Democrats want, is a happy, prosperous, independent populace.

They're Communists. It's an Agenda. Infamous Marxist/Democrat Saul Alinsky, wrote about it. You create the awful problems, and then you step in to claim Government is the only solution. So more poor folks in New York is actually a 'good thing' for the Democratic Party. Folks just need to understand their Agenda. I urge everyone to watch the excellent documentary 'Agenda: Grinding America Down.' You can watch it on Amazon Prime. The Communists have been at it for almost 100yrs in this country. They aren't going away.
Houston's not doing fine, it's murder rate is 4X higher than New York City.

Actually Houston has half the murders N.Y. has.

New York City has over 8.5 million, Houston over 2.3.

Don't tell me you're going to go IM2, and not grasp proportions?

Actually there's 6.5 million in the greater Houston area.

Combined Statistical Areas (CSA) group together adjacent core-based statistical areas with a high degree of economic interconnection.[21] The New York–Newark, NY–NJ–CT–PA Combined Statistical Area had an estimated population of 23.7 million as of 2014.

New York metropolitan area - Wikipedia

So why is everyone moving to the south if it sucks so bad?
Tell your fucken friends to stay home,we dont want anymore yankees.

From the source cited in the OP

"The city is already straining under a record population, record employment, and record tourism."--they were talking about NYC.

You're simply ignorant.
Democrats have no problem with this. The Party thrives on misery. The more poor, angry, and helpless, the better for the Party. Most folks don't understand that. The last thing Democrats want, is a happy, prosperous, independent populace.

They're Communists. It's an Agenda. Infamous Marxist/Democrat Saul Alinsky, wrote about it. You create the awful problems, and then you step in to claim Government is the only solution. So more poor folks in New York is actually a 'good thing' for the Democratic Party. Folks just need to understand their Agenda. I urge everyone to watch the excellent documentary 'Agenda: Grinding America Down.' You can watch it on Amazon Prime. The Communists have been at it for almost 100yrs in this country. They aren't going away.

LOL, Never heard of Social Democracy?

Some of the most modern, civilized, and wealthy societies are Social Democracy, like Sweden, Norway, Denmark, etc. etc.

It was a paradise, that made the U.S.A look like the Wild,Wild West, until the Islamic dregs flooded Sweden.

Still, Sweden's murder rate,and terrorism rate is no higher than the U.S.A, in fact it's still much lower.
Democrats have no problem with this. The Party thrives on misery. The more poor, angry, and helpless, the better for the Party. Most folks don't understand that. The last thing Democrats want, is a happy, prosperous, independent populace.

They're Communists. It's an Agenda. Infamous Marxist/Democrat Saul Alinsky, wrote about it. You create the awful problems, and then you step in to claim Government is the only solution. So more poor folks in New York is actually a 'good thing' for the Democratic Party. Folks just need to understand their Agenda. I urge everyone to watch the excellent documentary 'Agenda: Grinding America Down.' You can watch it on Amazon Prime. The Communists have been at it for almost 100yrs in this country. They aren't going away.

Blame Saul Alinsky, blame Rachel Maddow, blame Bernie Sanders, blame Karl Marx, blame Wolf Blitzer, blame Chuck Schumer, blame Elena Kagan, blame George Soros, blame Ruth Bader Ginsbugh, blame Paul Ehlrich, blame Noam Chomsky, blame Mencken, and Horkheimer, blame Hollywood, blame the ACLU, blame Debbie Wasserman Schultz, blame Diane Feinstein, blame the media, blame the SPLC, blame Tim Wise etc. etc.

If you hate these Wealthy Jews so much.

Why do you think they deserve Tax cuts, and Zionist wars for Israel?
Democrats have no problem with this. The Party thrives on misery. The more poor, angry, and helpless, the better for the Party. Most folks don't understand that. The last thing Democrats want, is a happy, prosperous, independent populace.

They're Communists. It's an Agenda. Infamous Marxist/Democrat Saul Alinsky, wrote about it. You create the awful problems, and then you step in to claim Government is the only solution. So more poor folks in New York is actually a 'good thing' for the Democratic Party. Folks just need to understand their Agenda. I urge everyone to watch the excellent documentary 'Agenda: Grinding America Down.' You can watch it on Amazon Prime. The Communists have been at it for almost 100yrs in this country. They aren't going away.

LOL, Never heard of Social Democracy?

Some of the most modern, civilized, and wealthy societies are Social Democracy, like Sweden, Norway, Denmark, etc. etc.

It was a paradise, that made the U.S.A look like the Wild,Wild West, until the Islamic dregs flooded Sweden.

