how about taxing the rich so we could have cheap college and training so that would be possible? dingbat.
How about working a job and using tuition reimbursement so that your education is 100% free and we don’t have to destroy jobs by soaking the “rich”?
You don't have to go to college. You can work in a factory for $15 per hour starting out and 40 years later when the factory has robbed you of a happy life well you can work another 20 because heck the nation needs you working..
You don’t have to work in a factory. You can sit around all day on your fat ass demanding society provide for you (after all, Democrats have been fighting to bring back slavery since they lost the Civil War).

That is, until it collapses the nation like your ignorant bullshit thinking did in Venezuela, Cuba, and the former U.S.S.R. At which point, you’ll have a gun put to your head and you’ll work that factory job for $0 per hour so a dictator can live in a gold palace, while you kill stray cats to eat at night.
the American rich have money coming out of their ears, they are building 400 foot long yachts and have 300 cars in their collections.
And? What business is it of yours what someone else does with their money? Do you see how gross and miserable you are? You’re so angry that someone has something that you don’t.
This is totally out of control
Who the fuck are you to decide that a 400 foot yacht is “out of control”? What is out of control is the rampant homelessness in liberal cities caused by the same failed liberal policy you keep spouting here.
young people have figured out the GOP jobs are crap jobs. They want a living wage and health care and day care and cheap college and training like every other modern country
You mean the nations inferior to the United States? :laugh:

Lowering the bar is what the left does. Always dragging down society.
young people have figured out the GOP jobs are crap jobs.
Mature, experienced people have figured out that Democrats eliminate jobs, resulting in no jobs. Young people will too when their brain develops and they experience it for themselves.

Knew a young high school girl who was an ignorant devout socialist. At 22, she got her first paycheck. Saw that 50% was missing in taxes. Became a staunch Republican at that very moment (and I mean staunch). 100% true story.

People hate being slaves. When they labor, they want to enjoy the fruits of that labor. They don’t want it taken from them and wasted and/or given to lazy people who refuse to labor. It’s why the Democrat Party will always lose in the end.
Mature, experienced people have figured out that Democrats eliminate jobs, resulting in no jobs. Young people will too when their brain develops and they experience it for themselves.

Knew a young high school girl who was an ignorant devout socialist. At 22, she got her first paycheck. Saw that 50% was missing in taxes. Became a staunch Republican at that very moment (and I mean staunch). 100% true story.

People hate being slaves. When they labor, they want to enjoy the fruits of that labor. They don’t want it taken from them and wasted and/or given to lazy people who refuse to labor. It’s why the Democrat Party will always lose in the end.
How is it then at since WWII Democratic Presidents have economically outperformed republic ones.
It’s “socialism” to pay the same amount for the same product?

You don’t cry that Elon Musk should be forced to pay more for a whopper than you, why do you cry that he should be forced to pay more for defense than you?

I 100% support a progressive taxation structure for our country.
How is it then at since WWII Democratic Presidents have economically outperformed republic ones.
They haven’t. At all.

FDR delivered the Great Depression. Jimmy Carter delivered the Great Recession. Barack Obama delivered the great collapse.

Meanwhile, Ronald Reagan and Donald Trump delivered unprecedented prosperity.
it’s when govt owns the means, production and distribution of goods and services are owned by the govt
This is where Otto comes back and says ”it’s when the people own the means of production” (as if government isn’t made up of We the People).
i won’t post what i think it is, i’ll post what it is..

it’s when govt owns the means, production and distribution of goods and services are owned by the govt
that is communism and always a dictatorship put in by violent revolution, and basically dead as an ideology except in China Vietnam Cuba and North Korea with a gun to their heads, Super Duper. every socialist party and every socialist ever has been for always democratic fair capitalism with a good safety net. the only thing stopping the whole world from having that is crap like you believe. Only in the English speaking world is Super Swine Capitalist propaganda so strong. Every other democratic country ever has had socialist and Communist Party at the same time and the difference is democracy. The socialists always won and the communists disappeared with the Soviet Union aid. RW swine baffle you with BS, ignoramus. change the **** **** channel for God's sake....
that is communism and always a dictatorship put in by violent revolution, and basically dead as an ideology except in China Vietnam Cuba and North Korea with a gun to their heads, Super Duper. every socialist party and every socialist ever has been for always democratic fair capitalism with a good safety net. the only thing stopping the whole world from having that is crap like you believe. Only in the English speaking world is Super Swine Capitalist propaganda so strong. Every other democratic country ever has had socialist and Communist Party at the same time and the difference is democracy . the socialist always won and the communists disappear with the Soviet Union aid . RW swine baffle you with BS, ignoramus. change the **** **** channel for God's sake....
no that’s not communism. communism is the final stage of Marx theory where there is no govt

geez you dembot are clueless
no that’s not communism. communism is the final stage of Marx theory where there is no govt

geez you dembot are clueless
try talking about reality instead of ridiculous theory, _ignoramus. I have a Masters in history and have lived in France and Spain where they sure as hell know the difference between communism and socialism along with every other democratic Country that doesn't speak English as far as I can tell. you have a Masters in right wing crap propaganda. change the damn channel

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