I have a Masters in history, mainly European 20th century.
Of course…because you’re not American.
You have a masters in total garbage propaganda.
Uh…you’re the idiot who cries “fake news” to easily verifiable facts. All you do is spout propaganda here. You can’t even admit you don’t live in the United States and never have.
Every other modern country manages health care for all
Every other nation has vastly inferior healthcare to the United States. In England, you wait at least 3 months for a basic doctor visit (much more for serious stuff and/or specialists).

In Canada, the healthcare is so awful, they come to the United States for good healthcare. The government there tries to euthanize everyone to cut patients and cut costs.
We’re $32 trillion in debt because of parasites like you. Making us literally the poorest nation in the world now.
We are far and away the richest nation on earth. There's more wealth concentrated in our elitist 1 percent than anywhere else in the world.
We are far and away the richest nation on earth.
We’re $32 trillion in debt. That literally makes us the poorest nation in the world. The numbers don’t lie.
There's more wealth concentrated in our elitist 1 percent than anywhere else in the world.
And there is more debt ($32 trillion) in our nation just at the federal level than anywhere else in the world. Your bullshit propaganda doesn’t hold up against the facts. I’m sorry, it just doesn’t.
Duke - that’s more debt than any nation in the world. Our “net worth” is less than anyone. We are literally the poorest nation in the world right now.
I find that incredibly hard to believe.
Every other nation has vastly inferior healthcare to the United States. In England, you wait at least 3 months for a basic doctor visit (much more for serious stuff and/or specialists).

In Canada, the healthcare is so awful, they come to the United States for good healthcare. The government there tries to euthanize everyone to cut patients and cut costs.
well English health care (done on the cheap by their crappy conservatives), they only spend about 8% of GDP on while we spend over 17%. ours is ridiculously overexpensive and doesn't even cover everyone. and of course what you say is seriously not true. Only the megarich (I am in western New York and there is no such thing going on here LOL) come to the United States for the best care in the world if you have unlimited money. everyone in the modern world has a longer life span than we do. And the amount of death in childbirth here is a scandal..... change the damn channel you idiot.....
We’re $32 trillion in debt because of parasites like you. Making us literally the poorest nation in the world now.
I am still happily retired, brainwashed functional moron hater.... 25% of that debt is from trump with his stupid tax cut that did absolutely nothing except make the Mega Rich even richer. W Bush doubled the debt and Reagan more than doubled it and gave us this giveaway to the rich flat tax system which is a catastrophe for the non rich over time... the worst inequality and upward mobility ever anywhere is not good, Change the damn channel....
well English health care (done on the cheap by their crappy conservatives), they only spend about 8% of GDP on while we spend over 17%.
Which is why the wait 3 months for the most basic healthcare and much longer for specialists. Fuck that. I’m not waiting 3 months when I’m in pain because people like you want to mooch off of society.
ours is ridiculously overexpensive
Because it’s the best in the world. You get what you pay for.
everyone in the modern world has a longer life span than we do.
That has nothing to do with our healthcare and everything to do with our lifestyle (abundance of food, not exercising, etc. leads to diabetes, heart disease, etc.). And you know that. I know you know that because you just admitted that “the super rich” come here from all over the world for healthcare. Nobody does that if we’re dead last “in the modern world”. It speaks volumes that you have to resort to twisting everything to advance your agenda.
And the amount of death in childbirth here is a scandal..... change the damn channel you idiot.....
For once, you are correct. One million babies per year murdered by you mother-fuckers in abortions is a scandal. That’s why we overturned Roe vs. Wade and why history will look back at you liberals with the same disgust that we do the Nazis now.

Liberalism is gross and it is a failed ideology.
Only the megarich (I am in western New York and there is no such thing going on here LOL) come to the United States for the best care in the world.....
Right? No such thing as megarich where Dumbocrats are in charge. It takes the principles of liberty and free markets to build wealth. Socialism is a failed and ignorant ideology which results in poverty and misery every time. Without fail.
Reagan more than doubled it and gave us this giveaway to the rich flat tax system
We do not have - nor have we ever had - a “flat tax” system in the United States 🤦‍♂️

It’s unacceptable that you speak out about subject matter that you are completely ignorant about.
…the worst inequality and upward mobility ever anywhere is not good
Thank you!! You just admitted that liberalism is an ignorant and failed ideology which has resulted in “the worst inequality and upward mobility ever”.

The US government is bigger than it has ever been, is more unconstitutional than it has ever been, and now steals more money ($4 trillion per year) than it ever has. The result of your ignorant liberalism?

Well, according to you: “the worst inequality and upward mobility ever anywhere”.
We have the blueprint for prosperity. We know what works (low taxes, limited government, minimal regulations, free markets, etc.) and what doesn’t (ignorant liberalism).
We have the blueprint for prosperity. We know what works (low taxes, limited government, minimal regulations, free markets, etc.) and what doesn’t (ignorant liberalism). Unfortunately, the marxists want to collapse the US.

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