Still, Sweden's murder rate,and terrorism rate is no higher than the U.S.A, in fact it's still much lower.

Most folks still aren't getting it. It's an Agenda. The OP really believes the Democrats are upset about this. But that's not the case. They're completely fine with more folks becoming unemployed. It's more folks fully dependent on Government.

The Democratic Party needs more suffering folks. It can exploit their poverty and bitterness. So, 1000 Citizens losing their jobs? No big deal to Democrats. They'll soon come groveling to Government for survival. So i hear what the OP is saying, but he or she doesn't understand that Democrats are completely fine with this. They're Communists, they have an Agenda.
White Catholics , and or Whites of Catholic roots are the best Americans.

- Sheriff Joe the Italian #1 to stand up to illegals.

- Polish Brzezinski Catholic Jesuit #1 to stand up to Jewish Lobby, and Israel in U.S politics & Catholic baptized Polish / Irish heritage Chuck Hagel was #2 to stand up to the Jewish, and Israel lobby idiocy, and degeneracy.

- Polish Catholc Jesuit Lewandowski = First to back Trump the most, then Kelly Anne Conway of Irish, and Italian Catholic origins.

- Italian Jesse Ventura = #1 politician against the N.W.O Globalists.

- Irish Catholic origin Steve Bannon = Biggest to stand up to Multicultural Diversity.

You Protestant dregs down South just do as you're told, no backbone, no balls, just beta-cucks.

What have you shits even down for us, but screw us?
Democrats have no problem with this. The Party thrives on misery. The more poor, angry, and helpless, the better for the Party. Most folks don't understand that. The last thing Democrats want, is a happy, prosperous, independent populace.

They're Communists. It's an Agenda. Infamous Marxist/Democrat Saul Alinsky, wrote about it. You create the awful problems, and then you step in to claim Government is the only solution. So more poor folks in New York is actually a 'good thing' for the Democratic Party. Folks just need to understand their Agenda. I urge everyone to watch the excellent documentary 'Agenda: Grinding America Down.' You can watch it on Amazon Prime. The Communists have been at it for almost 100yrs in this country. They aren't going away.

LOL, Never heard of Social Democracy?

Some of the most modern, civilized, and wealthy societies are Social Democracy, like Sweden, Norway, Denmark, etc. etc.

It was a paradise, that made the U.S.A look like the Wild,Wild West, until the Islamic dregs flooded Sweden.

Still, Sweden's murder rate,and terrorism rate is no higher than the U.S.A, in fact it's still much lower.

Most folks still aren't getting it. It's an Agenda. The OP really believes the Democrats are upset about this. But that's not the case. They're completely fine with more folks becoming unemployed. It's more folks fully dependent on Government.

The Democratic Party needs more suffering folks. It can exploit their poverty and bitterness. So, 1000 Citizens losing their jobs? No big deal to Democrats. They'll soon come groveling to Government for survival. So i hear what the OP is saying, but he or she doesn't understand that Democrats are completely fine with this. They're Communists, they have an Agenda.

Poverty about halved thanks to Welfare.

I do support Welfare, but I support it where the working abled are funneled into the job industry, where the Feds push Welfare recipients into the places Illegals are, like Farming, Construction, Gardening, and Restaurants, to cut down the need for illegals, and in return give them a wage so they can live.
Anglos are clearly the Negroes of Europe.

Notice that Whites are big supporters of Unions, Healthcare, and Education funding.

While Negroes in Africa have hardly of this shit.

You Anglos called the Irish the Negro Monkeys of Europe.

No, that's you Anglo shits, especially Anglo shits from the Southern U.S.A.

You don't understand civilization, you don't understand politics, nor political orientation.
Yes I do hate Union jobs and wouldn't even consider working for a union. Deserve less? Great, we deserve nothing, and you liberal swine will get exactly what you deserve...nothing.

You are the Liberal swine.

Liberalism of the market = less regulation.

Thus Republicans are the Liberal swines.

I'm so glad you dirty Dreg's down South don't understand politics.

Real right wing = Nationalism, anti-Communism, anti-Capitalism, anti-Abortion, pro-Culture, pro-Heritage, anti-Perversion, anti-Minority, etc. etc.

You Republicans / Southerners aren't the Real Right Wing.

You're Kosher Capitalist Liberals, glad you know.

Piss off...dumbass.

Keep telling us that American patriotism is that we must settle for less money, less benefits, or pay the price of losing jobs to, and competing with China, and Illegals from Mexico.

You are anti-Patriotic, Liberal, Capitalist shits.

Jobs or no jobs your choice we are not going back to the 1950s

So, it's also our choices that our house values in the New York City region have skyrocketed?

