It is what it is. :dunno:
my mother was English. I was there age 2, 70 years ago for the coronation of Elizabeth. I learned to speak English on my grand father's farm in Essex, from a German POW who was then foreman of the farm Herman the German. and I saw the wreck of the warspite... best battleship ever...
You tell me a socialist party in a democracy that has not been for fair capitalism, dipstick.
Well considering that socialism is the polar opposite of capitalism, I can safely (and accurately) say that every socialist party ever is 100% against “fair” capitalism.
so·cial·ism (/ˈsōSHəˌliz(ə)m/): a political and economic theory of social organization which advocates that the means of production, distribution, and exchange should be owned or regulated by the community as a whole.
Can you ask someone to show you how to use Google so that you can look up these basic definitions that you don’t know?
And they’re both left-wing like you! Coincidence?
nazis are right wing. GOP who want martial law are Nazis. they love savage capitalism and capitalists and high church and aristocrats...... And are terrible racists. Nazis and Communists are dictatorships that I absolutely hate duhhh... I am actually a centrist in the world at large. Every other country already has health care health care day care paid parental leave cheap college and training great infrastructure and vacations and tax the rich for crying out loud....
Well considering that socialism is the polar opposite of capitalism, I can safely (and accurately) say that every socialist party ever is 100% against “fair” capitalism.

Can you ask someone to show you how to use Google so that you can look up these basic definitions that you don’t know?
REGULATED like Dems want. only English speakers are so brainwashed they believe socialism and Communism are the same thing. French Italians Dutch spanish german Scandinavians have all had communist and Socialist parties at the same time and the difference is democracy and all that entails. the socialist won so they have socialism now. it is not not never a dictatorship- communism is what that is for the billionth time
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Well considering that socialism is the polar opposite of capitalism, I can safely (and accurately) say that every socialist party ever is 100% against “fair” capitalism.

Can you ask someone to show you how to use Google so that you can look up these basic definitions that you don’t know?
WTF does that have to do with the fact that tax revenues to the federal government are the highest they have ever been (both in real dollars and in terms of percentage of GDP) and you’re crying like an idiot that the federal government needs more money?? 🤦‍♂️
that is also fake news. If it is true, it is because regular people are overtaxed and need a tax cut for a change. Meanwhile the rich are getting away with murder. For forty years now
Well considering that socialism is the polar opposite of capitalism, I can safely (and accurately) say that every socialist party ever is 100% against “fair” capitalism.

Can you ask someone to show you how to use Google so that you can look up these basic definitions that you don’t know?
I have a Masters in history, mainly European 20th century. You have a masters in total garbage propaganda. What do you think? lol
nazis are right wing. GOP who want martial law are Nazis. they love savage capitalism and capitalists and high church and aristocrats...... And are terrible racists. Nazis and Communists are dictatorships that I absolutely hate duhhh... I am actually a centrist in the world at large. Every other country already has health care health care day care paid parental leave cheap college and training great infrastructure and vacations and tax the rich for crying out loud....
Bah, you're just trying to add your your little "healthcare" straw to the American Camel's back as part of a

Communist Cloward-Piven strategy. You are a Commie Faggot at large.
Bah, you're just trying to add your your little "healthcare" straw to the American Camel's back as part of a

Communist Cloward-Piven strategy. You are a Commie Faggot at large.
Every other modern country manages health care for all and also great infrastructure cheap college and training Great vacations day care and taxing the rich for God's sake. And we are the richest of them all. We are 26% mandalayale and have no real mental health system. The list goes on and on. you're pathetic little twits who think they're frontiersmen or something
Every other modern country manages health care for all and also great infrastructure cheap college and training Great vacations day care and taxing the rich for God's sake. And we are the richest of them all. We are 26% mandalayale and have no real mental health system. The list goes on and on. you're pathetic little twits who think they're frontiersmen or something
You'd never make it as a frontiersman, REMF.

REMF trying to tell people what to do. Go fuck yourself.

If you've ever been at the forefront of anything, it's dumbassitude. :auiqs.jpg:
nazis are right wing.
Nazi was short for National Socialists. Fascism is totalitarian. You cannot have small, limited government totalitarianism.
Nazis and Communists are dictatorships
Bingo! And right-wing hates government, while you leftists loooooove government, power, and control over others.

Again, you cannot have small, limited government “dictatorships”.
I am actually a centrist in the world at large.
You’re a “centrist” fascist. You want power over others and you want to be able to force them into slavery for you.
Every other country already has health care health care day care paid parental leave cheap college and training great infrastructure and vacations and
And every other nation is vastly inferior to the United States.
tax the rich for crying out loud....
I already proved we do. We over-tax the wealthy. I proved we would have to give the wealthy a considerable tax break for them to “pay their fair share”.

Worry about England, super-dupe. The United States is none of your business.
that is also fake news. If it is true, it is because regular people are overtaxed and need a tax cut for a change. Meanwhile the rich are getting away with murder. For forty years now
So you declare it “fake news” without even knowing what you’re talking about. This is indisputable proof that you lie 24x7.

What I posted is 100% true. Tax revenues to the federal government now exceed $4 trillion. That’s the highest in history - and we still run massive deficits because of the Democrats.

And those revenues now equal 19.6% of GDP - which has only happened two other times in history.

Your dream of having the government pick up the check for everything is unsustainable and ignorant.
that is also fake news. If it is true, it is because regular people are overtaxed and need a tax cut for a change. Meanwhile the rich are getting away with murder. For forty years now
“Regular people” are “overtaxed” because of the Democrats. And the d Democrats only exist because of ignorant people like you, who support them.

Furthermore, Donald Trump gave all of us “regular people” a tax break and you fascist extremists screamed and cried. In fact, every time the Republicans have given the middle class some desperately needed tax relief, you fascist extremists screamed and cried.

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