Banks don't make loans to people who can't afford them. And selling off the bad loans as investments was a brilliant strategy to get out from under the bad loans the government forced them to make.

But that's exactly what they did, that's the point out don't get.

The problem wasn't the CRA, those loans are highly regulated. The problem was Mr. and Mrs. Whitebread buying a McMansion they couldn't afford hoping to flip it at a profit in a couple of years like they do on that show on TLC.

Economist's View: It Wasn't Fannie, Freddie, or the CRA

And the prospectus on all of those loans were 100% accurate with full disclosure. If the papers were worthless then the greedy investors have no one to blame but themselves for not reading the prospectus on each investment as they are supposed to and yet investing in them anyway.

Why do you make a virtue out of greed and cheating people?
So for Bush's final two years (which ended in the great crash when Barack Obama took over) who controlled Congress again? Go ahead... you can say it. Everyone knows the answer already. That's right - it was the Dumbocrats!!!

Bush was still the guy who was running the FEC, FSLIC, FDIC, all cronies who were doing a "Hecuva job"

The Top 43 Appointees Who Helped Make Bush The Worst President Ever

36. Christopher Cox — Under Chairman Cox, the Securities and Exchange Commission censored internal reports showing that it ignored critical signs pointing to Wall Street’s meltdown. Cox’s SEC also failed to detect Bernie Madoff’s $50 billion Ponzi scheme, despite a decade of warnings.
And the prospectus on all of those loans were 100% accurate with full disclosure. If the papers were worthless then the greedy investors have no one to blame but themselves for not reading the prospectus on each investment as they are supposed to and yet investing in them anyway.

Why do you make a virtue out of greed and cheating people?
I don't. Like I said - nobody was cheated. There wasn't one damn thing left out of the prospectus on each and every one of those rolled up home loan investments. The people were greedy and didn't do their homework - they got exactly what they deserved. Greed + Laziness = epic failure. That's why left-wing policy ALWAYS fails. Because it nothing more than greed + laziness.
So for Bush's final two years (which ended in the great crash when Barack Obama took over) who controlled Congress again? Go ahead... you can say it. Everyone knows the answer already. That's right - it was the Dumbocrats!!!

Bush was still the guy who was running the FEC, FSLIC, FDIC, all cronies who were doing a "Hecuva job"

The Top 43 Appointees Who Helped Make Bush The Worst President Ever

36. Christopher Cox — Under Chairman Cox, the Securities and Exchange Commission censored internal reports showing that it ignored critical signs pointing to Wall Street’s meltdown. Cox’s SEC also failed to detect Bernie Madoff’s $50 billion Ponzi scheme, despite a decade of warnings.
Who created the FDIC, the FEC, the FSLIC? You left-wing idiots. And who could have written legislation to prevent Bush and his "cronies"? You left-wing idiots.

Sorry brother - you can't pass the buck on this one no matter how hard you try. You LWNJ's created the unconstitutional bureaucracies and you LWNJ's controlled Congress when shit went south.
I don't. Like I said - nobody was cheated. There wasn't one damn thing left out of the prospectus on each and every one of those rolled up home loan investments. The people were greedy and didn't do their homework - they got exactly what they deserved. Greed + Laziness = epic failure. That's why left-wing policy ALWAYS fails. Because it nothing more than greed + laziness.

Poodle, if what the banks did was on the up and up, they wouldn't have had to go through such lengths to hide what they were doing.

Who created the FDIC, the FEC, the FSLIC? You left-wing idiots. And who could have written legislation to prevent Bush and his "cronies"? You left-wing idiots.

Except there was legislation to keep this from happening. Bush and his cronies didn't enforce it. It's kind of like saying, "Well, you should have had a law against murder" when the cops took bribes from the murderers.

