Ladies & Gentlemen....I give you the juvenile "logic" of a left-wing nut-job incapable of defending his absurd and irrational position.'s illegal to steal (unless you work for the government). It's illegal for dirt-bad low-life's like you and it's illegal for wealthy, educated people like Johnny Ive.

Again- when the poor steal, it's called Crime.
When the rich steal, it's called Profits.
Again - you're an idiot who lies to defend an indefensible position.
We need to reel in the federal government and restore constitutional government. Let's hope the do-nothing Republican Congress can at least get this legislation passed...
Naw, man... What we need is for people to wake the fuck up to what you guys are trying to pull.
Agreed! We need people to wake up to the fact that conservatives are trying to restore liberty, build a robust economy, and uphold the U.S. Constitution. And the things you progressives are trying to prevent.
Let's cut those programs for working off student loans. That shit destroys the economy. LOL+
Let's cut government-provided student loans. It has caused the price of college to increase a billion times over the rate of inflation.

Guess what will happen when all of these universities find their classrooms empty because the cost of college is too expensive? That's right - the price will plummet. Basic economics.
Let's cut those programs for working off student loans. That shit destroys the economy. LOL+
Let's cut government-provided student loans. It has caused the price of college to increase a billion times over the rate of inflation.

Guess what will happen when all of these universities find their classrooms empty because the cost of college is too expensive? That's right - the price will plummet. Basic economics.

This is a real problems with RWNJs. They're unable to understand nuance and tend to believe an extremely over-simplified description like this one.

If P@triot is interested in why his opinion is incorrect, he could start by asking how other countries, with very much smaller tax bases, can afford to educate people for free.

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This is a real problems with RWNJs. They're unable to understand nuance and tend to believe an extremely over-simplified description like this one.
That's the official party line when the left is presented with indisputable facts which they are unable to deny. This is basic economics, Adolf. Basic supply and demand. It's not a coincidence that college tuition drastically outpaced inflation right around the time school loans became available (even though your desperate to proclaim it was some bizarre coincidence).
If P@triot is interested in why his opinion is incorrect, he could start by asking how other countries, with very much smaller tax bases, can afford to educate people for free.
This is a prime example why nobody takes the left seriously about economics, politics, law, etc. The fact that you actually believe it is "free" is as freaking hilarious as it is tragic. You literally have no idea that it is not "free" but rather - is being stolen from other people (against their will) who do not receive the product or service they are being forced to pay for.
If P@triot is interested in why his opinion is incorrect, he could start by asking how other countries, with very much smaller tax bases, can afford to educate people for free.
Basic economics for Adolf here...
“Glenn, one of the reasons why health care is so broken — one of the many reasons, but one of the big reasons — is that the person paying for it isn’t the person using it,” Walker said.
Imagine a or for Everything (Even Health Insurance)
If P@triot is interested in why his opinion is incorrect, he could start by asking how other countries, with very much smaller tax bases, can afford to educate people for free.
Basic economics for Adolf here...

Your posts indicate that you not only don't want to understand why you're wrong but that you have no idea what Hitler's politics were.

That's another way to identify RWNJ Pootarian traitors. They're stupid, they don't want to learn and they foolishly believe they know everything there is to know about everything.

That's okay with me but you really don't.


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Agreed! We need people to wake up to the fact that conservatives are trying to restore liberty, build a robust economy, and uphold the U.S. Constitution. And the things you progressives are trying to prevent.

Except every time you guys get into power, you fuck up the economy. Then you claim your leaders "weren't real conservatives". Except for Reagan, you just pretend a totally different guy was president from 1981 to 1989. One who didn't give amnesty to illegals and tripled the deficit.

Me, I'd love to have the Bill Clinton economy back. I'd love to have the JFK economy back.
When people marvel at the rise of Donald Trump, they forget the republican base, a base so partisan they believe wrong things on top of wrong things so long as the wrong things fall in line with their brainwashing. Any need to mention any? Nah, all you need to do is think for a moment or listen to their talk. You know the words.

Maine Welfare Reforms Have Led to Big Welfare Declines-Mostly Fiction!

From your article...."It led to a 70% reduction in able-bodied adults who receive food stamps". That's exactly what the video says if you had taken the time to watch it. But....being a hardline, brainwashed ideologue, you refuse to research anything or question your ideology.

Able bodied adults make up 5% of food stamp recipients. Most recipients are children, elderly or disabled people.

A 70% reduction of that 5% means that the overall reduction was 3.5% reduction in the total number of food stamp recipients, not anywhere close to the 80% claimed in the OP.
When people marvel at the rise of Donald Trump, they forget the republican base, a base so partisan they believe wrong things on top of wrong things so long as the wrong things fall in line with their brainwashing. Any need to mention any? Nah, all you need to do is think for a moment or listen to their talk. You know the words.

Maine Welfare Reforms Have Led to Big Welfare Declines-Mostly Fiction!

From your article...."It led to a 70% reduction in able-bodied adults who receive food stamps". That's exactly what the video says if you had taken the time to watch it. But....being a hardline, brainwashed ideologue, you refuse to research anything or question your ideology.

Able bodied adults make up 5% of food stamp recipients. Most recipients are children, elderly or disabled people.

A 70% reduction of that 5% means that the overall reduction was 3.5% reduction in the total number of food stamp recipients, not anywhere close to the 80% claimed in the OP.
Oh look...the Canadian pretending once again to have a clue about the United States. :laugh:

Sweetie - you claim a ton of shit but never back it up with links, quotes, etc. You're a pathological liar. Furthermore, even if your false claims were true, getting 70% of abled-bodied adults off of food stamps is epic.

Finally, if you actually gave a damn about anyone other than yourself, you would provide food for the children and the elderly. But you're a typical greedy, selfish socialist.
If P@triot is interested in why his opinion is incorrect, he could start by asking how other countries, with very much smaller tax bases, can afford to educate people for free.
Basic economics for Adolf here...

That's another way to identify RWNJ Pootarian traitors. They're stupid, they don't want to learn and they foolishly believe they know everything there is to know about everything.

Snowflake, you just got smoked. Notice that your last two posts were nothing but personal attacks while my last 10 were indisputable facts about economics? Because - like all left-wing ideologues - you're clueless about even the most basics when it comes to finance, economics, business, etc. You're all ideology, facts be damn.

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