people, individuals, own nothing in socialism
that's Communism duhhhh. Always a dictatorship and always put in by violent revolution or invasion. Because people won't do that without a dictatorship and secret police and God knows what. Jesus you're stupid Whoops brainwashed functionally Stupid....
They haven’t. At all.

FDR delivered the Great Depression. Jimmy Carter delivered the Great Recession. Barack Obama delivered the great collapse.

Meanwhile, Ronald Reagan and Donald Trump delivered unprecedented prosperity.
and Reagan more than doubled the debt and Trump has given us 25% of the debt we have now. reagan's corrupt deregulation gave us the S&L crisis and recession as usual- and the worst lying propaganda machine ever, and his tax rates have given us the worst inequality upward mobility and homelessness ever anywhere by far DUHH.... trump managed to not ruin the obama recovery until he did with the worst pandemic reaction anywhere and leading the world conservative conspiracy nuts about the dangers of the vaccine, which has given us a never ending pandemic Great job! change the channel and try reality.
i won’t post what i think it is, i’ll post what it is..

it’s when govt owns the means, production and distribution of goods and services are owned by the govt

And you can’t even do that.

Communism is when the state owns the means of production and distribution.

Socialism is when the workers do.
It’s only a “giveaway” in the minds of people who can’t do basic math.

27% of $1 billion = a staggering $270 million

27% of $10,000 = a paltry $2,700

The wealthy pay more in taxes in one year than you and all of your friends combined will pay in your entire lifetimes.
if they pay 80% of the taxes, that means they make 80% of the income, Super Duper, because we have a flat tax where the richest people in the world are paying about the same percentage as you are if you count all taxes, which the GOP never does, they can only talk about the federal income tax which is our only progressive tax and the source of all your BS... So we don't have money to invest in cheap in cheaper education and training So the non rich keep doing worse and worse all the time. idiot. whoops.
They haven’t. At all.

FDR delivered the Great Depression. Jimmy Carter delivered the Great Recession. Barack Obama delivered the great collapse.

Meanwhile, Ronald Reagan and Donald Trump delivered unprecedented prosperity.
Wow, staggeringly wrong fuckup.

The Great Depression started in 1929 under republic president Hoover. FDR didn’t become president until 1933.

The Great Recession started in early 2008 and ended in 2009. President Obama didn’t become president until 2009.

The Reagan administration saw our country turn from a creditor to debtor one.

The former 1-term fuckup saw his lose more jobs than created. The first since Hoover.

So pat, who are you crappin?
Franco: “We should trust big pharma and blindly take the clot-shot”

Also Franco: “Fuck big pharma and their conspiracy against people”

You can’t make this shit up :lmao: :lmao: :lmao:
I do not trust big health or big pharma, brainwashed functional moron. I trust the CDC and our fine public servants because I am not a brainwashed functional anti-american POS like you....
There is nothing “civilized” about theft. Nothing. And only a PoS leftist tries to claim that it is.

If someone wanted you to have their money, they would give it to you.
mario Cuomo said that Reagan made blaming the poor acceptable, we used to call them the unfortunate. Your love and admiration for lying greedy mega rich scumbag Conmen is noted,,... brainwashed functional moron.....

having a welfare system is civilized. you're welcome
that is communism and always a dictatorship put in by violent revolution, and basically dead as an ideology except in China Vietnam Cuba and North Korea with a gun to their heads, Super Duper. every socialist party and every socialist ever has been for always democratic fair capitalism with a good safety net. the only thing stopping the whole world from having that is crap like you believe. Only in the English speaking world is Super Swine Capitalist propaganda so strong. Every other democratic country ever has had socialist and Communist Party at the same time and the difference is democracy. The socialists always won and the communists disappeared with the Soviet Union aid. RW swine baffle you with BS, ignoramus. change the **** **** channel for God's sake....
/——-/ Well, hells bells, go find a socialist nirvana country, move there and leave us alone.
if they pay 80% of the taxes, that means they make 80% of the income
Bwahahaha!! Like all on the left, you can’t even do basic math.

Here is the actual reality when it comes to taxes in the United States. The top 1% earn 13% of the income but pay 22.3% of the taxes. So by your own position, the top 1% should get a substantial tax cut :lmao:
mario Cuomo said that Reagan made blaming the poor acceptable, we used to call them the unfortunate. Your love and admiration for lying greedy mega rich scumbag Conmen is noted,,... brainwashed functional moron.....

having a welfare system is civilized. you're welcome
Your love of theft and slavery, as a lazy, greedy, PoS is duly noted, high school dropout.
that is communism and always a dictatorship put in by violent revolution, and basically dead as an ideology except in China Vietnam Cuba and North Korea with a gun to their heads, Super Duper. every socialist party and every socialist ever has been for always democratic fair capitalism with a good safety net.
Like all high school dropouts, you have absolutely no idea what you’re talking about.

In socialism, the people own the means of production in a political democracy.

In communism, socialism is forced on them in a political dictatorship.
every socialist party and every socialist ever has been for always democratic fair capitalism with a good safety net. the only thing stopping the whole world from having that is crap like you believe.
No high school dropout, the only thing stopping it is your laziness and your ignorance.

In a free nation (politically) with a free market (economically), you and your socialist pals are free any time you want to create companies and share the profits equally among yourselves. Nothing is stopping you.

So how come none of you ever do it? Ever. Because you’re grifters pushing socialism in your hopes that you can cash in on making others your slaves. You’re not interested in sharing in the means of production - you’re interested in forcing other to labor on your behalf.

You’re a disgusting grifter.
The Reagan administration saw our country turn from a creditor to debtor one.
And yet it was Barack Obama and the Dumbocrats who added as much to the national debt ($10 trillion) as all presidents in US history combined had in the previous 236 years. Oops.

Facts matter. You have none.

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