Again...nobody "gamed" the "system". It was all 100% honest, legal, and properly disclosed. Just ask Dr. Michael Burry. No matter how many times you tell that lie (which you were dumb enough to believe), it won't change the reality or the history. It is all properly documented and indisputable.

Don't care about this grifter who scammed the system. It's still a scam.
He wasn't a "grifter" and he didn't "scam the system". You keep thinking that as long as you lie about it, it will somehow rewrite history. It won't snowflake. Unfortunately for your fascist ass, you live in the age of technology where things are captured, archived, videoed, etc.

Dr. Michael Burry took the prospectuses on the investments and read them. He saw the risks of those investments because they were 100% accurate with full disclosure. That's just the simple, indisputable, undeniable reality, snowflake.
Consumers can't demand that which they have not thought of. Nobody desired the iPad before it was created.
No, it was the natural evolution of technology... which had nothing to do with investors...
There is no "natural evolution" of technology, genius. Technology is not nature. :lmao:

There is absolutely no "natural" (or even unnatural for that matter) "evolution" for technology. There is either someone with a vision bringing a product to market or there isn't. Nothing in nature dictates a natural order which cannot be bypassed. And it's that product which creates demand.

Consumers didn't go to Steve Jobs and demand an iPad. He had an idea for a better way for man to consume content and he brought it to market. Once the people saw it, they loved it and felt they had to have one. That's how it works. Same thing with Henry Ford. The masses didn't demand an automobile. They were fine with horses. Ford saw a better way and brought it to market.
He wasn't a "grifter" and he didn't "scam the system". You keep thinking that as long as you lie about it, it will somehow rewrite history. It won't snowflake. Unfortunately for your fascist ass, you live in the age of technology where things are captured, archived, videoed, etc.

i'm sure you want to be a grifter just like him when you grow up.

I want to make sure he doesn't grift people who are just out there doing the hard work.

Consumers didn't go to Steve Jobs and demand an iPad. He had an idea for a better way for man to consume content and he brought it to market. Once the people saw it, they loved it and felt they had to have one. That's how it works. Same thing with Henry Ford. The masses didn't demand an automobile. They were fine with horses. Ford saw a better way and brought it to market.

Steve Jobs didn't personally invent the IPad... a bunch of engineers and designers working for him did. and that was only after Bill Gates brought him back after cheating him on his share of Microsoft.

You keep worshiping the Grifters, though, Poodle. Some day, they'll let you do more than fetch their coffee...
I want to make sure he doesn't grift people who are just out there doing the hard work.
And none of them did, snowflake. So why do you keep whining? Because the people who lost their asses did so because they refused to do their jobs properly? Yeah...that's how life works, snowflake. You're actually mad that people who didn't do their job properly took it on the chin. Vintage idiot socialism.
Steve Jobs didn't personally invent the IPad... a bunch of engineers and designers working for him did. shit, snowflake. It was still his idea. That's how it works. He came up with ideas and directed his engineers to build it. Guess what else, snowflake? Steve Jobs didn't answer the customer support phones at Apple. He didn't do the accounting. He didn't mop the floors. That in no way diminishes what he achieved.

Your envy of people more successful than you is pitiful and repulsive.
And none of them did, snowflake. So why do you keep whining? Because the people who lost their asses did so because they refused to do their jobs properly? Yeah...that's how life works, snowflake. You're actually mad that people who didn't do their job properly took it on the chin. Vintage idiot socialism.

Guy, the fact is, TRILLIONS were lost in value because of the grifters you admire, in home value and stock value... And a few grifters gamed the system while millions lost their homes, life savings and jobs...

And you wonder why Bernie Sanders (who actually is a communist) has so much support. shit, snowflake. It was still his idea. That's how it works. He came up with ideas and directed his engineers to build it.

He did no such thing... but I doubt you understand how technology works.
Guy, the fact is, TRILLIONS were lost in value because of the grifters you admire, in home value and stock value...
No....the fact is that trillions were lost because of government intervention (90%) and a bunch of lazy, incompetent people didn't do their jobs properly (10%).
No....the fact is that trillions were lost because of government intervention (90%) and a bunch of lazy, incompetent people didn't do their jobs properly (10%).

