Why would your father join the British army if he's from Buffalo? How would that work? :wtf:
six months before Pearl Harbor, he joined the British Army to fight Nazis as a doctor. So of course he was sent to India and was at Imphal, surrounded for two months at the Stalingrad of the east. Married a British nurse. in other words we take this democracy thing pretty **** **** seriously...
total BS. every Socialist and socialist party ever has been for fair capitalism
Good Lord that’s the dumbest sentence ever. If you’re for “fair capitalism” you’re a capitalist.

Let me guess…you get high all day and then post on USMB all evening? Typical leftist. Stoned out of their mind, saying really stupid shit.
and democracy. not the same at all. you are duped with garbage. look up Eugene Debs The American Socialist and learn something for crying out loud. they were against World War one so they were thrown in jail and persecuted out of existence.
What the fuck does that have to do with capitalism?!? Stop getting stoned, idiot.
Free capitalism?
Yeah…the production/output of capitalism at “no cost” to you - the lazy, greedy “socialist”.
With a living wage
Every wage is a “living wage” if you live within your means
health care for all
That’s the polar opposite of “capitalism”, dumb ass 🤦‍♂️
day care help
That’s the polar opposite of “capitalism”, dumb ass 🤦‍♂️
paid parental leave
We already have that, dumb ass 🤦‍♂️
cheap college
We already have that, dumb ass (it’s called “tuition reimbursement”) 🤦‍♂️
and training
We already have that, dumb ass 🤦‍♂️
great infrastructure
We can’t have that because you ignorant socialists piss money away on waste, fraud, and abuse
and vacations
We already have that, dumb ass 🤦‍♂️
and mainly taxing the rich for God's sake super dupe.
You already admitted that the wealthy need a tax break if we’re to have a “FAIR” tax. The Top 1% earns 13% of all income but pays 24% of all taxes.

Facts matter and your ignorance on this subject has been exposed. Educate yourself, for fucks sake.
Like every other modern country for Christ's sake....
Every inferior nation. Sorry, we don’t lower the bar. That’s something only ignorant liberals do.
and we are the richest country in the world easy
We’re $32 trillion in debt because of people like you. That’s more than any nation in the world (by a lot). So that literally makes us the poorest nation in the world (again - because of people like you), high school dropout.
my father from Buffalo joined the british army in May of 1941 to fight Nazis, super Dupe asshole.
And then how sad is it that his own son became a devout fascist?
socialism is simply Democratic fair capitalism,
Your ignorance is nauseating and inexcusable. That’s not even remotely what capitalism is

and as a GOP dupe you have prevented that for years. Great job idiot
We always win!!

:dance: :dance: :dance:
socialism is simply Democratic fair capitalism
Who is going to tell Franco the high school dropout that socialism is when there is no private ownership? The “collective” (ie society) shares in the production, distribution, and resources.

It’s a failed and ignorant ideology that has never worked anywhere and never can because it fails to account for human nature.
six months before Pearl Harbor, he joined the British Army to fight Nazis as a doctor. So of course he was sent to India and was at Imphal, surrounded for two months at the Stalingrad of the east. Married a British nurse. in other words we take this democracy thing pretty **** **** seriously...
Then why did you become an idiot fascist? 🤔
six months before Pearl Harbor, he joined the British Army to fight Nazis as a doctor
Why are dodging the question? He didn’t ask when? He asked how the fuck an “American” from “Buffalo” ends up in the British army.

Ya done fucked up, Franco. You got high and accidentally admitted a fact that proves you’re a fraud.
Why are dodging the question? He didn’t ask when? He asked how the fuck an “American” from “Buffalo” ends up in the British army.

