This thread started with an article about the astounding drop in food stamp recipients in Maine thanks to work requirements. It continues with similar results in Alabama...

Yeah, I think the fact that we finally recovered from Bush's shit economy had more to do with that... not to worry, The Orange Shitgibbon will get those numbers right back up.
Here's a chart even Poodle can understand...


Now part of that is that waivers allowing able bodied adults to qualify have expired nationally, but part of that is the expanding economy.
This thread started with an article about the astounding drop in food stamp recipients in Maine thanks to work requirements. It continues with similar results in Alabama...

Yeah, I think the fact that we finally recovered from Bush's shit economy had more to do with that... not to worry, The Orange Shitgibbon will get those numbers right back up.
Dumb ass...that would mean food stamp recipients would be down across the entire nation. Good Lord you are stupid. When you're going to try to deny reality - think it through a little, ya dimwit.
Here's a chart even Poodle can understand...

Yep...and you, poodle, can understand that it peaked three years into Barack Insane Obama's presidency (after he had EVERY policy he desired inacted - like Obamacare, finance reform, stimulus, etc.). Thanks for playing, poodle!
When people marvel at the rise of Donald Trump, they forget the republican base, a base so partisan they believe wrong things on top of wrong things so long as the wrong things fall in line with their brainwashing. Any need to mention any? Nah, all you need to do is think for a moment or listen to their talk. You know the words.

Maine Welfare Reforms Have Led to Big Welfare Declines-Mostly Fiction!

From your article...."It led to a 70% reduction in able-bodied adults who receive food stamps". That's exactly what the video says if you had taken the time to watch it. But....being a hardline, brainwashed ideologue, you refuse to research anything or question your ideology.

Able bodied adults make up 5% of food stamp recipients. Most recipients are children, elderly or disabled people.

A 70% reduction of that 5% means that the overall reduction was 3.5% reduction in the total number of food stamp recipients, not anywhere close to the 80% claimed in the OP.
Oh look...the Canadian pretending once again to have a clue about the United States. :laugh:

Sweetie - you claim a ton of shit but never back it up with links, quotes, etc. You're a pathological liar. Furthermore, even if your false claims were true, getting 70% of abled-bodied adults off of food stamps is epic.

Finally, if you actually gave a damn about anyone other than yourself, you would provide food for the children and the elderly. But you're a typical greedy, selfish socialist.

I used your links and did the math. You seem to be math challenged.

I worked and supported my family, putting food on my table, for more than 40 years. I also bought and donated food to my church's food drive and other charities which provide services to the poor.

Your food stamp program is a hugely expensive waste of resources and should be eliminated.

Americans always do such a poor job on social services because they want the programs to be expensive and unwieldy. Then they can point this out and say "See. It's not working". Let's cut it.

There are efficient and simple ways of delivering social programs, but you're too worried someone might get something they don't deserve so you overload the application and administration process, making it much more expensive than it needs to be.

Healthcare is a prime example. 30% of your costs are administrative. This compares with 7% in Canada. Some European countries are better. I have no paperwork to complete or copays. Easy peasey. You have preapprovals, copays and forms to complete, and doctors hire third party billing companies to complete it all. My doctor's receptionist does his paperwork.

The devil is in the details. As are the costs.
I worked and supported my family, putting food on my table, for more than 40 years. I also bought and donated food to my church's food drive and other charities which provide services to the poor.
Well done Dragonlady - I salute you. That is how society is supposed to help those in need - through charity. Not through government.

There are efficient and simple ways of delivering social programs, but you're too worried someone might get something they don't deserve so you overload the application and administration process, making it much more expensive than it needs to be.
Not at all. I'm happy to give to charity. The problem with our programs is that the left is incompetent. The left created Social Security, welfare, food stamps, Medicaid, Medicare, and Obamacare. All are insolvent. All are catastrophic failures. All are 100% unconstitutional. All have lead to this nation being $20 trillion in debt.
Healthcare is a prime example. 30% of your costs are administrative. This compares with 7% in Canada. Some European countries are better. I have no paperwork to complete or copays. Easy peasey. You have preapprovals, copays and forms to complete, and doctors hire third party billing companies to complete it all. My doctor's receptionist does his paperwork.
And you wait in line so long for basic healthcare, that you end up dying. Meanwhile, I get the best healthcare on the world the same day I call. Wealthy Americans and politicians don't fly to Canada for healthcare, my dear.

'Danny Millions' Williams heads south for heart surgery | Toronto Star
Dumb ass...that would mean food stamp recipients would be down across the entire nation. Good Lord you are stupid. When you're going to try to deny reality - think it through a little, ya dimwit.

Except they did, if you bothered to read my next post.

Yep...and you, poodle, can understand that it peaked three years into Barack Insane Obama's presidency (after he had EVERY policy he desired inacted - like Obamacare, finance reform, stimulus, etc.). Thanks for playing, poodle!

You mean three years into Bush's recession, don't you? Not that Obama got anywhere near what he desired to get us out of Bush's recession. The Stimulus was only a third of what he requested.