Point was, you guys finally got what youwanted in terms of regulations--- and it was an EPIC failure.
Poodle, if what the banks did was on the up and up, they wouldn't have had to go through such lengths to hide what they were doing.
Nothing was "hidden". There was full disclosure in the investment prospectuses. I've already proven you wrong on this point dozens of times years ago. I even posted the full 60 Minutes interview with Dr. Michael Bury who made over $700 million because he took the time to read the investment prospectuses which were 100% accurate and honest.
We have the blueprint for prosperity. It's just that the left wants everyone to be "equal" in poverty and dependent on government...
The House Republican tax reform plan introduced by Speaker Paul Ryan (R., Wis.) would create 1.7 million jobs and increase after-tax incomes on average by 8.7%, according to a report from the Tax Foundation. The plan lowers marginal tax rates on wage, investment, and business income as well as simplifying the tax code so that it could fit on a postcard. The reform package would also lower the corporate tax rate to 20%, broaden the tax base, and eliminate federal estate and gift taxes.
Report: House Tax Reform Plan Would Create 1.7 Million Jobs and Increase After-Tax Incomes
Nothing was "hidden". There was full disclosure in the investment prospectuses. I've already proven you wrong on this point dozens of times years ago. I even posted the full 60 Minutes interview with Dr. Michael Bury who made over $700 million because he took the time to read the investment prospectuses which were 100% accurate and honest.

Yawn, guy, the general rule of commerce is "Caveat Vendor", not "Caveat Emptor". It's up to the seller to practice due dilligence, not the buyer.

It's why you can go to the fast food place today and not have to worry about getting food poison. because there's a whole bunch of government protections that keep that from happening. You don't have to test the food before you eat it.

The same thing should apply to the stock market.
We have the blueprint for prosperity. It's just that the left wants everyone to be "equal" in poverty and dependent on government...
The House Republican tax reform plan introduced by Speaker Paul Ryan (R., Wis.) would create 1.7 million jobs and increase after-tax incomes on average by 8.7%, according to a report from the Tax Foundation. The plan lowers marginal tax rates on wage, investment, and business income as well as simplifying the tax code so that it could fit on a postcard. The reform package would also lower the corporate tax rate to 20%, broaden the tax base, and eliminate federal estate and gift taxes.
Report: House Tax Reform Plan Would Create 1.7 Million Jobs and Increase After-Tax Incomes

This is the same song you jokers have been singing since 1980. Just give the rich tax breaks and they'll create good jobs.

Or we can take their money and create good jobs. That works even better.
Yawn, guy, the general rule of commerce is "Caveat Vendor", not "Caveat Emptor". It's up to the seller to practice due dilligence, not the buyer.
You have a long history of really dumb posts, but this one may be the dumbest one yet. It's an investors job to do their due diligence, understand the investment, and understand the risks. That's just a fact snowflake.

Nothing was "hidden". There was full disclosure in the investment prospectuses. I've already proven you wrong on this point dozens of times years ago. I even posted the full 60 Minutes interview with Dr. Michael Bury who made over $700 million because he took the time to read the investment prospectuses which were 100% accurate and honest.[/QUOTE]
The same thing should apply to the stock market.
Key word there snowflake - "should". Nobody cares how you think the world "should" work. This idiotic post of your is yet another example of you believing that corporations should provide for you. You think it is their responsibility to think for you, act for you, handle due diligence for you, etc. You're like a fuck'n newborn baby - you accept 0 personal responsibility for your own life.

The banks were 100% honest in their prospectuses. Full disclosure. Greedy, lazy people like you failed to read those prospectuses. That's your fault.
This is the same song you jokers have been singing since 1980. Just give the rich tax breaks and they'll create good jobs. Or we can take their money and create good jobs. That works even better.
Who is "we"? You don't own a business, snowflake. The job creators need the money to hire people. So that's what we do. It works every time.
You have a long history of really dumb posts, but this one may be the dumbest one yet. It's an investors job to do their due diligence, understand the investment, and understand the risks. That's just a fact snowflake.

Guy, your fraud got you Obama... do you really want to keep doing that, because you'll get socialism a lot faster that way.

People are pretty sick of the 1% fucking them over with schemes like this. Even Trump played the class warfare card this election.

But you keep thinking that everyone just loves Wall Street.
Who is "we"? You don't own a business, snowflake. The job creators need the money to hire people. So that's what we do. It works every time.

actually, I do own a business, but never mind.