Ya done fucked up, Franco. You got high and accidentally admitted a fact that proves you’re a fraud.
you're a **** **** moron who doesn't know history as well as politics or what reality is. he joined the British Army in May of 1941, that's before Pearl Harbor. because he didn't like Nazis. What the **** is wrong with you?
he joined the British Army in May of 1941, that's before Pearl Harbor. because he didn't like Nazis. What the **** is wrong with you?
Again, high school dropout, nobody asked when he joined. The question that The Duke asked was:
“Why would your father join the British army if he's from Buffalo? How would that work?
You’ve been asked this three more times since and you keep dodging and going back to when because you know you done fucked up.
Every country in the modern world is socialist but us. we need health care for all to do it. every other modern country, that is the EU Japan Canada australia New Zealand also has cheap college and training, great infrastructure and vacations, day care help paid parental leave a living wage and tax the rich more like their fair share etc.
Question, francoHFW: why are you so deeply ignorant? I’m being serious.
  • Tax revenues to the federal government exceed $4 trillion
That’s an astronomical amount. No human could even count that much - they would die before they could even come close. And it’s testament to the ignorance of you and your fellow Dumbocrats that we’re $32 trillion in debt with the highest tax revenues ever.
  • Taxes are currently 19.6% of GDP
Only two other times in the history of the United States have taxes been that high (World War II & 2000). Bottom line: we don’t have a taxing problem. We have a serious spending problem and it is unacceptable.

And the answer to the question of course is that you’re so deeply ignorant because you are not American. As illustrated in posts #2,518 and #2,519 - you’re a British socialist piece of shit, trying to meddle in the affairs of other nations.
total BS. every Socialist and socialist party ever has been for fair capitalism and democracy. not the same at all. you are duped with garbage. look up Eugene Debs The American Socialist and learn something for crying out loud. they were against World War one so they were thrown in jail and persecuted out of existence.
Any actual argument, brain washed _ignoramus?
How about you support your assertion that "every Socialist and socialist party ever has been for fair capitalism and democracy. "

Until you prove that, it is to be assumed incorrect.

As one that knows history, I can positively say that is a ludricrous assertion.

Examples of Socialists that were not for those things:

Mao, Pol Pot, Hitler, Castro, Stalin, Chavez, Putin.
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Question, francoHFW: why are you so deeply ignorant? I’m being serious.
  • Tax revenues to the federal government exceed $4 trillion
That’s an astronomical amount. No human could even count that much - they would die before they could even come close. And it’s testament to the ignorance of you and your fellow Dumbocrats that we’re $32 trillion in debt with the highest tax revenues ever.
  • Taxes are currently 19.6% of GDP
Only two other times in the history of the United States have taxes been that high (World War II & 2000). Bottom line: we don’t have a taxing problem. We have a serious spending problem and it is unacceptable.

And the answer to the question of course is that you’re so deeply ignorant because you are not American. As illustrated in posts #2,518 and #2,519 - you’re a British socialist piece of shit, trying to meddle in the affairs of other nations.
there aren't any British Socialists basically LOL. They started this conflation of Socialists and communists during World War one and after the Soviet Union started up calling themselves Socialists. You idiots have added Nazis to the misinformation.... the GOP and British conservatives The worst voters in the modern world... I do quite admire French Socialists and and Italian ones and Germans and Spanish and scandinavians etc etc...... every country has socialist governments in the modern world now except the United States. we need health care at least.
You tell me a socialist party in a democracy that has not been for fair capitalism, dipstick.
Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei.

Democracy and fair capitalism flew out the window once they got into power.
Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei.

Democracy and fair capitalism flew out the window once they got into power.
Those aren't socialists, they are National Socialists. And they only call themselves Socialists for propaganda purposes which you are a perfect sucker for... just like communists do. nazis and communists are the biggest liars ever until the GOP of today came along... Everyone knows it but you people LOL A ARRGGAKKKKK.
Those aren't socialists, they are National Socialists. And they only call themselves Socialists for propaganda purposes which you are a perfect sucker for... just like communists do. nazis and communists are the biggest liars ever until the GOP of today came along... Everyone knows it but you people LOL A ARRGGAKKKKK.
STFU Super Stupor Duper. You're a retarded commie dumbass faggot, k?

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