In fact, Food Stamp usage rose more under BUsh than Obama, even if you want to be generous and blame the rise after 2008's recession (you know, the recession that happened because Bush let the Banksters run rampant over the working class).

And you wait in line so long for basic healthcare, that you end up dying. Meanwhile, I get the best healthcare on the world the same day I call. Wealthy Americans and politicians don't fly to Canada for healthcare, my dear.

Okay, here's the problem with that. Besides the fact that I doubt you are wealthy (wealthy people wouldn't spend their time repeating shit they heard on Hate Radio like they are original ideas) the thing is, most Americans don't have access to the care wealthy people have.

Frankly, that a Rich Canadian can get health care here that I can't after I've paid both taxes AND insurance, is kind of fucked up.

Oh, that, and it doesn't happen.

Phantoms In The Snow: Canadians’ Use Of Health Care Services In The United States

To examine the extent to which Canadian residents seek medical care across the border, we collected data about Canadians’ use of services from ambulatory care facilities and hospitals located in Michigan, New York State, and Washington State during 1994–1998. We also collected information from several Canadian sources, including the 1996 National Population Health Survey, the provincial Ministries of Health, and the Canadian Life and Health Insurance Association. Results from these sources do not support the widespread perception that Canadian residents seek care extensively in the United States. Indeed, the numbers found are so small as to be barely detectible relative to the use of care by Canadians at home.
And you wait in line so long for basic healthcare, that you end up dying. Meanwhile, I get the best healthcare on the world the same day I call. Wealthy Americans and politicians don't fly to Canada for healthcare, my dear.

Okay, here's the problem with that. Besides the fact that I doubt you are wealthy
I'm not wealthy. Never said I was. Yet another illustration of your reading comprehension problems.
What an exceptional blueprint for education....

At this college, the tuition is nowhere near the $150,000 to $200,000 for a four-year degree that the elite top-tier universities are charging. At College of the Ozarks, tuition is free. That’s right. The school’s nearly 1,400 students don’t pay a dime in tuition during their time there.

So what’s the catch? All the college’s students—without exception—pay for their education by working 15 hours a week on campus. The jobs are plentiful because this school—just a few miles from Branson, a popular tourist destination—operates its own mill, a power plant, fire station, four-star restaurant and lodge, museum and dairy farm.

Some students from low-income homes also spend 12 weeks of summer on campus working to cover their room and board. Part of the students’ grade point average is determined by how they do on the job, and those who shirk their work duties are tossed out. The jobs range from campus security to cooking and cleaning hotel rooms, tending the hundreds of cattle, building new dorms and buildings, to operating the power plant.

This College Takes Hard Work Seriously -- And Kids Want to Go There

I get free Zinnia seeds from them in their fundraising letters.
Definitely the blueprint for prosperity...
All in all, Musk puts in about 85 to 100 hours a week
He puts in unimaginable hours (just like Bill Gates, just like Steve Jobs, etc.). I know for a fact that at one point, he was sleeping on the factory floor at Telsa. He was doing 18 hour days trying to figure out a problem they were experiencing.
Well, as Inc. reported, the CEO...sleeps around six hours every night.
That is why Elon Musk and those like him makes hundreds of millions or billions of dollars.

Elon Musk runs two huge companies by breaking his day into 5-minute slots
You must be so proud of your Canadian healthcare. In fact, I think you should call this poor girl's mother and tell her how you visit the website of other nations to rave about how incredible Canadian healthcare is. Let me know what she says...

18 year olds with Luekemia rarely have happy results.

We can also talk about Nataline Sarkiysan, who was denied a liver transplant by Cigna because Cigna called it "experimental"

Cigna went on to pay its CEO a 9 figure retirement salary, which I'm sure you think is totally deserved.
You must be so proud of your Canadian healthcare. In fact, I think you should call this poor girl's mother and tell her how you visit the website of other nations to rave about how incredible Canadian healthcare is. Let me know what she says...

18 year olds with Luekemia rarely have happy results.
Socialized nations with socialized medicine never have happy results.
Socialized nations with socialized medicine never have happy results.

Except that they

Live Longer on average.
Have a lower infant mortality rate on average
Have a much lower rate of bankruptcy due to medical crisis than we do.
Only spend 8-10% of their GDP on health care compared to the 18% we spend.

What offends you is limiting resources on need rather than by ability to pay.
Socialized nations with socialized medicine never have happy results.
What offends you is limiting resources
You're damn right! Limiting resources offends the hell out of me. Some dillhole in government abusing his power and playing God - deciding for others how much food, money, and healthcare they get offends the hell out of me.

We're a meritocracy. Deal with it sweetie. Either earn it or accept that you didn't.
Except that they Live Longer on average. Have a lower infant mortality rate on average
If any of that were even remotely true - people wouldn't come from all over the world to receive healthcare here in the U.S. Mexicans wouldn't sneak into our nation.

Here is a hospital in Cuba:

And here is a hospital in the U.S.:

'Nought said snowflake.

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