No, they were lost because the one percenters got greedy, and tricked a lot of people into thinking they could get rich quick.

The smart people all knew this was a bubble, but they did nothing to try to contain it. They just let it pop and made money, and screw anyone who got hurt in the process.

And you wonder why Bernie Sanders is the most popular politician in the country right now. He shouldn't be, he's a wanker.
History shows that anti-trust, regulations and higher wages for the workers through unions are the way to go.
History doesn't show that at all. Why do you always lie?
“The most comprehensive study of the facts undertaken in recent times is that by the Temporary National Economic Committee on the Concentration of Economic Power. The final report of this committee (which certainly cannot be accused of an undue conservative bias) arrives at the conclusion that the view according to which the greater efficiency of large-scale production is the cause of the disappearance of competition “finds scant support in any evidence that is now at hand.” And the detailed monograph on the question which was prepared for the committee sums up the answer in this statement:

“It should be noted, moreover, that monopoly is frequently the product of factors other than the lower costs of greater size. It is attained through collusive agreement and promoted by public policies.”
In other words - monopolies are the result of government intervention and idiotic left-wing policy. Oops....more indisputable proof that you just make shit up as you go.

Excerpt From: F. A. Hayek. “The Road to Serfdom.” University of Chicago Press, 2010-04-06. iBooks.
This material may be protected by copyright.
History doesn't show that at all. Why do you always lie?

Actually, history shows exactly that. Guy, people were fucking miserable during the Gilded Age. It's why we had a labor movement and a progressive movement.

Except for those countries that straight up said fuck it, and just put in Communists or Fascists and shot their one percenters or turned them into lampshades.
History doesn't show that at all. Why do you always lie?

Actually, history shows exactly that. Guy, people were fucking miserable during the Gilded Age. It's why we had a labor movement and a progressive movement.

Except for those countries that straight up said fuck it, and just put in Communists or Fascists and shot their one percenters or turned them into lampshades.
Thank you! History doesn't show that at all - just like I said. What it does show is that the left is greedy, lazy, and violent.
Thank you! History doesn't show that at all - just like I said. What it does show is that the left is greedy, lazy, and violent.

Actually, what it shows is that human beings are lazy, greedy and violent no matter what their political leanings.
You're starting to admit some truth now that you've been backed into a corner. But the right is not greedy, lazy, or violent. The right doesn't advocate for socialism like you wing-nuts do, so that eliminates being lazy and greedy. And the right doesn't resort to rioting, violence, and destruction when they lose an election like you wing-nuts do, so that eliminates violence.

By the way - if you really believe that "human beings are lazy, greedy and violent no matter what their political leanings" then you just made the greatest case yet for rejecting the idiotic left-wing ideology. Why would you grant unlimited power over your life to others if it is just human nature to be greedy and violence, dumb-ass?
When the poor steal, it's called "Crime".
When the Rich steal, it's called "Profits".
Really? So Bernie Madoff wasn't arrested and convicted of a crime? They just called it "profit" and celebrated him?

Stealing is a crime wether one is wealthy or poor. The problem with you is that you want to pretend like earning is actually stealing. You're greedy and lazy - thus you need the false narrative.
Really? So Bernie Madoff wasn't arrested and convicted of a crime? They just called it "profit" and celebrated him?

Stealing is a crime wether one is wealthy or poor. The problem with you is that you want to pretend like earning is actually stealing. You're greedy and lazy - thus you need the false narrative.

Bernie Madoff only got in trouble when he ripped off other rich people...
Bernie Madoff only got in trouble when he ripped off other rich people...
Ladies & Gentlemen....I give you the juvenile "logic" of a left-wing nut-job incapable of defending his absurd and irrational position.'s illegal to steal (unless you work for the government). It's illegal for dirt-bad low-life's like you and it's illegal for wealthy, educated people like Johnny Ive.
Ladies & Gentlemen....I give you the juvenile "logic" of a left-wing nut-job incapable of defending his absurd and irrational position.'s illegal to steal (unless you work for the government). It's illegal for dirt-bad low-life's like you and it's illegal for wealthy, educated people like Johnny Ive.

Again- when the poor steal, it's called Crime.
When the rich steal, it's called Profits.

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