Wow, my family's making out like bandits by that.

Yup, I'm sure your mother and father are quite happy with real estate prices going up. You, probably not so much.
Democrats have no problem with this. The Party thrives on misery. The more poor, angry, and helpless, the better for the Party. Most folks don't understand that. The last thing Democrats want, is a happy, prosperous, independent populace.

They're Communists. It's an Agenda. Infamous Marxist/Democrat Saul Alinsky, wrote about it. You create the awful problems, and then you step in to claim Government is the only solution. So more poor folks in New York is actually a 'good thing' for the Democratic Party. Folks just need to understand their Agenda. I urge everyone to watch the excellent documentary 'Agenda: Grinding America Down.' You can watch it on Amazon Prime. The Communists have been at it for almost 100yrs in this country. They aren't going away.

LOL, Never heard of Social Democracy?

Some of the most modern, civilized, and wealthy societies are Social Democracy, like Sweden, Norway, Denmark, etc. etc.

It was a paradise, that made the U.S.A look like the Wild,Wild West, until the Islamic dregs flooded Sweden.

Still, Sweden's murder rate,and terrorism rate is no higher than the U.S.A, in fact it's still much lower.

Most folks still aren't getting it. It's an Agenda. The OP really believes the Democrats are upset about this. But that's not the case. They're completely fine with more folks becoming unemployed. It's more folks fully dependent on Government.

The Democratic Party needs more suffering folks. It can exploit their poverty and bitterness. So, 1000 Citizens losing their jobs? No big deal to Democrats. They'll soon come groveling to Government for survival. So i hear what the OP is saying, but he or she doesn't understand that Democrats are completely fine with this. They're Communists, they have an Agenda.

Poverty about halved thanks to Welfare.

I do support Welfare, but I support it where the working abled are funneled into the job industry, where the Feds push Welfare recipients into the places Illegals are, like Farming, Construction, Gardening, and Restaurants, to cut down the need for illegals, and in return give them a wage so they can live.
Poverty about halved thanks to Welfare.

The leftards are always in a contest to see which one of them can post the stupidest things.
Democrats have no problem with this. The Party thrives on misery. The more poor, angry, and helpless, the better for the Party. Most folks don't understand that. The last thing Democrats want, is a happy, prosperous, independent populace.

They're Communists. It's an Agenda. Infamous Marxist/Democrat Saul Alinsky, wrote about it. You create the awful problems, and then you step in to claim Government is the only solution. So more poor folks in New York is actually a 'good thing' for the Democratic Party. Folks just need to understand their Agenda. I urge everyone to watch the excellent documentary 'Agenda: Grinding America Down.' You can watch it on Amazon Prime. The Communists have been at it for almost 100yrs in this country. They aren't going away.

LOL, Never heard of Social Democracy?

Some of the most modern, civilized, and wealthy societies are Social Democracy, like Sweden, Norway, Denmark, etc. etc.

It was a paradise, that made the U.S.A look like the Wild,Wild West, until the Islamic dregs flooded Sweden.

Still, Sweden's murder rate,and terrorism rate is no higher than the U.S.A, in fact it's still much lower.

Most folks still aren't getting it. It's an Agenda. The OP really believes the Democrats are upset about this. But that's not the case. They're completely fine with more folks becoming unemployed. It's more folks fully dependent on Government.

The Democratic Party needs more suffering folks. It can exploit their poverty and bitterness. So, 1000 Citizens losing their jobs? No big deal to Democrats. They'll soon come groveling to Government for survival. So i hear what the OP is saying, but he or she doesn't understand that Democrats are completely fine with this. They're Communists, they have an Agenda.

Poverty about halved thanks to Welfare.

I do support Welfare, but I support it where the working abled are funneled into the job industry, where the Feds push Welfare recipients into the places Illegals are, like Farming, Construction, Gardening, and Restaurants, to cut down the need for illegals, and in return give them a wage so they can live.
Poverty about halved thanks to Welfare.

The leftards are always in a contest to see which one of them can post the stupidest things.

You are a leftard, you care more about Israel than about Americans,.

Yes, poverty rates fell due to LBJ's welfare.

LBJ had nothing to do with it.....witness its precipitous decline long before his disaster which is now eating Fed budget alive
New York's the best, we just need to unload all our Negs, bum Dregs, Puto Ricanos, and Zionist Himey's down on the Southern states too.

LOL....why would they go somewhere that doesnt pay to be a welfare slug?

Lots of Blacks have gone back down South, it's totally proven.

Which is great, you're the barbaric simpletons who bought these f*ckers here, go have them I don't want this trash here.

Ya wanna know why they come here?
This is from repeated personal encounters.

