/---/ I never saw a GOP job posted anywhere, moron.
it is the GOP that has blocked a living wage health care for all, day care paid parental leave infrastructure vacations, and you support that because you are a brainwashed functional moron. That is an intelligent political insult, not a stupid personal one like yours. ignoramus though is a term that covers the GOP base. And the more crap they learn the more ignorant they become. poor America..
it is the GOP that has blocked a living wage health care for all, day care paid parental leave infrastructure vacations, and you support that because you are a brainwashed functional moron. That is an intelligent political insult, not a stupid personal one like yours. ignoramus thought is a term that covers the GOP base. And the more crap they learn the more ignorant they become. poor America..
/——/ Define living wage. You won’t because you can’t. There are too many variables to have a one size fits all. But living wage is a nice talking point to toss around. Red meat for the democRAT base.
Now many fast food places are paying $15 an hour and workers are being replaced with kiosks. Nice work, moron.
and being totally wrong about everything and listening to pure crap propaganda is the hallmark of the right...
Conservatives have been right about everything.
  • The Hunter Biden Laptop from Hell was 100% true when you low-IQ leftist clowns were duped into believing it was “fake
  • The corrupt Democrats in the FBI worked with corrupt Democrat Jack Dorsey to censor facts and spread disinformation on Twitter when you low-IQ leftist clowns were duped into believing it was “fake”
Don’t you ever get tired of being wrong? And how are you not embarrassed by it? You’d think at some point you’d want to stop looking so foolish, but I guess clinging dogmatically to your failed ideology is more important to you 🤷‍♂️
fascism is a right wing dictatorship
Fascism is totalitarianism, you high school dropout. You cannot have small, limited government totalitarianism.

Furthermore, Nazi was short for National Socialists. Socialism is left-wing (as is totalitarianism).

Would you freaking educate yourself already? It is ridiculous that you choose to be so ignorant about even the basics.
fascism is a right wing dictatorship…like Trump and martial law
Trump rejected power, you high school dropout. Dictator Obama illegally created a federal law demanding all states allow sexually deviant predators to use any restroom they wanted.
  1. The Executive Branch cannot create, alter, or abolish law
  2. The federal government was explicitly restricted to 18 enumerated powers and bathrooms isn’t one of them
You’d know both of those if you hadn’t dropped out of high school. If Trump was a “dictator” he would have done like Obama and created a federal law demanding all states forbid sexually deviant predators from using any restroom they wanted. But that’s not what he did. Instead, he obeyed the limitations of powers, revoked dictator Obama’s illegal executive order, and said “this is an issue for the people of each state to decide for themselves”.

it makes a hell of a lot more sense to say that liberals ended slavery.
Only in the limited mind of a low-IQ liberal does it “make sense” to lie. Conservatives ended slavery. Racists Democrats attacked their own nation to keep black people enslaved.
“As each man has one mouth to be fed, and one pair of hands to furnish food, it was probably intended that that particular pair of hands should feed that particular mouth.” - Abraham Lincoln
The man who ended slavery (and the first Republican President) rejecting socialism. The exact same conservative principles held by the Republican Party today.
“I am not ashamed to confess that twenty five years ago I was a hired laborer, mauling rails at work on a flat-boat. The free market system gives hope to all and energy and progress and improvement of condition to all.” - Abraham Lincoln
The man who ended slavery (and the first Republican President) rejoicing in the free market. The exact same conservative principles held by the Republican Party today.
“Even the ant who has toiled and dragged a crumb to his nest will furiously defend the fruit of his labor against whatever robber assails him.” - Abraham Lincoln
The man who ended slavery (and the first Republican President) stating how wrong it is to take from someone who labored and give to someone who didn’t. The exact same conservative principles held by the Republican Party today.
“Let not him who is houseless pull down the house of another, but let him labor diligently and build one for himself.” - Abraham Lincoln
The man who ended slavery (and the first Republican President) promoting that people need to provide for themselves. The exact same conservative principles held by the Republican Party today.

Conservatives haven’t changed in 170 years. Same party. Same principles. Thank you, Franco. I always enjoy you giving me the opportunity to expose your ignorance.
Social Security and Obamacare have been a huge success
Bwahahaha!! Social Security is insolvent and healthcare costs have skyrocketed since Obamacare - not to mention more than 10 million people are still uninsured.

