so? shouldn’t we all being paying our fair share and roughly the same percent of ALL taxes?

it seems you don’t want to to and want someone else to pay more
It has been proven a million times that a flat tax is just a huge giveaway to the rich and a disaster for everyone else, like we have in the United States right now and it's only getting worse until we change the Reagan tax rates. You are the only people in the world that believe your crap. Poor America. Thanks big pharma Big oil lying Scumbag big money GOP.
It has been proven a million times that a flat tax is just a huge giveaway to the rich and a disaster for everyone else, like we have in the United States right now and it's only getting worse until we change the Reagan tax rates. You are the only people in the world that believe your crap. Poor America. Thanks big pharma Big oil lying Scumbag big money GOP.
/——/ That’s never been proven, much less a million times. BWHAHAHAHA BWHAHAHAHA
It has been proven a million times that a flat tax is just a huge giveaway to the rich and a disaster for everyone else, like we have in the United States right now and it's only getting worse until we change the Reagan tax rates. You are the only people in the world that believe your crap. Poor America. Thanks big pharma Big oil lying Scumbag big money GOP.
how is everyone paying the same rate a “give away”

crazy dembot think equality is a “give away”
how about taxing the rich so we could have cheap college and training so that would be possible? dingbat.
/——/ You already know the top 1% pay 38% of the taxes. You also know any tax money is just squandered by Congress. The problem isn’t taxes are too low, its colleges keep raising tuition beyond reason. Why don’t you attack them?
haha how is taxing people more going to get colleges to lower tuitions?

how about dembot professors like Warren not charge half a million to teach a couple classes?
You don't have to go to college. You can work in a factory for $15 per hour starting out and 40 years later when the factory has robbed you of a happy life well you can work another 20 because heck the nation needs you working.. truth is the workforce needs droves of people retiring much younger than 55
how about taxing the rich so we could have cheap college and training so that would be possible? dingbat.
/——/ Tell Harvard to lower tuition by 75%.
$50.9 billion, the size of Harvard University’s endowment in the 2022 fiscal year.
You don't have to go to college. You can work in a factory for $15 per hour starting out and 40 years later when the factory has robbed you of a happy life well you can work another 20 because heck the nation needs you working.. truth is the workforce needs droves of people retiring much younger than 55
it’s true you don’t have to go to college

i hope however you find happiness

there has been a massive uptick in hiring of people over 55, employers are finding young people today lack any work ethic
it’s true you don’t have to go to college

i hope however you find happiness

there has been a massive uptick in hiring of people over 55, employers are finding young people today lack any work ethic
I'm retired...I'm done with the godforsaken awful rat race. I served my time.
total BS, hater dupe. it is way past time to tax the rich again And invest in America and Americans again, trickle down is total crap for Rubes like you. The country is dying for cheap college and training and great infrastructure so we can lead the free world again instead of turning into a GOP banana republic... You and I and everyone who makes less than half a million a year needs tax cuts and a living wage health care day care paid parental leave and great vacations like every other modern country. snap out of it Super Duper....
Have you ever stopped to consider that Reagan closed a whole bunch of tax loopholes when he lowered rates and caused a massive boom in economic growth? If you want those higher rates back, you'd better be willing to also put back the deductions and loopholes as well.

Here's what would happen if you tried to "tax the rich" again:

1. Their income would vanish from American sight, fast. This is a global world now, and money and people move easily.
2. You wouldn't find enough money in the income of the "the rich" to make any significant difference to the middle class. Did you think that Bill Gates can just go to the bank and withdraw $1 billion to last him through the weekend? No, they invest their money and relatively little ever gets declared as income. You would, though, see an immediate movement of investment money to more tax-friendly countries.
3. Democrats in congress would wet themselves over the projected new revenue and immediately spend every penny and more, long before any is actually seen, leaving the country worse off than before.

Naturally, you would applaud all of this, feeling smug that you finally get to attack the rich, not realizing that they are laughing at you as they simply move their money where it's safer. See, the rich are not stupid. They put their money where it makes them the best returns, and if that place is the US, they'll keep it here. If the US gets too greedy and starts taking too much of it, they'll just move it somewhere else. Only idiots think they'll just sit still and let the greedy steal what they've worked so hard for.
it's easy to obstruct everything if you're the GOP and you have so many stupid voters. it's all about the votes. all the GOP cares about is tax cuts for the rich. Since Carter- screwed by Teddy etc- Dems have had 60 votes for about 30 days, BFM. That was O-Care, barely...
Where have the democrats been making their case for higher taxes on the middle class? You know that's where the money is.
Have you ever stopped to consider that Reagan closed a whole bunch of tax loopholes when he lowered rates and caused a massive boom in economic growth? If you want those higher rates back, you'd better be willing to also put back the deductions and loopholes as well.

Here's what would happen if you tried to "tax the rich" again:

1. Their income would vanish from American sight, fast. This is a global world now, and money and people move easily.
2. You wouldn't find enough money in the income of the "the rich" to make any significant difference to the middle class. Did you think that Bill Gates can just go to the bank and withdraw $1 billion to last him through the weekend? No, they invest their money and relatively little ever gets declared as income. You would, though, see an immediate movement of investment money to more tax-friendly countries.
3. Democrats in congress would wet themselves over the projected new revenue and immediately spend every penny and more, long before any is actually seen, leaving the country worse off than before.

Naturally, you would applaud all of this, feeling smug that you finally get to attack the rich, not realizing that they are laughing at you as they simply move their money where it's safer. See, the rich are not stupid. They put their money where it makes them the best returns, and if that place is the US, they'll keep it here. If the US gets too greedy and starts taking too much of it, they'll just move it somewhere else. Only idiots think they'll just sit still and let the greedy steal what they've worked so hard for.
the American rich have money coming out of their ears, they are building 400 foot long yachts and have 300 cars in their collections. This is totally out of control and you have no clue about it at all. you think screwing over regular people is great and what we really need is another tax cut for the rich. Absolute idiocy. Channel change, brain washed functional moron. The worst inequality and upward mobility and homelessness ever anywhere is what your crap has given the country.
I don't have any idea what you are talking about. they said any new taxes for the non rich were totally out of the question...
Yet they keep making moves that will force the middle class to pay more. You seriously need to change the channel if you actually believe democrats when they lie to your face and tell you the middle class won't see any tax increases. Remember, it's not just tax RATES we're talking about here. The government levies taxes on virtually everything you do, and raise them all the time. Naturally, you applaud this.
it’s true you don’t have to go to college

i hope however you find happiness

there has been a massive uptick in hiring of people over 55, employers are finding young people today lack any work ethic
young people have figured out the GOP jobs are crap jobs. They want a living wage and health care and day care and cheap college and training like every other modern country, Super Duper. Sorry about the age of information and everything. you stay with Fox News... You're doing just great, we really need a Democratic landslide for reform of this ****.....
the American rich have money coming out of their ears, they are building 400 foot long yachts and have 300 cars in their collections. This is totally out of control and you have no clue about it at all. you think screwing over regular people is great and what we really need is another tax cut for the rich. Absolute idiocy. Channel change, brain washed functional moron. The worst inequality and upward mobility and homelessness ever anywhere is what your crap has given the country.
I'm simply opening your eyes to reality. Why do you think John Kerry docked his yacht in a different state? Did you applaud his move or complain that he was ducking his fair share? See, what you fail to realize is the rich are not stupid and you will have a very hard time getting anything more from them. They accept American taxes because they're lower than they would see elsewhere, but go after too much and they simply move it out of your reach, leaving you feeling empty because you were promised you were going to get them this time.

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