The Blue state of Illinois should be proud of themselves

The full text is:

I understand very well that Guantanamo Bay is a concentration camp of the USA. And I do not understand why you are not able to close this camp. And in mad Poland the mad USA made once a mad torture prison under the mad president George W. Bush. Practically in the centre of the concentration camps of the Nazis. Who knows more about than the Polish and the USA? What a shame. I heard this was not the only torture prison worldwide. Such institutions of the USA are perhaps still today existing. In such institutions the USA makes a legal distinction between US-citizens (="human beings" who torture others but are not allowed to be tortured) and terrorists (and real human beings who are enemies of all forms of torture of any living creature). That's why I call them "concentration camps". Because of this legal distinction. "Others are always criminal" say criminals with criminal laws.
The USA has many reservations for Indians which was used by Hitler for his
The USA has many reservations for Indians which was used by Hitler for his

It gave many, many examples for Hitler. Hitler was nearly harmless compared with many others - like for example the Belgian king and mass-murderer in the Kongo. Or the massmurder of the British soldiers on the Boers (Netherlanders who lived in Africa) and had often been only cvilists. But Hitler was the first who used a racism with marker. He seperated Germans into "Aryans" (Europeans and Slaws) and "Jews" (=not Europeans like Africans (Arabs and Blacks), Asians (Japanesed and Chinese) and Red Indians) and mass-murdered the Germans who had been Jews.
Still today nearly everyone is using the words "German" and "Jew" as if this had been any difference. It was not - never had been, if someone really studies the history of the Holy Empire; Hate on Jews was not really "deutsch" it nearly always came from outside into Germany. Because there had not been any real biological difference between Jews and Germans the Nazis needed a marker. Funny is in this context that very most Germans never had been racists before. Germans for example always had been fascinated from Red Indians and other so called "primitive cultures". Not even the racism of the Nazis is clear. They worked together with the Japanese, Arabs and other not-Aryans. I would be really interested in to be able to see how the people in 100 or 200 years will evaluate the weird European wars and mass-murderings of the 19th, 20th ... and now also of the 21st century.
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The full text is:

I understand very well that Guantanamo Bay is a concentration camp of the USA. And I do not understand why you are not able to close this camp. And in mad Poland the mad USA made once a mad torture prison under the mad president George W. Bush. Practically in the centre of the concentration camps of the Nazis. Who knows more about than the Polish and the USA? What a shame. I heard this was not the only torture prison worldwide. Such institutions of the USA are perhaps still today existing. In such institutions the USA makes a legal distinction between US-citizens (="human beings" who torture others but are not allowed to be tortured) and terrorists (and real human beings who are enemies of all forms of torture of any living creature). That's why I call them "concentration camps". Because of this legal distinction. "Others are always criminal" say criminals with criminal laws.

I know.
You're a funny guy.
Well let's just begin charging Dem politicians as accessories after the fact to the MURDERS and RAPES. Toss them in prison for 20 to life see how mouthy they get then.
I know.
You're a funny guy.

What do you know? And what for heavens sake means the word "funny" in the English language in this context? Are you all together idiots?
How many US-Americans do not accept the citizenship of US-Americans who do not share their political opinions? How difficult is it really "to create" (=to fake-legalize) second class Americans who every first class US-citizen is allowed to torture?
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Well let's just begin charging Dem politicians as accessories after the fact to the MURDERS and RAPES. Toss them in prison for 20 to life see how mouthy they get then.

Weird. Why for heavens sake write people such an extremist bullshit as you are doing? Concrete: Why do you do so? Problems with alcohol and/or drugs? On 1st of January? What will happen in the rest of the year 7*17^2 for you?
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What do you know? And what for heavens sake means the word "funny" in the English language in this context? Are you all together idiots?
How many US-Americans do not accept the citizenship of US-Americans who do not share their political opinions? How difficult is it really "to create" (=to fake-legalize) second class Americans who every first class US-citizen is allowed to torture?
This is what a loon looks like.^^^^

Do you really not understand that two different kinds of laws with two totally different ways how to see human beings are the basic problem of all relativelly modern tyrannies?

If one loses, forgets compassion in politics then the whole politics is useless.
Konstantin Wecker

Der alte Kaiser
Steht im Garten
Und wirft Schatten
So überflutet ihn der Mond
Der Kaiser träumt
In die vergoldeten Paläste
Strömten Ratten
Und in den Sälen
Seien wilde Pferde
Die ritten Tote
Und ein dumpfes Klagen
Zerriß die Erde
Und der Kaiser flieht
Und schreit zum Mond hinauf
Dich muß ich haben
Und hofft auf einen
Der ihn in den Himmel zieht

Schlaf, Kaiser, schlaf
Denn morgen
Werden sie kommen
Du hast ihnen viel zuviel
Von ihrem Leben

Der alte Kaiser
Steht im Garten
Und wird älter
Und ängstigt sich
Und hebt verwirrt
Die Hand
Die kaiserlichen Nächte
Werden kälter
Ein harter Atem
Überfällt das Land
Schon schmieden sich
Am Horizont
Die Schwerter
Der Glanz
Der fetten Zeiten
Ist verpufft
Der Kaiser spürt
Er war schon
Mal begehrter
Und gräbt sich
Eine Kuhle
In die Luft

Schlaf, Kaiser, schlaf
Denn morgen
Werden sie kommen
Du hast ihnen viel zuviel
Von ihrem Leben

Der alte Kaiser
Steht zum letztenmal
Im Garten
Noch ein paar Stunden
Und der Kaiser war
Er läßt die Arme falln
Die viel zu zarten
Und wittert
Und ergibt sich
Der Gefahr
Die Tränen
Der Paläste
Werden Meere
Sogar die Ratten
Fliehen mit der Nacht
Und mit der neuen Sonne
Stürmen stolze Heere
Die alte Zeit
Und ringen
Um die Macht

Stirb, Kaiser, stirb
Denn heute noch
Heute noch
Werden sie kommen
Du hast ihnen viel zuviel
Von ihrem Leben
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Do you really not understand that two different kinds of laws with two totally different ways how to see human beings are the basic problem of all relativelly modern tyrannies?
I do not understand leftist babble.
Write something legible
The old emperor
Stands in the garden
And casts shadows
So the moon floods him
The emperor dreams
In the gilded palaces
Rats streamed
And in the halls
Be wild horses
They rode the dead
And a muffled wail
Tore the earth
And the emperor flees
And cries up to the moon
I must have you
And hopes for one
Who will pull him into the sky

Sleep, emperor, sleep
For tomorrow
They will come
You have Taken away
too much
Of their lives

The old emperor
Stands in the garden
And grows older
And is afraid
And raises confused
His hand
The imperial nights
Grow colder
A hard breath
Invades the land
Already forging
On the horizon
The swords
The shine
Of the fat times
Has fizzled out
The emperor feels
He was already
More desirable
And digs himself
A hollow
In the air

Sleep, emperor, sleep
For tomorrow
They will come
You have taken away
too much
Of their lives

The old emperor
Stands for the last time
In the garden
A few more hours
And the emperor was
He drops his arms
The much too tender
And scents
And surrenders
To the danger
The tears
Of palaces
Become seas
Even the rats
Flee with the night
And with the new sun
Proud armies storm
The old time
And wrestle
For power

Die, emperor, die
For today
They will come
You have taken
too much
Of their lives

Translated with (free version)
The State SC put this law on hold, at least for now.

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