All you do is post disinformation 24x7.
Democrats have always had better economies since World War two at least.
The three worst economies in US history occurred under Democrats
  1. The Great Depression occurred under Democrat FDR
  2. The Great Recession occurred under Democrat Jimmy Carter
  3. The Great Collapse occurred under Democrat Barack Obama
to end the worst inequality upward mobility and homelessness ever anywhere
You liberals caused all of that and you just admitted it!!

We have more liberalism now than in any point in US history. In 1776 there was no Social Security, no welfare, no food stamps, no Medicare, no Medicaid, no government housing, no Obamacare.

Where do we have rampant homelessness? In liberal states.

After causing all of that failure, you high school dropouts now want to transfer all wealth from the poor to the wealthy with “free college”. Making cashiers who never attended college pay for the college education of doctors and lawyers would be the biggest transfer of wealth from the poor to the wealthy in the history of the world.

The ignorant liberal ideology continues to create “the worst inequality and upward mobility and homelessness ever, anywhere” 🤡
Since Carter - Dems have had 60 votes for about 30 days
So you’re admitting two things here…
  1. The American people recognize Democrats are ignorant and unfit to govern
  2. Like all Democrats, you loathe Democracy and desire a dictatorship because you can’t get anyone to vote for your bat-shit crazy, failed communist ideology
and pay the same % in ALL taxes as you
As they should, high school dropout.

10% of $1,000,000 is $100,000
10% of $10,000 is $1,000

The wealthy pays a shit-ton more when paying “the same percentage”. But you’re not interested in that. You’re interested in punishing people who have more than you because (like all on the left) you’re greedy, materialistic, and filled with envy. So gross.
trickle down is total cramp
Ronald Reagan took over the second worst economy in US history from Dumbocrat Jimmy Carter and created the greatest economy in US history. It was so great, it is now known as “the era of excess”.

That’s how effective the free market is. Or, as you disinformation propagandists like to call it: “trickle down economics”.
The country is dying for cheap college and training
Again, you’re calling for minimum wage workers to spend their entire lives paying for the education of doctors and lawyers.

It would be the greatest transfer of wealth from the poor to the wealthy in the history of the planet and it would drastically increase your make-believe “inequality gap”. It would also permanently eliminate “upward mobility”.

The policies you promote create the problems you cry about the most. It’s the type of astounding ignorance that can only come from the left.
The country is dying for cheap college and training....
The United States has it. It’s called “tuition reimbursement”. Even minimum wage workers at McDonald’s get their entire education paid in full if they so desire.

But that requires one to work and we know how people like you are just looking for a free ride. Grifter.
Sure, explain income disparity
“Income disparity” occurs when you lack the work ethic or talent (or both) to earn what someone with work ethic or talent (or both) does.

In reality, there is no “income disparity”. There is only talent disparity (Bill Gates has a better brain than me, so he made a ton more) and work ethic disparity (Steve Jobs worked way harder than you, so he made a ton more than you).

Thanks for asking! Glad I could help!
Everyone is paying about 27% in all taxes, a huge giveaway to the rich
It’s only a “giveaway” in the minds of people who can’t do basic math.

27% of $1 billion = a staggering $270 million

27% of $10,000 = a paltry $2,700

The wealthy pay more in taxes in one year than you and all of your friends combined will pay in your entire lifetimes.
At what point has historical revolution happened when the disparity becomes to great?
At the point where the left’s geed, and envy, and laziness grows to where it consumes their empty and dark souls - manifesting itself in violence.
Damn, now you want socialism!
It’s “socialism” to pay the same amount for the same product?

You don’t cry that Elon Musk should be forced to pay more for a whopper than you, why do you cry that he should be forced to pay more for defense than you?
Fighting against social security....
Social Security is an ignorant and failed Ponzi Scheme.

Guess what happens to your personal investments/accounts if your spouse dies? Absolutely nothing. It’s all yours.

Guess what happens to Social Security if your spouse dies? The government takes it all. You forfeit every penny they put in. Oh, you can take their Social Security, but then you have to forfeit your own. Either way, the government steals 50% of what you spent your entire life putting into.
yes go and stick it to average working people.
Nobody has Social Security before (1935 was it?) and no “average working person” thought anyone was “sticking” anything to them.

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