Are you suggesting you treat Blacks better?

That's because we got a lot more Italian, and Polish alpha males up here.

You shits down South are all skinny, weak, and are clearly beta cucks, who just do as they're told.

Troll post.
But yes we do treat blacks better,and this is straight from blacks who have moved here from the northeast.
All I hear is "I cant believe how nice you southern people are"
or "everyone said we'd have to deal with racist rednecks"!!!

I live in the most diverse county in the country and it's also the 8th most prosperous county out of 254 in the state.

As far as skinny and weak goes you're welcome to come on down and test that theory.

When I travel in the U.S.A including to Florida, the first thing I notice is how weak, skinny, and push-over the Whites are compared to what I grew up with in Putnam Lake, NY where probably 95% of us growing up were Catholics.

Why don't you come to Putnam Lake, New York, and tell us how they're a bunch of Liberals. LOL

You'd get pounded here, and so would you Neg, and Hispanic buddies.

Within 4 miles of my house in Putnam Lake, NY there were approx 4,000 people.

For a such a small town, we had a lot of Alpha-man specimens.

Exhibit 1.

Polish Catholic muscle head, didn't like Neg's, and was a NY powerlift dead-lift winner.

Exhibit 2.

Italian - Irish Catholic MMA fighter, he was called a "Sp*c:" in school, he didn't like the "Sp*cs" so he whipped their @$$.

Exhibit 3. Bodybuilder Italian - German PJ Braun doesn't like the Negs.

Exhibit 4.

3 Italians, the one in the Middle beat up a Neg for looking at him the wrong way.
He then he started fighting me, so I knocked him out, and he ran in the Girl's bathroom to hide.


Exhibit 5.

Italian Catholic on the right, kicked a Neg's butt, because he went into his neighborhood park.

LBJ had nothing to do with it.....witness its precipitous decline long before his disaster which is now eating Fed budget alive

LBJ was a POS, a Texas yokel keep in mind, but it wasn't his Welfare, but rather his Vietnam war, and Affirmative Action which are suckie.

If LBJ's welfare was so bad, why was he the U.S.A Champion for #1 in economic GDP growth since WW2?

New York is better than the South.

NYC actually now has a low murder rate for a U.S.A City now-a-days.

Some of the best Pizza, Steak houses, breads, Italian, Polish, Chinese, Greek foods, Bagels, Jamaican foods etc. etc. in the country.

West Point Museum, and West Point Academy where the U.S.A Army is centered out of.
Whitehall New York, the birth of the American Navy.
Battle of Saratoga, and Battle of Ticadondaroga.

Metropolitan Museum of Art.
The Museum of Natural History.
The Gugenheim.
Maddam Tusauds.
The Body's Exhibit.
Cooperstown Baseball Hall of fame.
9/11 Museum.

Museums in New York City

FDR's Home
The Vanderbilt Mansion.
Mills Mansion.
Rockerfeller Mansion.a
Wildersteen Mansion.
Sonnerberg Mansion and Gardens.
Osbourne Castle.
Boldt Castle
Bannerman Castle.

Times Square.
Madison Square Garden
Cotton Club
Copa Cabana
Nintendo NY
Coney Island
Great Escape
Royal Palms shuffle club.
Gotham Comedy Club
Yonkers Raceway Cassino

Bronx Zoo.
Central Park Zoo.

Central Park
Brooklyn Botanical Gardens.
Bronx Botanical Gardens.
Stonecrop Gardens.
Innisfree Gardens.
Cornell Botantical Gardens.'

Niagara Falls.
Rpbert Treman State Park
Watkins Glenn State Park.
Saratoga Spa state park
Taughannock Falls state park.
North-South Lake
Mount Marcy
Walkway over the Hudson.
Riverside Park.

Dont have enough bandwidth to tout the benefits of the South.
No surprise you can fit in the norths in a small post.

I didn't post the "North" but "Some" of New York's which obviously trash the South.

Some of NY what?

Some good thing's from New York.

Oh i'm sure NY has it's good points if you're a leftist.
All I can say is the black people who move to Houston from the northeast have nothing but good things to say about the south.

380k in a #1 ranked master planned community on the sixth fairway.

I can see why you Southerners love the Neg's so much.

You both love Black eyed peas, Fried chicken, Watermellon, Gritz, and Collard greens.

You both are Baptists.

You both like to hide behind guns, rather than fight.

You both are criminal predators in comparison to Northern Whites.

You both are Slave crazed maniacs, if you look at Africa, yes.

You both are Libertardians, overall perhaps not in the U.S.A, but most Neg societies in the World are Libertardian.

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