Your love of theft and slavery, as a lazy, greedy, PoS is duly noted, high school dropout.
I have a Masters in history and you have a master's in total BS. You absolutely appear not to know nothing factual.... Every country in the modern world is socialist but us. we need health care for all to do it. every other modern country, that is the EU Japan Canada australia New Zealand also has cheap college and training, great infrastructure and vacations, day care help paid parental leave a living wage and tax the rich more like their fair share etc. that is socialism. you're talking about communism, brainwashed functional moron. which no one the outside of China Etcetera with A gun to their heads is for. idiot.
And yet it was Barack Obama and the Dumbocrats who added as much to the national debt ($10 trillion) as all presidents in US history combined had in the previous 236 years. Oops.

Facts matter. You have none.
BS. But thanks for the usual GOP corrupt deregulation bubble and bust world depression, ignoramus
There is nothing “civilized” about slavery.

Charity is civilized. Which is why you don’t give.
charity is BS that helps GOP swine feel better about screwing everyone. And it runs out when actually needed and has huge overhead and many and many scams. Most of it goes to the churches....
An astounding 80% drop in food stamps recipients in just over one year, and a 114% increase in incomes. Who could possibly argue with these results?

Common sense leads to Conservative ideas and ideals, while liberalism is a mental disorder.
Bwahahaha!! Like all on the left, you can’t even do basic math.

Here is the actual reality when it comes to taxes in the United States. The top 1% earn 13% of the income but pay 22.3% of the taxes. So by your own position, the top 1% should get a substantial tax cut :lmao:
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yes yes, we know you are a brainwashed functional moron and can only think about federal income taxes Our only progressive tax. But when you count stayed and local taxes it regular people twice as hard and payroll taxes Etcetera Everyone is paying about 27% on average, a huge screw job for everyone but the rich. That is called the worst inequality ever. And there is no money to invest in Americans. So we have the worst upward mobility and homelessness ever. great job Ronnie Reagan and you fools...
And you can’t even do that.

Communism is when the state owns the means of production and distribution.

Socialism is when the workers do.
haha no socialism is when the state does…communism is when there is no govt

workers own companies all the time…that happens in capitalism. because individuals have the ability to own property in a capitalist society…unlike a socialist society
I have a Masters in history
And yet you don’t understand basic math? Seriously? Because, you absolutely bombed every stupid comment you made about taxes and percentages.
Every country in the modern world is socialist but us.
And every country in the modern world is vastly inferior to us. Coincidence?
we need health care for all to do it.
Here’s the funny part: in the free market of a free nation, you are free to have “universal healthcare” any time you want. You and your socialist pals can start a consortium/foundation/organization/etc. where all of you pay a “tax” into it and then it covers 100% the healthcare costs for everyone who “joins”.

But all of you refuse to do so. Why? Because your bullshit is all a grift. Socialism requires everyone contribute and you have no interest in contributing. You’re interested in duping people into providing for you.
every other modern country, that is the EU Japan Canada australia New Zealand also has cheap college and training, great infrastructure and vacations, day care help paid parental leave a living wage and tax the rich more like their fair share etc. that is socialism.
And all of them are vastly inferior to the United States. Vastly inferior. Who created true liberty? The United States. Who created the nuclear bomb? The United States. Who created the internet? The United States. Who created the iPhone? The United States. Who created bypass surgery to save lives? The United States.

The list goes on and on and on. Every significant achievement in modern human history was done in the United States because the free market ensures innovation & prosperity while socialism ensure poverty and misery. All one has to do is study history. Something you clearly never did while earning a “Masters” in history :rolleyes:
charity is BS
Spoken like a true socialist grifter!
And it runs out when actually needed and has huge overhead and many and many scams. Most of it goes to the churches....
  1. What has more “overhead” than the government?? (Hint: nothing)
  2. Thanks to people like you, we’re $32 trillion in debt. Every charity in US history combined never reached even $1 trillion in debt. The failed socialism you’re trying to leverage for a grift “ran out” of money a long time ago.
Everyone is paying about 27% on average,
So the wealthy is paying a shit-ton more than grifters such as yourself. You just don’t understand basic math. I’ll show you yet again:

27% of $1 million = $270,000
27% of $100,000 = $27,000

The millionaire pays more than a quarter of a million dollars. The person making $100,000 pays less than $30,000.

Is there a basic math course you could enroll in at a local community college? It’s shocking how bad you are at this. Seriously. It’s really sad.
too bad your facts are all total garbage from scumbags. there is no election fraud vaccine fraud global warming fraud DOJ fraud FBI fraud Etcetera Etcetera. you are brainwashed anti American scum functionally....
francoHFW: There is no “vaccine fraud”. People should be forced to take the clot-shot!!

Also francoHFW: Filthy fucking unethical pharmaceutical companies are evil and advance the GOP against us!!

Folks…you can’t make this shit up. His mental capacity is so limited, he contradicts himself in rants :laugh:
Thefy and slavery?

WFT pat
Yes, theft and slavery. When you take something from someone against their will, that is called “theft”.

When someone is forced to labor on your behalf because you’re too lazy to labor for yourself, that is “slavery”.
So the wealthy is paying a shit-ton more than grifters such as yourself. You just don’t understand basic math. I’ll show you yet again:

27% of $1 million = $270,000
27% of $100,000 = $27,000

The millionaire pays more than a quarter of a million dollars. The person making $100,000 pays less than $30,000.

Is there a basic math course you could enroll in at a local community college? It’s shocking how bad you are at this. Seriously. It’s really sad.
And every economist in the world can tell you it is a huge giveaway to the rich and leads to the worst inequality ever and a total screw job for people like you, Like we have now.
funny how the only people in the entire world who agree with you are the GOP base
Actually, the entire world agrees with us. You wouldn’t believe the things the people who have escaped Cuba, Venezuela, etc. say about the ignorance of people like you.

They lived through the horrors of the failed ideology known as “socialism”. Total poverty and misery.
francoHFW: There is no “vaccine fraud”. People should be forced to take the clot-shot!!

Also francoHFW: Filthy fucking unethical pharmaceutical companies are evil and advance the GOP against us!!

Folks…you can’t make this shit up. His mental capacity is so limited, he contradicts himself in rants :laugh:
I didn't say people should be forced to get vaccinated by the governments, liar. They should just get real information instead of your crap

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