Businesses don't create jobs. Consumer Demand creates jobs.

For instance, you could invest in a shit sandwich factory, buy the finest equipment, hire a bunch of employees, but you would be out of business in a few weeks because no one wants to eat a shit sandwich.

There's no consumer demand for it.

The thing is, government can provide jobs to meet demands just as well as the private sector, and there are some things the private sector just won't do because there's not enough money to be made doing it.

The reality is, the "Capitalism" you love so much only exists because of lots of government support, subsidy and carve-outs.

Which is awesome, because, honestly, you wouldn't want to live in the Gilded Age before we did these things and most people lived in abject poverty.
You have a long history of really dumb posts, but this one may be the dumbest one yet. It's an investors job to do their due diligence, understand the investment, and understand the risks. That's just a fact snowflake.
Guy, your fraud got you Obama... do you really want to keep doing that, because you'll get socialism a lot faster that way.
Again...there was no fraud. Absolutely everything was honest, legal, and properly disclosed. Just ask Michael Burr. He made over $700 million on credit default swaps because everything was properly disclosed.
Even Trump played the class warfare card this election.
Is that your new false narrative? If President Trump played the "class warfare card" then why did you predict he would lose so badly? You would have predicted that he would win had he done that. Oops...
Businesses don't create jobs. Consumer Demand creates jobs.
Who creates consumer demand, snowflake? Corporations. Apple created demand when they created superior products like the iPhone and the iPad. That's how it works. Someone creates a product or service because they realize a need for it (sometimes even before the masses do) and that generates desire/demand from consumers.
Again...there was no fraud. Absolutely everything was honest, legal, and properly disclosed. Just ask Michael Burr. He made over $700 million on credit default swaps because everything was properly disclosed.

Again, the rich gaming the system might be legal, but it isn't honest.

That's like saying that when the Soviets executed the fuck out of the kulaks in 1920, it was all legal, honest and properly disclosed...

Who creates consumer demand, snowflake? Corporations. Apple created demand when they created superior products like the iPhone and the iPad. That's how it works. Someone creates a product or service because they realize a need for it (sometimes even before the masses do) and that generates desire/demand from consumers.

They don't create consumer demand.

Consumers create consumer demand.

Now, I do give them credit that (after massive government subsidy and research) that some of these companies do create innovation.

For instance, the Internet itself was a government initiative, not a private one. It was developed so the Military could transmit data.

Again, the Capitalist is a parasite that has convinced stupid people like you he's a vital organ.
Again...there was no fraud. Absolutely everything was honest, legal, and properly disclosed. Just ask Michael Burr. He made over $700 million on credit default swaps because everything was properly disclosed.

Again, the rich gaming the system might be legal, but it isn't honest.
Again...nobody "gamed" the "system". It was all 100% honest, legal, and properly disclosed. Just ask Dr. Michael Burry. No matter how many times you tell that lie (which you were dumb enough to believe), it won't change the reality or the history. It is all properly documented and indisputable.
Who creates consumer demand, snowflake? Corporations. Apple created demand when they created superior products like the iPhone and the iPad. That's how it works. Someone creates a product or service because they realize a need for it (sometimes even before the masses do) and that generates desire/demand from consumers.
They don't create consumer demand. Consumers create consumer demand.
Consumers can't demand that which they have not thought of. Nobody desired the iPad before it was created.
Again...nobody "gamed" the "system". It was all 100% honest, legal, and properly disclosed. Just ask Dr. Michael Burry. No matter how many times you tell that lie (which you were dumb enough to believe), it won't change the reality or the history. It is all properly documented and indisputable.

Don't care about this grifter who scammed the system. It's still a scam.

Maybe a lot of us are just sick of being ripped off by the "too big to fail' scammers... (Not that you are one, Poodle... you are just fetching coffee for the big man between reading passages from Ayn Rand.)

Consumers can't demand that which they have not thought of. Nobody desired the iPad before it was created.

No, it was the natural evolution of technology... which had nothing to do with investors...

Again, keep mistaking that parasite for a vital organ...

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